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Enter LU… Don don don 🙂
LightbriteParticipantSome dentists do the surgery but they need to be qualified with the credentials and experience.
So technically you don’t have to go to an exclusive surgeon. Your dentist is referring you elsewhere because he/she likely cannot perform the surgery.
If you do find a dentist who does it, then do your research to ensure that he/she is licensed and preferably does not have any record of complaints or formal actions against him/her, which at least in the US can be found via state doctor licensed-professional databases.
Also check if he/she is board certified. You want to make sure that the dentist/doctor operating on your mouth is accountable to someone.
LightbriteParticipantThank you.
Dunno that’s why I asked. Never thought about nurses being an issue but maybe it’s a stringency.
Does every chumra have a source?
Maybe like some people give advice on parenting that is founded on their own beliefs, sometimes someone who is frum does the same but it is manifest in a Jewish-sounding way, like in this example?
Sorry I hope that is not offensive sounding. I think I’m learning that I need to separate the Jewish identity from the person and what the person says at times.
LightbriteParticipantLol okay then
LightbriteParticipantUnderstandable. They don’t own you and your growth. They are helping you and maybe you can let them make that easier on you.
You can give them a job so it feels like you’re in charge. Tell them that you would like them to please drive you at this day at this time.
You don’t have to tell them what you talk about in there.
It’s still special and a gift for your personal development.
So glad to hear <3 You’re awesome JA!
LightbriteParticipantGoogled Shabbat sushi and a Chabad House had an ad for their Shabbat sushi night.
LightbriteParticipant” The Chayei Adam 39:1 writes that the melacha of boneh (building) applies to food as well, and that attaching foods together to produce a desired picture or shape, is included in this prohibition.
from the OU… does that mean that one can close his/her eyes and make sloppy sushi on Shabbos?
Why is non-fresh sushi less tasty? I’ve never taste-tested the difference. And usually the non-fresh kind that I’ve purchased was inexpensive. The rice gets kind of hard.
But maybe storing fresh sushi for a day isn’t so bad. For someone who never eats sushi during the week and really enjoys it, maybe it’s a special Shabbos treat?
LightbriteParticipantOnly if you’re thinking what Joseph is thinking
LightbriteParticipantLU, I don’t know the Sephardic hot Shabbos dish personally, just from Google searches for this thread.
I didn’t know about the hot food on Shabbos chiyuv. Thank you for letting me know <3
LightbriteParticipantBecause more people realized that they’re really dressing to stand before the King and decided to boost their kavod to a wider brim
LightbriteParticipantAlso one is not supposed to say a bracha on food that disgusts him/her
LightbriteParticipantI guess it depends what you want.
If it’s an expensive car then second hand will still be relatively expensive compared to a less expensive vehicle, typically.
Like last year’s like new BMW is not going to match last year’s like new Kia in price — for the most part — but there may be a miracle hidden in real life that could make it so.
Something like used designer clothes can be less expensive than regular clothes, if purchased at Goodwill or something.
LightbriteParticipantLU, the first thing that I wrote in my OP was what the rabbi said.
What I wrote later were my thoughts. Even if he said that it’s a reaction, so what, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
LightbriteParticipantCan you carry tzedakah money in your shoe?
LightbriteParticipantSome cell phone covers have that little wristband so you can carry it on your wrist. It’s an option in a safe place where there is no threat of being mugged chas v’shalom.
My friend has an iPhone watch. She’s sent me text messages from her wrist. Can make phone calls too. It’s the coolest thing. Also expensive.
LightbriteParticipantDY, but guessing that they did so beforehand. The shul served the Tu B’Shevat fruit and foods with the rabbi leading brachot
LightbriteParticipantMaybe can also say that you don’t know or remember and then change the subject, and pray beforehand
LightbriteParticipantLand “bought” was unfairly done so. Native Americans did not have such a thing as buying land and then pushing off everyone who didn’t “buy” it from living there.
Native Americans died when colonizers came to America.
Unfair to say that we rightfully owned the place. It’s enough that the past happened. Why rewrite it? So one feels justified in being here?
