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  • in reply to: Warning you will regret not reading very word. #2354276

    Sholom My dear Bael Teshuva,
    Thank you, yasher koach for these pivotal words. You added some very hands on chizukim for nisyoinois and yissurim that we may R”L have to go trough. May you continue to be inspired in your avoidas HaBorei Boruch Hu, and continue to inspire others.

    in reply to: YWN Chutzpah! Ignoring Levaya of HaRav Asher Deutch #2342056

    Chutzpah? I am not the one to judge that, but disapointed that you didn’t have the livestream of the Levaya like the one on on Chadrei Chareidim.

    in reply to: Trump Cheated The Election’s! #2331507

    You seem to be overtired. Maybe it is better that you lay your head down, and accept reality.


    I think you should try to imagine why these people are voting Democrat. They often feel that they are not represented by Trump. They might feel he is kinda impulsive and they feel uncomfortable with a person like that in the seat of Abe Lincoln. Whiel of course they opposite is true – and it is not for nothing that the symbol of the democratic party is a donkey – the imcompetence is entirely with Harris,
    Do we ever imagine a woman with word salads like Harris do some tough talking with Putin? Would we imagine her sitting down with the Ayatollah and the Mullahs of Iran ימ”ש? Only disaster could ensue from this?
    But the Jews who vote democrat do this usually from a family tradition. They can poshut not imagine themselved voting for the GOP. Feel sorry for people who are misguided like that.

    in reply to: No tachnun? #2301697

    C’mon, we are still in galus! There is no Beis Hamikdash. We are apprehensive of reprisals by Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran! We are in the middle of Bein Hametzorim, there is now more then ever a need to beg Hakodesh Boruch Hu for Rachamim!

    in reply to: Time to be REAL #2296660

    Why are people here, because this is exactly what they will have to overcome. If they would live with the awareness that they should only care what הקב”ה thinks of them they would probably not have face 120 years wallowing in the mud of עולם הזה.
    You can’t expect of the המון עם to be holding there so early in the journey.

    in reply to: Why do we mainly ignore the Lakewood tragedy? #2293535

    @Commonsaychel My English might not be on mother tongue level, because it is not my mother tongue. Rabbi Rotberg shlitah was on YWN and speaking about how we should respond to this tragedy, all while we, whom are not privileged to live in USA, had no idea what he was talking about, because YWN had not reported about it!

    in reply to: Is Claudine Gay’s Resignation Good News? #2250943

    Is a square a triangle?

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2248157

    If I were a Goy?? I think I would not know how quick I would get to a Rabbi to ask him what I have to do to become Jewish… Can you imagine, I live solely without purpose? You are living in Boro Park and you are blinded not to see the beauty of the Torah and a life with HKB”H. How could you live a day and not be Jewish? Hurry, there are yet few tickets available to Olam Habo and Olam Haze. It is still possible.
    Any goy living in the proximity of frum Jews should dance for joy. Can you imagine being born in Saudi Arabia or China, you do not even know what a Jew is and will never be able to ask any questions (unless you are an Awraham Ovinu!).

    in reply to: Let us do something together for a Yeshua for Klal Yisroel #2239149

    Sholom friend,
    I think most people rather not say what they are willing to take on, but I will be extra careful today not talking sichas Chullin in Beis Medrash
    Gut Choidesh and thanks for you great initiative!

    in reply to: Can We Please Sing ונהפוך הוא correctly? #2171451

    So how did it happen with”Toiv li Soras picha malfei zohov wa-chOsef.”?

    in reply to: How smart are u? #2141335

    Regarding the second one I have some anecdotal evidence. I think it was the great-great-great-grandson of Moron HaRav Elyashiv זצוק”ל, cam to ask if this illustrious forebear would serve as Sandak. This was a Tekufa that Moron did not make his time available to take the Mitzvah of Sandakois. Nevertheless this one of this offspring was the first one to sport the first grand-grand…..son להבדיל בין חיים לחיים. So he told Moron that he would be guaranteed Gan Eden. Rabbi Elyashiv mused that he was all his life working to go through the front door of Gan Eden and not through the backdoor.
    This maaseh is brought in “learning to live” distributed by Feldheim, but I could not find the maaseh when I browsed through the book just not, I am sure it is there, but do not know the exact page.

