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  • in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195637

    Mass murdering terrorists are far far worse than commie sympathizers.

    I agree completly. But they may not have

    Who cares what “they may not have”? I’m not talking about what some people mistakenly think. I’m talking about objective reality.

    in reply to: changing neighborhoods and anti-semitism #1136100

    It should be noted that a large portion of the aforementioned anti-semitism, and indeed the strongest component of said anti-semitism, is by non-Orthodox Jews embarrassed by Orthodox Jews who effectively are self-hating Jews who hate their Orthodox brethren.

    In Westhampton this point is especially true. Those opposing the Eruv the loudest and the strongest are all Reform Jews. And, yes, they oppose the Eruv because they don’t want Orthodox Jews moving into their town. Opposing Jews from buying homes and moving in to “your town” because they are Jewish is perhaps the most prototypical form of anti-Semitism.

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195630

    Mass murdering terrorists are far far worse than commie sympathizers. And it is fairly easy to determine if a refugee is Jewish or not and thus if Jewish clearly not a Nazi.

    in reply to: Would you do this? #1114188

    Like water?

    Anyways, why is this even a question if you use of without any hecsher?

    in reply to: Headphone/earphone recommendations, please #1113911

    Target takah opened shop in Israel?

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195606

    Why wouldnt you give a homeless man in need of shelter your guest bedroom, ubiq?

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195602

    And surely, dear ubiq, you’d support having a homeless shelter on your block, right?

    Surely you favor Israel accepting at least a token number of Syrian refugees, correct? Besides, as you earlier said not accepting these refugees is condemning them to war and death. Certainly you are consistent and believe saving their lives is far more vital than demographics and Israel should even accept more than a token number to save their lives. Especially considering that Israel literally borders war-torn Syria and can facilitate a good number of life-saving rescues. Who, as you say, is more responsible to insure refugees are not turned away and sent to their deaths, like the Jews in the 30s, than the Jewish state?

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195595

    ubiq, taking your position to its logical conclusion, you should also be in favor of Israel settling thousands of Syrian refugees.

    Some can be housed in Tel Aviv, others in Jerusalem and some more in Haifa, etc.

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195593

    ubiq, will you invite to your home random homeless men you encounter sleeping in the streets and in need of shelter?

    in reply to: Flatbush traffic problem #1113735

    Where will shoppers park? It will slow business in the area and it will saturate the residential streets with commercial parking. And how does eliminating the parking lane add two lanes? If you’re assuming it’ll eliminate double-parking, all it will do is the double-parkers will pull to the curve to unload.

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195570

    And hypothetically if a few Jewish refugees had been commies the threat was a decade later when they become voting citizens they might tilt the election towards the victory of the candidate of the Communist Party USA for President of the United States?

    The threat of a few commie sympathizers is equivalent today of mass murdering terrorists entering the country?

    in reply to: kavanah for bein adam lachaveiro #1113461

    It’s nice to say a Yehi Ratzon first.

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195567

    Sam, would it make a difference if he was Jewish or not?

    in reply to: Making your kids pay for a cleaning lady #1113459

    The daughter should definitely be taking out the garbage.

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195557

    Sam, We must place our need for safety from mass murdering terrorists before their need for refuge.

    Do you invite random homeless people you encounter sleeping on the streets to move into your guest room across from your children? They too need shelter and food.

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195551

    Sam, even a small number of mass murdering terrorists is horrendous.

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195543

    What do gangsters in America have to do with European Jews where there virtually were no gangsters? More disengenuity. Islamic extremists engage in mass murder and terrorism.

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195538

    There were no serious number of Jewish gangsters in Europe. And the less than handful that might have been around did what, pickpockets? And even some civilians were sympathetic to communism they rarely to never engaged in violence. You’re talking about an infinitesimally small number of anyone who was a serious threat and you’re being completely disingenuous. There certainly was no real threat of mass murder or terrorism by those refugees.

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195533

    The idea that Jews in the 30s were in any serious way or numbers involved in violence is a clear canard. The idea that Syrians today have a clear and serious radicalized element engaged in mass terrorism is clear. And we actually experienced mass terrorist murder by people entering as Syrian refugees.

    There is no way for America to do a real background check on Syrian applicants.

    in reply to: Black Hat Friday #1113372

    What are the best sales this year?

    in reply to: Banning Syrian Refugees From the US #1195530

    Terrorists who mass murdered in Paris entered Europe as Syrian refugees.

    America doesn’t have the ability to check Syrian police or government files on applicants to determine if they are radicalized.

    in reply to: What's the best Cholent recipe? #1113597

    Cranberry juice.

    in reply to: First Year Beis Medrash #1161331

    Toras Moshe, Yerushalayim.

    in reply to: College #1117537
    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116703

    Shimen, did we previously know you as jent1150?

    in reply to: Differences between oberlandish and yekkish minhogim #1113164

    Even postwar there are non-chasidic women who today follow the Chasam Sofer’s position and shave.

    in reply to: What's the best Cholent recipe? #1113594

    Beans, spice and juice.

    in reply to: How Do You define yeshivish? #1113040


    in reply to: Question for pro Israel/Zionism posters #1113104

    “I’m sorry, I honestly have no idea what that means.”

