Lilmod Ulelamaid

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  • in reply to: Dressing religiously #1197326
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Glad to hear you’re reading the book, LB, and analyzing it and relating it to real life to!

    kol hakavod.

    in reply to: Does your wife read YWN? (and a confession) #1198036
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LF – you’re the one who always expects me to get it when someone is joking.

    btw, I don’t think a sense of humor is connected to bina yeseira. I think that men are actually the pros on humor (in general). Women are more likely to take things literally (at least when it comes to jokes – men take things literally in other ways).

    in reply to: Divorce in the jewish community #1204596
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Sure I can – if mine are positive and his are negative.

    He was making negative generalizations (as I understood his statements) and I was attacking those negative generalizations. Not a problem – actually both a Mitzvah and a chiyuv.

    in reply to: Women on a higher level #1198182
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Though isn’t this judging?

    Or then again we do judge in Judaism, at least the actions. But this is judging the individual.”

    Is what judging? Talking about differences between men and women? Is that what you mean? If so, these differences are G-d given so it’s not a problem. It doesn’t reflect badly on the person since it’s from G-d.

    Actually, it can help us to judge favorably since we can say that “Moshe did x,y,z because he is a man and men aren’t as sensitive by nature so he didn’t realize that I would be insulted” for example.

    A friend of mine told me that she has an American friend married to an Israeli. Her friend told her that it’s great for shalom bayis because anything she does that bothers her husband, he just assumes it’s because she’s American. Same idea here – just blame it on their gender.

    in reply to: Going to Israel this week! #1206509
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I’d love to! Please come visit me while you are here!

    That’s so exciting! When are you coming? There are places in the US that rent phones for use in EY. I got a good deal in Lakewood, but since you’re not in Lakewood, that probably wouldn’t help you.

    in reply to: Bracha on food you spit out? #1216276
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Does making it a liquid change its bracha status to a shehakol?”

    That would be a sheilah for a Rabbi. But I don’t get why you even have a sheilah. If you blend the food, you won’t have to chew it – wasn’t that the point?

    in reply to: A gadol on his own #1197948
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    There have been Gedolim who remarried even though they and their second wives were too old to have children. Having children is not the only reason for getting married. I have never heard of any source that said that a man who is too old to have children should not remarry. If you do know of such a source, I would be happy to hear what it is.

    But even if there is such a source, there clearly are other opinions as can be seen by the fact that there are Gedolim in such cases who did remarry.

    in reply to: Assur to HOLD a smart phone ??? #1197654
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Huju – I believe it’s been done. I think I have seen psakim that it’s assur to use a cell phone while driving.

    in reply to: problems with not jewish college and this is why you should go to touro #1214987
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “and didn’t know that you can walk and bracha at the same time”

    I believe that actually it is a problem according to halacha (if you’re walking to go somewhere as opposed to pacing while davening). I know a lot of people do it, but I think it is either out of lack of knowledge or habit. I have a problem with the second one, but I am trying to work on it.

    in reply to: A gadol on his own #1197946
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Winnie the Pooh: “The lesson behind such a story for us is to appreciate how much a gadol can be totally immersed in Torah.”


    in reply to: A gadol on his own #1197945
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    shebbesonian – I hear your kasha, but I don’t think it’s a stira. It’s known that Rav Chaim is kulo Torah. I heard that he wants to make sure that his memory storage is completely free for Torah so he doesn’t remember anything that is not directly connected to Torah. While he is learning the sugya of how to make tea on Shabbos, he knows how to make tea, and when someone asks him a sheilah about making tea, he may know how to make tea, but when it comes to making tea in the practical world, he is focused on learning Torah as he does it and forgets to light the fire. For Rav Chaim, making tea only exists as a halachic/Torah sugya not as a practical thing in the “real world”, aka olam hasheker.

    in reply to: What does it mean to be a real Jew? #1198080
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    nishtdayngesheft: “I suspect the OP question was referring to acting as a real Jew.”