    in reply to: Football Match #2135668

    Very bad. But check with your Local Orthodox Authority.

    in reply to: ספר recommendation #2130213

    AviradArah and ymribiat, both Journeys to virtue and The laws of interpersonal relationships are the same book. The author is a talmid chacham that I know personally who lives at the moment in Bnei Brak. He should have a Refuah Sheleimah besoich shor choileh Yisroel Mehayra. Awrohom Yosef ben Chana.

    in reply to: IS THE TINTIN COMIC BOOK KOSHER? #2129601

    RBZS, I am sorry for my rushed reaction. I thought you poshut had not read what I had written. In retrospect I do appreciate your what your post, although (as an European, never set foot in the USA) have to admit that I have no idea who Rabbi Taubenfeld זצ”ל was. That of course does not diminish your words. A gut Kvittel!

    in reply to: IS THE TINTIN COMIC BOOK KOSHER? #2129396

    RBZS? What is new, that is almost exactly what I wrote. Shoin, you should have a gemar chasimah Toiva and may we all be zoiche to Bias Goayl Bimheero byomeinu…

    in reply to: IS THE TINTIN COMIC BOOK KOSHER? #2129235

    Regarding violent comics about Tenach and holy people of the Tenach being depicted by the feeble minds of our day and age are also wrought with difficulty. How do you depict a Shimshon? A Dovid HaMelech? People tend to make them way more human they really were. These people were on such a madreiga that we do not have the Keilim to Masik them. Then we leave the people of (for example marshmellow) depict them (even though they are better then most other ones) and we are definitely diminishing the real stature of these kedoshei weGedolei Elyon of the Tenach.
    But AviraDeAarah, I agree that some happenings in Nach would be better if not used at all.

    in reply to: IS THE TINTIN COMIC BOOK KOSHER? #2129060

    In the 1970s and 1980s (and probably before that) Tintin was to be found in many frum European houses, I think that there were not a lot of alternatives. Many people grew up to upright shomer mitzvah Yidden and even rabbanim with the adventures of Tintin, Snowy, Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus.
    Having that said, Tintin is far from having a Torah Hashkafa, it has even been rumoured and is still a subject of debate whether the creator of Tintin (by the pseudonym of Herge) was an antisemite. Tintin is not a very Jewish comic. Thirty, fourty years ago it was not considered as being very bad, it was more or less a necessary evil. There were no alternatives anf Tinin very often gave particular understanding about actualities in the worldnews. Now we have Gadi Polack and the like so I would very much hesitate giving them Tintin to read.

    in reply to: Non Jewish Funerals #2123154

    With due respect for their service to klal Yisroel the chief rabbis of the Commonwealth lehavdil bayn chaim lchaim did and do not look upon themselves as poskim.. They should be respected as figureheads for the Jewish communities and service to the communities, but they are not serious poskim from which we should learn halacha!

    in reply to: Whats your favorite Parsha Sheet? #2098231

    Without a doubt Toras Avigdor. Great work!

    in reply to: Skepticism regarding Covid vaccin #1932340

    I am definitely planning on taking it. I am just wondering where all this resistance is coming from and why people believe it. I mean to say that I have seen enough news items informing us how important it is and that we are Chayav to do it, but how can it be that people still are skeptical. This phenomenon is what I try to understand. You don’t need telling me that it is a chiyuv, I just want to understand that despite all the clear messages people are still saying one should not.

    in reply to: Being a Ger and BT #1850798

    Reb Shimon, Millhouse, I am confused again. Is a Motz and dayan able to go against an outright Teshuvah of the Igrois Moishe? Okay some might claim that this comes from the famous fifth volume of Igrois Moishe (which I even think might not be true). Still it gives a very weak ground to ever do away with.
    I am sure now, that my friend is Jewish (welcome the heartache once more) and the original poster is a fulll geir. Maybe the Rabbi I spoke to was not familiar with this IM. Anyways thanks for the clarifications. Ayn Simcha ela bebirur safeik. (might be a wrong quote, but you’ll understand, I never claimed to be something like a Talmid Chacham).