LightbriteParticipantLitvos I like exclamation points.
I think in a thread I mentioned how they’ve become contagious. Sometimes now I have to hold myself back because I prefer smiley faces since my kavannah with them is to share smiles, happiness, and heart energy.
Be yourself 🙂
Peanut butter
Airplane seatbelts
LightbriteParticipantI think it’s an old trend.
Or do you mean that there’s been a recent inflation?
LightbriteParticipantWhy ayin hara lady sound contrary?
Because if there is a problem, I thought we’re supposed to daven to Hashem. Or even asking a tzaddik to daven.
If someone is having financial problems then I heard that the person can even test Hashem by giving 20 massar.
That’s different than paying a stranger to pour boil lead or something else as a solution.
To me that sounded more like witchcraft G-d forbid
LightbriteParticipantI ? the CR for forcing me to hold my tongue.
Thank you Mod. You help me be better.
LightbriteParticipantHow does he not need a surgery when someone is cutting into his gum to extract this “molar”?
Yes I’ve had mine removed. I don’t remember. It was decades ago. I maybe missed a day or two of school. The biggest thing was that I had puffy cheeks for a few days.
Everything healed. All is good. Thank G-d.
Get it done as soon as you can.
A lot of strangers will also pull your molars out for you for a 100 dollars too. Doesn’t mean that they are qualified. Sometimes doctors are willing to overstep their boundaries, unfortunately.
Btw, I was under general anesthesia when I got mine removed. That’s not something that you just want to hand off to the lowest bidder. This is your life. It’s good that you’re taking it seriously.
Best of success to you.
February 13, 2017 8:51 pm at 8:51 pm in reply to: Looking for Affordable Housing in Warm(er) Jewish Community #1215982LightbriteParticipantTrifecta sounds like a popular parasite treatment
LightbriteParticipantJoseph’s thread from last year
LightbriteParticipantOn the other hand, I read something that also sounded very nonJewish about hiring an ayin-hara lady on Aish.
When I asked a LOR IRL, he said that there are Sephardic communities that use/have them and it’s kosher according to their tradition.
Even though it sounds contrary to Torah Judaism.
So I thought that maybe this regression therapy thing is like that.
Thank you LU for saying this… “Not everything that every Rabbi in every shiur says is Toras Moshe.”
I figured that because it was on Torah Anytime, it was censored for content and/or rabbonim. –But you just reminded me that I’ve stopped listening to certain rabbis
edited. I don’t think it is right for you to decide that certain Rabbi’s are promoting sinas chinam or lacking emes, and taking that cue from annonymous posters who didn’t hear the shiur is not appropriate. If a certain Rabbi does not sit right with you, don’t listen, but it would be best to save the judgements or conclusions.
—Interesting because in this sense, I figured that I must not understand why this is kosher.
LightbriteParticipantThank you for your replies
Have to go in a min so just posting this and will read the rest of the replies after…
A lot of Judaism is a reaction. Or response. Including monogamy.
I want to give the rabbi the benefit of the doubt here.
To me it sounded divisive but hopefully he did not intend it to be so.
Just came to say that even saying that it is a reaction doesn’t have to come with a judgement.
Ahavas Yisrael always ?
February 13, 2017 5:17 am at 5:17 am in reply to: Why it Takes Some People a Year or Two To Comment on a Thread #1215862LightbriteParticipantD) Because those threads didn’t actually exist years ago.
Someone time-traveled backwards and made a butterfly fly to get the OP to post the post and then returned to respond. It was really only a few seconds later but with the jetlag it seems longer.
February 13, 2017 5:15 am at 5:15 am in reply to: Why it Takes Some People a Year or Two To Comment on a Thread #1215861LightbriteParticipant3yo thread
Little Froggie you predicted my future with this thread. Are you the frum miss cleo?
February 13, 2017 5:13 am at 5:13 am in reply to: Should a doctors prescription be required for chewing gum? #1215841LightbriteParticipant1yo thread
Where is regular sweet sugar or sugarless chewing gum available by prescription only?