    Gavra at work: “You may want to re-phrase your question as an “Oved Hashem”, not a “Jew”.”

    If the OP meant either of the above (which it sounds like it from her answer), then all of the following are correct:

    Shopping: “live your life only for Hashem.”

    MA: “to focus on serving Hashem 24-7 in whichever way is best for you”

    Gavra at work: “An Oved Hashem is someone who asks consistently “What does Hashem want from me now”, and is willing to defy common society to do what the RBSO wants from them.”

    That is how the Rambam defines an Eved Hashem – as someone whose entire purpose in life is to serve Hashem and EVERYTHING he does is for that purpose. This is a chiyuv and not a chumra.

    Beautiful answers everyone, and may we all be zoche to be true Ovdei Hashem in whatever we do (even we are posting in the CR).

    in reply to: problems with not jewish college and this is why you should go to touro #1214986
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    It is possible to avoid these things in the real world. Almost everyone I know including myself does. You can live in EY or have a job that involves working only or mainly with Yiddin or working from home. Plenty of people do.

    It is definitely always better to go to school or work in a Frum environment if possible – and not for the reasons mentioned. Even if you do ultimately end up having to work with goyim (which you might not), at least during your college years you won’t have to.

    in reply to: Women on a higher level #1198176
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    MW13: “The ???? of ??? ???? ???… I’m sure most people here are familiar with the explanation that this is so because women are naturally on a higher spiritual level, and therefore do not need as much “work” to develop their relationship with Hashem

    I have indeed heard this explanation, but I’ve always wondered if there’s any real source for it… It does seem to fly in the face of the concept of ??? ????? ???????, that being chosen to perform mitzvos is indicative of a higher spiritual calling.

    (Also, if one takes this theory to its logical conclusion, wouldn’t it mean the Jews are on a lower spiritual plane than non-Jews, since they have so many more mitzvos needed to help them perfect themselves?)”

    My understanding has always been as follows: Women are on a higher spiritual level than men. They have to be since they were created to be an “ezer k’negdo” and they can only do that if they are on higher level (and no, the role of “ezer k’negdo” is not just about taking care of the physical aspects of running a household. If that were the case, we could hire goyim.).

    However, it is not better to be a woman. It is actually considered better to be a man and to have more Mitzvos. That is why they say “shelo asani isha” and why there is a concept of davening to have boys. It is not better to be on a higher spiritualy level and need less Mitzvos. It is better to “need” those Mitzos. That is why it is better to be a person than to be a malach. If it were better to be on a higher spiritual level and need less Mitzvos, then it would be better to be a malach, which is not the case.

    However, at the same time, one should not feel at all badly about being a girl. Hashem wants there to be girls in this world and He chose YOU to be one, and that is why we say “sheasani kirtzono”, unlike goyim who do not make such a bracha because there is NO advantage to being a goy. I think this is also why a goy can convert to being a Jew (because it is better in every way) but a woman can’t become a man. This is because there are maalos to being a girl and Hashem wants you to be a girl.

    Plus, there really is so much to be happy about being a girl. And Hashem wants us to be happy about being women. Men have an obligation to be thankful that they are not women; women do not have any obligation to feel bad about being women and in fact, we are supposed to be happy we are female and make a bracha about it.

    In short, theoretically, in Judaism it is considered better to be a boy, but that doesn’t mean men are better and it doesn’t mean that you should be upset that you are not one. In fact you should be happy that you are a girl because Hashem chose you to be a girl and women have a unique tafkid, and it’s geshmak to be a girl, and we have just as many opportunities to earn Olam Haba, and imho, it is 1,000 times easier to be a girl (at least nowadays). We don’t have as many nisyonos, we don’t have as many obligations, we have as many opportunities to gain Olam Haba but it easier to avoid aveiros, we have much more freedom in choosing our path in Avodas Hashem (for example, we don’t have to learn but we can choose to, we don’t have to get married but we can choose to, we don’t have to deal with learn/work/army issues to the same extent, etc), we are more emotionally healthy in general, and we are on a higher spiritual level (even if it’s not to our credit, it’s still something to be thankful about) and we don’t have to worry about bitul Torah every second.

