Lilmod Ulelamaid

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  • in reply to: touro pharmacy school #1198500
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I think most people like their own kids even if they don’t like kids in general. I guess Hashem made human nature that way for the protection of babies and kids. Imagine how many kids would be abused or neglected if it weren’t that way! It’s kind of a neis that people love babies so much.

    in reply to: lounge in queens #1198732
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Anyone ever play The UnGame?

    My wife made me play it when we were dating.

    I don’t remember much about it, just that it is not a game at all.

    It was torture.”

    Good thing you kept going out anyhow.

    in reply to: lounge in queens #1198731
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Note: If a game is produced by Yidden, there may be a halachic problem with saying anything online that may cause less people to buy the game.

    Meno, what’s the ungame? It sounds familiar. Is it also similar to Perfect Matches – asking each other questions?

    in reply to: Closing online business for Shabbos #1198556
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    That particular comment was referring to a previous post.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1212011
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    GAW: “There is no heter for ???? and ???? ???. And yet, this is what goes on on most dates after the first (assuming things are “going well”).

    This is a good point. Each date should be L’Toeles, not for “???? and ???? ???”. If one gets to the point where the dates are “flirtatious”, the the couple needs to scale back.

    I would hope in Yeraim communities where dating is L’Toeles, there is not ???? and ???? ???.”

    There are people (super-Yeshivish super-tznius people) who feel that a certain amount of that may be necessary.

    There is also a difference between older singles and younger singles. While it is possible that it is not necessary for younger singles, it is definitely necessary for older singles (within appropriate bounds of course).

    And I would think that to some degree it is needed for most younger singles as well in order for the dating to serve the purpose it is meant to serve.

    (by the way, I am defining “schok” and “kalus rosh” according to a broad definition which is the halachic definition if I am not mistaken).

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1212010
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Joseph, I agree with you 100% that the more Yeshivish the community the less divorces (in general, imho). In fact, that is why I always get upset when people attack the more Yeshivish ways of dating as though they are to blame for the rising divorce rate.

    BUT, I think that there is a big difference between saying that the more Yeshivish/Chassidish ways are the reason for the high divorce rate (which as you pointed out does not seem to be substantiated by the facts), and saying that there are people who would be better off going out more often or in different ways.

    As I keep pointing out, these things are very individual and everyone has to do what’s right for him/her.

    One thing that is bothering me about this conversation: If it’s untznius for people to go out more than a handful of times, or to have more casual dates (even though it’s for toeles), why is it okay for men to be talking to women online (and telling them that the way they date is untznius)?

    Personally, I think that both things fall in grey areas of halacha, which doesn’t mean that there is no right and wrong, but it does mean that it depends on the individual and the situation and therefore only the person himself can make his own cheshbonos (by weighing the ideal against the reality).

    I totally agree with you that dating has to be as tznius as possible, but it also has to be effective, and what that necessitates is different for everyone.

    in reply to: Dating Other Posters #1207786
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Hashem is Reading – I’d be happy to add something. What do you want me to add?

    in reply to: Closing online business for Shabbos #1198554
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    ZD – first of all, I wanted to apologize if the tone in my last post was too harsh. I was tired when I wrote it. I do get frustrated when I have to keep repeating myself, but I should have found a nicer way to phrase things.

    In any case, your comments weren’t relevant to my comments because I said nothing about the halachos or the way in which online businesses work. And I certainly never claimed that you are not an expert in either.

    All I said was that if it’s assur then it’s assur and you can’t claim that it has to be okay because there is no other way to do things.

    And btw, in terms of the halachos (which is not what I had been talking about), there may be different opinions or situations. There certainly is no place to critize Poskim who give a different psak than what you were given.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1212003
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I actually heard that there was a Rav who said that people should go out at least 8 times before they get engaged because there are so many divorces today.

