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1st timer,
In my experience, and that of some of my friends, having siblings who offered only useless criticism but no help in terms of time or money towards the care of a parent can be worse
lesschumrasParticipantWhen people would ask why we had only one child, I wasn’t rude. I just asked why they wanted to know. Never got a response.
lesschumrasParticipantChoppy how do you explain 1900 Yeats of persecution, pogro?
lesschumrasParticipantShlshi, did your wife give you permission to write your post?
lesschumrasParticipantMammamia, what if the boy with looks was the first date and you declined the second date with the boy with the hashkaga. How would the result be any different? He’d still be gone.
what if you became emotionally attached to the same two boys, but you didn’t date them at the same time. One declined a second date and then you dated the other. How is that any different?
lesschumrasParticipantGolfer, what are your sources to assured it?
How is it deceit? No commitment has been made when there hasn’t even been a first date As for making the wrong choice, the cause was more than likely immaturity on mommamia part in not knowing what she wanted
lesschumrasParticipantShlishi, you are ignoring human nature and being naive when it comes to money and yerisha. The Satmar brothers have been slugging it out in CIVIL COURT for years over control of the estate
lesschumrasParticipantHow will the dater be confused
lesschumrasParticipantCurious,no one questions whether misusing Medicaid and and section 8 like goyim is Chukas goyim
lesschumrasParticipantThe Jews of Shushan had an extra day to fight their enemies
lesschumrasParticipantIt’s easy to say the Chareidim would leave if crafted but where would they go? And how would they pay for it?
lesschumrasParticipantAkuperma ,somehow you omitted Purim which celebrates a military victory. Especially Shushan Purim. As far your revisionist history most of the palmate did not serve in swim and regardless of the training. The Israelis had no planes, tanks or heavy weapons,only old rifles and makeshift bombs
lesschumrasParticipantShloemi. Source please for your claim
lesschumrasParticipantShmoel, are you reliable?
lesschumrasParticipantSo if chilonim started learning Gemorah Chareidim would have to stop?
June 28, 2012 9:47 am at 9:47 am in reply to: Is there a program out there that will block off wifi on an android phone? #962868lesschumrasParticipantPutting your phone in airplane mode disables wireless connections
lesschumrasParticipantLoyal Jew is correct. He should find similar perfect bigoted families and stick to his own kind. I guess Yitzvhak and Rivka were tainted because of Esav
lesschumrasParticipantDo people stay up late making this stuff up?
lesschumrasParticipantShlisi er al, prior to the advent of the welfare state since WW2 and unprecedented wealth of the Jewish community in the same time period, when in our history has more than 10%of all Jews sat and learned full time?
June 20, 2012 9:45 am at 9:45 am in reply to: President Peres expresses absolute Kfira while representing Jews #880459lesschumrasParticipantThinkingverydeeply, I have a newsflash for you:1 the average Arab didn’t know or care what Peres said and they don’t believe ANY Jew has a right to Israel
lesschumrasParticipantWhat’s creepy about Brooklyn? Do you even know Brooklyn?
lesschumrasParticipantOkim has an Android siddur that I did buy for $1.99. It has a clear easy on the format and has an option that I like. You can either display the entire siddur every day primly those tfillos needed. So, for example, yaale vyavo appeared on Rosh chodesh and on fast days Mincha has laining
June 14, 2012 10:47 pm at 10:47 pm in reply to: President Peres expresses absolute Kfira while representing Jews #880411lesschumrasParticipantOnly those who believe that Torah bealpeh doesn’t apply to perek aleph of Beraishis.thinks the world is younger
lesschumrasParticipantChulent, Worms is in Germany. All Germans spoke midieval German . How do you explain Polish Jews speaking German ? Until the movement of Jews to Poland our primary language was always the language of the host country. If the Jews who moved to Poland had adopted Polish, there would be no Yiddish. Ironically, centuries later the Jews who remained in Germany looked down upon their Polish cousins
lesschumrasParticipantIronically, Yiddish was a language born of Haifa and arrogance, not of kodesh.
