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  • in reply to: the 19th story #1108967

    How’d you get stuck in Bellevue’s 19th floor?!

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108856

    Yeshivishe Sephardim (and non-Yeshivish Sephardim as well) rarely use any type of form of a so-called halachic prenup in their marriages. If you ask 100 young (or old) Yeshivish Sepahrdic couples, you’ll probably not find even one who used it.

    in reply to: Minhag Hagra in Israel #1110548

    In what way, and in which particular customs, is minhag hagra the prevailing minhag in Yerushalayim or EY?

    in reply to: Rav Aaron Leib Shteinman opposes Nachal Chareidi #1111440

    Ubiq, Rav Shteinman clearly said he was falsely used to attribute support of NC. Some idiot protesters are not a reliable source; and certainly not more reliable than Rav Shteinman’s own written and signed letter.

    in reply to: please give me financial advice #1108900

    nfgo, chill out. It was obviously intended to be funny. And I think the OP took it in humor and, hopefully, it lightened her up a bit. (It also unburied an unanswered thread.)

    in reply to: Daas Torah #1170355

    The Sanhedrin did not require unanimity to issue a ruling, decree or verdict.

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108842

    Lashing out against Rav Dovid and Rav Moshe indeed deserves to be deleted.

    in reply to: Daas Torah #1170354

    Rav Moshe didn’t condition it on it having to be “all”.

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108839

    Rav Eisenstein was specifically speaking to Rav Dovid about Rav Moshe’s position on the type of “halachic prenups” bandied about nowadays. He was having a discussion about the halachic issue at-hand today, not wasting Rav Dovid’s precious time on some academic discussion about Conservative prenups. And on the issue of the halachic prenup, Rav Eisenstein said (audio is available) that Rav Dovid gave him full permission in front of eidim that he “should and can publicize in his name that Rav Moshe was against all prenuptials”.

    in reply to: Borchu after Ma'ariv #1116207

    The authentic Askenazi minhag is not to say barchu.

    Are you referring to automatically saying barchu after every maariv, even if no one missed the first barchu – or are you referring to someone saying a makeup barchu only when someone missed the first barchu?

    In EY, the Ashkenazim picked it up from the Sefardim.

    Which Ashkenazim? Outside of EY Ashkenazim do it differently than in EY?

    in reply to: Looking for the Lost Hour #1108680

    Time has been suspended.

    in reply to: Jokes #1202876
    in reply to: Daas Torah #1170352

    Rav Moshe zt’l, at a convention of the Agudas HaRabbonim, said that if today’s gedolim got together and issue a kol koreh decision they have the power as as if the Sanhedrin/Beis Din HaGodol sitting in the Lishkas HaGazis in the Beis HaMikdash issued a decree. (Related by Harav Yaakov Feitman shlit”a, Bais Yehuda Tzvi of Cedarhurst.)

    in reply to: Windows 10 #1113172

    Which two programs?

    in reply to: Minhag Hagra in Israel #1110545

    The Talmidei HaGra, all Ashkenaz, came to Eretz Yisroel not long after the Gra was niftar.

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108837

    Rav Nochum Eisenstein shlit”a (a godol from Yerushlayim who was originally a Rov in the United States and was one of the closest rabbonim to Rav Elyashev zt’l and frequently Rav Elyashev communicated messages through Rav Eisenstein), was on R. Dovid Lichtenstein’s (who gives a Lakewood shiur on current topics in halacha) radio show this past Wednesday night. The topic of halachic prenups came up to which Rav Eisenstein commented that “Rav Elyashiv was against any type of prenup” because of asmachta, that was a halachic opposition (that potentially renders a subsequent Get to be a Get Me’usa). He further commented that Rav Elyashiv also had a hashkafic opposition that they were “not the derech of yisrael sabbah… not the way kiddushin is done.”

    Rav Eisenstein also said that he had an extensive discussion with Rav Dovid Feinstein shlit”a this past summer on various issues, and he is authorized to quote Rav Dovid that “Rav Moshe was against all prenuptuals” halachically and hashkafically.

    in reply to: please give me financial advice #1108896

    Bank robbers are paid well, work at nights and work few hours. In the worst case scenario the Feds provide free room and board.

    in reply to: Visiting NYC #1108629
    in reply to: 15yo Israeli sees vision of Gog and Magog war #1134417

    As for the autistic communications, they seem authentic even though their drastic warnings did not play out the way it sounded

    How did you determine the authenticity of their message? And which communications do you speak of?

    in reply to: 15yo Israeli sees vision of Gog and Magog war #1134413

    Down syndrome and autistic children are more holy then neviyim… Spiritually they are holier than prophets were…

    What source says they’re more holy than anyone else?

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108472

    Can you please define and explain the different (and differences of) hashkofos between 1) BMG 2) Chaim Berlin and 3) Chofetz Chaim (as apparently these are the only three surviving Litvish hashkofos, if I understood the point)?

    Presumably the above point excludes the Litvish yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel, which still have their unique prewar hashkofos. Do yeshivos like Mir in NY (or Torah Vodaas) not have non-BMG hashkofos?

    in reply to: Doing Teshuva for someone else #1192086

    Why can you do zechusim for a deceased person (kaddish, etc.) but not another living person?

    And how do zechusim differ from teshuvah?

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108458

    Which Bais Yaakovs do “Chofetz Chaim girls” go to?

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108451

    If you ask a cc girl about a lakewood boy

    Um, what’s a “cc girl”?

