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  • in reply to: Abeshter #1261647

    Because RebYidd23 needs at least two more people for that to become marriage potential.

    in reply to: Diamonds are boring #1261644

    Yserbius123 – A++++

    in reply to: Question for those who favor vanilla over chocolate #1260714

    WinnieThePooh: I def get it. πŸ§πŸ‡πŸ₯🌼

    I like vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips sometimes. Or cookie dough. Or brownies.

    Chocolate ice cream does not taste the same way as chocolate.🍫

    in reply to: Kosher Happy Meals #1260618

    I would not expect them or adults to be learning Torah while eating.

    Adults may learn Torah, perhaps.

    I meant that the whole process of eating and being grateful for the food is powerful. To share the meal and connect with family, more so than toys.

    Though, this is my question. Obviously toys also ensure that the child is eating, rather than deciding that he/she is not hungry and running over to play in the playground.

    Wondering whether there are any halachic opinions here, or generally rabbis and people let children be children and accept that they will eat toys up, figuratively speaking, just as much as food.

    On a side note, I have heard that rabbonim sometimes give children candy when learning, so that they associate the sweetness of candy with the sweetness of Torah study. So that can be used as an example of how food can be paired with something else to enhance the experience all around. πŸ™‚

    Thank you

    in reply to: Food game (second letter) πŸ²πŸ•ΉοΈπŸ…±οΈ #1260613

    Red pepper flakes
    Elephant ears puff pastry

    in reply to: Attention Jews with French Citizenship #1260609

    I don’t know anything about the French presidential election.

    I don’t know if Joseph is a French citizen. Still, the question asked which candidate one supported, and technically if Joseph supported Fillon, and Fillon was at one point a candidate, in my humble opinion, the answer may still be valid.

    Right? Thank you πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Kosher Happy Meals #1260607

    Chaver: You said, “Because we eat for Higher purposes we can’t do other things while eating?” (Chaver).

    Yes, that was, in part, my question. Is playing or gathering toys while eating taking the focus off of the mitzvah and connection to Hashem while eating?

    Thank you

    in reply to: Question for those who favor vanilla over chocolate #1260604

    Flavor of vanilla ice cream over chocolate.

    Vanilla is just so delicious and tastes like anything and everything creamy and fresh in my pallet. I love it. Especially with vanilla specks.

    Omgosh and coconut milk vanilla ice cream!!!

    in reply to: I don’t like Benjamin Franklin #1259086


    A++++ for the Rainbow Mod-29!!! 🌈


    in reply to: I don’t like Benjamin Franklin #1259083

    RebYidd23: Why don’t you write a song about it after Sefirat HaOmer?

    in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1259055

    Last night I listened to a shiur on TorahAnytime about why Rabbi Akiva’s talmidim were killed.

    Was it true that they acted in less regard for each other than other talmidim?

    No. In fact they were likely even the most compassionate to and with one another and others.

    However, they were held at a much higher level. Hashem expected more od them since they were so great. So something that we may see as a small transgression Bein Adam lechavro was in fact a huge issur in Hashem’s Eyes.


    Then again then again…. imagine how good it felt when I listened to a shiur last week on TorahAnytime that said that rewards and punishments are not in this world, per se. As in, Hashem is not going to kill us for sinning, similar to the explanation for why Rabbi Akiva’s students died.

    In other words, if someone committed an aveirah or plenty of avarot, it does not mean that come Rosh Hashanah, Hashem is going to write off one’s life chas v’shalom. Hashem does not treat us like that, and if it was so then all of the Gedolim would still be alive.


    Thank you

    in reply to: OU Jewish Communities Fair -April 30th NY #1259034

    What if one of these shuls is OO or OO friendly? How would fair-goers know?

    in reply to: OU Jewish Communities Fair -April 30th NY #1259030

    Without lashon hara: Please explain why don’t they include Chabad mikvoat when they advertise the Jewish resources in these cities?

    in reply to: Abeshter #1258569

    *Shel Olam

    in reply to: What do you call your rabbi? #1258560

    Yekke2 that’s a joke? So mean πŸ™

    in reply to: I don’t like Benjamin Franklin #1258562

    ZD +1!

    in reply to: It’s time we face reality #1258559

    Really? The love for one’s spouse is different than the love for one’s parents.

    We leave the parent and cleave to the spouse.

    in reply to: New Word Game πŸ“–πŸŽ² #1258552

    Insidious narcissistic armed robbers once notified ostentatious salesmen about better eggs, gaining anitiquary nickels in no specific position.

