Forum Replies Created
If an earthquake was coming, wouldn’t it make more sense to sleep in an open field on one of those huge air mattresses that firefighters inflate at the bottom of buildings for people to land on, and stunt people use for the same purposes?
Maybe add a net on the top of it so you can’t bounce out.
LightbriteParticipantToday I looked up some photos on credit card skimmers, and it’s so possible that I’ve used one and never knew it.
Just last year, police in my county removed over half a hundred skimmers at gas stations.
Gosh… when did people start using credit cards?
LightbriteParticipantThe real question is what did the first challah’s braids look like?
And technically, wasn’t the first challah a twin?
LightbriteParticipantSecond the question of how the eruv affects the cost of Cholov Yisroel milk
LightbriteParticipantWinnieThePooh, omgosh thank you!!!
Wow, I always thought that the Rebbe’s Ohel and 770 were on the same property! Whoa… so interesting.
I remember hearing how he’d go to his father-in-law’s to daven for people, and thinking that he was going someplace at 770.
Thank you for the info 🙂
LightbriteParticipantDisposable trash cans
LightbriteParticipantWait; I’m curious what ended up happening Gadolhadorah?
LightbriteParticipantGingerbread Challah!
LightbriteParticipantOmgosh, cast iron challah!
LightbriteParticipantDovidBT’s invention is the solution to sinkholes! Can you make them eject entire homes too?
LightbriteParticipantWell, if you have to talk all day, then in my humble opinion it’s easier to take periodic sips than have a hard candy in your mouth while giving a lecture.
Though, maybe periodic sips doesn’t account to “all day” according to your definition.
LightbriteParticipantHave you called 211 to connect with local resources and maybe nonprofits that can help you get to a better place?
LightbriteParticipantkitov, thank you for such a beautiful message… I love that! 🙂
LightbriteParticipantJakob, are you serious?
That’s exactly what someone else told me last night, that Fox ws the only honest news source.
I’m confused though, because what’s this thing about Fox reporters wanting to quit?
Also, I don’t have a tv, but from what I remember from back when I had a tv, Fox reminded me of some tabloid spitting out the same thing 3 times a day.
At the same time, I don’t think CNN or BBC are any better, especially since they both sometimes have the most offensive anti-Israel headlines… You know the type; the ones that spin things around to make it seem like the terrorist who just killed x amount of innocent people is the victim because he ended up blowing himself up too. Like hello!
November 1, 2017 7:28 am at 7:28 am in reply to: Is A Jew Permitted To Celebrate Halloween? #1392802LightbriteParticipantLast night’s doorstep pumpkin may become this Shabbat’s kugel.
LightbriteParticipantDovidBT: Oh now I get it! Clever.
LightbriteParticipantDepends on how cold it is
It could be a near straight fall waterslide, or a Black Diamond ski slope.
If the slope is in the desert, then I don’t know… do you have any idea about a slippery desert slope?
LightbriteParticipantDon’t steak sandwiches contain steak sliced extremely thin, to the point of greatly facilitating the chewing process, so much so that the steak is no longer chewy?
LightbriteParticipantI once met someone who put hard candies in his water, and rhen drank it.
Can drinking candy-flavored water substitute during times of not sucking candies?
LightbriteParticipantWhy don’t they make left-handed dollar bills?
LightbriteParticipantMajor bump… lol thank you 😄😄😄😄
LightbriteParticipantout of town yid: As for living, because life where I was was sinply unaffordable and I could not even get a sustainable retail, hotel, or food service job (every job had billions vying for the opportunity and I was an inexperienced newcomer) I moved from the most magical amazing place that I had ever stepped foot on in my life to a boring suburb in a simple town with much more affordable food and housing.
When I first moved here, I told my new rabbi about my life. Suddenly he stopped me when I shared about a recent chesed that I had done. My rabbi told me that giving money away, for someone in my position, wasn’t chesed. A lot of pieces started coming together over the years. I seemed to care more about helping others and being a “good person” to a fault.