    in reply to: Being a Ger and BT #1849623

    Dearest Reb Shimon Nodel,
    Yasher Koach, tiyeh Kamocha Harbeh beYisroel. I understand from the way you posted that you re definitely from the more distinguished members from this small tzibbur. What you said is what I wanted to hear. Though, I can not reveal the name of the Posek (because of privacy reasons of my friends) I can tell you that this is a distinguished Posek in Chutz l’Oretz who have dealt with tens of cases (maybe even more) of Geirim and Geirus. No offense taken, I very much acknowledge my tremendous lack of knowledge in Halacha (and definitely in non normative Halacha). I don’t think you are saying Tipshus, but I still like to clarify the Inyan with a person who really has the answers. I spoke to a Rosh Kollel about this in E”Y on Erev Yom Tov and he said that these are the shaalois of the big Poskim. He didn’t though, brush aside the assumption of Giluy Milsa after the fact. He said that probably this would Paskened from a case to case basis.
    But indeed, till I heard the Maaseih of my past friend and what was being said about him I was also quite surprised at the utter possibility of this being taken in consideration. Now I didn’t think to much about it till I read the post of the chashuve first poster. It just reawakened in me the past and all the heartache.

    From E”Y a Gute (and now more then ever) and Gezunte Summer.

    in reply to: Being a Ger and BT #1848873

    With all due respect. The past few days I have thought a lot about this thread (or post, or whatever you call it). I just can’t wrap my brain around it. When a person becomes Jewish, he must renounce all connection to all forms of Avoideh Zorah. He must be able to say from the depth of his heart that ALL other religions are absolute and total nonsense. Say about JC that he was one of the biggest fakes and abominations ever walking the Earth. If just not feeling accepted drives you off the Derech (I can understand that, even though I might not consider it a valid justification). That you feel that doing Mitzvos and live as a Jew is to difficult, again understandable. That you feel like eating a cheeseburger by McDonalds (albeit a very bad reason, understandable). But to go back to the folly of Christianity??
    My question to the Talmidei Chachamim here; A potential Ger who toivels to become Jewish but only says that he renounces Avoideh Zorah, but in his heart he keep the possibility open to return, is that a bonafide Jew? Devorim Shebaleiv einam Devorim. Or do we say that his actions (at a later date) confirm his Leiv?
    I had a very good friend. He became a Jew. He got married and had a lot of children. But he left his family and went OTD. It caused me a tremendous amount of heartache. (and still does). I found out that he now is living in a retreat for people who accept certain eastern philosophies.
    It caused me a lot of pain. But I spoke one time with a Posek about this and he told me that he was not convinced that we can call him a Jew. Why?
    The explanation was that his actions raised doubts about his original Geirus. Was he really peh wlaiv echad? Or did he leave open a kind of escape door?
    I know that this is very controversial (but being myself also a GT, I like to know if anybody knows more about the subject).
    To the original poster I would very much ask of you to think about your actions and ask poskim and rabbeim to clarify your status. I truly care for how you must be feeling, I am very disturbed by this whole maaiseh.

    in reply to: Being a Ger and BT #1848415

    I hope that you will fully realize that you have thrown away the life-giving waters. You are now in an arid desert. No water and nothing on the horizon with only vultures circling your head. PLEASE DO FULL TESHUVA! I know life as a G”T is not always easy and yes you”ll be judged by people in certain ways. But you have recognized that Hashem Yisborach is the only true place to go to! Don’t deviate from the straight path. Realize what you are doing! You made a terrible mistake going OTD. Don’t do it for the Aibishter, do it for the love of your own neshama and come back!

    in reply to: Does a convert adopted by frum parents have a bashert? #1740100

    Lightbrite, you said you listened to a shiur on this. Which shiur was this? Who is the maggid shiur an was itonline? If yes can you provide a link, I ver much like to hear it, thank you.

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