Lilmod Ulelamaid

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  • in reply to: Mnemonic device to remember Joseph, Jacob, and Isaac #1207699
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Just remember the song, “I am Yosef, is my father still alive?” (It’s still running through my head).

    That’s what Yosef said to his brothers when he revealed himself to them. And you can remember this now, thanks to my thread!

    in reply to: Jury duty #1209177
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB- that is one case that you know of. Personally, I know of none. The chances that the court case when you go to jury duty will be about a Jewish rodeif are pretty slim. And again, even if it is was allowed to turn him in, that might not necessarily mean it’s okay for you to be on the jury trying him.

    If you are ever in such a situation, you need to ask a sheilah.

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1208018
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Lightbrite – there are many shadchanim who don’t insist on getting paid. Some don’t charge, and others only take money if the people can afford it. Someone I know interviewed a shadchan who said that sometimes when the couple is poor, he gives the money back as a wedding gift.

    Other shadchanim tell you straight-out before you meet them that they charge x amount of money. So if you can’t afford it, you don’t go to meet them. You don’t have to go to that shadchan and you don’t have to go to a shadchan at all.

    I was really annoyed by one shadchan who called me out of the blue having gotten my number from someone. I wasn’t interested in meeting her or didn’t have time, and she kept pressurring me. When I finally agreed, she told me that she charges a certain amount of money that I didn’t have.

    I told her I didn’t have that amount of money. She mentioned that she has a lower rate for people who can’t afford it, so I was like, “great”, but then she told me that it’s only for baalei teshuva because they are poor. So I tried to explain to her that I was also poor, but she couldn’t understand how it’s possible for an ffb to be poor, and she kept insisting that I couldn’t possibly be as poor as a baal teshuva.

    The whole thing was really upsetting. Don’t keep pressuring someone to meet with you and then tell them that you charge money! Actually, it’s usually the ones who charge who pressure me like that.

    in reply to: Time capsule #1208849
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    oh, I just realized that it’s the amount of days in 5 solar years! (not counting February 29, 2020.) I thought it was a random number.

    in reply to: Q-tips #1207836
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I only started using Q-tips since I came to EY. My doctor in the US told me not to use them, so I listened to him while I was there. Once I was back in EY, I decided I don’t have to listen to him anymore.

    I am quite happy with the Q-tips here, never having used anything else.

    in reply to: Being rigid #1207695
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Leaving it up to Hashem with blessings for the best.”

    That sounds like the best idea! 🙂

    in reply to: Mah Jongg #1207862
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Thanks for the warning LB! I was starting to think it sounded like fun.

    Well, there goes my plan for my next date…

    in reply to: Jury duty #1209175
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Lightbrite – how many rodfim are there? And how often would a court case be about an actual rodeif? And even if it is, if they don’t judge them according to halacha, maybe it would be a problem for a Jew to be on the jury?

    Remember a rodeif refers to someone who is a real threat to one’s life. The fact that someone is a murderer doesn’t make them a rodeif. I am not sure what someone has to do to be considered a rodeif, but I can’t imagine there are too many of them around.

    in reply to: This generation vs. former generations #1208216
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    This is actually the best generation that has ever been:

    1. We are much closer to Moshiach than ANY OTHER generation ever was.

    2. We have WAY MORE accumulated zchusim than ANY OTHER generation ever had.

    3. We have WAY MORE accumulated yesurim than ANY OTHER generation ever had (and “yesurim mechaprim” “suffering provides atonement”.)

    4. MOST importantly of all – I am part of it, and so are you! So smile, and have a great day! 🙂

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1208011
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Golfer, lol.

    in reply to: Kosher Cruise #1220110
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB -while it may be okay to pass a place where there are untzniusly dressed women in order to get to work, this sounds like a different type of situation to me.

    1. They are not just passing a place where there is pritzus; they are working in a place of pritzus.

    2. More importantly, they aren’t just working there; they are creating the place and encouraging others to be there. They are the ones who are making the “kosher cruise” for other Jews.

