Lilmod Ulelamaid

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  • in reply to: Where is Sparkly #1189561
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Also, she had recently undergone a traumatic experience, so there is reason for concern here. According to the “Yesod v’Shoresh HaAvoda” when you feel someone’s pain, you actually lessen their pain (and the Shechina’s as well, since the Shechina “suffers” whenever a person suffers), so by feeling concern for someone, you are actually helping them.

    in reply to: Where is Sparkly #1189560
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Meno: “Unless you’re a Jew and you have good reason to believe that the other person is also a Jew.”

    Ditto. It’s a basic part of being a good Jew. Just for the record, I am not losing any sleep over it, although, if I were Rav Shach Zatsal or Rav Shlom Zalman Auerbach Zatsal, I would be.

    Rav Shach had a hard time eating breakfast every morning because he was thinking of all the Yiddishe kinderlach who were starting their day w/o saying Shema. And Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach lost sleep worrying about a boy he didn’t know whose grandfather was concerned about the fact that he was being sent to a less Frum school than he could have been.

    I’m not on that level and not pretending to be. But I think that feeling and expressing some concern over a fellow Jew is the least I can do for them.

    in reply to: How can I contact Shlomo Rechnitz? #1187913
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    AlwaysRunWithScissorsFast – there are really good terms nowadays for Student Loans. I don’t know if you are doing a BA or an MA, but if you are doing an MA, you can take out up to $20,500 in student loans a year. If you find a program that only costs $10,000 per year, you get to keep the other $10,500 per year for living expenses.

    You don’t have to start paying back the loans until you finish school. You can then get an Income based repayment plan which means that you basically don’t have to pay back more than you can afford. Depending on the exact plan you get, you only have to pay back 10-20% of your dispensible income (the amount by which your income exceeds your expenses). So if you are having trouble making ends meet, you probably won’t have to pay back anything.

    The unpaid portion of the loan is forgiven after 20-25 years or when you are 120 years old. The one catch might be that you might have to pay taxes on the part that they forgive which could add up to a lot due to accrued interest. However, it is not clear that you have to pay taxes on it, and it is possible that you could choose not to have the unpaid portion of the loan forgiven and just continue paying what you can afford. I am not sure though if that is an option, so that is something you would need to look into.

    In any case, it is worth it to take out loans so that you can have a means of earning money. If you can get money from Rechnitz, obviously that would be better, but if that doesn’t work out, you might want to consider this.

    If you are doing a BA, you can also take out students loans, but I’m not sure what the amount is. You can also do an Income Based Repayment Plan.


    in reply to: What do women do in Gan Eden? #1189832
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    AVi K.: “Lilmod, instead of tow people being miserable four can be happy.”

    I agree. But I’m still trying to convince some others around here.

    in reply to: What do women do in Gan Eden? #1189831
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Goyim who keep the 7 Mitzvos b’nei Noach have a portion in Olam Haba. I don’t know if that is the same as Gan Eden.

    The only true reward is being close to Hashem. So presumably anyone who goes to Olam Haba gets to be close to Hashem. I would think that being close to Hashem = learning Torah and that would mean that goyim learn Torah too, but I don’t know. After all, goyim also have a mark above their lips, so maybe they also learned Torah before they were born. They do have a Neshama after all.

    in reply to: Hilchos Shmiras Haloshon #1191448
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Shkoyach Yeshivish Kup for the aitzahs! And thank you Joseph for being the first to post on my thread.

    in reply to: Why Was Woman Created? #1188074
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I am copying and pasting part of a post that Little Froggie wrote on another thread because I think it is very relevant here. (Hope you don’t mind, Little Froggie):

    “Women by nature tend to crave close relationship. It’s inherent, deep within them. Men by nature do not NEED this connection-relationship, their desire lie elsewhere (not for now).

    This is the powerful “glue” HaShem in His wisdom set in motion. When you come to think of it, it almost seems miraculous- why should a women submit herself to a husband (and all it entails), go though childbirth etc.. And why in the world would a happy-go-lucky man want to link himself up with a woman just for some external features or other senseless attributes? It’s these miraculous forces at work. A woman knows she’s forgoing her freedom, ???? ????? ??, nevertheless ??? ??? ?????? she craves this, and does so most willingly. Man knows (most of them at least) what he’s in for by the time he’s ready to step under the Chuppa (unless they did a good job hiding), that’s the ??? ??? ??? ????? because ??? ??? ??? ?????. As Chazal say elsewhere ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ?????. All for one cause, to effect a “family”. That’s why we put the pasuk ???? ???? ??? ??? on a Tnaim.

