Lilmod Ulelamaid

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  • in reply to: What are the manners in Yeshiva between rabbi and student? #1212985
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Don’t sit in his seat.

    in reply to: oldest, middle, or youngest child? #1212251
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Youngest. My older sibling has waaaay more baby pictures than I do.”

    lol. I was the youngest for a long time. I was looking for baby pictures once for some kind of project and I couldn’t find any (or at least not very many -I don’t remember if there were any or just a few). When I questioned my mother about that, she had a whole explanation about how the old pictures had accidentally gotten thrown out by the cleaning lady as we were moving.

    Fast forward many years later: My mother is cleaning out my grandparents’ a”h house after they were nifter and finds the old box(es) of pictures which it turned out hadn’t been thrown out after all.

    She brings them home to show me and she’s like, “see, I really do have baby pictures of you.”

    So I go through the pictures and this is what I find: a picture of Shmuely, a picture of Shmuely and Shonie, and finally, a picture of Shmuely, Shonie and Lilmod, another three pictures of Shmuely, a picture of Shonie, a picture of Shmuely and Shonie, and finally, another picture of Shmuely, Shonie, and Lilmod.

    I was like, “Yeah right ma, I see how many pictures you have of me!” 🙂

    please note: all names besides Lilmod are fictional.

    in reply to: Just testing the various “allowed markup”s ☑️❎🆙 #1212929
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB – now I see the post that you are referring to. But I hadn’t seen it before! Either I missed it, or the mods had deleted it and then put it back to provide context for your post (they have been known to do that in the past).

    I thought you meant that something I said was LH and I was trying to figure out why. I thought maybe you meant because I was prying too much, but I thought it was a bit extreme to consider that LH (especially since the only people it concerns are the moderators who can choose what to allow through, and Randomex, who can choose if he wishes to respond or not).

    in reply to: How to stick out school? #1216131
    Lilmod Ulelamaid


    in reply to: Vaccination #1212690
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    When I said the benefit is a possibility, I meant that it’s a possibility in the sense that you don’t know if you personally would necessarily get the flu or polio, etc if you didn’t take the vaccination. Of course, that reasoning doesn’t apply so well to the chicken pox but it definitely applies to the flu (which is what I had mainly been talking about) and to most other things.

    And I wasn’t trying to imply in any way that one shouldn’t take the polio vaccine. I was just making very theoretical comments about the reasoning involved in these decisions. My comments were meant purely academically.

    Additionally, I hadn’t even been thinking of polio at all – I was thinking of the more recent vaccinations, the ones that were not around yet when I was a kid, and are for things that are either less serious or less wide-spread (such as flu or chicken pox). I had assumed that people who are anti-vaccination are against the more recent ones (such as flu and chicken pox) whose necessity, benefit, and possible risks might not be as clear-cut yet. Are they against all vaccinations including polio and whatever the standard ones are that we all got as kids (those of us born in the 60’s, 70’s & 80’s)?

    in reply to: Why leave your dirty tissue on the table in Shul? #1212594
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB: “It had a dirty tissue in the pocket! And I needed it, so I used it again.”

    DY:”That is why I don’t think they’re muktzeh.”

    That’s a good point. Thanks! But what if the tissues have already been used 10 times?

    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228205
    Lilmod Ulelamaid



    in reply to: Vaccination #1212677
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LC – As I already stated more than once, I have no opinion or concern on the topic of vaccinations (other than flu vaccinations. I don’t really have a definite opinion on flu vaccinations either, but for me personally, it’s just not something that makes sense for me at the moment).

    I know nothing about the topic and I have no reason or interest in looking into it.

    in reply to: Why leave your dirty tissue on the table in Shul? #1212587
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    DY: “LU, throw it out as soon as you get to a trash can.”

    The point is that there are tekufas when I am constantly sneezing and blowing my nose, and I need to have my bag on me all the time to throw the tissues out in and I need to carry it around with me. So it’s not so practical to talk about throwing it out as soon as I get to a garbage can:

    1. Then I won’t have my bag anymore.

    2. It’s not necessarily practical to look for a garbage can every time I get up.

    Really, what I need is that everyone whose house I am ever in and every building that I am ever in should have a garbage can every few feet and next to every chair or couch in the house or building.

