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  • in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270556

    I listened to an interesting Halacghe Headlines podcast, where the tziyoinish podcaster had an interview with Rav Eihchhorn shlit”a, a talmid muvhak of Rav Meir Soloveitchik zt”l. He got Rav Eichhorn to admit that while the medina shouldn’t have been created, at this point there is no Arab country that can take over and provide safety for yidden, so the medina is needed.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270548

    Ha;eivi, try שם הגדולים להחיד”א
    ח”א סי’ ריט
    I am getting this from the daf- yomi.com kuntres on daf 112

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270372

    UJM, in 1967 the Satmar Rebbe zt”l put out a strong statement against NK, saying velamalshinim al tehi sikva and calling them Zionists. Was this a shinui in his shita or was there a chilluk in these 2 behaviors? As well, did the Satmar Rebbe zt”l give his deah to Arabs and Palestinians or did he view that as different? YBLCT the heintigge Satmar Rebbe Maharza”l said about NK that one is not allowed to strengthen the hands of rotzchim. Is this his eigene shita or does it come from the Satmar Rebbe zt”l?

    It’s certainly possible that the Satmar Rebbe zt”l changed his shita, originally viewing it a mitzvah to try to destroy Israel and then changing his mind and deciding to let Hashem decide. But then you would need a raya to go like the hava amina shita.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270328

    Will do the OP a favor.
    The Reb Chaim Vital quoted that the 3 Oaths are only for a thousand years source is ר’ חיים ויטל מובא בתקופה הגדולה עמ’ תקעא

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270280

    To clarify, the Briskers and Satmars sound almost similar in their rhetoric on the tziyoinistim. However, they differ on these 2 major points:
    1. The Briskers follow the Rambam and shulchan aruch not nistar. So the 3 Oaths are not an inyan to them.
    2. They argue on the Satmar Rebbe’s maaseh Satan. In nigleh, the Satan is a weak angel who isn’t powerful enough to command armies and overturn war. The Satmar approach was based on nistar which has the Satan as more powerful and indeed closer to the Christian “devil”.
    After 10/7, the americans told the israelis to expect a certaindeath toll based on their experience in Falluja. The current Israeli death toll is 10% of that, 90% less. So if you say the tradiitonal Satmar pshat in maaseh Satan, the Stmar Rebbe zt”l would explain this miracle the same way. However, if you explain maasah satan away as the experts say it wasn’t a miracle, then Satmar would be forced to call this a miracle, which is ridiculous. This is also a maaseh Satan to them not a miracle. Brisk would call it a miracle done for the shomerei shabbos and lomdei Torah, not that the apikorsim and kofrim are raui to nissim like this.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270269

    There seems to be a huge dismissal of the 1923 ratification by the League of Nations that this gave the Zionists permission to make a state. I am aware that the Satmar Rebbe zt”l virulently argues on this idea. However, this idea was said by R’ Meir Simcha of Dvinsk zt”l, who was viewed by many as the gadol hador of his time.
    This isn’t to say the tziyoinistim were correct in their shmad. But legabay the 3 Oaths it wasn’t an issue. The Maharsha on Kesubos 112a makes the same point by bayis sheini- once the Persian government gave reshus it was muttar , even though the local Shomronim opposed them.

    The Steipler takes an interesting approach. Yes it was a violation of the 3 Oaths but ee avid mahani- now that Israel exists it has the right to exist.

    The Satmar Rebbe zt”l is also a major deah to be sure.
    I was listening to the halacha headlines podcast and the host mentioned that one of the big advocates for the Satmar position goes on goyishe and Arabisher places to share his views. Did the Satmar Rebbe zt”l approve this? As far as I know he was against Neturei Karta. Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270023

    As Rabbi Ribner pointed out recently in one of his podcasts, the Briskers are very big into tziyoinistim yemach shemam vezichrom. HOWEVER, they don’t hold of the 3 Oaths as a thing. As well, Chazal say (Sanhedrin 64a, Yoma 69b) that the taava for avoda zara was battul. So if you take the Satmar Rebbe literally that Zionism is avoda zara, you are forced to say he’s arguing against befeirushe gemaras that there is no taava for avoda zara anymore. You are forced to say that he meant it as a melitza bealma so as not to have him being soseir the gamaras.