    Ordinarily, ridiculous ideas, detailing every voice of forecasting ordinary rabbits, appeal primarily robotically oxygen-xylographical.

    in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1258537

    Thanks but most of my posts here are more like the whole finding the good in unpleasant circumstances.

    I would not want to defend some things that I am absolutely against, such a variety of crimes and other hurtful acts. To me, that is not being open-minded or a critical thinker, but being ignorant and apathetic.

    in reply to: Shhhhh… Don’t say the makots in order, let alone all 10 of them #1258535

    Thank you iacisrmma!!! πŸ™‚

    May you and your family have every blessing and plentiful blessings for only revealed good!!!

    Thanks for answering all of my questions! Wow. You listened to the shiur, filled in my blanks, and then thanked me for informing you of the shiur ~ I’m so grateful and awed that you helped πŸ™‚


    in reply to: The CR Band #1258536

    Violins are always useful.

    in reply to: It’s time we face reality #1258532

    LU, you called the possibility that this thread had the potential to “turn into another thread about the benefits of polygamy” (LU).

    So I feel like my asking, Whoa what wait? is just adding to the discussion promoting the benefits of polygamy. In other words, I was playing into the hands of the thread.

    Or feeding fish in a bowl of fish waiting for people to pass by and sprinkle some fish food. Okay I admit that is not the best metaphor here.

    Yepp yepp πŸ™‚

    in reply to: New Word Game πŸ“–πŸŽ² #1258531

    Insidious narcissistic armed robbers once notified ostentatious salesmen about better eggs, gaining anitiquary nickels in no specific position.

    Ordinarily, ridiculous ideas, detailing every voice of forecasting ordinary rabbits, appeal primarily robotically

    in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1257945

    (Is mosquito mom whose mate died a widowed mosquito? What if she has no clue about it and/or is not heartbroken?)

    in reply to: It’s time we face reality #1257944

    Whoa LU called it first!

    Good point. I don’t know what I am doing here but feeding the fish in the fish bowl.

    Thank you

    in reply to: It’s time we face reality #1257943

    RebYidd23: Do you really want to share a husband with someone?

    Are you 100% against monogamy? If you were already married to a man, would you insist that he find a second, and possibly third wife?

    in reply to: It’s time we face reality #1257942

    “Managing” with it back then does not mean that polygamy is the right framework for a shalom bayis-ed life for the majority of today’s Jewish women [and men, and families] living in the Western world.

    in reply to: The CR Band #1257941

    It could be Torahasia!

    Or does that sound too much like Torah + Asia?

    Maybe *Torahiya,* the musical!

    in reply to: The CR Band #1257940

    Let’s make a film to go with our music like Disney’s Fantasia.

    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1257939


    in reply to: Bestselling Sefarim #1257937

    How is he doing by the way? Any new publications?

    in reply to: I think we need a new forum specially for GoGoGo’s mishugassen #1257936

    Change is a constant of life… Choo Choo choo

    in reply to: Question about sacrifices when Mashiach comes #1257931

    Is a first born man who was born through a cesarean section and/or to a mother who had a previous miscarriage still considered a first born in this case, if it is something regulated to first borns?

    in reply to: Shhhhh… Don’t say the makots in order, let alone all 10 of them #1257925

    Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman

    *Pesach: Why Did Rebbe Yehuda Feel it Necessary to Give Simanim?*

    in reply to: What do you call your rabbi? #1257924

    Good point. How come you are not Yosef in the CR, Joseph?

    in reply to: What do you call your rabbi? #1257923

    I don’t think that many women can and will willingly consider naming their children anything at his bris specifically before he is born because many women may have the custom of not planning ahead for a baby who is not yet born.

    in reply to: New Word Game πŸ“–πŸŽ² #1257922

    Insidious narcissistic armed robbers once notified ostentatious salesmen about better eggs, gaining anitiquary nickels in no specific position.

    Ordinarily, ridiculous ideas detailing every voice of forecasting ordinary rabbits appeals

    [Lol!!! You’re right. Gosh girl!!! Sorry!! Thank you you’re awesome!!!!πŸ’œ]

    in reply to: THE BROKEN TELEPHONE GAME!!! #1257885

    Phone plan
    Bell Atlantic
    Liberty Bell

    in reply to: The CR Band #1257842

    Ooops!!! You’re right. I need to wait until after the Omer to make music. Please do not listen to my sample beforehand. Thank you! ☺

    in reply to: The CR Band #1257840

    My musical contribution: Bee bop boom da da lili ra ra back dambadam pshhhhhh!!!!!


