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First of all, the loudmouths complaining now would complain even louder if older women were published and younger women were not published. Second of all, you could never define a proper and mutually agreed upon line between “older” and “younger”.
JosephParticipantPsak requires thought.
JosephParticipantAre you paskening on photos based on the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch?
Think what the basis is why the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch pasken that halacha as they do. And then think how that basis would apply here.
JosephParticipantis there a halachic basis for not displaying pictures of women?
The Rambam states women should not leave their home too often. The Rambam says once or twice a month at most. Shulchan Aruch paskens l’halacha that women should not leave the home often, though doesn’t specify a number. The reason for this halacha is so that men shouldn’t see them too often. And this halacha is applicable when women are going from their home directly to another location (i.e. to her father’s home, in Rambam’s example), without lingering in public. And, obviously, the women are dressed completely tzniusdik even those few times they do go outside.
A photo of a woman publicly published can linger in front of men indefinitely. And privately. So it is even worse than a tzniusdik woman going nonstop from her home to her father’s home while dressed entirely tznius during the very infrequent short trip in public.
JosephParticipantI’ve been to many homes that don’t have family pictures displayed anywhere visible where guests are.
JosephParticipantJosephParticipantWhat’s the halachic basis for 1) requiring to have a mechitza in shul or 2) not permitting women to be rabbis?
JosephParticipantI assure you there are places that do not follow the Agudah but care if Agudah rabbonim consider a person to be non-Orthodox and a non-Torah Jews. They will say Hallel on Yom HaAtzmut, march in the Israel Day Parade, shake hands with women, have only a small mechitza, etc. But if one candidate rabbi is recognized as being Orthodox even by the Agudah rabbonim while the other candidate is considered to be non-Orthodox by a large portion of Orthodoxy, that will be the dealbreaker for some such synagogues.
Lav davka, there will still be some synagogues that still hire OO. But some even left-wing synagogues will now not consider an OO candidate.
JosephParticipant“No such shul cares what AI says.”
Some shuls DO care that one of the two candidates has been deemed to be non-Orthodox and a non-Torah Jew by many of the greatest rabbis of the generation. Even if they don’t necessarily follow those great rabbis derech.
November 8, 2015 1:22 pm at 1:22 pm in reply to: You’re In Charge of Brooklyn Jewry… What Do You Do? #1111350JosephParticipantRight. The Torah mandates that (and specifies the penalty). The King can insure the Torah prescribed rules are enforced by the courts.
JosephParticipantA statement by the Moetzes is incomparable to a statement by the RCA. The Moetzes is constituted by some of the greatest tzadikim and gedolim of our dor. It is not a group of any or all rabbis, but rather only of the greatest. And they work on consensus.
OTOH, an RCA statement is simply a majority vote of all $350 (or whatever) annual dues-paying member rabbis. And membership constitutes from the far-left (such as Avi Weiss until recently when he elected to not renew his membership) through the MO-right. And while they surely have some big talmidei chachomim, most voting members are not gedolim but rather far flung pulpit rabbis and even people working in secular fields that have smicha. And they can outvote the gedolim.
November 8, 2015 6:14 am at 6:14 am in reply to: You’re In Charge of Brooklyn Jewry… What Do You Do? #1111348JosephParticipantHatzalah’s border for BP/Flatbush is McDonald Avenue.
JosephParticipantI agree. But to give them credit, at least they’re not one of those who actually don’t like cholent. Those types should check their maternal yichus.
November 6, 2015 5:31 pm at 5:31 pm in reply to: My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her #1111897JosephParticipantWhen have anti-semites r’l murdered Jews in NYC? All the recent reports of murders of Jews r’l being killed for being Jewish have been in Israel.
November 6, 2015 2:33 pm at 2:33 pm in reply to: For those who don't like gefilte fish, an alternative #1110969JosephParticipantIt’s kinda interesting how sushi works. No one likes it the first time they taste it. But don’t give up guys, it definitely tastes better and better as you get used to the different kinda taste that it has…
Nah, that’s only what people talk into themselves because they want to fit in and pretend to eventually start liking sushi because everyone else pretends to like that raw fish.
November 6, 2015 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm in reply to: You’re In Charge of Brooklyn Jewry… What Do You Do? #1111338JosephParticipantAs King, I execute all the Mechallel Shabbos.
JosephParticipantCan everyone now say outloud that OO founder and leader Avi Weiss is not frum?
November 6, 2015 12:58 am at 12:58 am in reply to: For those who don't like gefilte fish, an alternative #1110967JosephParticipantRocks taste different than pebbles.
November 6, 2015 12:40 am at 12:40 am in reply to: For those who don't like gefilte fish, an alternative #1110965JosephParticipantHow does it taste for you?
JosephParticipantAnd what if your son is the only Kohen in the minyan that day?
November 5, 2015 9:40 pm at 9:40 pm in reply to: For those who don't like gefilte fish, an alternative #1110962JosephParticipantI don’t either get why some people like sushi so much.