    I and “dan l’kaf zchus” that they must have asked a sheilah. I am just wondering how this works and why it’s okay. Even if it weren’t assur to be judgmental, I certainly don’t know enough to have an opinion on it. I just am curious as to how it works.

    I was surprised that there is a hashgacha because it sounds like they are encouraging others to sin. But maybe the reason for it is that they assume that most of these people would be going on the cruise anyhow, so it’s better that it be kosher and have kosher entertainment, and that it is why it is muttar for the musicians and masgichim to be there. In terms of themselves, it is parnassah as you said, and in terms of inciting others, they are actually preventing them from doing worse things.

    Also, I think that CT Lawyer said that cruises used to be different, so it’s possible that these things started when they weren’t a problem, and it just takes the oilam a while to realize that things have changed.

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1208009
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    But if anyone really does know any nice, normal, emotionally healthy, intelligent, Talmidei Chachamim who have great middos, social skills and personality and you don’t charge $2,500 for a date, I don’t mind hearing about it. You can be in touch through the moderators.

    in reply to: Being rigid #1207693
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB- thanks for clarifying. I’m sorry for thinking you were being close-minded.

    After I thought about it, I could hear what you are saying. The truth is that the one time I can remember specifically being told about a guy that he is makpid on no-internet (and no-sheitels as well), I did get nervous.

    Even though those are both issues that I either agree with or am fine with, I was concerned that the fact that the person redting the shidduch made a point of mentioning these things meant that she was concerned that it showed something about his general personality/mentality. It was also the way she said it, and she later confirmed that was her point. Meanwhile, during the checking process I found out that he really is overly-rigid.

    The point is that while there is nothing wrong (and even a lot right) with not wanting internet in the home, I can see where in SOME cases the fact that they are making an issue of this CAN be a sign of over-rigidity. (but of course each case has to be looked into).

    A lot has to do with the person’s age and community though. As an older single, I don’t even bring up the issue of internet when I speak to shadchanim. I feel like it’s hard enough to find a normal older guy who doesn’t watch tv/movies.

    Shadchanim will even try getting me to compromise on tv/movies. That I won’t compromise on, b”n, but even though I really don’t want internet in my future home, I feel like it’s something to discuss with the guy as opposed to being a deal-breaker for a first date. I don’t know if I’m right, but that is my approach.

    In this case, based on your last post, it sounds like the guy may be suffering from baal teshuva syndrome, and like he would be better off in a Frumer community, where he can just be himself and won’t have to feel like he is always fighting the tide. He may need therapy too (like most people in the world.)

    Is it possible for him to move to another community? Is that an option for him? Maybe Eretz Yisrael would be good for him? Or Lakewood (l’havdil)?

    in reply to: Mah Jongg #1207860
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Randomex, this is more fun.

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1208007
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB -thanks, I think that will cover the hair straightening, and since I’m not paying anyone to set me up, that is all I need :).

    (yes, I’m joking. I know you are not sending me $36).

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1208005
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Golfer – don’t worry, I WAS JOKING!!!!!

    I just have this tendency of sounding serious when I’m joking and joking when I’m serious.

    I wouldn’t pay someone $2,500 for a date -sorry!!!

    I’m not that desperate – thank you.

    But thank you very much for your sincere brachos!!

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1212125
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    GAW, Benignuman wrote: “From what I have seen, early dating is as you describe. But as the couple become more relaxed with each other, and/or as the individuals have dated more people, things change. Yes, the less yeshivish you get the worse the problem becomes, but even with BMG boys schok (as I defined it earlier) is the norm not the exception for later dates.”

    He is not only talking about once they know they are getting married. And either way, I can’t imagine that he thinks that flirting is the norm for typical seriously-Yeshivish youth.

    Unless he is defining flirting very differently than I would. Maybe he is defining flirting as any kind of “laughing and having fun” in which case we are back to Truth Wins and my contention that some people need the “laughing and having fun” before they can get engaged/married. And I think this is particularly true for older singles.

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1208001
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    DY, I meant that you were successful in marrying off 100% of the people who paid you to to so.

