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The grandfather of the Rov in NY, who founded the shul in NY, was known as the Veretzky Rebbe. His son and later his grandson, for whatever reason, go by the title Rov.
JosephParticipantNo relation? Are both Veretzkys referring to the same town?
JosephParticipantI don’t see how you can make those changes.
1) Bay Parkway has four lanes (two in each direction) whereas the one-way intersection of OP into BP has only two lanes.
2) If you did change it despite that, drivers on Avenue I turning unto Ocean Parkway South will have a green light the same time as drivers on BP turning unto OP. And these two intersections are only feet apart from each other. Some times during the day there wouldn’t be room for all the turning cars in that short stretch between Ave. I and BP. And it might be unsafe since they just turned on green (I to OP) when suddenly confronted with another light that is red, with the two intersections merely feet away from each other.
JosephParticipant1. If the Sephardim stop wearing a black hat, they’ll need to go back to the traditional Sephardic head coverings like they wore for thousands of years. Something like what the Baba Sali wore.
2. The majority of Jews in Eretz Yisroel are Ashkenazim. Check the Israel Bureau of Statistics.
JosephParticipantcars wishing to head North on Ocean Pkwy must continue up Bay Pkwy to Ocean Pkwy where they will be permitted to turn left and head North.
That’s not possible. When Bay Parkway ends, meeting the Ocean Parkway service road south, only a right turn is possible unto the southbound service road. Making a left-turn would put you going the wrong-way on the service road, for the stretch of road from Bay Parkway to Avenue I.
The end of eastbound Bay Parkway puts you right on the southbound service road of Ocean Parkway. It doesn’t connect to the little road connecting the southbound Ocean Parkway to Bay Parkway. Additionally, that road allowing drivers getting off OP unto BP is only a one-way.
November 11, 2015 7:10 pm at 7:10 pm in reply to: DO WE REALLY HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE TO LIVE IN CHUTZ LA'ARETZ? #1112865JosephParticipanttwisted: The Chanukah neis has nothing to do with the Hasmoneans subsequent rulership. Indeed Chazal are critical of the Hasmonean for taking the reigns of power since they were Kohanim not Davidians. Additionally, the bad behavior of the Hasmonean rulers were of later generation Hasmoneans not the ones that defeated the Yevonim.
JosephParticipantNo. There is evidence that Americans are overweight but not frum Americans any more than others. But the people (including a number of yarmulka wearing folks) who look at frum people with an evil eye, find bad wherever they see frum.
JosephParticipantAgree or disagree with which idea?
JosephParticipantI cannot possibly imagine he is disagreeing with you. Imagine the wrath that would fall upon him dared he have done so!
November 11, 2015 3:19 pm at 3:19 pm in reply to: DATI LEUMI AND CHAREDI- why is there such friction? #1112065JosephParticipantgavra, rwndk1 says almost all own apartments. Almost all didn’t afford the apartment via fundraising. But even the minority apartment owners that purchased it via fundraising, so what? Helping out your Jewish brother financially is also a hallmark of Jewish life and tzedaka for thousands of years. My point is that fundraising isn’t a negative. Especially as B”H the community is successful in the fundraising if the evidence is that almost all own apartments.
November 11, 2015 2:13 pm at 2:13 pm in reply to: DATI LEUMI AND CHAREDI- why is there such friction? #1112058JosephParticipantYou needa brush up on your Yiddish, gavra; you sound like a non-yiddish immigrant. 🙂 Besides, dowries have been a hallmark of Jewish shidduchim from time immemorial. What difference is it which side obtained the apartment; if it is procured, vaist ois they are living decently.
November 10, 2015 10:19 pm at 10:19 pm in reply to: Bostoner Rebbe's chizuk trip to America #1111295JosephParticipantWhich other Rebbes are on the trip with the Bostoner?
JosephParticipantWhat was the mission of HaPardes and what did they cover?
JosephParticipantZD: There are no secular laws in America stopping anyone from taking a picture of someone else and publishing it. And there are no secular law in America from doctoring photos that you own or have rights to, even if it changes the narrative. If someone else owns the copyright to the photo, what you are or are not permitted to do, doctor or publish depends on what the copyright owner permits.
November 10, 2015 8:51 pm at 8:51 pm in reply to: DATI LEUMI AND CHAREDI- why is there such friction? #1112052JosephParticipantThe Chareidim’s Limud Torah is the greatest form possible of hakaras hatov, as it protects the entire Eretz Yisroel. The more Torah, the more protection. Every additional minute of Torah counts. Have the non full-time Torah learners expressed their deep hakaros hatov to the full-time learners?
