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  • Lightbrite

    Sorry… entering the party late… did anyone mention that “getting married” isn’t the end goal?

    What about staying married? What’s the point of women marrying young only to divorce a few years later?

    in reply to: The best & worst shidduch advice you’ve been told. #1351861

    Thanks LU… and super thanks to the person who said this to me!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: The best & worst shidduch advice you’ve been told. #1351787

    Best advice: It’s time to stand up for yourself, and say “No” to what you will not accept in your life. Hashem put this person in your life as your opportunity to clarify what you want and what you don’t.

    in reply to: 15″ vs 17″ Laptop – Which is better? #1351779

    People can give their opinions on which they believe are better… and from there I can see what I can learn from and relate to… kind of like when someone tells you about food.

    Or maybe it’s not like food. Or is it?

    in reply to: Would a live YNW Coffee Room get-together interest you? #1351587

    Thank you LU!!! Yea, today was the first time that I saw your post from two days ago. Dunno what happened, but glad that your post is there!

    Thank you for letting me know… and it’s funny that you first heard of it from a secular tv show. Nice that some Torah transmitted through in such an unanticipated way ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: WWIII #1351588

    Trump announced that anything is possible in Afghanistan (including more US troops) on the same day too

    in reply to: The best & worst shidduch advice you’ve been told. #1351562

    Omgosh LU! <3 A++++++++++++++++++++++++ for you!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Why does mayonnaise still come in jars? #1350888

    Maybe it was a squeeze pouch? Like one of those single serve packets that come with Starkist tuna lunch kits.

    in reply to: Why no more subtitles? #1350887

    But baruch Hashem, we’re full of yummy stuffed cabbage… so it all evens out in the end ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Very useful iPhone Tip ๐Ÿ“ต๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿšฎ #1350886

    If my parents threw an iPhone in the garbage, I’d wonder whose phone it was.

    in reply to: Dear Stores, Purim is next year. #1350864

    Even online stores are all posting Esther costumes… good point though, I haven’t seen a pumpkin delivering MM

    in reply to: Why does mayonnaise still come in jars? #1350863

    I’ve seen and photographed a squirrel eating mayonnaise from a packet!

    in reply to: Mazal Tov to Takahmamash! #1349973

    Just know you in and from the CR and that you like Old Bay… ๐Ÿ™‚

    You mentioned your simcha in the Mazel Tov thread… Figured we make you a page to give your family brachot too! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mazel Tov!

    Mazal tov!!! โ˜บโ˜บโ˜บ๐Ÿก๐Ÿก๐Ÿก๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป

    in reply to: Be honest; do you (and/or does your spouse) iron clothes? #1349974

    Joseph, has your Eved Knani ever used a steamer?

    Does steaming work as well as ironing?

    Just realised that the iron probably is better at making those angles in clothing, like sharp collars right?

    Thank you โ˜บ

    in reply to: Womyn and their careers #1349897

    In times of severe famine, is it okay to eat your neighbor’s kosher leather shoes?

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1349898

    What would Health! say here?

    Health! If you’re out there, what’s your medical opinion on copper pillowcases for skin vibrancy?

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1349899

    RebYidd23, your definition skills are impeccable!

    Please tell me, when you’re not posting in the CR, do you work for Webster’s or Oxford?

    Also, what is the smell of silver?

    in reply to: Which CR Poster do you want to meet in real life? #1349904

    Lol… seriously lol Joseph ๐Ÿ˜„

    in reply to: Additional Societal Casualties Of The Shidduch Crisis #1349903

    I love the alliteration in this thread’s title!

    in reply to: Be honest; do you (and/or does your spouse) iron clothes? #1349894

    ChadGadya, LOL ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    in reply to: Be honest; do you (and/or does your spouse) iron clothes? #1349893

    How do you edit your posts RebYidd23? Are you a hybrid? Part Mod – Part CR Participant?

    in reply to: Be honest; do you (and/or does your spouse) iron clothes? #1349887

    Omgosh they sell portable steamers for $20! Just a basic table-top ironing board is $10.

    Yays!!! Thanks RebYidd23 โ˜บโ˜บโ˜บ ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’œ

    YOU made my day! ๐ŸŒทThanks for showing me a new solution ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿฃ๐Ÿฉ

    in reply to: Be honest; do you (and/or does your spouse) iron clothes? #1349881

    Does anyone here have a good steamer that he or she recommends?

    Is a steamer a practical every day laundry tool?

    THANK you I’m advance โ˜บ

    in reply to: Be honest; do you (and/or does your spouse) iron clothes? #1349878

    I don’t know how I used to iron as a kid! I used to iron my t-shirts so often. It may have been before I learned the dryer trick where you dampen a shirt and toss it in the dryer.