    Considering how many divorces, broken engagements and older singles there are, I think one has to be very careful about making generalizations about how people should date.

    in reply to: Women on a higher level #1198208
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I can’t look it up right now, but I’m pretty positive the Mishna says that a Kohen’s life takes kadima over a yisrael and a man over a woman and that this is regardless of who is more righteous.

    However, I don’t know if that means that Kohanim are more spiritual than Yisraelim. That may have to do with one’s definition of spiritual.

    in reply to: touro pharmacy school #1198498
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    You have to like kids to be a gannenet.

    in reply to: Closing online business for Shabbos #1198533
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    ZD – please read my post carefully before commenting on it. Nothing you said in your last two posts relates to my comment.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1212002
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “How is it that young couples continue to date when they “unofficially” and “officially” engaged?”

    They only see or speak to each other to the extent that their Roshei Yeshivas allow.

    in reply to: Changed usernames #1214766
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Why does your name keep switching between Comlink-x and Randomex? Did you do that or did the mods do that?

    What do either of them mean anyhow?

    in reply to: friend benchs #1198754
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Meno – You have a good point, but I wonder if it would depend on the school? I can’t see it in a public school, but maybe in a Frum school which emphasizes Middos, I could see it possibly working. I wonder?

    I’m also wondering if they tell the kids that that’s what it’s for or if it kind of naturally gets used that way.

    in reply to: Closing online business for Shabbos #1198529
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Joseph:”If the psak is you can’t keep your Amazon store open on Shabbos, how’s that different than the storefront with the non-Jewish Saturday worker?”

    ZD: “If you use Fufillment by Amazon, you cant close it”

    ZD, if your statement was a response to Joseph’s statement, it’s not a good response. If it’s assur, then it’s assur, and you are not allowed to open it in the first place.

    Note: I have no idea if it’s assur or not – I am just noting that the response is not a logical response to the premise.

    in reply to: #1198131
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “There are only 14 million Jews in the world so I am not sure how you can have millions of divorces And intermarriage is only a problem for Reform & Conservative Jews not the frum community.”

    Regarding intermarriage, he didn’t actually say that he was talking about Frum Jews. And intermarriage actually is a problem in the Orthodox community as well although in far, far fewer numbers. But to the extent that it does exist in the Orthodox community, I would imagine that internet may play a big role.

    And regarding divorces, he didn’t say that he was only talking about Jews (when he said that internet caused millions of divorces).

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211996
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Rav Moshe says it is permitted to take public transportation if necessary”

    Emphasis on the words, “if necessary”. According to Chazal if someone takes a route that involves seeing people untzniusly dressed and he had another option, he is a rasha.

    In any case, the point of this discussion is to figure out the best option. If the whole purpose of his taking public transportation rather than driving the girl is to be more tznius and meanwhile it’s actually less tznius, that would defeat the point.

    in reply to: lounge in queens #1198727
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Randomex: “You can get Perfect Matches from the PerfectMatchesGame website”

    That’s the game I was talking about before and couldn’t remember what it was called! Thank you! Why wouldn’t your brother let you look at it?

    I just saw your post with all the game suggestions. I knew you would have good ideas.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211991
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    WTP- I don’t see why it’s untznius though. It just might be uncomfortable for her the first few times she goes out, but after that she shouldn’t mind. I certainly don’t care anymore if people know I’m going on a date.

    Even if you don’t take public transportation, they can see you when you are in the hotel lobby or they can see the guy when he comes to the door or they can see both of you as you are walking to the car (that sounds even more awkward to me! How do people manage that?)

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211990
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    ccguy: “It’s also quite untznius taking public transportation in general during the summer months.”

    That’s a good point. I was wondering about that. Personally, I always tried to avoid goyish transportation when I was in the US. But if they took a taxi, it would avoid that problem.

    In terms of meeting the parents, he could first go to her house and then they could take public transportation together.