    Or they should just start making girls’ clothes with pockets.

    in reply to: Why leave your dirty tissue on the table in Shul? #1212586
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LC, thanks for explaining.

    Maybe they consider it a chumra, and they know how you feel about chumras….. 🙂

    in reply to: YU guys #1211666
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Futurepotus – +1!

    in reply to: YU guys #1211665
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    mw13 – while that was a funny line, I am concerned that the OP could possibly take offense, so you might want to check that they weren’t offended. I think they meant the question seriously and they were trying to avoid LH.

    in reply to: YU guys #1211664
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    blubluh: “LU: I think the +1 shows agreement or appreciation.”

    I know that; I just wasn’t sure why.

    Maybe the 1 is referring to the person who is writing +1 and he is saying that there is an additional person who agrees with whatever the original person wrote? According to what you wrote about FB that would make sense.

    If that is the case, I guess it doesn’t make too much sense when I write + 1,000! oh, well.

    in reply to: Just testing the various “allowed markup”s ☑️❎🆙 #1212927
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB – was that a joke? If not, what’s loshon hora?

    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228203
    Lilmod Ulelamaid



    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Randomex – I thought you were saying that birchas haTorah is not included in the things you can’t say – in other words that you can say it. That’s what my post was in response to.

    in reply to: Shabbat Shalom! #1214105
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Hey you stole my idea 🙂

    Good Shabbos and Gut Chodesh to you and to everyone else in the CR!!! 🙂

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    If you slept during the day, you can say birchas haTorah. Otherwise, you are not allowed to say it and you should have someone else be motzi you.

    If you don’t have someone to be motzi you, you can’t say it if you are a girl, and you need to be yotzei from Ahava Rabba.

    I’m not sure if a boy is allowed to say it if he really has no one to be yotzei him, but for boys it shouldn’t be such a problem to find someone.

    in reply to: Why leave your dirty tissue on the table in Shul? #1212580
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    lesschumras – because it’s most of the year. Probably allergies most of the time and not a cold though, but I don’t always know how to tell the difference. I call it it a cold when it’s winter and allergies if it’s spring or summer. Anyhow, I’m not being confined to my house every time I have a cold!!!

    And btw, I don’t shake people’s hands, cold or no cold.

    in reply to: Just testing the various “allowed markup”s ☑️❎🆙 #1212925
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    You seem to know a lot about the topic Randomex…. so which mod’s email address are you privy to :)?

    in reply to: PSA – Do thorough research before making public halachic statements #1215713
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I might be wrong, but I thought that there might be a machlokes on rice cakes.

    in reply to: reading the news #1211642
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Unless all your friends and family also do teshuva and stop reading the news….

    Anyhow, yasher koach!

    in reply to: What are the manners in Yeshiva between rabbi and student? #1212982
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    When you speak to a Rav, you are supposed to use third person. I’ve never been a Yeshiva Bochur though, so I don’t know what Yeshiva Bochurim do.

    Actually, I’m not even sure what most non-Yeshiva Bochurim do.

    in reply to: Why leave your dirty tissue on the table in Shul? #1212577
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    DY – that’s interesting. I thought the heter would only apply when going to throw it out. The problem is I wonder if it makes sense to say that it’s “??? ?? ???” when I get up but when I’m sitting there it’s not. Maybe it would, but I would have to ask because it doesn’t sound so simple.

    Also, that wouldn’t allow me to move it if I’m somewhere where no one else is or will be (like my room or apt). And also, while it may allow me to move it when I get up (in order not to leave it there when I’m not there), I don’t know if it would allow me to carry it around with me wherever I go. Like if I’m walking around in the same room, I don’t know what the heter would be to carry it around with me. And also, just opening or moving the bag to throw out another tissue in it could be a problem.

    in reply to: YU guys #1211660
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB – lol.