    Back to the first point, the deep relationship part, it is was and will be mostly the female’s inyan in the marriage.”

    in reply to: Do you think Jewish men should start practicing polygamy again? #1190955
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LF- Amen! Very Nice! Maybe you should rewrite this on the “Why was woman created thread?”

    in reply to: What do women do in Gan Eden? #1189826
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    So maybe it IS a good idea to get divorced if you have a bad marriage so you don’t have to get stuck with the person for eternity! 🙂

    in reply to: Staying happy as an older single #1187943
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    This morning as I was davening it occurred to me that to the extent that I am focused on my relationship with Hashem, it bothers me less that I am single.

    in reply to: Introverted and Yiddishkeit #1191076
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Maybe you should try signing up for Partners-In-Torah. It’s a really good program and it sounds like it might be just the thing for you. They set you up with a mentor whom you learn with over the phone once a week. As an introvert, that would be a really good set up for you. At the same time, you would be making a connection with someone, and if things work out, she might have you over for Shabbos or Holidays or help you find a way to be part of a community.

    And in terms of your observance level, you can just be yourself. They have people with all levels of observance.

    in reply to: Romance – a gentile attitude #1187812
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I would have said no, but it depends how you are defining the term. Joseph is defining the term in such a way that it is something goyish. Those who think it’s not goyish think that way because they are defining it differently.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187709
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Hope that didn’t come out too harshly Goq- was trying not to – my apologies if it did.

    in reply to: Why Was Woman Created? #1188072
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Golfer: “creature was endowed with whatever it needs to fulfill its purpose. So if woman’s purpose is to be an ornament, to have children, and to sew, why was she endowed (“Vayiven ess hatzelah”), from the moment of her creation, with bina yiseirah?”

    I’m not sure, but I think that “sewing” may be a reference to bina yeseirah. Similar to the Midrash that says that men bring the flour and women make it into bread (or something like that) which is a reference to their different (spiritual) tafkidim.

    I will have to look into it when I have a chance.

    in reply to: Why Was Woman Created? #1188071
    Lilmod Ulelamaid


    Yes! Good answer!

    in reply to: Why Was Woman Created? #1188070
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Just curious, Joseph – why are you so into these kinds of topics?

    in reply to: What do women do in Gan Eden? #1189822
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Rav Leff talks about that in the recording I mentioned in another thread. Actually, he talks about that in terms of Techiyas Hamaisim.

    In terms of gilgulim, can the same person be both a man and a woman? I don’t see why not. I don’t think Neshamas have genders.

    in reply to: Why Was Woman Created? #1188068
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I don’t think “ornamental purposes” is an accurate translation of “l’yofi”.

    in reply to: Why Was Woman Created? #1188067
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    All these things (like most things Chazal say) are meant on a deeper level.

    in reply to: Why Was Woman Created? #1188066
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I don’t think the sewing is meant literally. I feel like I may have learned what it means once, but I don’t remember anymore.

    Actually, it should be obvious that it’s not meant literally.

    in reply to: What do women do in Gan Eden? #1189820
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    What if they don’t have a husband? They can’t go to Gan Eden?

    in reply to: What do women do in Gan Eden? #1189818
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Big Golem: “Theprof1, I was told many times that the meaning of that is learning.”

    If that is the case, then clearly the women learn in Gan Eden.

    in reply to: Late for davening and Davening late #1187871
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    DY: “How is saying a spouse should not be prioritized the same as saying their needs should be at least as important as your own?”

    If I hear someone say that their spouse’s needs are not their top priority, to me that means that they don’t consider their spouse’s needs to be their own needs. Your needs are always your top priority, so I would think your spouse’s should be as well.

    in reply to: Hilchos Shmiras Haloshon #1191445
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Why is it so important to learn the Halachos of Shmiras Haloshon?

    To quote from “Chofetz Chaim A Lesson A Day” by Rav Shimon Finkelman and Rav Yitzchak Berkowitz:

    Knowledge of the Aggadic teachings regarding loshon hora must be complemented by study of the laws of proper speech. In the words of Midrash Mishlei (1:2): ” ‘To know wisdom and mussar [inspirational, ethical instruction] (Mishlei 1:2) – If one has wisdom [i.e. knowledge of halacha] then he can study mussar, but if he lacks wisdom, then he cannot study mussar.” The Midrash’s intent is clear: If a person is not knowledgeable in teh laws of a given topic, then no amount of mussar will help him.