    Also, does everyone really meet the parents beforehand and is it absolutely necessary? Girls who are from out-of town and are living in Lakewood or Brooklyn – I imagine the guy doesn’t end up meeting the parents beforehand. So if it’s for an important enough cause (assuming there really is a tznius issue here), maybe it can be skipped.

    I agree with you about the activities. And I have davka been advised that I should do things on dates (not that it’s up to me…)

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211989
    Lilmod Ulelamaid
    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211986
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    WTP – she could be going to a simcha. Also, not everyone gets that dressed up, especially in EY.

    in reply to: Going to Israel this week! #1206529
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I saw something like that once when I was looking at past threads. Someone asked the moderators about it, and they said “don’t worry; it’s just a joke”. Truthfully, I was wondering how they could know that they wouldn’t really meet for real.

    Well, we could try that, LB. But I wonder if that’s safe. The whole world would know when I would be where. And I really would have no way of knowing who LB is, because anyone in the world could pretend to be her.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211984
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Then again, there have been guys I went out with whom I didn’t check out well enough and only realized what they were like afterwards. So I do hear your point, Joseph. But, I still think it’s not so practical outside of New York.

    I also think that the very Yeshivish people do check things out well beforehand. That is why they only have to date a few times – since their parents already checked out the guy beforehand and already feel that he would be an appropriate person for their daughter to marry (which means that they would trust him to take her on a date).

    in reply to: Divorce in the jewish community #1204623
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    mw13 +1

    in reply to: #1198128
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    DY +1

    in reply to: #1198127
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    ZD: “He was defiantly equating the internet with intermarriage and divorce”

    “Facebook tumah website has brought millionS of yidden to divorces & intermarriage R”L”

    That quote wasn’t from Nisht; it was from MA. Matan and I were talking about Nisht’s statement.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211983
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “When you see someone aren’t you just seeing their image or do you need to see their shadow to make sure they are not a shade (evil spirit).”

    I wasn’t talking about seeing their physical appearance (only). There are aspects to the person themselves that only come through when you see the person and interact with them. That’s why we don’t just date by phone or email.

    And actually, I am not just seeing the person’s image when I see the person.

    in reply to: Siyum Hashas on eBay controversy…. #1199502
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Yeah, well, I got nervous because Joseph keeps posting that the only way for a girl to get to Olam Haba is by supporting her husband and sons’ learning. So I got scared that I wouldn’t have a cheilik in Olam Haba.

    Now I have to figure out where I’m getting the money from. Any offers?

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211981
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Futurepotus: I think he’s talking about American Yeshivish communities.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211980
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Joseph: “As far as the issue, if you were driving solo from Ashdod to Haifa and the nice neighborhood seforim store owner guy your family knew for years needed to get there too, would you offer him a ride? (Or feel comfortable if he asked you for a ride.)”

    I didn’t realize that was what you meant. I have thought about that. That is why I make sure to check guys out well especially when I’ve gone out in the US. I was really upset once when a shadchan tried pressurring me to go out with someone without checking him out first and she didn’t “chap” why I thought it was dangerous (amongst other reasons).

    On the other hand, the counter-argument might be: aren’t people supposed to be checking the guy out well enough to know that he is someone they would trust enough to marry or let their daughter marry?

    in reply to: #1198122
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Nisht:”Yet all the experts say that the incidence has increased greatly.”

    Matan: Correlation is not causation.

    True, but his comment was in response to this:

    ZD: “People were getting intermarried and divorced before there was an internet”

    He wasn’t saying that it’s a proof that Internet is responsible for the increase; he was simply saying that ZD’s statement was not proof that it’s not.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211979
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Joseph, I hear. I still have a few problems with it:

    1. As it is, there is a problem that guys in Brooklyn sometimes won’t go out with girls from other places because they don’t want to have to travel. Won’t this make them more unlikely to do so since dating will be so much easier in Brooklyn where they don’t have to pick the girl up?

    2. Isn’t the boy supposed to meet the parents before they go out? Or does it not work that way anymore? Or is the point that he would first come to the house and then they would go out by public transportation?

