Forum Replies Created
April 18, 2012 10:16 am at 10:16 am in reply to: What can Yeshivos and girls' schools do to prevent students' OTD feelings? #972713lesschumrasParticipant
In my freshman year in yeshiva h.s. a lot of us would ask sincere hashkafic questions about the things we were doing by rote. The rabbanim, European trained,would respond by calling them chutzpaniks. By the time we had a teacher willing to answer, in our senior year, the boys were already otd and were no longer interested . I came very close to otd
lesschumrasParticipantSimcha613, why do you call that body part obscene?
lesschumrasParticipantshein, and that halachic basis was…… They didn’t care.
My point being is that people constantly say you can’t change a minhag because of mesorah , your father did it this way etc when in fact, as the Chassidim did, if you are going to change anyway, you’ll find a basis ir it
At some point in time, whether it be gabrochts or any minhag, someone in the past changed their minhag to adopt their current one. They aren’t set in stone, or at least shouldn’t be
April 6, 2012 12:38 pm at 12:38 pm in reply to: Should Oldest Son Inherit a Rov / Rebbe's Position? #866521lesschumrasParticipantThe Satmar brothers chose civil court to resolve their inheritance issuea
lesschumrasParticipantI keep asking this qusstion and no one will answer it:
” Chacham sam2 -does not really sound so shayich. But I saw in halichos shlomo (see tefilah 4 haarah 95 and hilchos pesach by gebroktz) Reb shlomo zalman is mechalek between a minhag, which gets passed down from generation to generation “
Then how did the first generation of Chassidim go against Daas Torah and abandon centuries of minhagim and nusach as practiced by there fathers and forefathers?
lesschumrasParticipantChumras are fine, just don’t overcharge those who are machmir. My point was that often there is no justification for the price differential. The buyers of the products are sincere, which is why the overcharge is unfair
lesschumrasParticipantDo you think the hsimish companies maintain their own canneries etc? They contract. With many of the same companies that manufacture canned goods with an ON. They just apply the heimish label for a specific run and you get to pay a higher price for the privilege. A few years ago a friends father insisted on paying a premium. For a bag of sugar with a heimish hashgacha.
During Pesach the bag tore and underneath was the Domino bag with an OUP
lesschumrasParticipantYou’re missing my point. You say you can’t understand how people can give up their mesorah so easy and I gave you a relatively recent example where tens of thousands of Jews voluntarily abandoned centuries of nusach and minhagim to become chassidim
it’s not as if mesorah hasn’t been thrown away before. Didn’t the baal shem tov do that when he discarded centuries of mesorah and adopted a new nusach, mihagim etc?
lesschumrasParticipantToo,Loyal Jew
Why was it OK to join FB for money?
lesschumrasParticipantWhy was it OK for money to encourage the girls to join? It was the same Facebook then
lesschumrasParticipantThat’s what caller id is for. If you don’t recognize the number don’t answer
Sandwiches are a relatively a modern invention,so I doubt the manuals gad them in mind. They are meant to be eaten with hands, else why bother with the bread. Choosing to eat them with a knife and fork is personal preference,not a sign of refinement
March 23, 2012 8:44 pm at 8:44 pm in reply to: Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships #862288lesschumrasParticipantFarrocks, not so. In majority of cases daughter will not have same relationship with mil
The last major new path prior to MO was started by the Baal Shem Tov two centuries ago. The misnagdim, especially the VilnaGaon denied the validity of Chassidus.
lesschumrasParticipantLoyal Jew, what did youdo, spit on them?
March 13, 2012 12:59 pm at 12:59 pm in reply to: Gathering regarding Internet on May 20 at Shea stadium, space for 42000 people! #878440lesschumrasParticipantThe LIRR station is open only when the Mets have a game scheduled
March 12, 2012 1:57 am at 1:57 am in reply to: Hiccuping means someone is talking about you? #859259lesschumrasParticipantPlease tell me this is a joke.
lesschumrasParticipantIf you won’t use the elevator because your weight increases electricity usage,then you shouldn’t use air.conditioning. . More people in room forces the compressor on
Many poskim matir them. You want to be machmir and get exercise at same time, Boone is forcing you to use them.
lesschumrasParticipantWhat’s the issue? Imagine a senior center and everyone took out their dentures
lesschumrasParticipantRashi wasn’t “in” the Gemorah the way it is today until the first printed edition in Italy
lesschumrasParticipantIsn’t it the practice of shomtim of a body to say tehilim?
lesschumrasParticipantGee, of we’re going to follow Staffing chumras then let’s go with their Jules, kitniyos
lesschumrasParticipantChalav yisroel
February 16, 2012 1:31 am at 1:31 am in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868674lesschumrasParticipanthershi
lesschumras, how is it in other topics you get all righteous when folks criticize MO or YU. Yet here you are okay with criticism?
In any event, she criticized Judaism itself and its holy practices in a vile despicable untruthful manner. If someone criticized Rabbi Yoshe B. Soloveitchek and the way he practiced Judaism, would you be okay with that and now be writing that R. Soloveitchek doesn’t equal Torah
I don’t disagree with what you said. I just find it amusing how you and others are reacting when the shoe is on the other foot.