    Not a Zionist, not a Satmar, just trying to add some honesty in this debate.

    in reply to: Rally in Washington #2239401

    If your Daas Torah says to go, go. if your Daas Torah says not to go, don’t go. That’s what Hashem wants you to do.
    Eilu va’eilu.

    in reply to: Why was the page about a jewish man ripping down posters removed? #2239400

    My guess it was removed because Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro supporters complained. The Coffee Room wouldn’t exist without them constantly trying to convince others of their righteous path. They’re the frum version of vegans.

    I have no idea what I allegedly removed. There is nothing in the trash remotely resembling that.

    in reply to: The Israel Pogram of 2023 Jewish Massacre #2239000

    We are confusing the reason and the excuse. The excuse is Zionism. but when marchers say Hitler should have finished the job, it’s clear that if Israel never happened they would still hate us. The pogroms in Europe happened long before the Zionists showed up.
    Not a Zionist, but blaming Israel for everything is as dumb as blaming tzniyus.

    in reply to: Neturei Karta: Do they have a Point? #2236521

    UJM, NK are supposedly frum. They are exposed to Torah and Mitzvos, and are still choosing to be mechalel shabbos.
    As for otd youth, I have heard multiple psakim in terms of yom tov and cooking for them, but that’s for another thread. Maskim for many of them that they are reshaim. Some are rebelling against their parent not Hashem and would still be bechlal amisecha according to some poskim. Another poseik told me that if the otd person has one person they would not be mechalel shabbos in front of it would be enough. A third poseik told me that of course they are not bechlal amisecha, and when you cook for yuntiff you need to make a stew not chicken so there isn’t an individual piece that could be said it’s for them.

    in reply to: Chasing the elusive unicorn #2236515

    A unicorn is a startup worth a billion dollars. You need to invest early to get on the ground floor of one of those.
    Oh, this is a shidduch thread, sorry.

    in reply to: Why isn’t Everyone a Gaon? #2235851

    The ywn coffee room. It kills learning.

    in reply to: Neturei Karta: Do they have a Point? #2235849

    They were mehalel shabbos befarhesya. Their point is they are no longer yidden. As such they are no longer bechlal amisecha, even worse than secular Zionists who at least have the svara of tinokos shenishbu.

    in reply to: Neturei Karta: Do they have a Point? #2235826

    Does Spinoza have a point?
    Who cares about reshaim and if they have a point?

    Also, your copypasta from another old thread is kind of outdated, considering what just happened in mostly Muslim Dagestan.

    in reply to: Neturei Karta: Do they have a Point? #2235739

    Why say Neturei karta’s point? It’s the Satmar Rebbe’s point. Why mention reshaim when you can mention a gadol?

    in reply to: Neturei Karta: Do they have a Point? #2235737

    Well yes they have a point. Satmar Rebbe, whose shita they supposedly follow, said about them “Velamalshinim al tehi sikvah”. Yet they persist despite no backing from any gedolim. Their point is when one doesn’t have Daas Torah to follow, one can be a rotzeach.


    The people leading the demonstration were Neturei Karta. I’m sure they protested anything overly Anti-Semitic since they say they are just against Zionists not Jews.
    (Satmar Rebbe zt”l said about Neturei Karta “Velamalshinim al tehi sikva”. Amein!)

    The heter for wearing signs out of an eiruv is an interesting one.

    in reply to: Maharal’s Golem #2221072

    There are a sach rabbeim in yeshivas who are unqualified and make goilems out of their talmidim.

    in reply to: Who’s job is it to get the Shul involved in lecha dodi #2220662

    First we need to establish if there’s a chiyuv to say lecha dodi before we can establish if there’s a chiyuv to sing for lecha dodi.

    in reply to: Thought on Chabad #2220661

    And Zionism, and Modern Orthodoxy

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2176233

    n0m, that is what gedolim are for. Are gedolim tell us what is kefirah. And the litvish gedolim have spoken here.

