Forum Replies Created
October 27, 2015 4:07 am at 4:07 am in reply to: My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her #1111892JosephParticipant
That’s largely irrelevant, even had it been accurate, considering the statistics include inner city drug dealer-on-drug dealer crime and the fact that most crime victims are family or otherwise familiar with their victimizer, rather than the random type street violence. So the random terror attacks specifically directed at Jews in Israel victimizes us far more than any statistics including husbands being violent to their spouse or drug dealers shooting each other in bad neighborhoods.
October 27, 2015 3:10 am at 3:10 am in reply to: The Coffee Room has broken the 400-page mark #1108235JosephParticipantBTW, Page 414 already has four threads. So this post didn’t take it to the next page.
JosephParticipantA minhag for a groom-to-bride gift to “make” the engagement?
JosephParticipantThere is no reason it can’t be any other gemstone.
Is there any pre-De Beers minhag in yiddishkeit that any gemstone be given when getting engaged?
JosephParticipantIf Wolf sees this thread he’ll be sure to relate how he got engaged with a candy ring.
October 27, 2015 2:47 am at 2:47 am in reply to: The Coffee Room has broken the 400-page mark #1108234JosephParticipantShould we light 414 candles on the cake?
October 27, 2015 1:45 am at 1:45 am in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108352JosephParticipantI was talking about the general public.
In what sense?
JosephParticipantBut it would now be unacceptable to the kallah and in-laws not to do it
So this very expensive cycle of narishkeit should never be broken?
JosephParticipantComlink, smoking is a form of arrogance.
October 27, 2015 12:57 am at 12:57 am in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108350JosephParticipantLakewood is about to do that, it seems, with The Mechinah.
What’s “The Mechinah”?
Practically speaking, that’s often the case, regardless of policy.
Where are there yeshivas that exclusively cater wealthy families and other yeshivas that exclusively cater poor families?
JosephParticipantDe Beers, the international diamond conglomerate, had a successful advertising campaign 100 years ago convincing people that they need a diamond engagement ring.
October 26, 2015 11:21 pm at 11:21 pm in reply to: Friend wants to marry girl he met online #1187470JosephParticipantIs every post using wry humor or an allegory deemed trolling?
October 26, 2015 11:12 pm at 11:12 pm in reply to: Processed meats can cause cancer, experts say #1110868JosephParticipantOne should look at countries with a high rate of meat consumption and look to see if the population is dying off.
Good point. I just looked at the statistics you reference. In fact, in all high meat consumption countries the reported death rate is at 100%.
October 26, 2015 10:05 pm at 10:05 pm in reply to: Canadian Provinces Should Become U.S. States #1106831JosephParticipantO’Canada!
October 26, 2015 7:37 pm at 7:37 pm in reply to: Looking for good sefer to review practical kitchen halachos #1106919JosephParticipantThe Kosher Kitchen by Rabbi Binyomin Forst (Artscroll).
October 26, 2015 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm in reply to: Processed meats can cause cancer, experts say #1110861JosephParticipantWould it be suggestible to eat food said to be cancer inducing on the basis the evidence may potentially be later overturned?
October 26, 2015 3:37 pm at 3:37 pm in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108345JosephParticipantAsian society looks to Jewish society to learn how to learn and be smart.
JosephParticipantI know a family whose daughter was redt a top guy who could virtually pick any girl he wanted to marry and she would come running with her ring finger ready for him. Well, this girl was a simple girl from a simple home who liked simple things. But what is bashert is bashert, so her parents of course said yes.
October 26, 2015 4:00 am at 4:00 am in reply to: The Hebrew Version of Heretical Writings, Anyone? #1106878JosephParticipantApikorsus.
October 26, 2015 4:00 am at 4:00 am in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108338JosephParticipantVM: But then the malach flicked his finger under his nose causing him to forget everything.
JosephParticipantNo yeshiva calls five minutes before Shabbos.
October 25, 2015 10:09 pm at 10:09 pm in reply to: Friend wants to marry girl he met online #1187467JosephParticipantWell, that explains it.
October 25, 2015 9:16 pm at 9:16 pm in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108336JosephParticipantHow did Ashkenazi Jews get so smart?
October 25, 2015 8:44 pm at 8:44 pm in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108334JosephParticipantI suggested separating high potential students in order to cultivate them to their highest achievement.
JosephParticipantThey could still get married.
October 25, 2015 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108330JosephParticipantVM: “The results of Terman’s longitudinal study of gifted children suggest that IQ can play an important role in determining life success; but high IQ alone is not enough. Variables such as family background, socioeconomic status, and educational experiences as well as personality factors including motivation, willingness to work hard, being committed to goals, creativity, and emotional maturity are also strongly linked to success in life.”
So perhaps we should separate students by economic status as well?
October 25, 2015 7:20 pm at 7:20 pm in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108324JosephParticipantVM: Why do you assume that IQ is very relevant in determining who will influence the world significantly?
JosephParticipantThe type of guy sensitive to rejection should be matched up with girls who are sensitive to rejection.
JosephParticipantWhat do they accomplish?
JosephParticipantAre girls parents’ concerned about rejection for their daughters’ shidduch redting? Should the girl be concerned about being rejected?
October 25, 2015 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108318JosephParticipantYeshivas should aim for a 85 IQ.