    Where does this whole +1 thing come from? I never heard of it before the CR. What does it mean exactly?

    in reply to: YU guys #1211658
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Randomex +1

    DY +1

    LB +1

    in reply to: Mens Suits – NY/NJ #1211857
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB – It occurred to me after I wrote it that most people probably have no problem holding on to hangers for 6 years. My problem is that I don’t think I ever lived in the same place for 6 years and hangers are a hard thing to move around with you!

    in reply to: Favorite lines from any song #1213788
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    what? and why is it thoughtless?

    in reply to: How to stick out school? #1216130
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    JA – in case you miss my previous post, please let me know if you feel comfortable asking your mechaneches to speak to Chasy Silverstein about arranging a mentor for you? Thanks.

    in reply to: Just testing the various “allowed markup”s ☑️❎🆙 #1212921
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    What’s the point of an email account if no one knows about it? Who uses it? The editor?

    in reply to: Weird Coffee Room ads #1211557
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I think it’s a PC. Someone told me about adblocker. You get it online, it’s free and it’s not too hard to figure out how to download. I did it myself, and I’m not very technological. I don’t know why everyone wouldn’t get it.

    It’s the only filter I have right now. I should get something else, but I haven’t figured out yet what or how. This was great because it was free and easy and because I didn’t have to worry that it might block something that I don’t want blocked. Also, ads are the biggest problem and the main thing I would want blocked anyhow. But it’s not really enough.

    in reply to: Why leave your dirty tissue on the table in Shul? #1212574
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “??? ?? ???”

    I was thinking of that, but that would only help when I go to throw it out. What about when I am carrying it around with me?

    in reply to: A cry against Chillul Hashem in the CR #1211511
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “He was quoting himself.”

    I don’t see what difference that makes.

    DY: “but the bottom line is that he is NOT saying it’s okay to violate Hashem’s commands for your own needs. He’s just not realizing that that’s what it sounds like.”

    I’m not completely convinced. Again, he wasn’t just talking about the molesting case. He gave other examples. And this topic has also come up in the past, and he implied the same thing.

    Maybe he really thinks that according to halacha, it is always mutar to speak badly online about people who were oiver on bein adam l’chaveiro because there could be some benefit to it. Which is not the same as saying that one doesn’t have to follow halacha, but it is also pretty bad. There are many, many, conditions necessary before you run to ruin peoples’ reputations. And he very clearly stated that you don’t have to ask a sheilah.

    Maybe he was only talking about cases in which it’s obvious that it’s the right thing to do. But then he should say so. And it’s still a bit shvach because you always have to find out exactly what you are allowed to say. And you certainly should ask before you say something online.

    I also still feel that an apology to Yekke2 might be necessary.

    You are probably right that he didn’t completely realize what he was saying. I think that happens a lot in the CR. But I still feel a retraction is necessary.

    I’m not sure to what extent one can say that someone is not responsible for their words if they don’t understand what their words mean. I have been wondering a lot about that since I’m in the CR. There is definitely some room to be “dan l’kaf zchus” that people don’t understand what they are saying and perhaps can’t always be held responsible, but it still seems to me that they have a responsibility to retract once it has been explained.

    Bottom line – I don’t know what can and can’t be expected of anyone else. But I definitely think my responsibility is to respond to certain types of comments regardless.

    I do think that it’s great that you are so “dan l’kaf zchus”. Maybe I need to work on that. And it does seem like ZD is a very nice person, so it is probably true that he doesn’t really mean what he is saying.

    ZD – I apologize if I came acros too harshly. You probably really didn’t realize what your words meant, and I apologize for not being dan l’kaf zchus enough. At the same time, I did feel a need to stand up for both the Torah and Yekke2 when I felt they were being attacked. But I apologize if it was too strong.

    in reply to: Vaccination #1212663
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    bk613: “There is also no proof that learning gemorah doesn’t cause heart attaks.”

    I don’t think that’s an accurate comparison. Maybe there is an increased risk of heart attacks if someone learns Gemara. But it doesn’t matter, because we have a chiyuv to learn Gemara whether or not it is physically healthy to do so. (I’m not talking about a case where it is known that someone will drop dead the second he starts learning).

