Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Chillul Shabbos? #2070917
    Reb Eliezer

    They don’t use it but they could use it as it is not fixed to the amud.

    in reply to: Experience with Reb Chaim kanievsky. #2070832
    Reb Eliezer

    Go to and search under the author קניבסקי you can download his seforim.

    in reply to: Chillul Shabbos? #2070830
    Reb Eliezer

    What about placing it before zemiros for shalosh seudas?

    in reply to: Declaration of War #2070791
    Reb Eliezer

    Nero fiddled as Rome was burning.

    in reply to: Best and Worst inventions in the world #2070454
    Reb Eliezer

    What is wrong with a thesaurus that gives choices in words how to express oneself in English
    by providing synonyms and antonyms.

    in reply to: Yom Kippur like Purim #2070284
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chidushei Harim has an interesting explanation for drinking on Purim with a story. A person collected a lot of money to perform an aveira. When he saw how some people were suffering, he forgot everything about doing an aveira and gave the money to them. They were so impressed in the heavens that they decreed that whatever he asks for should be granted to him. Making sure that he should not ask for something that they were not willing to abide by, they also decreed on him that the rest of his life he should be a drunk thereby he should not being able to think clearly. Purim is so great that all prayers are listened to that day, so we are commanded to drink in order not to ask for something that they are unwilling to grant.

    in reply to: How Old Was Vashti When She Was Beheaded? #2070250
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: How Old Was Vashti When She Was Beheaded? #2070110
    Reb Eliezer

    The Yalkut Shumoni Esther 2, says that Ahashverus’ anger subsided he was looking for Vashti and was told you killed her. He asked. why did I kill her and what did she do? It looks like he was under the influence of alcohol. The Midrash concludes some say she was exiled as she is not mentioned anymore and others say she was killed because she held back the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash.

    in reply to: Declaration of War #2069995
    Reb Eliezer

    My ‘No’ above agrees with ujm.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069994
    Reb Eliezer

    Every person can be like Moshe Rabbenu provided one riches their potential.

    in reply to: Declaration of War #2069894
    Reb Eliezer

    No, it is too dangerous with nuclear weapons around.

    in reply to: Daylight Savings time #2069866
    Reb Eliezer

    The Agudah also points out another problem of endangering children who are having to go to school when it is dark.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069857
    Reb Eliezer

    GH, kívánok egy boldog Purimot.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069801
    Reb Eliezer

    It says כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא, every Jew has a neshama, a holy soul that gives one the potential to gain the world to come.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069746
    Reb Eliezer

    GH, In Hungarian maga is a respectful reference to you. Hogy van maga, how are you?

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069738
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: CONSPIRACY THEORY #2069737
    Reb Eliezer

    Hopefully it will be a parnassah for the next world.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069736
    Reb Eliezer

    In absolute they are poshei yisrael but relative they might be tzadikim and beinanim are relative to their level of neshama. The Sefer Habris explains that there are 25 levels of neshama. נפש, רוח, נשמה, יחידה, חיה so we can have נפש שבנפש and רוח שבנפש and so on.

    in reply to: chavrusa politics #2069654
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasan Sofer was niftar at 48 years old, acquiring the 48 kinyanim for the Torah, being a grandson of the Chasam Sofer, Rav Shmuel Ehrenfeld ztz’l named after the son in law of the Chasam Sofer, Rav David Tzvi Erherenfeld ztz’l marrying his daugther Hindel or an acronym of Chudushei Neched Sofer. He is the grandfather of my rebbi, Rav Shmuel Eherenfeld ztz’l, the Matersdorfer Rav. She explained that the tziporas hakromim says in Perek Shira מאין יבא עזרי. This is bird when killed and its oil is applied to the forehead helps against shikcha, forgetting but there is a better solution by learning 101 times, so מאין adds up to 101 which will protect it from getting killed. When the Chasan Sofer was learning, he held a candle and fell asleep. The gemora he learned caught fire and the Chasam Sofer came in a dream to the daughter, telling her to hurry because her son is in danger, They have the gemora to this very day.

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069646
    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe according to the RMA 695,2 mentioned above to drink enough to fall asleep maybe the women can also do that.

    in reply to: Daylight Savings time #2069644
    Reb Eliezer

    When is alos hashachar? Putting on talis and tefilin might be a bigger problem.

    in reply to: CONSPIRACY THEORY #2069643
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069642
    Reb Eliezer

    Even though the last one cannot be compared but most are good so it is considered like all being nullified, batel to the rest.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069624
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a difference between relative and absolute. Everyone is a big tzadik relative to someone under
    them but the lamud vav tzadikim are big without comparison.

