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  • in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277578

    34. Jerks who huck delicate fruit back into the pile when they’re grocery shopping.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277570

    33. Jerks that complain about loud music.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277567

    32. Jerks that play music so loud in their cars that the bass shakes your entire vehicle and the vibration frightens your young passengers.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277563

    31. Jerks that are in denial about what it means to not be a jerk.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277561

    30. Jerks that are really awesome most of the time but when they’re Jerks they’re really jerks.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277559

    29. Jerks that smoke at gas stations.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277557

    28. Jerks who find glass jars that washed ashore and read those messages asking for riches.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277556

    27. Jerks who toss messages sealed in glass bottles in the sea asking for riches.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277555

    26. Jerks who bury time capsules full of money and put a treasure map in their will but by the time they are uncovered by relatives, there’s inflation.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277550

    25. Jerks who bury time capsules and die before retrieving them.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277549

    24. Jerks who mysteriously leave public toilets unflushed.

    in reply to: Types of Jerks #1277545

    24. Jerks who don’t know how to count.

    in reply to: Lakewood #1277544

    There is nothing objective here.

    You do realize that a store can change prices tomorrow. A new owner can buy the business in 5 years from now and can lower their costs on all items completely. Yet a quick Google search of the store will lead potential customers back to an old CR thread.

    That in itself, now or in the future can label a store indefinitely. Do not discount the power of your voice DY! People can be swayed by your comparison. That’s why ordinary people get paid to write reviews.

    in reply to: Trump Eating in Israel #1277534

    Yes that gets heavy lowerourtuition11210.

    I prefer to abstain from that here.

    If you came to the CR looking to discuss the serious questions about the presidency, you are welcome to start your own thread. Why come here and rebuke the post?

    The intention here was to make a light post about the visit and how that will play out practically. Food is powerful in itself. Maybe by connecting with Israeli culture Trump will warm up B”H.

    Those little details can influence his overall experience. Or maybe I am just being hopeful and unrealistic. Anything is possible.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Lakewood #1277504

    Anyway prices change. So it’s unfair to publicize that X retailer’s Something is less than Y retailer’s Something.

    Tomorrow it could be the opposite. Or the store has other incentives anyway that would actually make the buyer’s overall purchase less than the retailer who supposedly had a lower sale price on the item.

    It’s advertising here in a sense and making comparisons doesn’t give a fair representation to the store. This isn’t Yelp.

    in reply to: גהנום #1277484

    And what’s it like for people who can neither enter גַּן עֵדֶן nor גהנום? (OP)

    I just reread the OP. Joseph asked about what happens to someone who cannot go to Gan Eiden or Gehonim.

    What does happen? Aren’t some people stuck as spirits. Someone I know told me his LOR told him that his non-blood related relative’s spirit was stuck haunting him because this someone got involved in dark things (heavier transgressions) and he has to do teshuvah for it. That relative also sinned so that is why he was stuck as a ghost. The LOR told him to keep giving tzedakah in the relative’s name, and pray that he gets an aliyah.

    Okay honestly, is this normal? Would your LOR tell you the same? I felt like a jerk because at first I was super skeptical but I also believe in dark forces, so I really cannot say anything. I just felt like the tzedakah thing was too much because ever since then this person is still giving too much tzedakah (beyond 20% and at the expense of family priorities – but I don’t know. Maybe it is protecting him from the dead relative, may his memory be a blessing’s spirit from harming him — which the LOR seemed to be alluding to when he explained why the ghost visited him).

    Is it true that some people are stuck haunting if they cannot make it to either side, G-d forbid and lo aleinu?

    Thank you

    in reply to: גהנום #1277483

    LU 👏👏👏👏👏😄😄😄💖💖💖✅✅✅

    “The more bitachon you have that you will receive schar for your Mitzvos, the more schar you will in fact receive!!!!!!

    source: Sifsei Chaim – Rinas Chaim (“b’iurei tefilas Shemona Esrei”), p. 171 (based on the Maharal, Chidushei Agados, Sotah 48b)” (Lilmod Ulelamaid)

    I love it. Yays!!! ~ Thanks for sharing!!! ☺💡💡💡

    in reply to: Trump Eating in Israel #1277481

    Wow that’s a lot!!! Would they do that? By supplies, maybe they mean Secret Service and technology defense stuff?

    I guess he could bring his own food. Interesting. I didn’t even think of that.

    Aren’t they preparing a billion IDF now for his visit?

    Thanks 🙂

    in reply to: Challenging expectations as an artist 🎨 #1277472

    Depends on the medium or mediums, too.

    Visual? Digital? Fine arts? Photography?

    Audio? Musical? Lyrical? Compositional?

    Audio visual? Film? Short? Biographical? Fiction? Nonfiction?

    Written? Fiction? Nonfiction? Stores? Expositions?


    And are you expected to earn an income from the art? To make it available at no cost for consumers online? Both? Neither?

    And the supply costs and that includes time away from investing in other projects too.

    All around — Art is amazing. It outlives us. It inspires us. Comforts us. Connects us!