    Hashem said lo Bashamayim hee, follow your chachomim. Hashem won’t have a moshiach candidate that goes against the chachomim.

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2174123

    If you listen to the “stump the rabbi” videos, one of them by Rabbi Yosef Paltiel states that everyone agrees that the Rebbe is still alive, just a question of what to tell outsiders. So the Abarbanel and similar views are irrelevant as the die-hard meshichists believe that the Rebbe is alive.

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2165763

    Sanhedrin 38b:
    א”ר יוחנן בר חנינא שתים עשרה שעות הוי היום שעה ראשונה הוצבר עפרו שניה נעשה גולם שלישית נמתחו אבריו רביעית נזרקה בו נשמה חמישית עמד על רגליו ששית קרא שמות שביעית נזדווגה לו חוה שמינית עלו למטה שנים וירדו ארבעה תשיעית נצטווה שלא לאכול מן האילן עשירית סרח אחת עשרה נידון שתים עשרה נטרד והלך לו שנאמר אדם ביקר בל ילין

    So left right before shabbos. I am seeing people quote a midrash rabbah that Hashem let him stay until after shabbos. So machlokes in sources.

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2165417

    Is migui a din in mah li leshaker or koyach hataana

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2165334

    Is mara kama muchzak or chazaka

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2165332

    Tzum ershtens, there is the bavuste machloikes Ramban and Rambam if Garmi is a direct min grama or if it’s just stam grama.

    in reply to: What’s Our Response to Environmentalists. #2162567

    Avira, I believe that Rav Avigdor Miler zt”l would admit he’s not on the level of the Brisker Rav zt”l, and would concede to the Brisker Rav’s view. I thought you were pro Brisk, why is this different?

    Most gedoilim live a very simple, non-hedonistic lifestyle, and therefore do not have the same carbon and plastic footprint as us Americans. It’s gantz shayach that they would be moideh that we Americans are destroying the planet, like the Brisker Rav zt”l said.
    There’s a gantze perek in bava basra about making sure we don’t hurt others even as we mind our own business 2nd perek) and moving things away from others to limit the damage. Why should this be any different?

    in reply to: What’s Our Response to Environmentalists. #2162237

    Volume 4 of the authoritative Shimon Meller Brisker Rav biography makes it clear that The Brisker Rav zt”l views the very midrash that others quoted here dismissively (Hashem taking Adam harishon around Gan Eden) as proof that humans can in fact destroy the world So he argues on Rav Avigdor Miler zt”l on this point. Plastics and pollutants are the result of excessive gashmius and not caring about others, which is ruchnius as well.
    So to get back to the original poster, the Brisker Rav would say that we don’t have a response, except to understand that pollution is the result of our spiritual impurities having an impact on the physical world. Maskim that this has become a new religion for many, but just because other sects abuse Moshiach, Eretz Yisroel, and Tanach doesn’t mean that we have to throw out the concepts completely. So the same applies here.

    in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2162055

    A lot of internet Torah comes from inshi deloi maali, it’s why you need an echte rebbe for hadracha. Same with the yeshivishe reid about farshidine yeshivos, darf men hubbn a rebbe for hadracha. Brisk isn’t for yeder einer, and don’t just pick a yeshiva because yenem went.
    Most yeshivishe reid is lo nitein lehikaseiv and won’t up up in the CR.

    in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2161546

    Pekak, the Ashkenazi rav of Sterling Forest in Lakewood eats machine shmurah matzah as a Brisker. He is not the only one. I know followers of Rav Aharon Soloveitchik zt”l from America who do the same.

    Yes, Brisk in general is taking over the yeshiva world, the way Lakewood did. Most smaller yeshivos have lost their shtempl to either Lakewood or Brisk, and no longer have their own mesorah.
    In Torah Vodaas, Rabbi Lichtenstein allows those who want to skip secular studies to skip them. Torah Vodaas kicked out the malochim in 1933 for refusing to go to secular studies classes.
    (Not that he’s “real” Brisk but he has the frum hanhagos)

    My frum cousin referred to Briskers as the shtoltz of Lakewood. Another cousin who went to AY told me he learned how to really read a piece of Gemara in AY, which was something he was lacking. So clearly there’s what to be said for the Brisker derech.