    My band name suggestion: The Coffee Boom!

    in reply to: The CR Pharmacy is now open #1257826

    May I have 3-months worth of sugar-free orange and raspberry creamsicles hard candy placebos please?

    in reply to: Interviewing the Shadchan #1257825

    Thank you WinnieThePooh! Agreed.

    in reply to: It’s time we face reality #1257823

    RebYidd23: Are you saying that when girls are redt boys, some of them are actually married men?

    Or that girls find out that potential dates, through friends and online dating and where ever, are really already married?


    Wait. Okay rewind. What?! I think I got it.

    So the problem is that the married men are no longer eligible for marriage?

    in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1257820

    Good things about runny noses:

    1) You can honestly say that you exercised today.

    2) You can creep people out with piles of tissues.

    3) You can be a tissue hero. You will be more inclined to carry tissues and thus find yourself being a tissue rescuer on novel occasions, such as giving a tissue to someone else needing a tissue, wiping up someone’s spilled drink, and/or cleaning the food off of a baby’s face.

    in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1257819

    Oh she is pregnant too!

    in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1257817

    Good things about mosquito bites:

    1) You just fed a hungry mother. See number two for details.

    2) Technically a hungry single mother.

    3) See number one.

    in reply to: New Word Game πŸ“–πŸŽ² #1257814

    Insidious narcissistic armed robbers once notified ostentatious salesmen about better eggs, gaining anitiquary nickels in no specific position.

    Ordinarily, ridiculous ideas detailing every voice of forecasting rabbits


    [Yay!! Of course not. I appreciated it ☺. Empathy because now I know how it feels to jump into a word game and have someone say, “Umm sorry sweety but the rules are actually as such… If you read the OP it would be clear.” And truth was that I skimmed the OP (barely) and thought that I knew what I was doing but if only I had read the entire thing then I would have figured it out. So humbled I am. And happy to join. Thank you LU!]

    in reply to: Food game (second letter) πŸ²πŸ•ΉοΈπŸ…±οΈ #1257812

    Italian ice

    in reply to: need shidduch advice please #1257796

    Okay so while all of us are pretty much telling Rebshidduch to hold off, slow down, and maybe rethink her zeal in wanting to be with this guy with potential, is her thinking so off from what women are being taught?

    I don’t know about you, but I feel like I have gotten a lot of opposing messages as a woman about my role.

    On one hand, I definitely should not marry potential. At least, I had a Rebbetzin tell me that outright and said that marriage is not about changing anyone.

    Then again, I can name a few books and rabbonim who emphasize the woman’s role and how she can transform her husband. Who was it? In the story with Korach where the man was saved because his wife was immodest brushing her hair or something by his front door when the men were rounding each other up?

    There is something very heroic in my humble opinion, about being this woman who has the power to build a man up. Even secular stories about how the woman makes the man great. Without her, he would be no one.

    So, yes. The differences are that they were married first, and maybe the man had more actualized success or strengths at that point. Still, maybe Rebshidduch is pulled by this guy and opportunity because she needs the extra challenge in life and is searching for meaning. Maybe that is a more attractive future than someone who she cannot connect with on a certain level, or has yet to do so.

    —Yet I think what triggers us is that we, perhaps, recognize that Rebshidduch is coming from a place where she has personal growth to take on, before bringing a husband or potential husband into the picture. Having a guy right now may be clouding her vision and planning. And/or, I am super projecting here.

    Thank you for hearing me out

    in reply to: Shhhhh… Don’t say the makots in order, let alone all 10 of them #1257791

    Yes iacisrmma! Wait so maybe you know of it still? Because it is about Rebbe Yehuda.

    Thank you!


    Today I finished listening to the shiur, which inspired the OP, on TorahAnytime by Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman, “Pesach: Why Did Rebbe Yehuda Feel it Necessary to Give Simanim?”



    So there are sources that say that they don’t even know if Dam was first or Devar was first?

    And he said something about one source saying that Devar was related to the month of Shevat?

    And that Moshe’s staph had an inscription and they think that he went by that, possibly knowing the next plague before Hashem stated it. Except Locust. That was the only plague that Hashem did not speak to him and Moshe said it himself without cue.

    Thank you!


    rebbi1: It sounds like you may have heard of this stuff too? Thanks!

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