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069629
    Reb Eliezer

    Why does it not say to be drunk until one is not able to differentiate between Vashti and Esther? Maybe you really have to be drunk as explained above from the Iyun Yaakov.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069581
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, doesn’t the gemora Chagigah (27,1) apply that pasuk to poshei yisrael?

    in reply to: chavrusa politics #2069550
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasan Sofer said that we should learn mussar and say viduy before gemora learning as Hashem says to the rashaim, why read my Torah at all.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069549
    Reb Eliezer

    Should be above what they do and not what they don’t do.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069513
    Reb Eliezer

    It says פושעי ישראל מלאים מצות כרמון, the worst of Jews are filled with mitzvos like a pomegranate, so let us look at what they and not what they don’t do.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069495
    Reb Eliezer

    Look at the Rabbenu Bachaya in Parashas Ki Siso on not counting each other directly as it separates the good and bad. Hashem on Rosh Hashana sees us with one stare. Bolok told Bilom to find a place where he can only see some of the Jews but not all because if he sees all, nothing bad can effect them.

    in reply to: every yids a big tzaddik #2069449
    Reb Eliezer

    When we are united, every yid is considered a big tzadik, so when we daven, we should accept the mitzva of loving each other and our tefilos will be accepted together. See Magen Avraham in the beginning of Shulchan Aruch in the name of the Ari z’l.

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069444
    Reb Eliezer

    The gemora says that Vashti retorted to Achashverus, you were a stable boy to my father, Balshatzar, the grandson of Nebuchadnetazar. My father drank a thousand glasses of wine and he did not become drunk but you drank one glass of wine and became drunk. Maybe, to tie the two retorts of Vashti, my father was reach so he could afford wine, drank a lot and became immune to its effects whereas you were a stable boy who could not afford wine, did not become immune to it and become drunk.

    in reply to: Receipts #2069452
    Reb Eliezer

    Thank you for your PSA information.

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069375
    Reb Eliezer

    CS, what are you saying, it spells TROLL?

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069369
    Reb Eliezer

    We say עד דלא ידע ולא עד בכלל, until but not inclusive, as I pointed from a ramez from the Torah that when it comes to becoming drunk, a person should stop at the borderline before he cannot differentiate between Haman ym’s and Mordechai z’l. I read from a dedication of a book from Victor Hugo, if the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not the one who commits the sin but the one who causes the darkness. A drunk driver is not responsible for driving drunk but by bringing oneself to the level of not being able to resist his driving when being drunk. The gemora mentions the story of Rabeh slaughtered Rebbe Zeire and revived him. It could be wine reveals secrets (see the Kli Yakar at the end of Shelach on Ayin Beayin) and the next year they were more careful by drinking.

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2069225
    Reb Eliezer

    Wolf, if they were sure about themselves and not be a coward having an inferiority complex there would be no need to create an unprovoked war with false pretenses. Ahashveros showed his wealth because he had to show his greatness as explained by the Malbim, so does Trump.

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2069166
    Reb Eliezer

    Trump and Putin are guilty of psychological projection כל הפוסל במומו פוסל one who faults, faults with their own faults.

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069165
    Reb Eliezer

    If we take the letters after hashomayim, השמים תחת – ו,ת,נ,כ,נ, under hashomayim, adds up to 6 plus 400 plus 50 plus 20 plus 50 = 526 same as שכור, indicating even when we are drunk we should not forget amolek.

    in reply to: Head of the Office of President of Ukraine praises Israel #2069129
    Reb Eliezer

    For those who don’t understand above, with the same feet one cannot dance at two weddings at the same time.

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069117
    Reb Eliezer

    The Iyyun Yaakov on the Ein Yaakov explains the idea of blessing Haman ym’s and ch’v cursing Mordechai. When one is inebriated, he might ch’v curse Mordechai as he started up with Haman ym’s and bless Haman ym’s as he accomplished what 48 neviim could not. He was able to turn the Jews to teshuva. The Chasam Sofer explains that Mordechai could not bow down to Haman as he wore an idol, getchke. The others had an excuse that they are bowing down to give him respect (see the RMA YD 150) but Haman ym’s was Mordechai’s servant. Mordechai actually showed him the contract of selling himself for some bread in the desert.

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069052
    Reb Eliezer

    The RMA says to drink such that one falls asleep and in that state one is performing the mitzva of not knowing to differentiate between Haman ym’s and Mordechai.

    in reply to: Hand Matzos vs Machine Matzos #2068820
    Reb Eliezer

    What about Debretziner?

    in reply to: A maaseh mit der zeide R’ Zushe #2068793
    Reb Eliezer

    It was my father’s favored saying.

    in reply to: Eating Gebroks on Pesach #2068737
    Reb Eliezer

    This year will be the problem for those who only eat gebrokts the last day which is on shabbos, when will it be made?

    in reply to: Hand Matzos vs Machine Matzos #2068730
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: A maaseh mit der zeide R’ Zushe #2068712
    Reb Eliezer

    There is another famous story about the two brothers who stayed in a motel and their room was situated next to the bar. A drunken soldier picks one of them up and starts dancing with him. He continues this many times. Eventually the dancing brother has enough and tells his brother let us change places such that next time he will dance with you. So the soldier arrives and says, I danced enough with you now I will dance with the other one. A saying developed from the rebbe who said, ob es is beshert zu tanzen, tanzt man, if it is fated to dance, one dances.

    Reb Eliezer

    בית יצחק

    in reply to: Hand Matzos vs Machine Matzos #2068721
    Reb Eliezer

    I have to point out that the Wiener stopped baking machine matzos because of an accident that happened.

    in reply to: Hand Matzos vs Machine Matzos #2068716
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, I do the same.

    in reply to: לב מלכים ושרים ביד’ ה’ #2068705
    Reb Eliezer

    People get what they deserve.

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