There is a good reason that it is based upon midieval German. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries German Jewry was suffering persecution and many responded to the offer of the Polish kings to move to Poland. At that time Poland ruled the Ukraine and what is now western Russia and the Polish kings saw the Jews as an instant mercantile class. However, being Germans, the Jews refused to speak the what they viewed as thecrude Slavic language of the poles and continued speaking their midieval German which evolved into Yiddish
lesschumrasParticipantGet caller id and screen your calls!!
lesschumrasParticipantGet caller id
May 21, 2012 10:33 pm at 10:33 pm in reply to: with the asifa behind us, what will you do about it? #875668lesschumrasParticipantMod so if Rabbi Waksman issued a gzeira that we cannot look at sleeveless does that mean he can demand tharthe company must ban women from wearing sleeveless?
May 21, 2012 10:30 pm at 10:30 pm in reply to: with the asifa behind us, what will you do about it? #875667lesschumrasParticipantOn the contrary. The sites that would be subject to filter would be those that his company’s policy prohibits him from visiting so they don’t have to provide a filter
May 21, 2012 12:15 am at 12:15 am in reply to: property lines – who in the city can solve issues #876020lesschumrasParticipantNaysberg, as my friends in BP and Flatbush can attest, someone who violates zoning rules is not going to bais din but civil court works wonders
lesschumrasParticipantDerszoger, you’re comparing czarist Russia and Germany to the USA?
Akuperma, you don’t appreciate the mesiras nefesh it took for people like my father in kaw to be frum during the depression .the support systems we take for granted didn’t exist. He started his own business as the way stay shomer shabbos
lesschumrasParticipantIt was a universal draft by 1942 and my father in law was skipped at first because of his age 30, was eventually drafted. He told me people saw it as their duty to protect the country that provided religious freedom and the fact they were fighting the nazis
lesschumrasParticipantIsn’t an out of town day camp a sleepaway camp?
May 11, 2012 8:51 pm at 8:51 pm in reply to: Woman Should Always Wear Her Wedding Ring in Public? #873606lesschumrasParticipantShmodl
you don’t know what men wore 100 years ago let alone 3000
lesschumrasParticipantHatzolah occasionally gets a black eye when membera allow spouses to use their parking placards to illegally park in bus stops and crosswalks while shopping and justify it as a perk for the sacrifice their husbands make by being in hatzola
lesschumrasParticipantWhy did the boys leave their car? That’s never supposed to happen and they wouldn’t be in this mess ( as neither would be Zimmerman ) if they had stayed in the car. I’m not saying the boys are guilty, but they put themselves into this situation
lesschumrasParticipantDerszoger, I’m talking going back to turn of the century. The chachomim had so little confidence that Yiddishkeit could compete,that they preferred they continue total live under Russians oppression. Had the chachomim sent rabbonim to prepare for the millions of Jews who left Europe anyway, it might have gone differently
May 2, 2012 10:46 pm at 10:46 pm in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163161lesschumrasParticipantHakatan, the chachomim also encouraged yidden to stay put in Europe and not leave for the treif golden Medina ( the USA ) when they still had the chance. They’ve not perfect and all knowing
lesschumrasParticipantThese girls didn’t wake up one day with their attitude. They’re either emulating their parents or their teachers. Either way, it’s a problem
lesschumrasParticipantThe problem with school on Sunday is that Washington the only day for family. My sister would pull her boys out as they resented.not being able to visit their grandparents. Besides, how much school is enough for eight year olds?
lesschumrasParticipantI find it amusing how people have no problem searching for heterim and kulos to justify stealing intellectual property
So,using your logic, I can take your coat with out paying for it if I otherwise wouldn’t have purchased it
The Torah can’t be copyrighted but a peirush certainly can be. It’s not published for free and the author deserves to be compensated
You just don’t get. I’m not jealous of you and I personally don’t care how many chumras you adopt. That is your right and privalege. Just don’t define those who don’t follow you with descriptions like bare minimum Jews.
lesschumrasParticipantHaifagirl. You may quote without attribution
your attitude what I have against chumras. I have no issue if you want to take on every Chumra possible. I do have an issue when you are condescending and judgemental towards those who don’t hold the chumras. We were evicted from Gan Aiden because of the world’s first chumra
lesschumrasParticipantTraditional eastern European Jewish foods
You prove my point.Mesorah is the rule except when it’s inconvenient.the Ari was a godpl but negated centuries of mesorah and the Daas Torah of his generation
lesschumrasParticipantThere’s also nusach italia
lesschumrasParticipantFor additional reasons kids go otd,see spectrum and LJ’s assur everything answers