    I expect you to be AWESOME RebYidd23!!!! You have my total support ☺👑🎨✌🌺🌴🎁🎀🌎🌏🌍

    in reply to: Lakewood #1277374

    LU, I’m pretty sure you’re that woman who isn’t named Stephen 🙂

    in reply to: Lakewood #1277363

    OH! This reminds me of something.

    A man named Stephen got his doctorate! Did I read this joke here? Where did I read it? It was like yesterday.


    Stephen finally earned his doctorate.

    Then he meets someone, and introduces himself, “Hi, I’m Stephen!”

    “Hi Stev?en! Is that Stev?en with a V or a PH?

    “Actually it’s a Stephen with a PhD.”


    ….So everyone here talking about semicha and no semicha and etc. What if someone was working on his semicha? What if someone got semicha and wasn’t passionate about it? What if someone is a woman who is passionate and knowledgeable and isn’t named Stephen?

    Thanks 🙂

    in reply to: Payos/Payot 💈 #1277029

    Actually this may be a better authority!

    Download the 2pg guide from Chinuch dot org (High resolution, top one)

    The second page of the dl has a poster chart! ☺☺☺

    By : Moshe Hillel Kaufman

    in reply to: Seeking a Chuppah to help a fellow Jew get married (renamed) #1277031

    First of all – Super Mazal Tov to the kallah and chasson bI sh’ah tova!

    Question please: Where are they? US? Israel?

    in reply to: Where does one buy sushi grade fish? #1277030

    What does the freezing do? Is it still sushi grade after defrosting?

    in reply to: Payos/Payot 💈 #1277025

    Omgosh!!!!! I literally just read an article with a picture of it too!! Like a mini map of the head.

    YES!!! BRB ☺

    in reply to: Song Game!!!!!!!!!!! #1277011

    Ad Olam – the Chevra
    Dayenu – Pesach Haggadah, “which is part of the ninth-century Seder Rav Amram.” (Wiki)

    in reply to: I am aware that it’s no joke 🚫🃏 #1275813

    RebYidd23 you’re an awesome person ☺✌🆒🔬🔭📚🎁🎂🎠🎨🎵🏡🚀💐💍🚸✈🚕🔝♻🆙💡🔥🏆📬🎻🎸🎹🐩🐣🐦🐢🐄🐳🐋🐫🐊🐯🐆🐧🐼🐝🐜🐛🍭🍯🍉🍒🍓🍎🍍🍇🍈🌸🌷🌴🌳🌞🌝❄⛄🌎🌊🌆🌄🌍🌊🌎🌈🌿

    in reply to: Universally Unpleasant Smells? 🌌👃🤢 #1275814

    Are skunks repelled by the scent of their own skunk spray? Or another skunk’s spray?

    in reply to: Universally Unpleasant Smells? 🌌👃🤢 #1275815

    Btw everytime I look at the emojis in this thread I LOL😄

    Well done Mod, well done ☺👏👏👏👏

    in reply to: YWN website security issues? #1275811

    Eeeks!!! I didn’t realize that. Does it cost money for YWN to put up a more secure https:// system? Maybe paying the IT person or a subscription to a https:// something?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Lost and found #1275801

    Post on Craigslist Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, using first person:

    Lost Camera in Meron: Reward + Big Mitzvah Opportunity!

    I lost my camera in Meron when I went for Lag B’Omer. It has all of my pictures from my seminary year. Reward $$$

    I’m really distraught. If you found it or know where it is, then please contact me… [name] # and/or email

    Today Rabbah and Shavua Tov.

    in reply to: Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels 🥜 #1275783

    B1g B0y: If we were smaller than peanuts would appear larger. We could use little bowls and make tiny dough. Then stuff the insides of peanuts with teensy pretzels that are little taste buds would totally pick up.

    Yes. My post was a fine example of how today’s generation is thinking smaller. Nanotechnology.

    in reply to: Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels 🥜 #1275782

    MMmMMmmmm!!!! I didn’t even know those were called Pletzels! Yum 🙂

    in reply to: Universally Unpleasant Smells? 🌌👃🤢 #1275778

    Chaver: Also, I am a fan of eating cooked cruciferous vegetables, but I dislike how my house smells after cooking them.

    My dog likes rolling around all over gross-smelling things as happiness beams across his face. I’ve often wondered if he and I have ever agreed on unpleasant scents.

    And what about my perception of scents with that of others? …….. and eventually the wondering comes into the CR in the form of a question.

    Yepp yepp ~ Thank you 🙂

    in reply to: Universally Unpleasant Smells? 🌌👃🤢 #1275777

    Chaver: Many questions simply come up as I am living daily life. Some of them I ask here 🙂


    Hi… So for the record, since it’s hard to tell now what came when, I just want to clarify that my applause et al. was showing support for the following statement made by CTLAWYER on May 12th:

    I still cook, wash dishes and do my own laundry and help with grocery shopping. When I married Mrs. CTL all those years ago, I was marrying a partner, not a housemaid/cook (CTLAWYER)

    Thank you and please continue with your regular programming 🙂

    in reply to: Ponevezh Bans Technology 🚫📱🚫🖥️🚫🥔 #1275372

    Thanks Sadigurarebbe for the answer!!! ☺

    in reply to: Ponevezh Bans Technology 🚫📱🚫🖥️🚫🥔 #1275013

    If someone is Ponovezh, then would outing oneself in the CR count as lashon hara against oneself?

    in reply to: Ponevezh Bans Technology 🚫📱🚫🖥️🚫🥔 #1275006

    Shavua Tov LU 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Question please: I love how you add Hebrish into your posts! So I’ve wondered this before and realized that maybe I can ask you… Why do you write “maskim” instead of “maskimah”? I wondered if maybe to be gender anonymous or neutral maybe. Or maybe this is what people say in a frum context when agreeing with each other? Wondering if it is your thing, or a common thing that I didn’t realize that women say too.

