Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Still bothered by the Hagada #2079972
    Reb Eliezer

    The Ksav Sofer interprets the pasuk in a mussar fashion, וה’ ההלך לפניהם יומם, there are two kinds of temptations, richness and poverty. One should realize that they are in the hand of Hashem and they can change. So when Hashem provides hatzlacha, success בעמוד ענן לנחותם הדרך, keep in mind the dark cloud, that it can become dark and not feel that one has created their own success, will help to live with it and vice versa ולילה בעמוד אש, when going badly, think of the pillar of fire להאיר להם that it can turn to good, ללכת יומם ולילה this will help to overcome the temptation, whether having success or vice versa. The Chasan Sofer, the talmid adds, this is alluded in the Haggadah, to keep for the whole year, matzah the good and marror, the bad constantly in front of us.

    in reply to: Election 2024 #2079950
    Reb Eliezer

    YungermanS, you are saying what Shakespeare said, the world is a stage and we are all actors but then we would not have a bechira? We play with the cards we were dealt with.

    in reply to: Still bothered by the Hagada #2079895
    Reb Eliezer

    You GotaGoodPoint. Thank you for pointing it out to me. There is argument between Rebbi and Rebbi Nasan in Pesochim (93,1) if Pesach Sheni is a makeup or a separate chiyuv. The Rambam paskens like Rebbi that it is a separate chiyuv, so a convert even though not responsible the first Pesach has a chiyuv to bring a korban pesach on Pesach Sheni. According to this, the Minchas Chinuch might hold that we have to bring a Pesach Sheni even though we were not responsible on the first Pesach.

    in reply to: Still bothered by the Hagada #2079801
    Reb Eliezer

    I saw from the Shibolei Leket that at the time of the Beis Hamikdash they said בשעה שפסח מצה ומרור מונחים לפניך. They included the Korban Peach to matzah and marror.

    in reply to: Still bothered by the Hagada #2079670
    Reb Eliezer

    The pasuk following it to put tefillin on applies currently, so does the pasuk before when korban Pesach is not available. The Kafter Voferach brings from Rav Chaim from Paris that he wanted to sacrifice a korban Pesach currently at the turn of the Hebrew millennium and the Chasam Sofer with Rebbi Akiva Eiger discuss how to overcome the hindrances. He believed that there was a chiyuv currently just that we cannot fulfil it. So does the Minchas Chinuch who questions if the Beis Hamikdash would be rebuilt between the first Pesach and the second, will we have to bring a Korban Pesach on Pesach Sheni?

    in reply to: Still bothered by the Hagada #2079661
    Reb Eliezer

    The Ksav Sofer explains the use of בעבור זה both for the rasha and the one not asking. Be careful when the child is young and he can not ask to bring him up properly in order not to become a rasha.

    in reply to: Still bothered by the Hagada #2079630
    Reb Eliezer

    Obviously at the time of the Beis Hamikdash it included Pesach also eaten with the matzah and marror but what about currently when the telling of Yetzias Mitzraim is also a mitzva? There is a mashal of telling it at the time of Meshiach from the Migdal Eider Haggadah. There was a poor man who had stomach problems but anyway it did not bother him as he could not afford any more than what he was able to eat. A doctor came and cured him. However, he could not show true appreciation as he desired more but could not afford it. When he became rich, that is when he was able to show the appreciation. Currently, as still being galus, we cannot show true hakoras hatov for yetzias mitzraim but when we will be redeemed, we will truly appreciated.

    in reply to: Mayor Eric Adams’ Tax Returns – What if anything is he hiding? #2079089
    Reb Eliezer

    What was Trump hiding?

    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #2079027
    Reb Eliezer

    I am quoting the Rambam’s Nusach Haggadah after Hilchas Chametz Umatzah,

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #2079024
    Reb Eliezer

    Sinas Chinom as explained by the Yad Yosef on Yoma 9, keeping the hatred bottled up in the heart and acting lovingly towards others. We must admonish the individual causing the hatred and thereby we eliminate this behavior to bring Meshiach.

    in reply to: Airline CEOs got it right #2079039
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: ikarei hadas #2078953
    Reb Eliezer

    Should be above, how the tree grows.

    in reply to: Avenue R fruit trees #2078700
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: ikarei hadas #2078699
    Reb Eliezer