Alternatively, there should be separate yeshivas for different IQ levels.
JosephParticipantDentists are the root of all evil.
JosephParticipant“Arrogance is unbecoming a woman” – Megillah 14B.
For a man it is not an ornament, but for a woman it is as if she wore a mustache.
The current insecurity in Israel for the past 65+ years of war and terror is greater than the insecurity preceding it in any period. 20,000+ Jewish deaths and 100,000 Jewish maimed since 1947. What other 65 year period in Palestine or the Arab countries comes even remotely close?
Better economics is no excuse to have opened this endless cycle of wars and terror.
As far as keeping the Torah is concerned, there are some basics. A Jew lights a fire on Shabbos? Executed. A gentile eats meat from a living animal? Executed.
JosephParticipantThis is the only ???? I know of which suddenly becomes activated after marriage.
There are other things that become activated after marriage. Another thing that comes to mind is being the Shliach Tzibbur on the Yomim Noraim.
JosephParticipantThe Agudah doesn’t espouse the medina. They work within the system and medina institutions as they exist – because they exist and are the reality, even though they don’t like it. Even Brisk and Satmar, which does not work with the institutions of the medina and does not vote and does not even accept legally entitled educational funding, acknowledges that the medina exists because that is the reality.
The Jews also accepted and worked within the reality that Agrippa was King, Vespasian was the Roman Caesar and Titus was the General of the Roman legions during the last period prior to the destruction, even though surely they didn’t like it; they still had to pay homage to Rome.
JosephParticipantI can tell you that we should prevent mamzeirus from happening; I can tell you what caused a certain historical case of mamzeirus to have occurred; but I don’t know if I can tell you what to do about a mamzer that has already been born.
The gemora talks about mamzeirum that were talmidei chachomim. So we should treat them with respect. It isn’t their fault but rather their parents fault. But they are still a mamzer.
JosephParticipantrob, none of my above comments addressed post-facto what should or shouldn’t be done today as a result of the current setup. My comments were in the nature of a historical discussion and the result those historical activities have had on what we are experiencing today.
JosephParticipantSam: Jews have, at best, been treated as second class citizens virtually anywhere Jews have lived at least as long as we have been exiled since the destruction in our current golus. That is the point of golus, which still continues and will continue until Moshiach comes. It helps us remember we need Hashem to send Moshiach. The medina is not Moshiach and the medina certainly did not stop Jews from being treated badly. Not even in Israel. (65+ years of war and terror is not a first class or first world living arrangement.)
So we are “okay” with being treated as second class citizens so long as we can at least practice our Torah life even if it need be under the radar by trying not to rub shoulders too much with our non-Jewish neighbors. Better that than to poke the bear and be angry that it bites us. We lived far far better under Arab rule, both pre-Islamic and post-Islamic, than we did under European rule, both pre-Christian and post-Christian. And that was generally true for the past 2,000+ years until the advent of political zionism advocating (and then implementing) “Jewish” sovereignty over Palestine.
Sure there were exceptions both ways. Yes, there were isolated pograms in Arab countries. But peace was generally the rule for periods of hundreds of years. And 20,000+ Jewish deaths in Israeli war and terror victims since 1947 (and not even counting the pre-’47 Jewish victims) plus six digit numbers of maimed Jews in that same period, does not even remotely equate to any period of us living under Ottoman rule (or pre-Ottoman Arab rule) for any similar period of years. Both in Palestine itself as well as in other Ottoman and Arabic countries.
JosephParticipantDY: ?
JosephParticipantEven if not a single person becomes frum, even if they don’t keep the entire single Shabbos, some of them will have kept Shabbos for a few hours, not driven, heard some brochos, said amen, maybe went to shul, heard some divrei Torah, so they surely got a few mitzvos for coming for that Shabbos and it was well worth it.
JosephParticipantG-d forbid but who can say what will happen in France, Great Britain, with their large Moslem minorities?
G-d forbid but who can say what will happen in Israel with a billion Moslems at their doorstep looking to annihilate it? You think Israel is safer for the Jews than Great Britain? You may think so and G-d forbid be surprised the next mass casualty incident takes place in Israel while the Jews in Great Britain remain safe. You think that the leaders don’t know but YOU know what the future brings?
You don’t want to live with a large Moselem minority? There’s Canada, Australia, the U.S., and other places.
JosephParticipantRR: Those people have no right to sacrifice 20,000 Jewish lives. Additionally, it was only a subset of those people who made that decision against the will of others.
rob: That’s a canard. Millions of Jews weren’t trying to leave, didn’t ask to leave and those that did ask to leave could not get Visas since the doors elsewhere were closed. Including Palestine.
JosephParticipantThey aren’t “inducing terror”.
JosephParticipantWho gave the right to sacrifice over 20,000 Jewish lives (and counting) and 100,000 maimed (and counting) to establish sovereignty?
JosephParticipantIf the goal is to ensure that our brothers and sisters in Arabia not endure the same fate, it can perhaps be best achieved by them moving to Australia or Canada.
JosephParticipantA “silver platter” doesn’t constitute over 20,000 Jews killed in war and terror. And still counting more each year. And quadruple that for the number of maimed.
JosephParticipantrob, you seem to have forgotten that HKB”H kicked us out of Eretz Yisroel.