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  • in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1146003

    zsdad, why is one fair to say and the other unfair to say? You can find very many ex-MOs in chareidi shuls, integrated in chareidi communities and their children going to chareidi yeshivos and beis yaakovs. It is quite common thing find in most chareidi communities folks who went to YU (and grew up with a modern orthodox family) but today are fully integrated chareidim.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104985

    Then I guess I was talking to the walls.

    in reply to: Folding Taleisim on Shabbos #1104770
    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1146000

    We have a number of comments making a distinction between those self-identifying as MO who don’t fully keep Halacha (in various different ways) and attribute their halachic non-compliance as being an “MO shitta” and those who self-identify as MO and do fully observe Halacha. But I think it is fair to say that a lot of those who were MO and fully committed to Halacha have over the years and decades stopped identifying as MO and identified more with and often joined chareidi communities and sent their children to chareidi yeshivos.

    At this point I do think that a majority of self-identifying MO are what is called “Left-Wing MO” and what is called “Right-Wing MO” is a minority.

    And, really, what reason would someone fully observant of all Halachas have to identify as MO rather than with a chareidi community? You have many chareidim who go to college, work rather than learn (some starting to work before they’re married and others later), etc.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145998

    A fraternity organisation is free to choose who to have as a member for any or no reason. A private religious organisation choosing not to accept a membership renewal hardly qualifies as a confrontation.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145993

    DY, the RCA permitted Weiss to be a member for many decades. They never ended his membership and consistently accepted his renewals (until last year when Weiss announced, at his choosing, that he no longer renewed his membership by declining to pay the annual membership dues.)

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145988

    The MO Rabbonim have long accepted Avi Weiss as an official rabbi of the RCA.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104973

    And just because in the past men haven’t worn Hawaiian shirts with yellow polka dot pants on Simchas Torah doesn’t mean they can’t do that now to celebrate Yom Tov.

    in reply to: Going to shul in the rain on Shabbos #1192098

    In some neighborhoods you have shuls on almost every block and don’t need to do much walking.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104970

    I was addressing Simcha’s point that “dancing is an appropriate way to celebrate Torah” by pointing out that on Simchas Torah the dancing is always done with the Torah. And women can’t dance with the Torah.

    The relevancy of the comparison to wearing Hawaiian shirts and yellow polka dot pants is that these newly proposed formats for women to celebrate Simchas Torah are not how Jews celebrate Simchas Torah.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104967

    Dancing with the Torah, not just dancing stam without the Torah on Simchas Torah.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104964

    Why can’t men celebrate simchas Torah by wearing Hawaiian shirts, yellow pokadot pants and sandals?

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145976

    Regarding the posek you referred to, Dear DaMoshe, that false statement you attributed to him in Teaneck was based on an unproven claim by the anti-Orthodox Jewish Week. The posek vigirously denied what was attributed to him, and MO Rabbi Pruzansky of Teaneck has a post on his site vouching for this chareidi posek’s credibility on this false attribution.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145975

    I am going with Sam’s logical statements above, DM. Ask Sam your question.

    Anyways, if you asked 100 chareidi rabbonim or poskim whether you may cheat on your taxes, you are highly likely to get 100 no’s. I can’t say with absolute certainty all 100 will say that because one or two might think you’re pulling his leg and give a hearty laugh instead.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104962

    Where did I say anything about anyone telling someone about something?

    Maybe some women would enjoy doing ballerina or yoga more than watching Simchas Torah or even more than dancing holding the Torah.

    in reply to: posters' popularity #1105567

    How’d you get a copy of his deleted post?

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104956

    Just as at the concert there is no “hands on” option of jumping on the stage and singing along with the performer, even if the person doesn’t enjoy merely sitting in the hall, that’s how it works on Simchas Torah.

    They could stay home from the concert, they could stay home from shul, they could play Chinese Checkers if that’s what they like and get enjoyment from. The Ezras Noshim is far from empty in the shuls with women happily observing. They chose to come to shul because they prefer Torah over Chinese Checkers.

    Some people only enjoy, or enjoy more, Limud Torah by sitting in front of a large group and giving shiur. Not everyone has that opportunity. Some of those people have to sit in the shiur as part of the group of students even though they’d rather be behind the shtender.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145966

    Sam, so we finally agree that there are no chareidi halachic wrongdoers (tax cheats, violent, etc.), correct?

    in reply to: posters' popularity #1105565

    It could have been anything. It could be the mod who saw it first and rejected it simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning or he doesn’t like you. But another mod may have caught this post first and approved it.

    in reply to: Har HaBayis Revisited #1112408

    Jews died because of violence resulting of Jews ascending HH”B and Jews died from violence resulting from Grynspan’s act.

    And, certainly, you cannot argue that the specific Jews who were murdered directly in response to the timing of the ascension to HH”B or directly in response to the timing of Grynspan’s murdering of a German diplomat, that those same specific Jews would have been murdered anyways if not for those actions by Jews. (Even if the Jew haters would have done it at another time anyways, it would not have been at that time resulting in the murder of those specific Jews at that time.) And even if we assume you’re correct and it would’ve happened at a later time, the “excuse” the haters used may have resulted in a greater ferocity or a larger number of victims than otherwise.

    My guess is at this time it is best not to even give them an excuse

    ubiquitin: Why is it “best not to even give them an excuse”?

    in reply to: Chazoras hashots of Simchas Torah #1105606


    I’m pretty sure I’ve expressed the same point years ago here.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104946

    You might prefer the singing of “a world famous professional entertainer” to the singing with the Torah. But the common Torah Jew prefers the Torah.

    The point above really was that people do enjoy “merely” watching and listening as a spectator to something they enjoy.