    On the other hand, the whole purpose of vaccinations is to help one’s physical health. It is an act of hishtadlus and one has to make sure it is reasonable hishtadlus. The benefits are only possibilities and the risks are only possibilities. One has to weigh the likelihood of each against each other. And if nothing has been proven one way or another, I would think that it might make sense to assume that there could be some potential risks involved in any medical procedure.

    Again, I am not saying one should or shouldn’t have vaccinations. I am simply discussing the logic of the arguments being used.

    in reply to: How to stick out school? #1216126
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB, sorry it passed already without my being apologized to, and I already said the tefilas zaka.

    in reply to: Favorite lines from any song #1213785
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Randomex – what song is that? Why is there a coffee cup waiting by the door? And why is that thoughtless?

    in reply to: Weird Coffee Room ads #1211555
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    What’s a MAC?

    in reply to: Vaccination #1212662
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    lesschumrahs – I wasn’t generalizing just based on her experience. She told me that she looked into it and found out that a certain percentage of people taking it will be harmed by it.

    Additionally, I was taking into account that as you pointed out, the flu vaccine may not be that effective to begin with. I was also taking into account the fact that dying from the flu is not that common in my age group, ba”h, so I don’t think the potential benefits weighs highly enough against the risks (plus the time, energy and maybe money needed to get the vaccine), at least for me.

    “Of all vaccines, flu is probably the least effective as it may end up not matching the actual flu strain”

    I was only talking about flu vaccines, nothing else. But now that you mention it, wouldn’t it be likely that if there can bad effects from one type of vaccine, the same thing is likely to be true of other vaccines?

    And in order to be worthwhile, it’s not really enough for the benefits to outweigh the risks – they have to outweigh them a lot. Let’s say the risk of dying of chicken pox c”v is as great as the risk of dying from the chicken pox vaccine or is even a drop more likely. It wouldn’t make sense to take the chicken pox vaccine since in the first case, you are not the one actively doing anything and in the second case, you are actively putting yourself at risk of something.

    Note: I am not saying that there are any risks involved in taking the chicken pox vaccine. As I stated previously, I know nothing about it. It is quite possible that there are no known risks at all or that they are minimal compared to the benefits.

    in reply to: Why leave your dirty tissue on the table in Shul? #1212571
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    As someone who has really bad allergies in the spring/summer and is prone to bad colds in the winter – if you sneeze every few seconds, it is impossible to throw the tissue in the garbage each time.

    And women’s clothes are usually not made with pockets, for some odd reason. And no, I don’t leave tissues on the table, but I do have a hard time trying to figure out what to do with them, and I haven’t come up with a really good solution yet.

    I try to carry a plastic bag around to put them in, but I am always concerned about muktzah issues on Shabbos Sometiems, I try to keep the tissue box in the same bag, but if I take it out to get a tissue, then I have a problem. So sometimes, I try to put one or two clean tissues in the bag, but the problem is that if they are in the same bag as the dirty tissues they aren’t really useable, so they are really garbage too, so I don’t know if it helps.

    in reply to: Mens Suits – NY/NJ #1211855
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “How often do you need a new suit? I still have my Syms suit; even the hanger it’s on says Syms.”

    I’m actually even more impressed by the fact that you still have a hanger from 6 years ago 🙂

    in reply to: A cry against Chillul Hashem in the CR #1211509
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    DY, it’s really nice of you to be “dan l’kaf zchus” but I don’t know. He still continued with his false claims against Yekke2 after that. And if that was his point and he really wants to take back his original statement, I think he should make it clearer.

    And he still said this AFTER the post you quoted:

    A cry against Chillul Hashem in the CR

    He is very clearly calling it an aveirah (yet still saying that one should do it).

    Additionally, as you yourself pointed out previously, the fact that the guy is “a known molester” does not mean that a sheilah does not need to be asked. You have to know what you are allowed to say and to whom. It is also not clear what the definition of “known molester” is here. In the original context we were talking about people who were rumored to be molesters but were not in fact molesters. And again, molesters was just one example he gave.