Moving to another state forced me to reevaluate my life goals, and take a new look at what I wanted from life.
You know what, I want to make money. I am still in the process of building myself up. I went back to school, and it was the most empowering things I have done for myself.
Baruch Hashem, my grades were great, and I finished my degree thanks to Pell grants and academic scholarships. Really a blessing.
Out of town yid, I do not know your circumstances, but I want you to know that you don’t have to give up who you are.
You might have to let go of your expectations as to what your purpose is in this world. Maybe Hashem needs you to move.
Honestly, that’s how I see it in my case.
No one. No one could have ever gotten me to move from where I was living.
But a turn of events slowly broke me down to the point that all I wanted was some privacy, a warm bed, and some quiet to reflect and stop fighting for survival.
Today, I feel at home where I am, and I appreciate having a more boring life.
It sounds like you need to act. Remember that you are not alone. Hashem is with you. Guiding you even now.
LightbriteParticipantUpdate: Not applying for the job.
My boss showed me the current top candidate’s resume and application (at least, as of last Friday) and this person is exceptionally qualified! I heart the organization and want the best person for the position.. and I am not that person.
Truthfully though, seeing the background that it takes to be good in this job was really good for me because I can accept that it’s not my path.
I still need a job, like yesterday, B”H I’m pursuing other options.
LightbriteParticipantRaccoons are organizing!
LightbriteParticipantCurious Raccoons First!
LightbriteParticipantBaruch Hashem, all is good now. Sometimes rainy days can get to me.
I felt insecure because I was comparing myself to peers who seem to have accomplished way more in their lives than I have at this point. At the same time, Hashem is in charge, and Hashem gave me a purpose. So, it’s okay if my path doesn’t look like everyone else’s.
Emuna is the solution here. I have emuna. Hashem is in control, and instead of having the plan outlined by society as being, the way, we have Hashem’s Hashgacha Pratis.
Anyway… thank you. 🙂
October 29, 2017 8:45 pm at 8:45 pm in reply to: Gravestone (matzeva) Inscriptions seeking opinions/advice………………. #1391503LightbriteParticipantI’m so sorry CTLAWYER for you and MRS. CTLAWYER’s loss… Thank you for asking for our humble opinions on this majorly important matter.
Here are my thoughts:
Answer #1: Yiddish name; it’s personal to your wife’s mom. Using her Yiddish name, the name that comes to mind and heart when your wife thinks of the name that speaks of her mom’s neshama, honors their maternal bond. It’s authentic.
Answer #2: One-hundred percent, inscribe both stones, but personalize the one near husband #1 in a way that both respects their marriage together, all the while making it clear that she had since moved on to another marriage, and thus isn’t buried beside husband #1.
B’Hatzlacha, and may whatever you choose to do be good and bring good, enhancing your mother-in-law’s memory as a blessing in this world and the world to come.
LightbriteParticipantOh sorry! Just realized that this is a Salad Dressing thread.
Nevermind my question… because I was thinking that it was a Strawberry Preserve thread.
Silly me
LightbriteParticipantWhy is always bold?
LightbriteParticipantThanks RebYidd23, yes you are right… I meant connotations. ☺
LightbriteParticipantLast night, I had a dream that I was asked to take a breathalyzer. The breathalyzer was in a little measuring cup. I puffed air into it. The results were higher than legal limit. I started crying, saying that I wanted to take it again. It made no sense. I don’t even drink.
But before I took the test, I was chewing gum. I spit it out seconds before taking the breathalyzer.
I asked the person who gave it to me if the gum would result in a false positive. Yes. She said. That’s exactly why the results came out positive! It was the sugar alcohols.
When I woke up, I wondered where that dream came from.
Then I remembered your thread. I looked up extracts and grain alcohol, wondering if an extract could affect someone like alcohol, even in a small dose.