    It says in Pirkei Avos השונה ממשנתו ומפסיק ממשנתו when a person is learning and interrupts his learning ואומר כמה נאה אילן זה and says how beautiful is this tree, he goes into philosophy by analyzing how the tree goes הרי זה מתחייב בנפשו he is sacrificing his soul.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Pesach: great reason we have 4 cups by Seder #2078457
    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe to understand the the division of Halel into two. The first is to thank for what was the kur habarzel, being refined for future galus and then hope for what will be, the future redemption.

    in reply to: Matz’ o different flavors! #2078456
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chareidim bakes very thin matzos easy to eat and digest with a very good taste.

    in reply to: Election 2024 #2078212
    Reb Eliezer

    huju, ujm obviously meant that predicting this time in 2024 as the OP and left out the word ‘that’ in 2024 Trump would win.

    in reply to: ikarei hadas #2078190
    Reb Eliezer

    The Sefer Hachinuch says that Kabolas Hatorah is passed on from generation to the generation, from the one who participated to the descendants as no one will inherit falsehoods to their children but what they inherited from their father.

    in reply to: ikarei hadas #2078191
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer explains that we eat hardboiled eggs at the Passover Seder to reflect on the fact that we are an am kasheh oref, a nation with a hard neck which cannot be swayed from their religion and the eggs, the more we cook them the harder they get.

    in reply to: ikarei hadas #2078150
    Reb Eliezer

    The above mashel might explain a Midrash that by Kabolas Hatorah, Hashem first wanted to give the Torah to the goyim, so they asked, what was written in it. Each nation was told exactly what they did not like, why? Hashem knew that they are asking for an excuse why not to accept it, so Hashem said, you want an excuse, I will give it to you.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Pesach: great reason we have 4 cups by Seder #2078090
    Reb Eliezer

    ‘השתא ‘הכא is 26 indicating that Shechina was also there. The mashul on this is where a father, the king was upset on the deeds of his son and exiled him. The son was concerned that the father will forget about him, so the father ensured him that he also sends the mother whom he will not forget, so he will not forget the son. This is implied in והיא שעמדה referring to the Shechina, being with us in galus.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Pesach: great reason we have 4 cups by Seder #2078058
    Reb Eliezer

    The above is incorrect, it should be the difference between Yitzchak (Tehilim) 208 and Yischak (Divrei Hayamim) 418 is 210 as the gematria of לחמא עניא, bread of affliction, the number of years being in Mitzraim. וארא is gematria Yitzchak 208 indicating to count from the birth of Yitzchak. The geirus, living in a strange land, will be 400 years but not the affliction. For Avraham Avinu, his pain was 430 years when he was told at Bris bein Habesarim and 86 years was hard labor.

    in reply to: ikarei hadas #2078067
    Reb Eliezer

    The first two commandments of the Aseres Hadibros (Emunah) were directly given by Hashem and not through a messenger, Moshe Rabbenu so it should be scratched into our hearts as Torah has the gematria 611. We place our hands on our eyes at krias shema to show that we accept our emunah in darkness as the commandments were given even if we don’t understand it. This is the difference between the chacham, who asks things later (machar) and the rasha in the Haggadah. The Dubner Magid depicts this with a mashel. A person, who only had enough money for his Yom Tov needs, goes out on the street and sees a beautiful suit which he gets so enamored with that he forgets that he has no money and buys it. His wife starts screaming, take it back we have no money. When he takes it back, he says, give me back my money as there is a fault in it. He is given back the money. The bystanders question, we don’t understand you. If there is a fault in it, exchange it and why give the money back. So the storekeeper explains, I happen to realize that he regrets the sale as he has no money and the fault is an excuse to regret the whole sale. The rasha’s question is just a means to find a fault, an excuse to regret the acceptance of mitzvos, the sale, so we nock his teeth out, not be able to eat the Korban Pesach and don’t do the mitzvos.

    in reply to: The Russia-Ukraine War Hoax #2077925
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Pesach: great reason we have 4 cups by Seder #2077920
    Reb Eliezer

    The difference between Yitzchak and Yischak is 190 which is the חישב את הקץ, by removing 190 from 400 leaves 210 years. They were actually in Mitzraim 210 years from the time they went down to Mitzraim.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Pesach: great reason we have 4 cups by Seder #2077918
    Reb Eliezer