    That said, most are still noiheg to fast on fast days, not like Briskers and chassidish women.

    in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2160860

    Most of those who attend RAY from America are just there for a year or 2 for “shidduchim”. As such:
    1. They don’t absorb the derech of bikores except to quote it on occasion
    2. they eat hand matza
    3. They fast on taaneisim.

    So most of this is not nogeiah .

    in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2160808

    American Yeshivish, the Mirrer rosh yeshiva was likely Rav Chaim Shmulevitz zt”l who told people to hug a soldier after the 6 Day War.

    in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2160842

    Without getting into any specific situations, one thing that is always true is that just because someone yarshens a shtelle doesn’t mean they are on their father’s or father-in-law’s madreiga.

    in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2160716

    Avira, please explain what “Brisker Bikores” is, and why it differs from any other big gadol publicly bashing other gedolim. Some chassidishe rebbes go out of their way to publicly bash other gedolim. Is this also bikores or is it different? As well, where is this heter arupp gebracht in halacha ?

    Thank you very much.

    in reply to: Do words of hate matter? It’s just words or is it sinister? #1722219

    Hateful speech is wrong. Daas Torah is ok. If someone points out that talking during chazaras hashatz is gadol avono mineso and you like talking during chazaras hashatz, that’s not hate.

    in reply to: Spiritual Level of Rare vs. Well Done Steak #1722198

    the gemara refers to roasting as tikun, and maachel bar drusai as food eaten by thieves who didn’t have time to prepare their food. That said ,we do find the idea of “oomtza”, raw meat chewed on by people. And there is a concept call mitztameik vera lo, that food is overcooked.

    in reply to: In Chad Gadya – HKBH was “wrong” #1722192

    Rebbetzin, the books were listed in the secular court lawsuits against Barry Gourarie celebrated by the song “didan natzach”. It’s all in the transcripts.

    If they have the manuscript proving the early chad gadya had an extra verse , then the person who said it is irrelevant.

    in reply to: Chabad hate on YWN? #1722191

    I wouldn’t call it hate as all Jews are loved, even the mistaken Jews. But part of veahavta is helping Jews go on the correct derech. Chabad believes in this, and so does the litvish, who view violations of the 13 ikkarim as serious. It’s no different than the “snag bashing” on Lubavitch sites which is just pointing out how the snags are wrong for rejecting your moshiach like we do with Yeshu hanotzri.

    in reply to: Difference between Chabad and everyone else? #1721709

    The litvish follow the 13 ikkarim. The Rebbe said you don’t have to since a Rebe is the essense of G-d in a human body and it’s ok to pray to a Rebbe (as per 1979 sicha)

    in reply to: In Chad Gadya – HKBH was “wrong” #1721708

    The original song had the extra lyric. Later on it didn’t. Rebbetzin, not sure what your big issue is with quoting this maskil as you are pro-Lubavitch and the previous Rebbe’s library included Communist books.

    The maskil was meisiach lefi tumo. The point is that it’s enough to show that the question has no basis.

    in reply to: Difference between Chabad and everyone else? #1721269

    Evryone else follows the Rambams’ 13 ikkarim.

    in reply to: In Chad Gadya – HKBH was “wrong” #1719332

    A blogger who calls himself Fred McDowell shared that original recently.
    Here is what he says 9 years ago:
    The Yiddish linguist Chone Shmeruk discovered a 15th century manuscript of the song in Aramaic and German-Yiddish. As a point of interest, Shmeruk believed he was able to demonstrate that the Yiddish was the original, and the Aramaic the translation. I haven’t seen his paper, nor do I possess the skills necessary to form an opinion. Below is a highly interesting variant stanza as it appears in Shmeruk’s 15th century manuscript:

    ואתא עכברא דאכל לגדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא חד גדיא
    דא קאם מייזליין און עשיט דז זיקליין דש קאפיט דז אלט וועטירליין אום צוייא פפעניגליין איין ציקליין איין ציקליין
    And along came the mouse that ate the goat that Father bought for two pennies, One Little Kid, One Little Kid

    in reply to: How do I stop Yeshiva World News from reporting the news? #1719168

    So YWN now is the same as any other lishna bisha blog. It’s all news so it’s ok.

    in reply to: What brocho is hydroponic lettuce #1719050

    The future of produce is vertical farming, with everything hydroponically grown and bug-free.

    in reply to: In Chad Gadya – HKBH was “wrong” #1718950

    The question never gets started.
    The original chad gadya from the 1500’s had a rodent eating the goat. One extra verse and the whole cheshbon is different.
    ד גדיא חד גדיא
    ואתא עכברא דאכל לגדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא חדיא גדיא.

    דא קאם דז מייזליין אונ עשיט דז ציקליין דש קאפֿיט דז אלט וועטירליין אום צווייא פפעניגליין איין. ציקליין איין ציקליין.

    ואתא שונרא דנשיך לעכברא דאכיל לגדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא חד גדי’

    דא קאם דש קֶצליין אונ’ עשיט דז מייזליין דז דיא האט געשין דש ציקליין דז דא קאפיט דז אלט וואטרליין אום צווייא פפעניגליין. איין צ<יקליין> איין ציקליין.

    ואתא כלבא דנשיך לשונרא דאכיל לעכברא דאכיל לגדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא חד גדיא.

    דא קאם דש הינטליין אונ’ ביישיט דז קעציליין דז עשיט דז מייזליין דז דא האט געשין דז ציקליין דז דיא קאפֿיט דז אלט וואטרליין אום צווייא פפעניגליין איין ציקליין איין ציקליין

    ואתא מקלא ומכא לכלבא דנשיך לשונרא דאכל עכברא דאכיל לגדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא חד גדיא.

    דא קאם דש שטעקליין אונ’ שלוּג דז הינטליין דז דא ביש דז קעציליין דז דא האט געשין דז מייזליין דש דא האט אויף געשין דז ציקליין דש דא האט גיקויפֿט דז אלט וועטירליין אום צווייא פפעניגליין. איין ציקליין. איין ציקליין.

    ואתא נורא ואוקיד למקלא דמכא לכלבא דנשיך לשונרא דאכיל עכברא דאכיל לגדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא. חד גדיא.

    דא קאם דז פייערליין אונ’ ווער ברעניט דז שטעקליין דז דיא האט גישלאגן דז הינטליין אונ’ דז דיא האט גיבישן דז קעציליין : אונ’ דז דא האט געשין דז מייזליין אונ’ דז דיא האט געשין דז ציקליין דז דיא האט גיקויפֿט דז אלט וועטרליין אום צווייא פפעניגליין איין ציקליין. איין ציקליין.

    ואתא מיא ומכווא לנורא דאוקיד מקלא דמכא לכלבא דנשיך לשונרא דאכיל עכברא דאכיל לגדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא. חד גדיא.

    דא קאם דז וואשרליין אונ’ ווער לעשיט דז ווייערליין דז דיא האט ווער ברענט דז שטעקליין דז דיא האט גישלאגן דז הינטליין דז דיא האט גיבישן דז קעציליין דז דיא האט געשין דז מייזליין דז דיא האט געשין <דז> ציקליין דז דיא האט גיקאפֿט דז אלט וועטירליין. אום צווייא פפעניגליין. איין ציקליין. איין ציקליין.

    ואתא תורא ושתא למיא דמכווא לנורא דאוקיד מקלא דמכא לכלבא דנשיך לשונרא דאכיל עכברא דאכיל לגדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא חד גדיא.

    דא קאם דז עקשליין אונ’ טרינקט דז וואשרליין דז ווער לעשיט דז ווייערליין דז דיא האט ווער ברענט דז שטעקליין דז דיא האט גישלאגן דז הינטליין דז דיא האט גיבישן דז קעציליין דז דיא האט געשן דז מייזליין דז דיא האט געשן דז ציקליין דז קאפֿיט דז אלט וועטרליין אום צווייא פפעניגליין איין ציקליין. איין ציקליין.