    3. Wouldn’t it be unsafe for the girl to go home by herself (or is the point that he would take her home by public transportation)?

    I’m also wondering if you know what others think about this issue. Are a lot of the boys and girls who date this way (by car) uncomfortable with it? Do they feel it’s a breach in tznius? Would they be more comfortable not dating this way?

    in reply to: lounge in queens #1198725
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    sorry, but there was nothing unique about it, so I’m sure you can easily find another place like that. I think it was just some ordinary cafe. I think it was probably on Main Street because I remember that he didn’t have a car (I guess he was too tznius for that – actually, not).

    If you live in Queens, shouldn’t you be able to find out about Cafes or lounges there? Of if it’s the girl who lives in Queens and not you, can you ask her?

    Sorry I can’t be more helpful.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211974
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Abba, I’ve never skyped, but it doesn’t sound like a good way to date to me. You need to see the person not their image on a computer.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211973
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Joseph, not everyone lives in Brooklyn.

    in reply to: Divorce in the jewish community #1204621
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “I have heard the street, as well as noted rabbonim and roshei yeshivos claim that the internet is the cause for today’s OTD population. This is clearly false.”

    That sentence sounds inappropriate to me. You don’t say “Noted Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva say….” and then follow it with “that is clearly false”.

    It also makes no sense. If the Rabbanim say it, it can’t be “clearly false”. The fact that something is clear to you but not to Rabbanim makes it “clearly false”? That is inappropriate and illogical and kind of gaavadik. If the Rabbanim are in fact saying something that appears to you to be clearly false, maybe you should try to figure out why they are saying something that seems to be clearly false. Maybe they know more than the average person does. Or maybe they didn’t mean what you thought they meant.

    In terms of your assertion that it is clearly false because kids were going OTD before the Internet, it may be a question of numbers. There have probably been kids going off since the world was created, but the question is how many. There seems to have been an explosion in recent years, so it can be because of the Internet. I did hear recently from someone in the field that what is happening today is that as a result of the Internet, kids go from at-risk to OTD much faster (because of the online support and encouragement).

    Btw, I am just responding to your statements as you made them. Personally, I don’t think that the Rabbanim are saying that Internet is the only cause of kids going OTD. The Rabbanim that I know that are dealing with the issue are clearly aware that there are many factors and that is not the factor they are targeting.

    Perhaps the comments you heard were in the context of giving mussar about internet and they were just pointing out that there are kids who go OTD because of it (and not that it’s the only cause).

    in reply to: Divorce in the jewish community #1204620
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Sam2 – join the club. When I first joined CR, everyone thought I was a boy until I disillusioned them.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211971
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Joseph, I’m trying to understand your reasoning as to why a car is a problem. I’m not saying that you are wrong; I’m just trying to figure out what the issue is. Is your concern what it could lead to or that in and of itself it’s not appropriate?

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211969
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    In Lakewood, the only thing that’s an option from that list is a car service, and car services are expensive. Also, there’s nowhere to go to close by, so that means that

    1: The car service will be very expensive

    2. It wouldn’t make sense for them to go there in separate cars. If they go in the same car service, the car service drivers are frum guys who live in Lakewood, so it would be kind of awkward.

    You would have the same problem in a lot of out-of-town places.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211968
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Iacisrmma – I thought you meant that you thought it’s a yichud issue.

    Apparently, Joseph wasn’t talking about “yichud” but about “tznius” or he would have used the word “yichud” and not “tznius”. The concept of tznius encompasses a lot more than yichud. In this case, it would have to do with the idea that boys and girls aren’t supposed to be too intimate. In general, boys and girls don’t drive around together when it’s not a dating situation, and even when men give rides to women, the women generally sit in the back (in the Yeshivish oilam, at least).