JosephParticipantIs the EY Veretzky Rebbe’s last name Landau?
JosephParticipantI do know. Mods here in the past haven’t been shy about saying they only mod here and not on the main page. And that’s applicable to most mods, as can be seen contextually in various ways. The main page has fewer mods and the comments get updated far less frequently. The Ed, obviously, can mod here and there. Some of the old time mods, 72, 99, modded in both areas. Those two have long retired though.
JosephParticipantIt seems females are more aggressive in grabbing seats.
November 10, 2015 7:09 pm at 7:09 pm in reply to: DO WE REALLY HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE TO LIVE IN CHUTZ LA'ARETZ? #1112839JosephParticipantreb moshe lived in america before religious jewry was significant in israel, so it could be at the time it was not an option
And Rav Mordechai Gifter, Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky, Rav Avigdor Miller, Rav Avraham Pam, Rav Yitzchok Hutner, Rav Gedalia Schorr, the Bobover Rebbe, the Satmar Rebbe, the Skulener Rebbe, Rav Elya Svei, Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Rav Hershel Schachter and the many more I didn’t mention including many current Gedolei Yisroel shlit”a?
JosephParticipantSpend a few weeks in Williamsburg and you’ll know Yiddish like a native first language speaker.
JosephParticipantSam, so you disagree. Nevertheless I provided a very rational, cohesive, and good reason to take my position. And your favorite newspapers probably follow your opinion of publishing such pictures, and no one is forcing them to stop. And surely even if you disagree you can understand, live with and respect the logic I presented as reason other publishers may choose not to publish such photos, without anyone trying to force them to follow your opinion.
And as a secondary point, perhaps you might even recognize this geder as intended for purposes of kedusha. Especially considering the topic of shmiras einayim and arayos and even simple interactions between the genders is something the Torah, Gemora, meforshim, poskim and S”A warn very strongly against, even regarding seemingly simple interactions (looking, talking, smelling, thinking, friendships, etc.) with encouragements of adding great gedorim to this area of great taaiva to sin which can easily result in people slipping even unintentionally unto the wrong side of the border.
November 10, 2015 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm in reply to: DO WE REALLY HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE TO LIVE IN CHUTZ LA'ARETZ? #1112834JosephParticipantFor a number of people, they benefit spiritually, for a wide variety of factors, by living in chutz l’aaretz.
In Eretz Yisroel there are extremes. Most people are either kodshei kodoshim, very holy and spiritual and pay little to no attention to gashmius and are entirely or almost entirely devoting their lives to ruchniyus – or rachmana litzlon the other extreme, where they almost completely neglect ruchniyus.
As far as an “excuse”, you’ll have to ask Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Aharon Kotler, Rav Elchonon Wasserman, the Chofetz Chaim, the Baal Shem Tov, the Vilna Gaon, the Rosh, Rashi, Rabbeinu Gershom, et al what their excuse for living in chutz laaretz was.
JosephParticipantAre you talking about in the old subway cars or in the new ones?
JosephParticipantCTLawyer, would you consider your family snobbish?
November 10, 2015 5:16 pm at 5:16 pm in reply to: DATI LEUMI AND CHAREDI- why is there such friction? #1112042JosephParticipantrwndk1 made a number of factual observations based on first-hand experience. What could you possibly find objectionable to his relating his experience growing up MO?
JosephParticipantDoes the Veretzky Rebbe from EY shtam from the same town as the Veretzky Rov in NY? Are they related to each other or are they both related to the rabbinate in the original town of Veretzky in Europe?
JosephParticipantYou missed the context, Sam. My point about the pinky was in response to flatbusher’s dismissive comment about “something lascivious about a male looking at the picture of a woman”. Yes, we are worried about the possibility of something lascivious about a male looking at the picture of a woman just as the Gemorah and the Mechaber are worried about the possibility of something lascivious about a male looking at the pinky of a woman.
And, frankly, I think there is a lot lot more to be worried about men getting lascivious about a picture of a woman than of a pinky of a woman. The picture they can stare at longer and take with them in privacy.
And Charlie is dismissive of kol kvudah bas melech pnima by brushing it off as merely “referring to a non-Jewish woman”. So I pointed out that the Mechaber was not referring to a non-Jewish woman when he cited kol kvudah bas melech pnima in the S”A as halacha.
JosephParticipantZD: By 1900 there was already massive influxes of Russian Jews immigrating to the US.
JosephParticipantAnd to think that the Shulchan Aruch concerns itself, as a matter of halacha no less, with even looking at a woman’s pinky finger. Why was the Mechaber so worried about men looking at a woman’s pinky finger?