    ואתא שחטא ושחט לתורא דשתא מיא דמכווא לנורא ואוקידמקלא דמכא לכלבא דנשיך לשונרא דאכיל עכברא דאכיל. גדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדי’ חד גדיא

    דא קאם דז גיהרגיט שוחטליין אונ’ שעכטיט דז עקשליין דז דא האט גיטרונקן דש וועשרליין דז דא האט ווער לעשט דז ווייערליין דז דיא האט ווער ברענט דז שטעקליין דז דיא האט גישלאגן דז הינטליין דז דיא האט גיבישן דז קעציליין דז דא האט געשן דז מייזליין דז דא האט געשן דז ציקליין דז דא האט גיקאפֿט דז גיהרגיט וועטרליין אום צווייא פפעניגליין איין ציקליין. איין ציקליין

    ואתא מלאך המות ושחט לשחטא דשחט לתורא דשתא מיא דמכווא לנורא דאוקיד מקלא דמכא לכלבא דנשיך לשונרא דאכל עכברא דאכיל גדיא דזבין אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא חד גדיא.

    דא קאם דער מלאך המות אונ’ שעֵכטיט דעם שוכט דער דא האט גישעכט דען אקשן אונ’ דער דא האט גיטרונקין דז וואשר אונ’ דז דא האט ווער לעשט דז ווייער דז דא האט ווער ברענט דז שטעקליין אונ’ דז דא האט גישלאגן דז הינטליין אונ’ דז דא האט גיבישן דז קעצליין אונ’ דז דא האט געשן דז מייזליין אונ’ דז דא האט געשן דז ציקליין דז דא האט קאפֿט דז גיהרגיט וועטרליין אום צווייא פפעניגליין איין ציקליין איין ציקליין.

    ואתא קודשא בריך הוא. ושחט למלאך המות. דשחט לשחטא דשחט לתורא. דשתא למיא. דמכווא נורא. דאוקיד מקלא דמכא כלבא דנשיך שונרא דאכיל עכברא דאכיל גדיא דזבין. אבא בתרי זוזי חד גדיא חד גדיא.

    דא קאם הקבה אונ’ שעכטיט דען מלאך המות דער דא האט גישעכט דז גיהרגיט שוחטליין דז דא האט גישעכט דז עקשליין דז דא האט גיטרונקן דז וואשרליין דז דא האט ווער לעשט דז ווייערליין דז דא האט ווער ברענט דז שטעקליין דז דא האט גישלאגן דז הינטליין דז דא האט גיבישן דז קעצליין דז דא האט געשן דז מייזליין דז דא האט געשן דז ציקליין דז האט גיקאפֿט דז גיהרגיט וועטרליין איין ציקליין איין ציקליין

    חסל סידור פסח


    in reply to: Joining Chabad #1716716

    Again, the facts on the ground show what was meant or how it’s interpreted. As per the gedoilim, anyone who says yechi is clearly an apikoires which indicates that the atzmus sicha is understood peshuto kemashmao that you can daven to the Rebbe like it says kind of explicitly there. But I admire your leiv tov.

    in reply to: Did YWN cave to pressure and remove a news item? #1715523

    Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l was famous for his kanaus. Rav Eya Svei zt”l kept up his mesoireh, and it is good to see the tzurva meirabanans of Lakewood today keeping the same mesoireh.

    I disagree with it but I appreciate both sides.

    in reply to: Which mesivta should i send my 8th grade son to? #1715516

    Kids do better in places they want to attend.

    in reply to: Do I owe my neighbor kosher meat or treif meat? #1713859

    The Yoreh Deah shaila is separate from the choshen mishpat.

    Not sure your psak in the yoreh deah part is correct. It takes a while for that one pound to fall into the pot, and while it falls you might have chaticha naasis neveila. Plus one pound of meat is difficult to get mixed in so quickly so it’s be’en, and you are mechuyav to remove what’s be’en.

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