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108418

    zogt, nearly all the meforshim say the Rambam is referring to beis din and not the husband. The loshon of the Rambam is plural and not singular. Beis din has the right to give a physical beating to many cases where the party refuses to adhere to beis din’s ruling. It isn’t unique in this aspect. The S”A also rules she is compelled (though the Mechaber doesn’t specify via what means of compulsion.)

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108447

    Maybe she’s looking for a MO boy.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108416

    Rambam doesn’t permit the husband to engage a physical beating c”v. Rambam is speaking of beis din, who are permitted to use a rod to enforce halachic compliance. In any event, parts of the Rambam are cited as halacha by the Mechaber in S”A.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108412

    Rambam is even older than 60 years. And pointers on reaching perfection is always helpful, even if we aren’t perfect.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108408

    Sigh. If you think there’s an agenda, then simply stick to the Rambam Hilchos Ishus perek 21 that I mentioned to Mommele. Hopefully you’ll take the Rambam over any internet comments.



    in reply to: The Coffee Room has broken the 400-page mark #1108237

    Then your comment should have read “As of this post, the CR archive has 414 pages” rather than “As of this post, the CR archive goes to 414”.



    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108405

    Mammele: Rambam Hilchos Ishus 21:7 would actually positively instruct her on taking off the shoes. Listen, I’m not saying there can’t be some tweaks or that it needs to be taught verbatim as published above. But the Bais Yaakov’s teach all sorts of secular stuff, global history, etc. that are far from any Jewish sources. Something pretty benign as above that actually gives very helpful and wise advice on shalom bayis is certainly something to be encouraged. I don’t think anyone objects to lessons in Bais Yaakov on benign or helpful topics, say utilizing Dale Carnegie on public speaking or similar neutral sources on other topics.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108403

    They should teach these 15 points in every Bais Yaakov, in 12th grade. And reiterate it in seminary.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108401

    zogt: There aren’t online archives (or even, necessarily, evidence) for every nook and cranny magazine that ever existed. Especially for the smaller ones. And especially if it ceased publishing a long time ago.

    At this point the conversation is moot. One Liner has testified first-hand that he personally saw a copy of the issue under discussion.

    in reply to: Time to say Good Shabbos #1108292

    You quoted me in italics, not her.

    Conversation Flow:

    Joseph: OOT you don’t bump into dozens of people every few blocks.

    Wolf: I live in Brooklyn. I don’t bump into dozens of people every few blocks either.

    Joseph: Brooklyn is very large, with over two million residents…

    Without nitpicking every word like it’s a gemorah, the point is you pass a lot more pedestrians in parts of NYC than you do in many other places.

    Wolf: No, the point was to rebut Syag’s assertion that I do pass that many people but don’t realize it.

    Syag was a different conversation with you. Not this.

    in reply to: Time to say Good Shabbos #1108289

    Whatcha talkin ’bout Mr. Wolf? I made a comment. You quoted and replied to my comment. I quoted and replied to your comment to me. Where does Syag fit into this picture?

    in reply to: Time to say Good Shabbos #1108287

    I live in Brooklyn. I don’t bump into dozens of people every few blocks either.

    Brooklyn is very large, with over two million residents. Some frum Brooklyn neighborhoods are more congested than others. And some people walk more blocks than you do.

    Walking down four or so avenues in some Brooklyn neighborhoods, on some streets during some parts of the day, you can pass by about a couple dozen people between both sides of the street and intersections you pass.

    Without nitpicking every word like it’s a gemorah, the point is you pass a lot more pedestrians in parts of NYC than you do in many other places.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108393

    Even by its own definition it requires directing the charge on a person not an idea. But of course it is often entirely legitimate to direct a point against the conveyor or medium.

    in reply to: Time to say Good Shabbos #1108279

    OOT you don’t bump into dozens of people every few blocks.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108390

    It is no “ad hominem”. What it is, is a factual observation. And if a so-called ad hominem is factual, rather relate the truth than observe some contorted convention invented in academia.

    in reply to: The most useless text ever #1108441

    sdd: Wouldn’t it have been easier to simply have called the phone and then they’ll have heard its ringing?

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108388

    I don’t; but neither do I blindly assume it didn’t exist (and neither did Snopes even make that claim, something they’d have been sure to mention if they’d been able to determine that) simply because you can’t find evidence of it on Google 60 years later for something from almost 40 years before the web existed.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108385

    Says you.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108382

    Snopes very frequently has an agenda dismissing things without compelling evidence because of the writers own biases. And in this particular case it seems even they are equivocating rather than being entirely dismissive, even though this is one of the type of things Snopes tends to be biased against.

    in reply to: The Amazing Superlative #1108881

    Why the need for an amazing wife? Any mediocre or run-of-the-mill wife should suffice.

    in reply to: My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her #1111894

    After calculating the 23.1%, you also need to exclude drug dealers shooting each other in inner city neighborhoods and other bad guy-on-bad guy and other violence in neighborhoods you don’t find Jews in. And then you can further exclude most of the remaining stats considering Jews are far less likely to be involved in violent crime situations, including as victims, and that certain non-Jewish minority groups are heavily overrepresented in crime statistics. And the remainder is mostly random crime not specifically targeting Jews, who are a tiny percent of even that.

    OTOH, the violent terror attacks in Israel are specifically targeting Jews.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108377

    They were all quickly scooped up in the Ezras Noshim.

    in reply to: Some parks in New York used to be cemeteries #1107189

    Is it permissible to dig up a Jewish cemetery to sell the land for profit?

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108375

    Where can reprints be requested?

    in reply to: Diamond ring for engagement #1106911
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