    Also, the context of the discussion was about posting information about people online who reportedly were oiver on aveiros (molesting was just one example) without asking a sheilah, and just assuming that it is always a good thing to do (if it was an aveira bein adam l’chaveiro) because someone might possibly be helped by it.

    That is a terrible thing to say!!! You can really be ruining peoples’ lives. Sometimes, there are things that must be said, but many times it is absolutely forbidden to say something! In order to be allowed, there are many factors that must be present. And I highly doubt that anyone would say it’s okay to post online anyone who has cheated on their taxes!!!! (which was one example he gave).

    So if ZD really wants to take back what he said, he would have to make it clear that he did not mean that one can publicly denounce anyone without first clarifying the halacha. (how one clarifies the halacha is another subject and we can start a new thread on that).

    in reply to: Tznius and kiruv #1211427
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I’m always so curious when I see “edited” at the end of a really nice post :).

    in reply to: How to stick out school? #1216123
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “I am not moichel”

    I guess we are even then, because there are many things that I am not moichel you for.

    in reply to: A cry against Chillul Hashem in the CR #1211506
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    ZD: “If the molestation is a strawman issue. Fine. Then. Make a new thread about something else. Unemotional.

    Such as purple raincoats.

    If Hashem said no purple raincoats and it was raining and the only raincoat in sight was purple, ZD would you wear it?”

    ZD was the one who picked molestation as an example. He deliberately did so to make his point.

    Also, we don’t care what ZD would or would not do. As Yekke2 pointed out above, that is not the issue. We all make mistakes and we have all been oiver on halacha at some point. The issue was making the statement that one should not listen to halacha.

    in reply to: A cry against Chillul Hashem in the CR #1211505
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB -sorry, but you are missing the point here. ZD was not the one having his buttons pushed. A false accusation was made against Yekke2 and he had to be defended.

    “I don’t get this thread. I think it’s staging a situation so you can say that Hey, he did say not to listen to halacha.”

    No one staged a situation besides ZD. He made up the situation in a previous thread as part of a discussion about listening to halacha in order to show that there are situations in which he doesn’t think that one should listen to halacha.

    That statement of his was kefira (whether or not it was intentional) and therefore Yekke2 felt it necessary to say something in order to stand up for Hashem and the Torah’s honor. Hashem and the Torah had been debased by the statement that a person can know better than what Hashem says in the Torah. That is what the discussion is about.

    I think that some of us (such as DY and myself) were hoping that ZD would say, “no, of course that is not what I meant at all” and would take back his statement and explain what he meant. We gave him several opportunities to do so.

    I am still hoping that that will happen eventually. But as long as attacks are made on either the Torah or other posters, it is necessary to defend them.

    in reply to: Tznius and kiruv #1211425
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    NCB: “By the way, I’m really happy that you think so highly of us CR posters. It’s nice to have a new person come in and bring positivity as a break from us being at each other’s throats.”


    in reply to: How to stick out school? #1216120
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LB – thank you so much for getting the point and explaining it so well. I had decided not to respond to SYAG since I have learned during my time in the CR that it is not kidai to “feed the trolls” and Chazal say that one should not say something to someone who won’t listen.

    But then I got nervous that JA might end up getting the wrong message and losing the message that I had put so much effort into getting across, and it occurred to me that in a way I was being selfish by focusing on the schar I was getting and not thinking about the effect on JA. But I still wasn’t sure how to respond in a way that would get the point across.

    Thank you for doing it so well.

    in reply to: Vaccination #1212658
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Thanks for the info, Shloimie. If we are talking about flu vaccines as well, I know they can be dangerous because I know someone who was messed up from it.

    in reply to: Weird Coffee Room ads #1211553
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I have adblocker.

    in reply to: YU guys #1211653
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    There are all types. The ones I went out with and the ones my friends married are exceedingly Frum, sincere, Yarei Shamayim B’nei Torah and b’nei aliyah. But there is a very wide range. Asking if YU guys are Frum/good guys is probably similar to asking if guys in general are Frum/good guys.

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