JosephParticipantWere they Shomer Shabbos from when arrived in America in 1868 through yourself?
November 10, 2015 12:26 am at 12:26 am in reply to: You’re In Charge of Brooklyn Jewry… What Do You Do? #1111361JosephParticipantThe Rambam in Mishna Torah Rotzeach Ushmiras Nefesh 2:4 says a King can execute murderers even if beis din cannot. Both the King and Beis Din (i.e. see Sanhedrin 46a about executing someone who rode a horse on Shabbos – which is not a capital offense under the Torah) in general have the extrajudicial halachic right for societal benefit to order executions as a punishment for an act that for technical reasons doesn’t qualify for capital punishment under pure Torah Law.
JosephParticipant555, when did you take the survey that came to that conclusion?
JosephParticipantIs that ?
JosephParticipantTheProf: Daya Zooger linked to a 2003 issue of HaPardes (which refers to Rabbi Elberg “zatzal”), so it appears to have continued to have published for at least eight years past ’95.
Also, when did HaPardes begin publishing? Is there any rough equivalent current publication that is similar to what HaPardes was?
JosephParticipantNot necessarily.
November 9, 2015 7:47 pm at 7:47 pm in reply to: You’re In Charge of Brooklyn Jewry… What Do You Do? #1111359JosephParticipantAvi, when the Rosh presided and the Jewish rabbinic courts carried out the death penalty in Spain, there unfortunately was no Beis HaMikdash or Sanhedrin and nevertheless the punishment was carried out in practice.
JosephParticipantI had someone tell me once
Was it only once? Calling Moshe Rose, Calling Moshe Rose.
November 9, 2015 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm in reply to: Rav Aaron Leib Shteinman opposes Nachal Chareidi #1111450JosephParticipantR. Yitzchok Hisiger, in his “Food for Thought” column in this week’s Yated, wrote about this letter being discussed here from Rav Shteinman shlit”a to Rav Don Segal shlit”a. R. Hisiger adds another conversation where Rav Dovid Soloveitchik shlit”a asked Rav Shteinman about his alleged support of Nachal Chareidi. After Rav Shteinman told Rav Dovid that he never suggested to anyone to enlist in Nachal Chareidi. Rav Shteinman added that he couldn’t stop parents who on their own suggested to their Mechallel Shabbos son to enroll in Nachal Chareidi.
JosephParticipantIf you don’t install the updates, how are you protected from zero-day vulnerabilities? Hacks are discovered every week that allows bad actors to hijack unpatched systems.
November 9, 2015 5:06 pm at 5:06 pm in reply to: You’re In Charge of Brooklyn Jewry… What Do You Do? #1111357JosephParticipantWhy not? If there is a Jewish King ruling, Jewish courts with full power can also be established.
In fact, during the times of Rabbenu Asher (the Rosh) in 13th century Spain, the Jewish courts in Spain had enacted and enforced capital punishment and carried out the death penalty for affronts such as blasphemy. See responsa 17:8.
JosephParticipantFlatbusher, indeed many rabbonim caution against non-family being invited as social guests for meals.
JosephParticipantLF: XP is no longer receiving security updates, so it the dark side discovers a hole, Microsoft won’t plug it anymore and it will leave the system vulnerable.
LF & N: Are you both in IT?
JosephParticipantGoing off topic is strictly against the rules of the CR. It is something that is rarely seen.
JosephParticipantWhen was Rabbi Elberg niftar?
JosephParticipantToo bad Charlie wasnt around to teach the Mechaber a lesson or two before he cited Kol Kvuda as halacha lmaaisa in the S”A for Jewish women.
November 9, 2015 12:42 am at 12:42 am in reply to: Traffic Lawyer Recommendations – Lakewood #1111143JosephParticipantNYC is much tougher to fight tickets.
JosephParticipantNu, nu.
November 8, 2015 10:37 pm at 10:37 pm in reply to: DATI LEUMI AND CHAREDI- why is there such friction? #1111993JosephParticipantThe hashfafic separation between “chareidim” and DL/MO is far more vast than the hashkafic separation between the Litvish and the Chasidim. Whereas the Litvish and Chasidim have fully accepted each other as eilu v’eilu, neither of them have accepted the DL or MO hashkafas as eilu v’eilu.
You can search the threads here for fierce discussions why the above point is the case, but the reality is that it is the case. Not every shitta is accepted as an eilu v’eilu. And the chareidi world doesn’t accept their view (mostly on zionism and gender issues) as acceptable under the Torah.
JosephParticipantIf they tried that, you’d start getting big complaints from the women who are published.