    There is no reason at all for women to feel bad about being women. But I think most women nowadays find it hard to figure out how it’s possible to think that it’s better to be a man without feeling badly about themselves. The two things are really not contradictions but it’s hard to conceptualize this. It took me a long time to be able to, and I still find it difficult to give over to others.

    But what is clear to me is that Hashem wants us to be happy that we are girls and not to feel badly about it, so if reflecting on the advantages of being a man makes someone feel badly about being female, then it’s better not to do so. There is certainly no obligation to do so. And I think a girl’s obligation is to reflect on the advantages of being a girl – of which there are many, Boruch Hashem!

    Like I said before, each gender should focus on the advantages of being the gender that they are while keeping in mind all the reasons they should appreciate and respect the other gender (in the form of their spouse, at least).

    in reply to: Women on a higher level #1198175
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    MW13 – thanks! and I agree about Person1’s line. Personally, I would also add LF’s line to the list: “Someone truly ‘spiritual’, higher level, holier, has not need to compare, debate.”

    in reply to: tznius #1205812
    Lilmod Ulelamaid


    in reply to: You know you spend too much time in the CR when #1197325
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    You spend Shabbos thinking about how happy you are that there is one day a week that you aren’t in the Coffee Room, and your next thought is that you want to post that thought as soon as Shabbos is over (not that that ever happened to me 🙂 As you can see, Shabbos has been over for 6 and a half hours already).

    in reply to: Bracha on food you spit out? #1216274
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “When you make a blessing on a class of food it is assumed that all of that type of food is included.”

    That is correct if it is a meal or if you are a guest at someone’s house.

    If it’s not a meal and you are not a guest, you have to either:

    1. have in mind that the bracha should count for all other foods that you will eat with that bracha, or

    2. Have planned to eat that specific food at the time you made the bracha, or

    3. the second food was in front of you at the time you made the bracha, or

    4. there is still food remaining from the original food you made the bracha on (this only helps if both foods are solids or both are liquids:

    5. there is at least one other case, but I have to look it up to make sure I write it correctly. If I have a chance, I will do so, and post it, b”n.

    However, there are exceptions to rules 3 & 4. So the best thing to do is to have in mind when you make the original bracha that it will count for all other foods you eat with that bracha, as the Rema says.

    If you do have any kind of doubt (for example, you don’t know the exceptions to rules 3 & 4 or you don’t know all the possible cases since there are others, or you’re not sure what you had in mind), then you should either:

    a)leave your house and come back in (but that doesn’t work for Mezonos or hamotzi).


    b: find someone else who wants to eat a food with the same bracha,ask them to have you in mind when they make the bracha, listen to them make the bracha, have in mind to be included in their bracha, and as soon as they finish the bracha and take a bite, you should take a bite from your food.

    The most important rule in hilchos brachos is: IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT, DON’T MAKE A BRACHA!!!

    I only know all this because I taught it recently, so it is one of the few areas of halacha that I happen to know somewhat well.

    in reply to: A gadol on his own #1197939
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “For other gedolim, it may be different, and it may be different at different times in their lives.”

    That’s a very important point, WTP. Thank you for mentioning it. If someone hears that Gadol A was such a masmid that he never helped in the house, that shouldn’t lead them to think that Gadol B was not a masmid because he helped his wife. And of course vice versa as well -they shouldn’t think less of Gadol B because he didn’t help.