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1207999
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Joseph – since golfer won’t take you up on your deal, can I have the $2,500 you were going to pay her to have your shoes shined, so I can get a date with a nice, normal Talmid Chacham with great middos, social skills and personality? I’ll even make it a beshow if need be.

    Golfer – do you actually know anyone like that???

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208540
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Golfer – there may be people reading this who know who she is, so you should be careful what you write. (I’m just pointing this out to you because I know you are very ehrlich)

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208539
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    1. We don’t know what the Gedolim said about this.

    2. Even if the Gedolim gave their approval (which we don’t know), I’m sure they never said that this has to happen or that someone is not allowed to protest.

    3. She certainly has a right to speak to Roshei Yeshiva about it and express her opinion.

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1207997
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    DY – so that means you have a 100% success rate! Nice! (0/0 = 100%)

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1207995
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Golfer – Throw in a free hair straightening, and guarantee me a date with a nice, normal, Talmid Chacham with great middos, social skills, and personality, and it’s a deal.

    Starting the collections now… who wants to donate for a worthwhile cause?

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208534
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    From this video, it was extremely clear that her main issue was the ruchniyus. Someone (her husband?) clearly said that parking was not the main issue. I believe that she said that it was one-tenth of the issue.

    Maybe in another presentation, she focused on the gashmius because she thought they would be more likely to hear that. When people are fighting against something, they often use the argument that the other person is most likely to understand and listen to even if it’s not the main issue (as long as it is also a real issue).

    “It will make money for Yeshivos, specifically BMG. If she doesn’t like that she can leave for somewhere nicer that is “out of town”.”

    She has a right to try to fight it and try to have Lakewood stay the same. Especially if her issue is Ruchnius. She moved to Lakewood because Lakewood is a certain type of place, and she has a right to try to fight its changing. It’s not so easy to move at this age, her children and grandchildren are there, and I don’t think there is any other place in the US that is similar to Lakewood.

    I don’t know if I agree or not, but I definitely understand her point. I think that if she feels this strongly about it, she should speak to the Roshei Yeshiva and let them know how she feels and see how they respond.

    I am kind of curious as to how they responded/will respond.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1212123
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Gavra at Work – thanks for clarifying. I don’t think that’s what Benignuman was saying though. He seemed to be saying that just having fun and/or laughing on a date were problematic. He also seemed to think that what he is talking about is something common amongst typical Yeshivish youth, and I don’t think these people flirt.

    And Joseph was talking about how everyone should have b’shows.

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1207990
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    DY, what is your success rate?

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1207989
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Can that maybe be a reason why a shadchan would take money like this before redting a shidduch? Of course!”

    Everything you are saying is true, but $10,000 is extreme. I was about to write that I never heard of such a thing, but..

    a friend of mine told me recently that “matchmaking” is becoming popular in the secular world, and I think she told me that they charge a ton of money. I guess they can get away with it because there are so few of them doing it, and it is such an unusual profession, unlike in our circles, where anyone can make a shidduch and you don’t necessarily have to pay them (maybe just some kind of gift to be fulfill your halachic obligation).

    Is that where you heard of this ProJew? Because I never in my life heard of such a thing and I have trouble believing it’s true. Even if there is someone like that, I can’t imagine there are too many.

    L’maaseh, they can charge what they want and you don’t have to use their services.

    in reply to: Seminary advice for hs senior #1207919
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    BaisYaakovliberal – hatzlacha rabba! Hope it works out for you to go to seminary (and to the one that will be best for you). I do think it’s very important, so I really hope it works out.

    Please keep us updated if you can.

    in reply to: Shadchanim charges #1207985
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Never heard of such a thing in my life. I think you need to find other shadchanim to go to -unless of course, these shadchanim are so amazing that you are practically guaranteed to find your zivug, in which case it might be worth it to try to raise the money.