    Thank you <3

    in reply to: MORE shidduchim 👰🤵👰🤵👰🤵 #1274990

    Thanks WTP 🙂

    Yes, another great reason to pray for clarity and Hashem’s guidance —-and making Hashem’s Will my will <3

    in reply to: MORE shidduchim 👰🤵👰🤵👰🤵 #1274876

    In a TorahAnytime shiur about dating myths, the shidduch expert said that the whole, “You’ll know when it’s the right person,” is a myth. He said that it does not work like that. People go on a date and they don’t know. They go on another date and they still don’t know. If you’re not opposed to the person for strong reasons, or if you both don’t have conflicting values and goals, then go on another date. But it’s not necessarily so clear right away.

    I wonder if in retrospect, after a couple marries, the husband and/or wife feel like it was more obvious right away?

    Or… maybe people do just “know” right away. Some do. Some may not. So to say that everyone will know once it is the one may discourage some people from continuing to date the right one again.

    I don’t know. Thank you because it def helps to know that Hashem is in charge here 🙂

    in reply to: Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels 🥜 #1274867

    If peanuts were larger or we were smaller, you could make pretzel-filled peanuts.

    in reply to: Trump Fires Comey 🎺🔥🔥 #1274633

    I haven’t been alive long enough to complain for 150 years.

    Just because someone is expressing dissatisfaction for a long time doesn’t mean that you can discard it. Racism doesn’t exist. All those people with darker skin colors have been complaining for hundreds of years now about stuff. They had their chance but stop complaining. They need to stop imagining problems. Law of Attraction. Think good and it will be good. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

    Nor does saying that you had the opportunity to do something and didn’t make any sense.

    Listen while you were up there on Mount Everest you could have taken a selfie! Why didn’t you? Because you had a short window of time to make it to the top and there were people in line and if you took a few extra minutes your lungs could have collapsed and no one needs a dead body crashing into them? Posh posh it’s all your fault!

    If you believe in Democracy than you should accept that anyone can be our president even if he comes with a ton of baggage and incites violence on our people! Because in the end I think he is good for America and my interests! Roar!

    in reply to: Seeing a guy’s photo before deciding to date him 📷🤵 #1274608

    Lol Yay!!! 😄

    The Shabbat candles worked out!! And even with the Megen Davids, which wasn’t intentionally places but aww so perfect ☺☺☺

    Thanks for sharing!!! 💖

    in reply to: Siri, Alexa and Cortana are creepy 📱🖥️🌚 #1274616

    What about a person appearing like a robot on your computer?


    CTLAWYER 👏👏👏👏👏☺☺☺☺✔✔✔✔✅✅✅✅

    in reply to: Seeing a guy’s photo before deciding to date him 📷🤵 #1274599

    I once dated a really amazing guy and he was the least attractive. I didn’t want to date him at first because I was too chutzpahdik. He ended up being so good and became more attractive to me in time. The health thing did get to me after a while. Plus we had different life goals though so it didn’t work out.

    But on that basis of life experience and obviously knowing that there are more than looks in life I can see how I can be wrong. At the same time, I still contest to admonishing all women/girls for even requesting an image.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Combining the best of feminism and tradition #1274585

    Joseph would vanquish the women if they don’t?

    I see Joseph calling on the Beis Din.

    What if their husbands have unhalachic requests? Such as, “Wife, I want you to use two Oreos instead Challot at the Shabbos table!”

    Or, “Wife, boil my sugar with a side of coffee and cream!”

    Or G-d forbid, “Wife, I got a booboo. Bring me a Garfield bandaid now!”*

    *The cat eats trief pizza!

    Thank you 🍞🍞

    in reply to: Seeing a guy’s photo before deciding to date him 📷🤵 #1274554

    Okay so the guy can get all dressed up for the photo but that in itself can be a lesson in being presentable. Maybe it is dishonest. I don’t know.

    RebYidd23: Good point about how saying women are for beauty is objectifying. It just adds more pressure in my humble opinion. I already know guys who talk about how looks matter to them. Maybe I want a guy who sees more than looks.

    And showing guys pics puts pressure to always be perfect looking. But maybe there is the right balance of guy to date. Maybe being less attractive in photos helps women ensure that the guy isn’t being so superficial? Is that crazy?

    Thank you ☺

    in reply to: Seeing a guy’s photo before deciding to date him 📷🤵 #1274543

    Lol RebYidd23! 😄

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