LightbriteParticipant1yo thread
Omgosh RY!!!!!!
Amelia Bedelia is the most amazing human book character person ever!!!
Love love 🙂
LightbriteParticipantWhat about those tennis racquet snow shoes?
LightbriteParticipant10mo thread
Bump. I have heard that trees can have a human neshama if the human had a demoted gilgul.
LightbriteParticipant5yo thread
Bump 🙂
LightbriteParticipantThinking out loud, yay 🙂
LU, yay too 🙂
-for the record, I also didn’t know about the Chamberlain thing until recently when one of the Mods mentioned it several weeks or more ago.
LightbriteParticipantSorry huju.
Glad that they let you in CR while you’re recuperating.
Maybe it has a warranty or money-back satisfaction guarantee.
—Have you washed yours? Maybe it lost its grippage. I have some nonslip mat towels and after dozens of washes, they lose some of their traction. Maybe it’s like that?
DY: What does the tzitzit have to do with it?
LightbriteParticipantNightshades cause inflammation in some people who are sensitive to them. Also other health problems.
Thus relevant for this discussion on which is healthier.
LightbriteParticipantDoes it make a difference if it’s credit?
Can you use a dollar as a bookmark in your siddur?
February 13, 2017 3:13 am at 3:13 am in reply to: Looking for Affordable Housing in Warm(er) Jewish Community #1215971LightbriteParticipantFlorida has tons of young adults in Miami and the surrounding cities.
So many young New Yorkers move to South Florida, and also Israelis.
I’ve visited South Florida and it’s very very Jewish in some parts — With Hatzloahs on the street corners, rows of shuls and Hebrew storefronts, and totally tznius and religiously dressed women and men on the sidewalks going about their daily lives — plus there are many kosher restaurants.
Florida’s cost of living is also dramatically more reasonable than NY.
February 13, 2017 3:10 am at 3:10 am in reply to: Looking for Affordable Housing in Warm(er) Jewish Community #1215969LightbriteParticipantNC, wow I felt like maybe the OP felt pressured to make aliyah or feel guilty about not making it with all of these posts mentioning Israel. Glad that you said something.
It’s hard, imho, to ask for genuine help here and having someone throw “move to EY” as the end-all be-all solution.
Just because EY is the place for Klal Yisroel doesn’t mean that Hashem doesn’t have a reason for someone to be living chul right now.
So while one might mean well, sometimes, imho, it sounds like deflecting the OP’s question when posters jump in with EY EY EY locations.
Thank you
February 13, 2017 3:06 am at 3:06 am in reply to: Looking for Affordable Housing in Warm(er) Jewish Community #1215968LightbriteParticipantJoseph, baruch Hashem everyone is welcome.
If the young adult is in shidduchim then it’s especially challenging.
Sometimes one is advised to visit a younger community, but the older community shows love for one who stays.
At least that’s what I’ve seen. Cannot speak for everyone.
LightbriteParticipantWhat happened to that poster looking for a hat in Lakewood?
Maybe he can clue us in, as he seemed to be investigating hats
LightbriteParticipantYes he has a name. It’s on TorahAnytime.
He’s orthodox obviously.
Is it lashon hara if I say his name? Then people may talk negatively about him.
LightbriteParticipantWhat’s a shtikel Torah ?
Piece of Torah? Like something you learned?
LightbriteParticipantTRUEBT, Thanks I like that answer.
So here is the thing, the rabbi said that it’s good and we should all try it.
It wasn’t a specific psak.
Just a general thing that’s good ~ One of the shiur’s topics was finding (and doing) our life’s purpose… So maybe this would help?
LightbriteParticipant(Thinking out loud & WinnieThePooh & Little Froggie & CTLAWYER) +Millions 🙂
Thank you!!! ~ Such detail. I can envision it 🙂
golfer ~ Thanks for the head up 🙂
DY +1
LightbriteParticipantIf I don’t make chulent or a chamim-equivalent, then do I let down the Malach of Cholent?