    I only remember being charged once or twice just to meet the shadchan, and it was a relatively minimal amount – maybe 100 shekalim, or something like that.

    in reply to: I am Joseph #1208082
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    This song has been running through my head all week.

    in reply to: Returning a lost wallet on Shabbos #1207572
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “lilmod, only meshum eiva; m’ikkur hadin it’s assur to be mechallel Shabbos for that.”

    I know that, but l’maaseh you still have to.

    M’ikar hadin you can also eat milk an hour after meat, but l’maaseh you still have to wait 6 hours (unless possibly, if you are Dutch or Yekke and have a minhag to wait less, but even then, it may not be so pashut).

    in reply to: Kosher Cruise #1220105
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Iacisrmma – Rav Moshe Feinstein has a teshuva about this. I am not sure if I ever saw it inside or only heard it quoted, and in any case it was a long time ago, so anyone who wants to know exactly what he said should look it up themselves (or ask DY to find it for you – he’s good at that).

    But, I am pretty sure that he says that if you need to ride the bus for parnassah, and there is no other way to get to work, and riding the bus involves sitting next to someone untzniusly dressed, then you are allowed to.

    I believe this is a clear-cut halacha based on Chazal. If someone has to pass by people who are untzniusly dressed, he is allowed to, but if he could have found another way to go, he is called a rasha.

    As far as I know this halacha applies to all of the above situations mentioned – cruises, hotels, walking down the streets of Manhattan, and even entering a bank where the tellers don’t dress tzniusly if one has the option of using the ATM or going to another bank where the tellers wear uniforms.

    Every person has to figure out for himself if he really has another option or not. Sometimes he doesn’t and sometimes he does.

    Sometimes, there really is another way to go, and the person does not realize it, but if he thought harder about it, he would realize this. I have a story about that, but I don’t have time now. Will try to post later, b”n.

    in reply to: I am Joseph #1208080
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Glad someone finally reacted 🙂

    It’s a song by the way, on the Parsha. 613 Torah Avenue.

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208525
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    GAW- to the best of my knowledge, CEO does not mean Rosh Yeshiva. I lived in Lakewood for a few years, and I never heard anyone refer to him as Rosh Yeshiva before.

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208524
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    ZD – that may very well be, but that still doesn’t mean that she wants a video of herself on the internet.

    in reply to: Mah Jongg #1207852
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Never played it, only heard about it in books. I didn’t think it was Jewish, but I don’t know.

    in reply to: Jury duty #1209141
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I never heard of anyone getting out for religious reasons. I was only called up for jury duty twice. One time, I tried to get out because of a work conflict but was unable to. Meanwhile, I figured out that my number was high enough that I probably wouldn’t be called in anyhow, and I was right.

    The second time, I was in Israel and only found out about it afterwards. Apparently, I was getting all these notices that I was in trouble for not responding and I was going to be arrested or something like that. My friend who picked up the mail for me called them and explained that I was in Israel, so they were like, “ok, fine, no problem”.

    in reply to: The Cheder (Fountain Ballroom) #1212932
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Lakeway. 732-588-7777. They are very good. All nice Frum drivers.

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208515
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I listened again. She states very clearly that her issue is not the parking ; it’s the ruchniyus. There is also no mention that she wanted to be videotaped or wanted this online. She does say that she would be happy if it got in the newspapers, but that is not the same thing.

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208513
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Her concerns were that they are building this mall almost immediately opposite where she lives.

    I will acknowledge that I did not listen to every word that the woman said. But I do know what the sentiments and frustrations of the people who live in that area are.

    SO yes, she is worried about a mall opening across the street from her and that will result in her grandkids “playing” in the mall “parking” lot. Which will extend to the front of her house because of all the resulting congestion.”

    It really sounded to me like that wasn’t her issue at all. Her issue was that the Ruchnius of her grandchildren will be affected. She kept talking about how “is this what I’ve been supporting my children in Kollel for? So that my grandchildren will hang out in the mall” (not an exact quote, but the gist of what I remember from when I listened earlier).

    She or her husband even said something about how the parking is not the issue.

    in reply to: Israel Anniversary #1208075
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I would imagine Yom Yerushalayim will be made a big deal of. I don’t know about the rest, but I doubt it.