    But this dryer trick also makes clothing more susceptible to pilling.

    Alas… I wish all fabrics were wrinkle-free-friendly.

    OMG RebYidd23!!!! I forgot about steaming. That’s like the new ironing right? And if it is hot enough, it will kill dust mites!!!

    Okay… are these a billion dollars? Brb…

    Thank YOU!!!! Forgot about those ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

    in reply to: Which CR Poster do you want to meet in real life? #1349865

    Possible male CRers’ natural habitats (at least where I’ve seen frum men in places):

    -Men’s section at shul
    -Mingling in a group with other men, over drinks and snacks, during Shabbos
    -Over there on the couch talking about something after kiddush at someone’s house
    -Costco on Thursdays (my natural habitat as well)
    -Restaurant on date night with wife
    -Restaurant with family
    -On the road walking on Shabbos
    -At the Rabbi’s home during Shabbos
    -In the car driving
    -Torah classe
    -Jewish event, like a big shiur with a visiting Rabbi

    Just like basic places where you find people living life, except a little specialized to account for a frum Jewish man’s life

    Can you think of any other places where you may find male CRers?

    Thanks Joseph ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Womyn and their careers #1349835

    Why aren’t public displays of affection illegal?

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1349834

    What does copper smell like?

    in reply to: Womyn and their careers #1349787

    You can give birth while working…

    For example, you can give birth while working if you’re the subject of a documentary (or article) and a production company (or journalist) is paying you while giving birth.

    If more women (or womyn) were on reality tv, there’d be more Shalom Bayis (please don’t take this seriously).


    in reply to: Trees growing from roof #1349789

    Was the house shabby chic?

    in reply to: Which CR Poster do you want to meet in real life? #1349793

    LU: By the way, you’re on the top of my list. I felt uncomfortable posting a list of which CRers I’d want to meet in real life, because I don’t want to exclude anyone.

    When it comes to male posters, I’d want to see them in their natural habitat, but not necessarily meet them. Just out of curiosity to see if they’re like I imagine.

    Yepp yepp ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1349788

    Aren’t pennies less copper now than previously?

    Actually wait! Why am I taking your very clever suggestion seriously? Because it would, maybe, cost less than a real copper threaded pillowcase?

    Well, regardless, money is pretty dirty. That’s one reason why.

    The next reason is that sleeping on a hard lumpy surface may cause more wrinkles, even if it was made of copper.

    Thank you though ๐Ÿ™‚

    More suggestions welcome!

    in reply to: Would a live YNW Coffee Room get-together interest you? #1348021

    LU: Thanks, and sorry for not clarifying my question. I’ll try again here…

    Kitov said, “The Talmud says if you ask for too much you get nothing.”

    My question was in reference to the context of this “The Talmud says if you ask for too much you get nothing.” statement in the Talmud, and the origins from Chazal.

    I’ve simply never heard of anything saying that if you ask for too much, you get nothing. Does that mean that we’re not supposed to ask too much from Hashem? I thought that we’re supposed to ask for everything that we need, even if our needs are great.

    Or does this, limiting what we ask for, just apply when asking from people and not from Hashem?

    …Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Would a live YNW Coffee Room get-together interest you? #1347960

    kitov: What is the context of this “if you ask for too much you get nothing” statement in the Talmud?

    thank you

    in reply to: Crown Moldngs and Chair Rails #1347087

    Missing an *i* in the title.

    Maybe it’s not a typo but a selfless mistake.

    in reply to: To posters who post but not frequently #1347086

    But then they’d no longer be the posters who post but not frequently.

    They’d be posters who post moderately. Posters who post predictably. Posters who post often. Posters who post at least twice a week —and thus no longer obligated to post twice a week. Unless they go back to where they started as not frequently and the circle of posting status and posting begins again.

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1347011

    Mammele: I just watched a YouTube video of the Roomba 980 vacuuming up Cheerios!!! โ˜บ

    in reply to: Drumstick or Drumstick? #1347014

    I’d def go for a pareve ice cream drumstick.

    Ice cream is the best! It’s the stuff of Olam Habah. Sorry that’s not fair to Olam Habah, and probably quite insulting. Point is, if we had a buffet where we could choose which drumstick, I’d be more than happy to step aside to let people take all the poultry drumsticks. I’d be over on the other side anyway, enjoying a chocolate covered vanilla ice cream cone.