    Each person has his own tafkid and personality and responsibilities, and the same is true of Gedolim as well (although on a different plane than the rest of us).

    in reply to: Does your wife read YWN? (and a confession) #1198031
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    In that case, the whole idea of keeping secrets from his wife would be kind of meaningless.

    in reply to: Bracha on food you spit out? #1216271
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    That’s an idea. Why don’t you do that?

    in reply to: Does your wife read YWN? (and a confession) #1198029
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I think that was short for “respond to the recent posts on this thread debating if he is serious or not” but that was too many words for a post in the CR.

    Personally, I was going to suggest that she ask you if you’re serious or not but then realized that there probably was no point.

    in reply to: Does your wife read YWN? (and a confession) #1198027
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB – If something is a bad thing to do, then one is not supposed to believe that someone else is doing it (at least not in a case in which there is at least as much reason to believe that he is not), and it is not good enough to say that he is not doing it to hurt his wife intentionally, etc. If it’s possible to say he is not doing it all, you are supposed to.

    Honestly, in this case, if you read the thread, it seems pretty clear that he is not. If he really were to do something behind his wife’s back, he would not publicize it! And certainly not like this! He is using the very user-name he supposedly gave his wife – that makes no sense!

    Ask Little Froggie what he thinks.

    in reply to: Does your wife read YWN? (and a confession) #1198026
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Which doesn’t prove if it’s a joke or not. However, there is a very simple proof that it’s a joke – the fact that it makes no sense.

    in reply to: Assur to HOLD a smart phone ??? #1197652
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    mw13 -+1 for both posts on this thread.

    in reply to: Bracha on food you spit out? #1216269
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “I can sneak a little bite but then I am feeding myself first, which is against halacha.”

    That’s an interesting point. Now that is definitely a sheilah for your LOR. Maybe it would be okay because you are just taking a bite for the purpose of feeding your dog. But you would have to ask.

    in reply to: Bracha on food you spit out? #1216268
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    If you have in mind when you make the bracha that it should count for anything else you will eat (that has the same bracha), then you should NOT make a new bracha. According to halacha, it is best to have that in mind.

    If you don’t have it in mind, the halachos of whether to make a new bracha or not are a bit complicated.

    But in any case, if you leave your house in the middle, you need a new bracha (unless it was mezonos or hamotzi).

    in reply to: Divorce in the jewish community #1204587
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Health – my comment was based on some of the things you said. I don’t want to repeat them, so please look back on your comments and you will see what I was referring to. Thank you. But in any case, I’m glad to hear that that is not what you are saying now.

    in reply to: A gadol on his own #1197937
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Not when they were in their 70’s or 80’s. Certainly not most or many.

    in reply to: Bracha on food you spit out? #1216267
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    From what I recall off-hand, it may be a “sheilah”, so Joseph’s advice makes sense. Or you can just make sure that you first eat and swallow a bit of it, so then you also don’t have a sheilah.

    in reply to: Does your wife read YWN? (and a confession) #1198023
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I think “hevei dan es kol ha’adam l’kaf zchus” would apply here, especially since he has a “chazaka” as a joker.

    Also, he seems to care about his kids a lot based on the thread about harnesses (that’s what I was thinking of when I said he seems nice).

    in reply to: Does your wife read YWN? (and a confession) #1198021
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I’m pretty sure he’s not. He seems too nice for that.

    in reply to: shabbos hat #1197874
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Why, is it worse in the politics’ threads? I can’t read them because I have no interest, so I wouldn’t know. I would think that politics would be less personal.

    in reply to: A gadol on his own #1197935
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Some do and some don’t. It probably depends on both the person and his age, as it does with everyone.

    Rav Henoch Leibowitz, the Rosh Yeshiva of Chofetz Chaim, zatsal remarried. Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky, Zatsal remarried, but I don’t know how old he was when his first wife was nifter. Rav Elyashiv, Zatsal didn’t.