    For example: If a businessman thinks that a given practice is not robbery, [when, in fact it is] then what good wiill it do to inform him of the severity of the sin of robbery? The same applies to all other negative commandments. Therefore, one must study the Torah’s laws to know what is permitted and what is forbidden, and he must also learn the

    mussar teachings which inspire a person to fear Hashem. Through study of such teachings, one arouses he soul toward observance of Torah, aside from fulfilling the positive commandment, “Fear Hashem, your G-d” (Devarim 10:20).

    And so it is with regard to shmiras haloshon. Of what benefit will all the mussar in the world be, if one convinces himself that a given forbidden statement s not in the category of loshon hora?! Or, if he tells himself that the laws of loshon hora do not apply when speaking of a certain individual [when, in fact, they do]?!

    Therefore, it is imperative that one know what is and what is not in the category of loshon hora according to halacha. This study should be complemented by inspirational study of the relevant Aggadic teachings. (Day 4/p.57)

    in reply to: What do women do in Gan Eden? #1189815
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    And Joseph, I suppose you think that before girl babies are born, instead of learning Torah, they learn how to make potato kugel?

    in reply to: What do women do in Gan Eden? #1189814
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    theprof1: “They enjoy the spiritual feeling of being with the shechina.”


    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187706
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    The Goq – I just want to point out that you don’t know BY girl’s friend, so it doesn’t seem like what you’re saying is LH, but since BY girl knows her, it is probably LH for you to say something negative about her to BY girl.

    This is a common mistake and one that I probably make all the time. For example, a friend could be talking about someone w/o mentioning the name, and I’ll say, “That’s terrible, how could she do that?” w/o stopping to think that it’s LH since she knows who the person is even if I don’t.

    I’m also not sure that you are right. I think what she meant is just that Chofetz Chaim has a very specific hashkafa and she wasn’t sure that it’s right for BY girl, but then it was hard for her to explain exactly what she meant because these things can be hard to explain (especially when you’re trying hard to avoid LH).

    in reply to: What do women do in Gan Eden? #1189813
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    They learn Torah of course! And when they get there, they have all the Torah knowledge that their husbands learned in their zchus.

    in reply to: Where is Sparkly #1189550
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Shopping – you’re not Sparkly. I am worried about her. But, in any case, there is nothing I can do about it. And you could be right, although my guess is that there is more to it than that.

    in reply to: survey on the Get experience #1188249
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Lenny, if one spouse definitely wants out after having tried for several years to make things work and after mediation and therapy were attempted and failed, and the other one is refusing to get divorced, the Rabbanim will usually try to convince him to give a Get, and most men will realize they are not accomplishing anything by refusing to give a Get in such a case.

    If your marriage is that important to you and you still want to try to make things work, your focus right now should be on trying to figure out if and how you can make your wife happy and not on how you can force her to stay married to you against your will. And making her happy is not about money; it’s about listening to her complaints and not invalidating them.

    in reply to: Staying happy as an older single #1187942
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Shopping – aren’t you in seminary? Do you find it hard not being married while you are in seminary? (not being critical – just curious)

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188182
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I meant “get involved in the details” She wasn’t “baring it all” as you say. She was saying that she is really upset with these people. She did not share any details, and it is not our business to ask (and that could end up being L”H, since people might be able to identify the people in question if too many details are given)

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188180
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    In any case, the person will only get punished if they deserve it.

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188179
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Little Froggie: “But the person under duress is in a entirely different situation. ??? ??? ???? ???? ????, and sometimes it gets overwhelming, the tzaar is too big for the person and he/she cries out in pain. Do you know the pasuk, ??? ???? ???? ?? ?? It’s for real! (interesting Gemarah and meforshim) And a person who cries out in anguished pain…. it’s quite a scary thing. No – she won’t be judged. On the contrary… you don’t want to be the recipeint!!!

    The case in question – little me, and so many others here, ARE privy to the bit she had revealed… Suffice it to say no one would want or freely choose her pekel…”

    Very well-put!