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346978


    1. Yes definitely! Once I came home after about an hour and the champ was still going!

    2. Yes, and that’s where my Roomba usually makes its first turn. I didn’t realize how much dust I had in the bathroom until it started cleaning the floors and bath mat. Now I can see the difference. It goes around the cabinet, to the corner where the toilet is, and then bounces back and forth until it’s done.

    3. I’m not sure about Cheerios or small bread crumbs. By my dog’s food bowl, it picks up dried peas and veggie scraps that fell out. It would depend on the height of the Cheerios or bread crumbs I guess. This is one of those questions I’d Google, and see if there’s a YouTube video showing the Roomba in action.

    You’re doing great research! Lol, if I had bread or Cheerios at home, I’d experiment for you ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Drums that sound like a heart beating #1346979


    in reply to: Are they faking their beliefs/identity?! #1346660

    Avi K: That’s really flattering… is that true? How and why does the CR exist?

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346628

    9. Speaking of compartments, Omgosh, love the Roomba here too! In the regular upright vacuum, my hair loops around the spinner brush. I have to take scissors and cut it out and then pull.

    Cleaning up the regular vacuum is a chore.

    Roomba is a dream!

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346627

    8. I did use the laser blocker a few times at first too, to block the Roomba from getting too close to my dog’s water bowl. But then I forgot one time and the Roomba just nudged it against the wall without anything spilling – meanwhile, with the upright Shark vacuum, I’ve accidentally slurped up half a cup of water after getting too close (which was followed by a huge project of taking it apart and drying compartments).

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346626

    7. It’s not perfect. Sometimes it won’t get a corner. It cannot climb from the floor onto my dog’s 2in foam mats – which a regular vacuum has no problem doing because I just pick it up. Actually, sometimes I do pick up my Roomba and set it on the mats. But that’s a lot easier than doing it myself with my regular vacuum.

    It does get stuck once in a while under some furniture pieces too, but I just created a solution. For example, it used to go under my futon all kamakazi, exhausting itself until it turned off. However, now it is all good. I just put a random board until my futon to block it from access.

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346624

    6. I usually let the Roomba to do its work when I leave the house. I love it. When I return, it’s usually recharging at its dock, and sometimes I honestly get excited about seeing how much time it saved me! I go empty it and marvel at the junk and dust that was lurking.

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346623

    5. When I first got it, I programmed it to clean every day at a certain time. I stopped doing it that way because my house is not always ready. I have to take fabric and paper stuff off of the floor – like socks, toys, my purse, receipts, and stray Post-its – because it may and can pull on those things or push them around.

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346622

    4. Bonuses:

    – Every since using the Roomba a few times a week, I now change my A/C air filter less often. I used to have to change it precisely every month. Now I’ve gone two and even longer without it getting dusty. Those things are $25 each. So the Roomba is paying for itself!

    – The air is cleaner! Vacuuming with my Shark upright vacuum leaves exhaust circulating, even if I cannot see it. The Roomba, on the other hand, sweeps and sucks, and honestly it’s almost magical!

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346621

    3. Otherwise, you can get it with the 20% off Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupon – and I think you have up to one year to return it if need be.

    I have a big dog and empty it each the compartment after every cycle. Way better than emptying my Shark vacuum, where emptying the Shark vacuum container generally ends up with dust flying in my face, even though I empty it into one of those small fruit or veggie grocery bags. Omgosh, the Roomba makes clearing out the compartment so easy. And it had a great HEPA filter too.

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346620

    2. Fine. I’m an avid Costco shopper, and so I took my mom’s offer when the Roomba 805 went on sale. They have a 90-day return policy.

    From what I’ve read though, the only bonus of the Costco Roomba is that it comes with an extra laser beam whatever thing, that blocks off an area or direction where you don’t want the Roomba to go, like down the staircase, G-d forbid.

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346619

    Omgosh Mammele!! I have the Roomba 805 from Costco and LOVE It!!

    Life is Baruch Hashem amazing now – in a HUGE part thanks to my Roomba!!! People told me about it, and even my mom wanted to buy it for me years ago. It finally took being a guest at my friend’s home last Pesach for me to want one too. My friend had a big dog and yet her area rugs and floors were perfect. Usually light colored fur on red rugs makes them look dull, but everything was all shiny. She didn’t even vacuum. The Roomba did it!

    in reply to: Copper pillowcases #1346629

    11. Hairs are actually fun and easy to remove in the Roomba. There are two cylinder things, and you just pull them out and the hair is literally spiraled inside the top of the cylinder. In one second, I take out the now-curly clump of hair, and toss it with the rest of the junk that the Roomba picked up.

    My friend told me to try it. If I didn’t like it, then I could return it I am so glad that I tried it because it’s been way over 90-days now and I appreciate it more and more!

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