    I wonder how many men this age get remarried in general. I would imagine that most don’t. And for a Gadol it’s probably harder than it is for most people because he needs someone on his level.

    in reply to: what does "Get refusal" mean? #1199923
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Lenny, I understand. And I think the therapist and/or Rabbanim would be in the best position to advise you what to do.

    in reply to: what does "Get refusal" mean? #1199919
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Lenny, you had originally written as follows: “Counselor wants me in individual counseling; so maybe I have problems I’m not aware of”

    It sounds like he does think that you need individual therapy. And in any case, wouldn’t it make more sense to ask him what to do than to ask the anonymous posters here? You obviously need help figuring out what to do with this situation – wouldn’t he be the best person to ask? (and/or any of the Rabbanim you’ve been discussing this with)

    in reply to: Seasonal Allergies #1197154
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “It can take time to develop an allergy – so that someone moving to a new place/climate might be fine in the beginning, but after several years, the allergic reaction starts again.”

    It’s interesting – I have often found that the second year that I lived in a new place was often the worst. Although in some of the cases, I think it happened to be a bad allergy that year in general.

    in reply to: Seasonal Allergies #1197153
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Lakewood is the worst place for allergies that I’ve ever been in. But how bad it is depends on the year. There have been some years that were far worse than others.

    in reply to: Alter, The Thread Titler! #1213597
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    real one: What does “Get refusal” mean?

    Is “Get refusal” mean?

    in reply to: Alter, The Thread Titler! #1213596
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    real one: A Gadol on his own.

    Gedolim stand alone.

    Gedolim against phones.

    in reply to: Alter, The Thread Titler! #1213595
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Shabbos fat

    in reply to: Alter, The Thread Titler! #1213594
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Return of the 1,803 boarders.

    Boredom returns at 18:03.

    in reply to: Mosquitoes in my house #1197427
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Where else can they come from? Sounds like you need an exterminator.

    in reply to: Fire hydrant #1197274
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Also they think it will help to put on their hazards. It really just draws more attention to the fact that they’re parked by a hydrant.”

    for them. But doesn’t it help for the safety of the “oilam”?

    in reply to: what does "Get refusal" mean? #1199914
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Tznius & Ubiqutin +1.

    Lenny, I thought the counselor said that you need individual counseling. Why don’t you ask him what you should do?

    in reply to: A gadol on his own #1197932
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    ” I’m trying to picture R’ Chaim making a chicken soup or cholent…”

    In the biography of Rebbetzin Kanievsky Zatsal, it mentions that someone once asked her if Rav Chaim, YBD”L ever smokes. She said, “Of course not. 1. It’s unhealthy. 2. It would be really dangerous for him to smoke. He would put the cigarette down, and get involved in learning…”

    I can only imagine what would happy if he tried making a chicken soup….The Chulent would be less problematic, I suppose.

    in reply to: Age = Wisdom #1197448
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    According to Pirkei Avos, “Arbaim l’binah”.

    I noticed a surge in wisdom at the age of 38. I was assuming that it has to do with the fact that it only takes women 12/13 of the time to get to Bas/Bar Mitzvah, so proportionately it works out about the same (assuming that the surge in wisdom didn’t happen on my birthday).

    I have also noticed a fairly steady increase in wisdom ever since. I think it’s connected to life experience.

    But some of it could have to do with a person’s particular life experience and what he/she happens to go through at different stages.

    in reply to: Do the moderators enjoy giving subtitles #1207534
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    How many Bar Mitzvah’s have you had so far?

    in reply to: shabbos hat #1197872
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LF – yeah, but that was unusual. There hasn’t been a female president yet.

    I hadn’t meant it that way – I was just referring to the CR where the politic threads seem to be very male-centered – but now that I think about it, I think politics is generally more of a guy thing.

    But that doesn’t mean that all men have to be into it. Just like I can be into a lot of things that girls usually aren’t.

    in reply to: Does your wife read YWN? (and a confession) #1198019
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I like the PBA’s line about getting autism from the Shidduch Crisis Vaccines.

    btw, LB, PBA is one of the posters who is joking more often than not.

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