Weird how the CR ends up in my sleep.
Thank you
October 27, 2017 7:54 am at 7:54 am in reply to: I don’t care but I do care but sorry because it’s my house and I need to live he #1390876LightbriteParticipantAnd you wake up by those rings? Where do I get such a ring?
October 27, 2017 7:53 am at 7:53 am in reply to: I don’t care but I do care but sorry because it’s my house and I need to live he #1390875LightbriteParticipantEeeks! “By the way, if everyone just plastered his or her walls with a sheet of marshmallows, we’d all live in soundproof homes.”
October 26, 2017 11:29 pm at 11:29 pm in reply to: I don’t care but I do care but sorry because it’s my house and I need to live he #1390805LightbriteParticipantIs it true that you can marry someone who sleeps through his or her alarm, and it becomes really annoying?
LightbriteParticipantWhy not use vegetable glycerin?
LightbriteParticipantCopied from Hamodia:
October 26, 2017 ו’ חשון תשע”ח
Hamodia DebateMaster Plan for Development Approved in Lakewood
By Mordechai Wincorn
“Lakewood’s planning committee voted to approve a much-debated “Master Plan” that will guide development in the rapidly growing town for the next 10 years. The plan attempts to balance the dual need for expanded housing to keep up with the rapidly expanding community as well as public demands to reduce congestion and retain aesthetic qualities of the town…” (Hamodia)
For more details on the plan, please see the article.
October 26, 2017 11:28 pm at 11:28 pm in reply to: Who lost their sons and their eyes on this date in Jewish history (6 Cheshvan)? #1390797LightbriteParticipant“In 3340/422 B.C.E., Nevuchadnetzar killed King Tzidkiyahu’s sons before his eyes, subsequently blinding him. (See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 580:2)” (Hamodia)
October 26, 2017 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm in reply to: Who lost their sons and their eyes on this date in Jewish history (6 Cheshvan)? #1390796LightbriteParticipantOmgosh that’s so scary!!!
October 26, 2017 8:47 pm at 8:47 pm in reply to: I am superior to you because of the coffee I drink. #1390755LightbriteParticipantThank you Rand0m3x! 🙂
I continued with my absurd spiel, but it disappeared into the vortex of nonsense
LightbriteParticipantThank you for your encouragement funnybone!
I will be applying for said job, and yes, I’ll keep you posted B”H 🙂
October 26, 2017 7:40 pm at 7:40 pm in reply to: I don’t care but I do care but sorry because it’s my house and I need to live he #1390716LightbriteParticipantRebYidd23: I gave up my silent alarm…. Getting a bed that flips over at 6am isn’t my cup of tea. I got so many bruises from being knocked on the floor that my friends became concerned. They thought that I had a ghost in my house. Crazy!
LightbriteParticipantHot topic! I’m already sixth in line.
When a woman thinks that it’s love at first sight, what does she see?
I’m glad this thread is up, because today someone reminded me about how it takes time to know a person, and everyone is on his or her best behavior at first.
Thanks for sharing Joseph! 🙂
October 26, 2017 1:42 am at 1:42 am in reply to: STRANGER: Knock Knock, delivery! YOU: I’m not home, but come right in! #1390022LightbriteParticipantIs the drone male or female?
LightbriteParticipantAre you cooking at a high elevation?
LightbriteParticipantCorrection please: “Baking” not “cooking.” 🍰🍥
LightbriteParticipantPeople ask questions on forums to hear from real people who have experience, and they may value these people’s opinions on a level above information that they found via a Google search.
Also, Google doesn’t have every answer.
Also, someone here may have tried Googled recipes, and this person can provide feedback.
LightbriteParticipantThat’s assur RebYidd23, unless you bought said collectible coin from eBay.
LightbriteParticipantCurrently? None.
Also, again, there’s no certainty that I’d be hired here. Hmmm…
LightbriteParticipantVERY badly! Like yesterday, times infinity!