Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Reasons for the Dreidel #2245219
    Reb Eliezer

    The four letters on the dreidel each teach us a lesson. According to the Ben Ish Cha,i the gimel has its leg towards rhe dalet indicating to help the poor,. gomel Dalim. The heh teaches us to give the baal teshuva an extra openning to reenter and repant. The nun is narrow above and wide on the bottom. explains the Chasan Sofwr that when it comes to above, spiritual we should not be satisfied but look at people above us and vice versa below, be satisfied by looking at people below us, bashomayim mmimaal veal haaretz mitochas.

    in reply to: Reasons for the Dreidel #2245197
    Reb Eliezer

    To remember Meshiach as the letters on the dreidel add up to.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244922
    Reb Eliezer

    So let’s use the rule that it is Dec 4th. except before a leap year when it is Dec 5th.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244973
    Reb Eliezer

    We add 14 from 2100. THe problem is the equinox changes according to location.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244853
    Reb Eliezer

    I am trying to find an easy way of calculating. The equinox is Sept 22 next year. It is always the night of the result. As long as we arrive to the same result, it does not matter how as long as we get the same result.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244524
    Reb Eliezer

    To calculate take Sept 23, the fall equinox which is the 266th day of the year, and add 60 ÷ 13 = 73 days, as described above, which makes the 339th day of the year, Dec 5.

    in reply to: I Need Chizuk Please #2244213
    Reb Eliezer

    It is the time before coming of Meshiach, akavta demashicha.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2244167
    Reb Eliezer

    Meshiach comes at dawn when the darkness will turn to light as in Chanukah.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244162
    Reb Eliezer

    As it is a yesr before a leap year 24, start saying Tal Umotor Dec 5
    Tuesday night instead of the 4th.

    in reply to: Chanukah Thoughts #2243698
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2242530
    Reb Eliezer

    The Midrash compares this unity to a father who took a bunch of reeds in his hand and ask his sons to break them. When they were unable to do it, he told them that as long as they keep together no one can hurt them.

    in reply to: Speakers by rally #2239622
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Neturei Karta: Do they have a Point? #2239227
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2238989
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, do people have their own moral standards, or does the government create the morals.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2237429
    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe it teaches us to see and learn from the tzadikim, the complete.

    in reply to: Neturei Karta: Do they have a Point? #2236791
    Reb Eliezer

    On the other side, look at the sefer AIm Habanim Semecha

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2235086
    Reb Eliezer

    The holy Ohr Hachaim explains that it easy to leave after one is promised a reputation, children and wealth. However Avram left ‘כאשר דבר אליו ה as Hashem said to him, harsh words which are not so easy to follow and not כאשר אמר.

    in reply to: Daas Torah in gemora #2234715
    Reb Eliezer

    Shimon Hamosini learned lashem shomaim as he gave up his whole life’s work when one place did not follow his darush. There are 2600 essen in the Torah and he almost covered all of them. Why did he not darshen like Rebbi Akiva, to fear a Talmid Chacham? Maybe the midrash says ויאמינו בה’ ובמשה עבדו – אם במשה האמינו בה’ לא כ’ש, אם כן למה נאמר במשה? They believed in Hashem and his servant Moishe. If they believed in Moishe then they certainly believed in Hashem, so why does it say Moishe? It says so to trust and believe the words of a talmid chacham. The question is that Hashem is the obvious, so why should Moishe not be stated? The Talmid Chacham get his belief from Hashem, so he is unnecessary to be stated. Similarly Shimon Hamosini saw the fear of a Talmid Chacham as obvious. However, for Rebbi Akiva who was originally an am haaretz was not so obvious.

    in reply to: Hamas are NOT animals! #2234735
    Reb Eliezer

    When Meshiach will come in its fixed time a harsh king will come about to force the Jews to teshuva. Hamas is that מלך קשה כהמן.

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2234299
    Reb Eliezer

    והגדת לבנך is not Pesach Mitzraim as the Chinuch uses it in Mitzva 21 for ספור יציאת מצרים.

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2233999
    Reb Eliezer

    At Pesach Mitzraim, according to Targum Yehonosan on ואשא אתכם על כנפי נשרים, there was a a neis were the Jews were carried to the מקום המקדש to be makriv a korban pesach, so they were not olah regel and no קרקע was required.

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2233760
    Reb Eliezer

    Why Pesach Mitzraim? They can argue gazlonim anytime.

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2233574
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer on Pesachim. 8,2 says that he might not be protected when one has no land, so he might not want to come.

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2233560
    Reb Eliezer

    Thanks for the correction, I just glanced on it. Check the Minchas Chinuch 5, who says like me.

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2233202
    Reb Eliezer

    Look at Tosfas Pesachim (3,2) beginning Meeleho where the two, Pesach and Regel, are compared together.