    Ask squeak.

    Then why didn’t you?

    I already told you why not. It was the first site I found, I didn’t notice what sort of site it was but the data is uncontroversial.

    Also note that at no point have I advocated for the dismantlement of the State.

    in reply to: Why do so many people give the advise "ask your local orthodox rabbi" #1113286

    The key term in that advice is Your.

    Every Jew needs a rabbi. He’s your final authority. Ask him your questions.

    in reply to: Flatbush traffic problem #1113733
    in reply to: Making your kids pay for a cleaning lady #1113453

    apy: See my first comment above (third on the thread.)

    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116680

    Most people who are OTD are otherwise decent human beings.

    Most people who are financial embezzlers are otherwise decent human beings.

    Not keeping Shabbos is not an indicator that one would be a murderer, Thief etc

    Not keeping Lo Signov is not an indicator that one would be a murderer, violent, etc.

    in reply to: Making your kids pay for a cleaning lady #1113446

    I never heard of Jewish daughters who don’t help out cleaning the house once they’re old enough to help out.

    in reply to: Making your kids pay for a cleaning lady #1113440

    Girls living at home should be the cleaning lady.

    in reply to: Hobbies for men #1147187


    in reply to: Making your kids pay for a cleaning lady #1113417

    The parents should charge him room and board.

    in reply to: Flatbush traffic problem #1113730

    And note that Brooklyn’s 300,000 population increase over the last only 25 years is mostly not due to the birth rate. It is mostly due to non-Brooklynareans choosing to become Brooklynareans rather than to move to a small town or another city.

    in reply to: Chanukah Presents for husbands #1112738

    One thing you should not do, ubiquitin, is lie or put words in others mouths. Your ignorance and inability to comprehend points that are repeated to you and broken down to you repeatedly, is no excuse.

    in reply to: Question for pro Israel/Zionism posters #1113090

    Who said you argue for the purpose of convincing anybody?

    I don’t know who was convinced, but on another forum I’ve been numerous times privately commended for expressing Torah opinions that were unpopular with the masses that many folks felt but were afraid to publicly express lest they fall out of favor with the crowd.

    in reply to: what is the origin of chanukah gifts? #1112652

    Gelt is a true Jewish minhag on Chanukah. Presents are not; those come from Christmas. But don’t confuse gelt with presents.

    in reply to: Question for pro Israel/Zionism posters #1113085

    Seriously, NCB? Of all threads you chose the HaKaras HaTov thread? What that thread’s purpose is to discuss Israel’s need for HaKaras HaTov to the U.S. That’s a pretty humdrum topic in the grand scheme of things. And the offending post was the one citing the dollar figures of how much aid America gave Israel? Really? It happened to be the first site I found with the relevant data. I hadn’t even noticed which site it was but that same data could have been gotten from any number of reliable sites. That’s all that was. Demonstrating the extent of how much aid the U.S. gave Israel. There is no dispute that America gives Israel a ton of aid; much more than America gives any other country. That somehow demonstrates to you about “wishing millions of Jews had died at the hands of Arabs”? You need to do a reality check.

    I expect more from a member of squeak’s alumni.

    in reply to: Chanukah Presents for husbands #1112730

    Yes, millenia. I didn’t say chocolate is okay. I was clerring it might not be as bad as another christmas present.

    in reply to: Flatbush traffic problem #1113727

    555: That’s not a Jewish rule. In Judaism we offer unsolicited help.

    in reply to: Is it a mitzvah to get married? #1112682

    555: And if he feels he’s never ready for marriage (for the reasons you gave or others), then he should never get married?

    Why do you assume divorce is worse than never marrying?

    in reply to: Chanukah Presents for husbands #1112727

    DY: That’s not the default and she would have to say that explicitly (as you said). Do you know any wives that invoked that? That would be quite rare, so we can assume a couple falls under the default halacha.

    ubiq: Chanukah Gelt has been the tradition for millenia.

    in reply to: Chanukah Presents for husbands #1112720

    Since when do goyim give chanuka presents?

    When did Jews start giving Christmas presents on Chunkah (and call it a Chanukah present)?

    Why don’t you just give “old fashioned Chanukah Gelt” – Your pay check (if you work).

    That’s a good idea other than that her paycheck is already his.

    If he is a chocolate lover give him a box of ‘chocolate gelt’.

    Also sounds like a good idea that’s kind of borderline. It is questionably Chanukah Gelt, which is indeed the tradition.

    in reply to: Flatbush traffic problem #1113722

    I told you to go to Avenue I.

    Now that I’ve succeeded, the next thing I’ll need to work on is getting you to keep Cholov Yisroel.

    in reply to: Question for pro Israel/Zionism posters #1113070

    I’m just a middle of the roader centrist. It’s unbelievable that the extremists are all painting themselves as the moderates and pretending the real centrists are right-wingers.

    in reply to: Chanukah Presents for husbands #1112713

    Chanukah presents are chukas akum.

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