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188178
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Little Froggie: “LuL: I don’t think it’s a Mitzvah to vent.. it’s rather a Mitzvah to lend an ear and lend a shoulder to someone venting… (if I’m not mistaking)”

    I’m pretty sure it works both ways. I don’t have a source off-hand, but I asked Rav Pliskin (author of “Guard Your Tongue”) about it, and he told me that it is muttar to speak Loshon Hora in order to vent (obviously you have to be careful to fulfill the conditions of “toeles” and choose the person you speak to wisely).

    In this case, there is no loshon hora issue, so it’s certainly not assur.

    In terms of being a Mitzvah, I don’t have a source on me (although I can ry to come up with one when I have time) but I am pretty sure it is a Mitzvah. It is part of taking care of your emotional well-being, which is the reason one is allowed to listen to someone vent.

    in reply to: Do you think Jewish men should start practicing polygamy again? #1190949
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Gofish 🙂 Thanks! You always have such nice things to say to me!

    in reply to: Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy/Yuhsb #1188017
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Hatzlacha! Let us know what happens!

    in reply to: Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy/Yuhsb #1188016
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Okiale, I finally got in touch with the person I mentioned. He is a Rebbe in Chofetz Chaim. Based on what I told him, he thought the Rochester branch of Chofetz Chaim might be a good idea for you. They have a website which I assume you can find through Google. It is called TIUNY.

    He also thought that any of the out-of-town Chafetz Chaim’s would be good. He mentioned the Chafetz Chaim in Dallas as an example.

    He did not think the Brooklyn Chafetz Chaim would be a good idea.

    in reply to: Animals have it better in zoos #1187669
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    We still aren’t supposed to make them suffer unnecessarily.

    in reply to: goyish music #1188320
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Thanks Meno and Reuven. I didn’t realize that Europe is a band, so I was confused.

    in reply to: Which? #1188842
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    When I lived in Lakewood, whenever I worked with men, they called me “Rebbetzin” since they didn’t want to call me by my first name.

    I found that pretty cool.

    Once, someone greeted me by saying, “How is the Rebbetzin?” It took me a good five minutes to figure out what he was talking about!

    in reply to: Which? #1188841
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Well then you also have “The Janitor” and “The taxi driver” and “The bus driver” and “The Doctor”

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187693
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    By the way, it’s really annoying that when I have conversations with the moderators, I have no idea which moderator I am talking to! I don’t know how many of you there are, but I know there is more than one, but to me you are all one person!

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187691
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Are you sure about that?”

    What is that supposed to mean?

    in reply to: Do you think Jewish men should start practicing polygamy again? #1190945
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Winnie The Pooh +1

    Actually, I think one of the solutions to the Shidduch Crisis is for girls to realize that it is not a crisis and they can live fulfilling, meaningful lives even without marriage. While it is important to do hishtadlus and daven to get married, it is not healthy to live one’s life feeling like I am just waiting to get married, and if I don’t get married, my life has no meaning.

    There have always been people who didn’t or couldn’t get married. And if there is any truth to all the numbers and calculations, it is not possible for every girl to get married, so why should she feel her life is meaningless? Also, at a certain point, it is impossible to be “mekayim” the Mitzvah of “pru u’rvu” anyhow, so why get depressed about something impossible?

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187690
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Sorry, you can’t be a part of the squad without a universal delete button”

    I’m part of the peaceful non-coercive squad. I don’t believe in “kefiya datit” (religious coercion). 🙂

    Are you sure about that?

    I believe in education.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187689
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Or people can speak in a nice manner for a toeles purpose–so there won’t be any L’H issues…”

    I don’t know what you are referring to, but there are MANY conditions in order for something to be okay for toeles purposes. It is very hard to fulfill every one of them. One of the biggest Yetzer horas when it comes to Loshon Hora is to claim that it’s toeles and therefore it’s okay.

    When I have a chance, bli neder, I will try to post those halachos on my Shmiras Haloshon thread. Thanks for the idea, Reuven!

    in reply to: Which? #1188839
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Cook and Baker.”


    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187685
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Meno: “Nice”.

    Thanks! I’m part of the Shmiras Haloshon squad. I’m considering starting a Tznius one as well soon.

    Sorry, you can’t be a part of the squad without a universal delete button

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188174
    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Anon21 – she’s expressing her feelings! You don’t know who she is talking about so there are no Loshon Hora issues, and it’s a Mitzvah to vent if you need to!

    What does “moser din al chaveiro” mean?

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