    You have to do what you have to do in order to get married, but you should make sure that the dating process is conducted as tzniusly as possible and practical. I agree with him on that. What I am unsure about is:

    1. Is there an alternative?

    2. Even though dating should be as tznius as is possible while still being effective, different people need different things in order for dating to be effective. Just like some people might say, “why do you need to meet for more than 20 minutes?” and other people think, “no, of course I need to go out for 3 or 4 times.” and other people feel like they can’t get to know the other person well enough to be comfortable marrying them unless they actually do something on the date.

    I do wonder sometimes if it wouldn’t have been better for me to have dated more “American style”. I don’t know. But the question of what is effective has to be taken into account.

    But maybe for most Yeshivish 19 year olds, there is no reason why they have to date by car. I don’t know.

    in reply to: #1198119
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Nisht – +1 (for all your posts in this thread).

    Additionally, the Biur Halacha at the beginning of Siman Alef, Seif Alef writes that “v’lo sasuru..” is one of the 6 Mitzvos tmidius, and he then explains the Mitzvah as follows:

    ??? ????? ???? ?????…????? ?????? ?? ???? …????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????

    In other words, if you eat to satisfy your own desires (and not to serve Hashem), it is considered “znus” and you are “oiver” on this Mitzvah.

    in reply to: #1198118
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    There actually probably are millions of intermarriages. There are more than 6 million Jews in the US, and the intermarriage rate is quite high. I don’t know the precise number, but I think it might be more than 1/3.

    In terms of the rest, maybe he was calculating all of the future doros, r”l.

    in reply to: Closing online business for Shabbos #1198526
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    ZD – It’s possible you’re right and what he said was based on misinformation. However, I think the more likely possibility is either that he was referring to those people who do own their own businesses or that he thinks that people should not work for businesses that do not allow them to close for Shabbos.

    As you wrote:

    “If you are going to make a statement about a business, at least know all the details”,

    Don’t you think that a poseik would make sure to have all the information he needed before he issued a psak? And wouldn’t it be “chosheid b’kisheirim” to assume otherwise, especially if there is a viable explanation?

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211965
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    What other option do Yeshiva Bochurim have in the States (other than driving)?

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211963
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Disclamer: My comments about dating in EY are mainly based on my own experiences, and I am not in typical Israeli Yeshivish circles. My circles are basically “American singles living in Israel on their own of somewhat varying hashkafas and backgrounds”.

    I do have the impression that typical Yeshivish Israelis do things similarly, but I will have to check with my friends who are now at the stage of having typical Israeli Yeshivish kids in shidduchim.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211962
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Why are you so surprised by that?”

    I was surprised by the girls who thought the guy was cheap for not ordering a taxi. In my circles, it’s not done, and I certainly wouldn’t think someone is cheap if they didn’t.

    I mainly date chutznikim, so they probably do things differently. I am referring to all my years of dating even when I was younger. However, when I was younger, most of the guys I dated were not really Yeshivish, and the ones who were Yeshivish were usually bt, so that might also be different.

    Also, most of the time I was either living in a dorm or a girls’ apartment. Maybe it’s different when the girl is living at home.

    in reply to: Divorce in the jewish community #1204617
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Yichusdik – thanks for the admission. We can add you to the list of people who can admit when they are mistaken. 🙂

    When you have these threads with all kinds of tangents, it can be complicated figuring out what the context of each post is.

    in reply to: What does it mean to be a real Jew? #1198090
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Let me give you an example: Am I posting here to serve hashem? No I’m here because I enjoy it. So you might say: “yes but by spending a certain amount of time doing things that you enjoy you get the energy to spend time later doing mitzvot”. But that’s just another way of saying serving hashem is not so important to me. Because if it was, I wouldn’t need so much time reenergizing.”

    The way I would put it is if you were on a higher level, you wouldn’t need so much time to reenergize, but since you realize that you are not on that level, you know that it will be better for your Avodas Hashem if you reenergize, and perhaps given the choices, this is the best way for you to reenergize.

    That is how I look at my time here.

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