November 5, 2015 9:37 pm at 9:37 pm in reply to: the older we get the less trite cliches sound #1110617JosephParticipantI’m curious for myself, that’s all.
JosephParticipantHe’s an up and coming Yaakov Avinu.
JosephParticipantThe Chazon Ish’s point vis-a-vis the Kusim isn’t relevant to the Open Orthodox.
November 5, 2015 8:21 pm at 8:21 pm in reply to: For those who don't like gefilte fish, an alternative #1110957JosephParticipantThe weirdest thing I’ve seen is Falsha Fish, which is made from chicken, but taste just like Gefilte Fish. Why bother?
Because sometimes the minhag is to not eat (real) fish.
JosephParticipantLet’s daven behind the goal line at halftime. Can I have the amud?
JosephParticipantSam, so your bringing a raya from the Kusim that just as they rejected the Torah Sheba’al Peh and we could drink their wine, then so too now if someone rejects the Torah Sheba’al Peh we can drink their wine today?
November 5, 2015 3:02 pm at 3:02 pm in reply to: the older we get the less trite cliches sound #1110615JosephParticipantWhich kosherized phone and which service provider are you using?
November 5, 2015 3:01 pm at 3:01 pm in reply to: Processed meats can cause cancer, experts say #1110878JosephParticipantyytz, what’s the problem with cheese?
JosephParticipantDidn’t the Kusim worhip doves and reject the Torah she’bal peh?
November 5, 2015 12:39 am at 12:39 am in reply to: Processed meats can cause cancer, experts say #1110876JosephParticipantIf you took the opening line seriously then you can analyze it.
JosephParticipantSam, the statement read that OO “reject the basic tenets of our faith”.
Rejecting the basic tenets of our faith equates with heresy. As far as any explanation, that question should be addressed to the Gedolei Yisroel shlit”a that issued the statement.
November 4, 2015 9:52 pm at 9:52 pm in reply to: Processed meats can cause cancer, experts say #1110874JosephParticipantWhaaat? You took my suggestion that the Gedolim consider banning the meat seriously? How silly of you! 😉 (The rest of the OP is verbatim from a news article.)
JosephParticipantJosephParticipantMy reading of the kol korei is that it is very clear in effectively declaring those who it is referencing as being heretics. It is also clearly and directly referring to the leaders and bodies of the OO movement. It is less clear whether it is also deeming the run of the mill lay adherents of the movement with that status.
JosephParticipantSyag, As we discussed a few days ago, I was once called clairvoyant!
JosephParticipantHmm, Re nfgo’s second post, that sounds about a regular day around here.
JosephParticipantSyag: I’m talking about Conservative and Reform members who are laymen and do not purport to be rabbis. They, too, have a halachic status different than a regular Orthodox Jew.
JosephParticipantMDG: The announcement is important even for the chareidi public because now most or many chareidim don’t treat as heretics the people the announcement referred to. This announcement therefore informs this public to treat them according to the halacha per their status.
JosephParticipantSyag: Individual (non-“rabbis”) members of the Conservative and Reform movements are also dealt with as the halacha instructs about people with their status.
JosephParticipant“Reject the basic tenets of our faith” is a long-form way of saying they are heretics. And therefore people can’t drink their wine. There are a whole bunch of halachas applicable to heretics, and obviously the statement didn’t enumerate what they all are. It was worded sufficiently to convey the point.
JosephParticipantThe fly went into Titus’ nostrils and is pecking at his brain.
JosephParticipantWho are we to judge?
Halacha is that we must judge. We have to know whose wine not to drink and who not to count in minyanim among a number of other halachic issues. The Chofetz Chaim tells us to judge who is an apikorus:
“???? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ?’ ???? ?’ – ????: “???? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ??????”.
??????- “???????? ???? ????? ?????… ?????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ????? ???…”
JosephParticipantRav Dovid said Rav Moshe was opposed to the implementation of a halachic prenup of the type that is currently being promulgated. Opposed both halachicly and hashkafically, Rav Dovid said in the name of Rav Moshe.
JosephParticipantWhy is it so difficult establishing the nusach of the Gra? The Gra’s shul was standing in Vilna until WWII and surely his kehila where he davened, and was effectively the leader, continuously followed the same nusach as he did during his lifetime.
JosephParticipantThere is a halachic concept of Minhag HaMokom.
November 2, 2015 5:36 pm at 5:36 pm in reply to: Rav Aaron Leib Shteinman opposes Nachal Chareidi #1111444JosephParticipantapy, are you equally upset that when Rav Shteinman a number of years ago advised that a certain Mechallel Shabbos should join the Nachal Chareidi rather than loiter the streets committing grave transgressions, that this private suggestion was publicized by the regular liberal loudmouths? (Even putting aside the fact that they omitted pointing out that the advice was specifically directed for someone who otherwise was engaging in issurei kares, and the loudmouths presented it as if it was some kind of generic advice for anyone not in yeshiva.)