    Do the chilonim and government celebrate Yom Yerushalayim? I can’t remember .

    in reply to: question about a rabbi #1207449
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Extreme doesn’t have to be negative. If you say extreme by itself, it sounds negative, but when it’s attached to another word, it’s not necessarily meant that way. It might just mean “extremely right wing”.

    in reply to: Kosher Cruise #1220092
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “I think they have their own kitchen and dining room.’

    I didn’t mean the food – I meant the cruises are treif in other ways besides the food (according to what people are writing here). When mashgichim give hashgachos, is it only about the food? Do they look at other things as well and refuse to give hashgacha if there are other problems? Also, if there really are pritzus problems, how is it okay for the mashgichim to be on board?

    in reply to: 2017 #1207476
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Iacisrmma – whoa, you are good!

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208508
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Rosh Yeshiva of BMG, HaRav HaGaon RKBH Aaron Kotler Shlitah.”

    R’ Aaron Kotler is not the Rosh Yeshiva.

    What does RKBH stand for?

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208506
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Joseph, the OP said she wanted it publicized”

    I actually was wondering about this point. Originally, I just took his words at face value, but then I started wondering: How do we know for a fact that she wants this video publicized? What is the OP basing that on? How does he know this? And even if he does, are we allowed to assume that it is so?

    in reply to: Seminary advice for hs senior #1207915
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Forming connections with students does not have to mean manipulation. You are right that unfortunately, it often does, but that does not have to be the case.

    The schools need to focus on hiring emotionally mature teachers who know how to form connections without manipulation. One of the problems is that the schools often hire very young teachers of both genders. They should certainly not be hiring young male teachers.

    An emotionally mature teacher is someone who is comfortable with herself, who doesn’t force relationships with students, and doesn’t form relationships with students for her own fulfillment. She makes it clear to the students that she is there for them if they want to form a relationship with her, but it is their choice. Obviously, everyone is human, so it is impossible to form a relationship with someone that is completely about them and not at all about you, but the focus should be on what’s good for the student and not the teacher’s fulfillment that she could feel good about herself because all these students are connecting with her.

    You can not get rid of the concept of teachers connecting with students altogether. That is one of the main points of seminary. Girls’ education is very different from boys’ education.

    It is true that the fact that someone learned in Brisk for 10 years doesn’t mean that he will have the emotional maturity to form healthy relationships with his students. That is precisely why the main qualification for a seminary teacher is not necessarily their educational background.

    One way to do things could be the model you suggested that there are 2 separate roles – there are people who are there to teach and there are people who are there to connect with. That could be a legitimate model for a seminary. But then it has to be clear (to both the educators and students) what each person’s role is.

    But l’maaseh, that is not how most seminaries work. There may be a few teachers who it’s known that they just come in to impart information and then leave. But for the most part, that is not how seminaries work. This is probably because people see the main goal in girls’ education as being to form connections with them and to help them grow religiously and emotionally, and the learning is seen as a means to an end.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1212120
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Laughing and joking and fun is not the “S’chok V’Kalas Rosh” that we are discussing.”

    Actually, I thought that was what Benignuman had been talking about. I also thought that you had agreed with him, but apparently I was wrong about that.

    If that’s not what he meant, I wish he would clarify. I thought that he was saying that having fun on a date is by definition “s’chok v’kalus rosh”, and I thought the discussion here was about whether or not it’s okay to have fun on a date as opposed to just sitting in your parents’ living room having a boring conversation.

    Not that there is anything at all wrong with the latter if it works for people, but it seems to me that there are people for whom it doesn’t work.

    How exactly are you defining “schok v’kalus rosh” if that’s not what you meant?

    in reply to: Do the moderators enjoy giving subtitles #1207548
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I think someone asked him/her about it, and he/she said it was a private joke.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1212111
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “The solution is NOT to let them hang out like Perutzim before Kiddushin.”

    +1 (although personally, I don’t think that going bowling counts as “hanging out like perutzim”).

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