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2233054
    Reb Eliezer

    When one brings a korban pesach, according to kanaan, we are robbers because we stoled the land in EY which is required to bring it. Therefore, Hashem starts the Torah with Bereishis to explain how He gave the land to us, so it cannot start with hachodash hazel before explaining why the land belongs to us.

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2232168
    Reb Eliezer

    The Sifsei Chachamim says that we don’t find this Midrash anywhere so it must have been Rashi’s father who he wanted to honor at the beginning of the Torah.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2229643
    Reb Eliezer

    There is no obligation to eat in the sukkah other than the first day, but there is an obligation to always learn Torah. so one is not masiach daas from it until one goes to sleep.

    in reply to: Haazinu – Ask Your Father He Wil Tell You #2229637
    Reb Eliezer

    Also, they must have the same mazel to be able to take away anything.

    in reply to: Haazinu – Ask Your Father He Wil Tell You #2229636
    Reb Eliezer

    To explain what I said before what is remaining for 1 person, 1-1/60 = 59/60 and for 2 people, remaining:
    59/60. – 1/60(59/60) = 59/60(1 -1/60) = 59/60(59/60) = 59/ 60 to the 2nd power and so on.

    in reply to: Haazinu – Ask Your Father He Wil Tell You #2229529
    Reb Eliezer

    We cannot take away all the illness. An infinitesimal will always remain as the limit of 1/n as n goes to Infinity. The amount remaining is (59/60) to the n-th power where n is the number of people visiting.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2227351
    Reb Eliezer

    The above about the Satan is in Yoma (20,1).

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2227285
    Reb Eliezer

    השטן adds up to 364 as the day of Yom Kippur, the yetzer hara has no effect over us.

    in reply to: Hashanah Rabba – The Last Day of Judgement for the Individual #2225158
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Hoshanas – Mamtik Es Hadinim, Sweeten the Judgement #2225156
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Haazinu – Ask Your Father He Wil Tell You #2225002
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Esrug – Forgiveness for the First Sin #2225001
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Sukkah – Olam Haboh, Working Towards the Next World to Come #2225000
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2222011
    Reb Eliezer

    In the Hagaddah we seem to minish Pharoh’s deeds over Lavan. The fact that Lavan wanted to uproot everything happens to be good us as Hashem swore that the Jews will always exist, so his wishes will never become a reality. The holy Alshich explains that Lavan destroyed the intention of Yaakov to marry Rachel first. If this would have occured, Yosef would have been the first born and no jealousy would have happened among the brothers and they never would have descended to Mitzraim.

    in reply to: Elokai Netzor, or not? #2221281
    Reb Eliezer

    The minhag of not saying tachnun at Mincha came about because the chasidim daven late.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2220536
    Reb Eliezer

    According to the Kli Yakar at the end of parashas Vayigash, this teaches us an important lesson. The servitude came because the Jews forgot that they were strangers in a strange land. ויאחזו בה they grabbed on to the land becoming strong and the Mitzriim became jealous of them and had them work to weaken them.

    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2220393
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: The Significance of Chodash Elul #2220395
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Commemorating the 60th Yohr Tzeit of Rav Yonasan Steiff Zt”l #2220396
    Reb Eliezer

    The 65th Yahrreit was last shabbos.

    in reply to: Teshuva Brings Meshiach #2220398
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Daas Torah for Gashmius #2214404
    Reb Eliezer

    It says ‘ותלך לדרוש את ה Rivka Imenu did not go to the doctor but to the Beis Hamedrash of Shem.

    in reply to: Daas Torah for Gashmius #2214144
    Reb Eliezer

    The above does not mean that no hishtadlus is necessary but after doing it, we should rely on the RBSO (Hashem).

    in reply to: Daas Torah for Gashmius #2214044
    Reb Eliezer

    It says in Tehilim השלך אל ה’ יהבך throw your worries on Hashem והוא יכלכלך and He will support you. The Dubner Maggid has a mashel. A man was limping along carrying a package. A horse and wagon came along where the driver has mercy on him and picks him up. After a while he lloks back and sees that the passanger is holding the package on his lap. Why don’t you put it on the wagon?, asks the driver. I don’t want to burden the horses with my package. You are crazy. If the package is in your lap, don’t the horses have to carry it? Hashem worries for us whether we worry or not.