February 15, 2012 12:49 am at 12:49 am in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868599lesschumrasParticipantSatmar not equal to Torah.
February 15, 2012 12:25 am at 12:25 am in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868597lesschumrasParticipantZeeskite,Satmar does not equal Hashem. Guess what,you’re allowed to criticize Satmar. Also,Boone has cited any examples of her lies
lesschumrasParticipantYugarman1, gebrocht isn’t mutar, it’s the halacha!!
February 12, 2012 6:17 pm at 6:17 pm in reply to: Compelling All Jews to Perform Mitzvos and Follow Halacha #852009lesschumrasParticipantAre you going to beat Sphardim for eating.kitniyos? Me for eating gebrocht?
February 12, 2012 12:12 pm at 12:12 pm in reply to: Compelling All Jews to Perform Mitzvos and Follow Halacha #852000lesschumrasParticipantWhose Beis Din? Satmar? RCA? None have the legal authority to do so.
February 10, 2012 11:27 am at 11:27 am in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868481lesschumrasParticipantMany posters have complained that she smeared an entire group, she is biased and must be mentally ill. Yet, you have no problem doing the same thing, all Irish are drunks who beat their wives, most otd are dysfunctional and mentally ill and there is zero truth in her words because you have no bias
lesschumrasParticipantOrgan donation is not murder
February 9, 2012 11:12 pm at 11:12 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868464lesschumrasParticipantMsseeker, I’m curious as what your source is for “most Ltd etc.” And that they are dumb
lesschumrasParticipantThere actually is a historical reason for the MB allowing whiskey. He mentions that wine was hard to get but not a the reason why. There was a mini ice age in Europe that lasted over 200 years that caused average temperatures to drop over 20 degrees, enough to kill off al vineyards in northern Europe. That’s when beer whiskey vodka gin started to be distilled out of what was locally available. Because north Europeans settled north America, Americans were not wine drinkers early on
February 5, 2012 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm in reply to: How did Jews live 100 years ago? 200? 500? #849400lesschumrasParticipantOne hundred years ago, everyhing was in turmoil in Eastern Eurpoe. All the “isms ” ( nationalism, socialism, communisism,anarchism and zionism ) were making inroads into the frum communities, even the yeshivas. The Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires were tinderboxes and WWI was only 2 years away.
lesschumrasParticipantMsseeker, if you want to talk about mistakes with tragic results, what about the decision of eastern eucropean gedolim whose decision to fight emigration to either the USA or Palestine resulted in the forced assimilation by the Communists and death in the Holocaust
lesschumrasParticipantIt’s OK to be motzei shem rah on imports?
lesschumrasParticipantI would very much appreciate if you could briefly relate what the Gemorah says
lesschumrasParticipantIt seems to me that your definition of maishev laitzim and bitul Torah is anything you don’t find enjoyment in. The shulchan aruch.never heard of football. Identified to hockey game last week: there was no cursing.drunkenness or rowdy behavior. Other than the Rangers losing,it was an enjoyable evening. Just because you don’t enjoy it doesn’t make it maishav laitzim
lesschumrasParticipantSam4231 and the coffee room isn’t bitul Torah?
January 19, 2012 11:36 pm at 11:36 pm in reply to: Can a candidate with an immoral past be president? #845090lesschumrasParticipantWhy not? Someone with an immoral past can be a Rabbi
You are entirely correct that people should not react based upon kulos they see here. That also goes for chumras
lesschumrasParticipantHealth,you didn’t answer my question..who passed the law that funds Torah education? Regardless of why, did the evil Zionists grant deferments?
January 9, 2012 12:07 am at 12:07 am in reply to: Winter Vacation & Minyan Problem- your opinion please #842423lesschumrasParticipantI don’t understand bowwow. The caterer is providing a service that you feel you’re entitled to without paying for it. It seems to me that if you need the amid you hdoed it saypave two choices: pay to join the group or stay home. It’s your problem, not his.
lesschumrasParticipantFood production in the 50’s WAS simpler because it was before emulsifiers,preservatives, artificial dyes etc. The candy bars sold in my yeshiva’s canteen listed ingredients you could actually understand without advanced degrees i.e. milk, sugar, nuts and chocolate. The two big no-nos were gelatin and shortening
Every generation complains that the younger generations music is low, including the goyim. What you call Jewish music is eastern European. My brother in laws music (he is Iraqi ) probably sounds non Jewish to you.
You are entitled to your sensitivities, but you are not entitled to force them on others who don’t agree
lesschumrasParticipantHeath how much Torah education did the Turks fund? Why do the evil tzionim grant army exemptions to Chareidim instead of making army service mandatory for everybody?
lesschumrasParticipantThe sun is not a deity. How is it covered by the pasuk?
lesschumrasParticipantI don’t want to make light of this is but if you read that some religion did this you’d have right to poke fun at it. Celestial bodies, dolls and pictures are not objects of worshp and treating them as such doesn’t make any sense and is hard to justify and sounds like superstition.