    Hopefully people enjoy the Torah at least as much as a professional entertainer. Otherwise Simchas Torah is not their thing. They might enjoy playing a board game or socializing with their friends or watching TV more than going to shul to watch Simchas Torah.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104942

    Somehow there is a multibillion dollar concert industry of people paying big bucks to go watch people sing. You might not be a fan of it but, seemingly, millions of people do enjoy it enough to pay hundreds of dollars to watch.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145935

    The fact that those are the people attending MO schools also says something, even if they are not the run-of-the-mill MOs.

    What does it say?

    in reply to: CR hit by powerful DOS attack Thursday night #1104756

    Disk Operating System.

    Unless they’re referring to DDoS.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104940

    I wonder why women have not commented on this topic.

    Perhaps they aren’t bothered about this terrible issue. Perhaps they aren’t farbissine feminists. Perhaps they actually enjoy watching the men dancing with the Torah HaKedosha at least as much as you enjoy watching the singer sing at the concert you paid $150 per ticket.

    in reply to: Chazoras hashots of Simchas Torah #1105601

    What’s the heter to interrupt, mock, talk or fool around in midst of the Tefila during Chazoras Hashatz on Simchas Torah?

    in reply to: Har HaBayis Revisited #1112398

    Avi, you neglected to answer my question. Was your omission intentional or inadvertent?

    in reply to: Har HaBayis Revisited #1112392

    Avi, are you hoping that Israel declares war on Lebanon and Jordan in order to occupy the parts of Eretz Yisroel in those countries?

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145928

    Avi Weiss not only was always considered MO by himself as well as by others, but the premier MO rabbinic organisation, the RCA, has continually accepted him as an official MO rabbinic member of their fraternity for many decades.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145922

    Chareidim do not follow any specific teachings of any specific Rebbi, nor do they believe in any specific values not already in the Torah. Chasidim follow the specific teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and his disciples; Telzers follow the teachings and Minhagim of the Telzer Yeshiva; the Mussar movement was started by Rav Yisroel Salanter – but “Chareidi”? There was no beginning to “Chareidism” except on Har Sinai; no particular person whose teachings they follow except Moshe Rabbeinu, and no particular Minhagim they perform. So there really is no such thing as a “Chareidi.” It is simply the generic, default, traditional manner of being frum.

    in reply to: Har HaBayis Revisited #1112381

    Netanyahu today banned politicians from ascending to the HH”B. Is Netanyahu a raging leftist who sees a violent outcome when Jewish politicians ascend?

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145907

    No, Rav Moshe was chareidi.

    Rav Moshe ruled that the mechitza should be at least 66 inches high l’chatchila, but b’dieved if it is at least 60 inches (18 tefachim) then you should not rebuke them.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227644

    After he returned my shoes I had to air them out for three days to clear it of the odor. Did you notice anything unseemly in the air?

    in reply to: Picture Missing.. #1104622

    Aren’t you the Friggidika Rebbe?

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104928

    Do you jump on the stage to sing when you go to a concert? Do the people paying big bucks for the tickets not enjoy the show since they aren’t on stage?

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145886

    Read the very first (and long) post (OP) on the following thread and most of your questions will be answered:

    in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104616

    I hear the Scots might try again to calling it quits with you Englishmen.

    What will the new name be? The United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland? Then again, Wales itself is part of England.

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104923

    Just as women earn their chelek in Torah by enabling and assisting their husband and sons to learn Torah, women enjoy watching the menfolk dancing and celebrating the Torah.

    in reply to: Har HaBayis Revisited #1112348

    “What is the need for making up secondary reasons?”

    Syag, Gedolei Yisroel, including Rav Eliashev, have explicitly and repeatedly cited antagonization resulting in anti-Jewish violence as one of the reasons it is forbidden to go up to the HH”B.

    Police Close Har Habayis

    “Five years ago on Sukkos, President Shimon Peres paid a visit to the Sukka of Maran HaGaon Rav Elyashiv ZATZAL, where Rav Elyashiv called on the President to prevent Jews from visiting Har Habayis, stating it is an act that that is viewed as extremely provocative by the goyim. Maran stated everything possible must be done to avoid a religious war, and the provocateurs are playing with fire.

    Maran is quoted as explaining to the president that Halacha forbids going onto Har Habayis but today, it is more than this, it is an act that may lead to a religious war and bloodshed.”

    in reply to: Har HaBayis Revisited #1112347

    ubiq, then you’re clearly not following the Israeli news cycle very closely.

    in reply to: Har HaBayis Revisited #1112340

    I’m a scientist, so yes.

    in reply to: Har HaBayis Revisited #1112336

    “Is there data showing that as more yidden ascend har habayis more attacks occur?”

    One must be blind not to see that.

    in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104614

    No tuition vouchers in the U.S. covers yeshivas or schools with religious studies.

    in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104612

    If a Londonite attempts to move to another section of The City where he has the wrong accent, do bobbies from the MI5 forcibly return him to his accents native borough?

    in reply to: Present ideas #1104672

    A $500 Amazon gift card.

    in reply to: Laws of Personal arms weapons in Israel #1104744

    You also need to be a citizen.

    in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104610

    Famously, Brooklyn’s got its own accent.

    Or accents.

    in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104607

    Is there no upwards mobility in England? People don’t move from one part of the country to another, let alone one part of London to another such that the accents are static for such small areas?

    in reply to: Har HaBayis Revisited #1112316

    Sam: It is without doubt that certain actions give the antisemites more motivation and impetus to act violently, which they do in response to specific activities they deem provocative even if objectively it might not be. That isn’t an excuse for a Jew to engage in an action that will result in violence against the Jews. Even if the violence is unjustified based on that action. In golus we lay low. Yes, we lay low and pray and wait for Moshiach.

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