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2213433
    Reb Eliezer

    Fron the Chasam Sofer

    שו”ת חתם סופר חלק א (אורח חיים) סימן קנט
    אבל אשר שם פניו נגד מגולחי הזקן, לא ידעתי מה הרעש הגדול הזה, לכו נא ונוכחה אי משום חוקת הגויים אשאלהו ויודיעני מי התיר לנו נעלים שחורים המבואר בש”ס לאסור מסאני אוכמי ולהפליא ענין אמרו במס’ תענית כ”ב9 ע”א דהוה מסיים מסאני אוכמי, ויעיין ב”ק נ”ט10 ע”ב ובתוס’ שם ד”ה דהוה מסיים, ובשיטמ”ק שם מחלק בין שחור לאוכם וזה מסכים קצת לפי’ ה”ג דמייתי תוס’ פרק אלו טרפות מ”ו ע”ב ד”ה אוכמי, הנאמר שהוא מקור משחת, כאשר כתב על עם ה’ אלו, לא ניחא למרייהו למימר הכי, והוא דבר דלא נמצא בש”ס ופוסקים וגם לא בשום ספר מספרי חצונים שיהי’ הפרש בין ישראל לאינו ישראל בגילוח הזקן כי אז גם כל האומות היו מגדלים זקניהם, ויעיין בש”ס שבת קנ”ב ע”א תלת אמרת לי תלת שמעת וכו’, וברבה בראשית פ’ י”א סי’ ז’ פילוסוף שאל את ר’ יהושע וכו’ מפני מה אותו האיש מגלח פאת ראשו ומגדל זקנו וכו’ יע”ש, אבל לא נמצא בשום מקום שיהיה בזה משונה מנהג גוים. ומה שרמז לספרי מקובלים שכתבו שלא להושיט ידים בדקני כלל אין לי עסק בנסתרות, אבל מהם ומהמונם הותרה הרצועה לגמרי בכל ארץ אטלי’ שכל חכמיה מגולחי זקן ונתלים באילן גדול ר’ מנחם עזרי’ בעל עשרה מאמרות אבי המקובלים שהוא היה מגולח מבלי השאיר שערה א’, וכן העיד עליו היש”ר מקאנדיא באילים שלו, והיה אומר שעפ”י חכמי המקובלים אין חוץ לארץ ראויה לכך, ומה אאריך במה שאין לי יד ושם בו, אבל אבותינו הנהיגו עצמם כן על צד ההכרח הגדול ולא מקור משחת ח”ו אלא בקדושה יתירה, והוא בימי גזירת תתנ”ו, והרועים וכדומה התירו גדוליהם להמכתתים רגליהם לשנות מלבוש ולגלח זקנם שלא יכירום האויבים כי אז כבר גלחו הגוים זקניהם עפ”י מעשה ממלך פולין א’ שהי’ סריס כמבואר בספרי הימים והתירו חז”ל שהיו בימים ההם לעשות כן, ולהיות גלוח הזקן דבר שאי אפשר להשתנות והיו נכלמים מאוד האנשים ההמה בשובם לביתם, על כן נשתרבב המנהג שלא לגדלו כלל רק סימנא בעלמא שזה יגולח ויגדל בקוצר זמן שבן לילה היה ורק אך מופלגי תורה היושבים בביתם הם מגדלים אותו, ואותן שלפני גזירה ההיא שברחו לארץ פולין לא באו לכלל זה. והנה זה ברור ונכון כי אילו היה תחלת מנהגו באיסור היה משום חוקי הגוים, אבל אחר שכבר נהגו ישראל לגלח, תו אין בו שום נדנוד ופקפוק כלל אפילו ריח איסור אין בו, אבל הך דמסאני אוכמי לא ידעתי איך נתפשט11 ע”כ צריכין אנו ללמוד זכות ולומר שנתפשט ג”כ בתחילה בהיתר וכיון שהותר הותר. והנה יעיין ביורה דעה סימן קנ”ז ס”ב ויעיין ש”ך סי’ קע”ח סק”ד הקשה אמהרי”ק, ובחידושי למסכת חולין12 ישבתי ת”ל יתברך באופן הנאות, ואי משום מספריים כעין תער זהו חשש רחוק ושרשו פתוח מתרומת הדשן13 כשהזוג חדוד מאוד יש לזהר אולי יחתוך בתחתון לחוד וידענא שהוא מידי דלא שכיח, גם מההשחתה תחת הגרון המעיין בש”ס [מכות כ’ ע”א] וראשונים יראה כי ממש לית מאן דחש לדברי ר”ח14 בזה, והמחמיר קדוש יאמר לו והמקיל לא יאמר עליו מקור משחת ח”ו. כללו של דבר, כל מה שאמר מכ”ת באגדת ריב”ח15 הנמשל הוא טוב וקדש קדשים, והמשל שהיסב פני’ על חטא קל וקטן לא יקרא ח”ו בשם חטא ועון חלילה וחס, והאומר כן עתיד ליתן הדין בלי ספק, והייתי יכול להמשיל משל אחר אבל ועמך כולם צדיקים כתיב, ויהי’ ממחוז פלוני או פלוני:

    in reply to: Maharal’s Golem #2211733
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chacham Tzvi, 93 above does not mention the Maharal in his question about being counted for the minyan.

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