    There are three reasons that made up for the time, alluded to by the Haggadah, one the Schechina was also in galus, two the kushei hashibud, extra work and three the number of children born, so three times 86 was deducted.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Pesach: great reason we have 4 cups by Seder #2077913
    Reb Eliezer

    The Bnei Ephraim miscalculated that the enslavement was from bris bein habsorim and left 30 years earlier as indicated in the Targum Yonasan in the beginning of Parashas Beshalach. Hashem did not want the Bnei Yisrael to see 200,000 Bnei Ephraim’s dead corpses which were murdered by the Philistines because of leaving thirty years before the time and their dry bones were seen by Yechezkiel being revived in Bikas Dura. When seeing that, they would have returned back to Mitzraim. The GRA explains the naming of the 5th cup כוס של אליהו as there is a doubt that maybe we should take five cups as the promise, והבאתי, to be brought to EY, no more in effect, should also be counted, so Eliyahu Hanavi will answer that.

    in reply to: The Russia-Ukraine War Hoax #2077798
    Reb Eliezer

    Ukraine destroys its own economy by 45% to look good.

    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #2077634
    Reb Eliezer

    Mods, move topic to Decaffeinated Coffee.

    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #2077418
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer explains that we eat hardboiled eggs at the Passover Seder to reflect on the fact that we are an am kasheh oref, a nation with a hard neck which cannot be swayed from their religion and the eggs, the more we cook them the harder they get. The RMA says to remember Tisha Beav which falls the same day as the first Seder night. If not for Passover, leaving before the designated four hundred years, there would not have been a Tisha Beav the chorban, destruction of the temple.

    in reply to: Amen to women’s bracha #2077413
    Reb Eliezer

    The men don’t include women for tzenius reasons for mezuman but three woman can make mezuman on their own. There is an argument if they bentch gomal, was there a chiyuv placed on them in the first place? The Chasam Sofer explains that they used to light Chanukah candles outside and it was improper for women mixing outside with the men, so therefore girls do not light Chanukah candles now even inside.

    in reply to: Amen to women’s bracha #2077288
    Reb Eliezer

    The Digul Mervava asked how a man could be motzei kiddush a woman when she is responsible biblically whereas he is rabbinically after davening, They answer because of arevus. So the woman might have a different chiyuv and therefore not motzei a man. Whereas validation of her bracha by answering Amen should not be a problem. Maybe, kol beisha erva.

    in reply to: Shabbos Hagadol, The Great Shabbos #2077053
    Reb Eliezer

    In the gemora in Pesachim everyone agrees that at least 14 days before one should learn Hilchas Pesach and Shabbos Hagadol would be less than that. Bayum Hahu encourages zerizim, mivod yom, in the day time but that only apples bizman chiyuv, at the time being responsible which when matzah and maror is in front of us to be able to talk about it. The Massei Hashem explains that the question of doing it earler only applies on the one not questioning as it does not make a difference when we speak about yetzias mitzraim but for others it is obvious that we need something to question about.

    in reply to: Making a Barocho on a Blossoming Tree in Nissan #2076901
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Will you eat Quinoa on Peisach? #2076870
    Reb Eliezer

    Tosfas in Betza about burying the dead by the Jews on the second day Yom Tov where you have people who force the Jews to work differentiates a gezeira and a chashosha. A gezeira like second day Yom Tov even though the reason doesn’t apply, is still forbidden. Whereas a chashasha like leaving water uncovered over night and worrying whether a snake might have drunk from it, if they are no snakes it does not apply. Kitniyos is a gezeira and not a chashasha.

    in reply to: Will you eat Quinoa on Peisach? #2076620
    Reb Eliezer

    The Yaavetz brings from his father, the Chacham Tzvi, who said if I had a quorum, I would be matir kitniyos as the more matzos must be baked it becomes harder to watch out against chametz.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Metzora – Like an Affliction #2076614
    Reb Eliezer

    Should be above, that my whole life, I have been perplexed with this pasuk what it refers to.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Metzora – Like an Affliction #2076550
    Reb Eliezer

    There is the peddler who sells by taking out a Tehilim from his sack and showing the words and covering up the words written before, who is the person who wants life loves his life and sees good? \Guard your tongue from uttering bad and your lips from speaking fakeness. So Rebbe Yanai said that his long life he has been working on to understand the pasuk. The Ben Ish Chai asks, how can we learn otherwise? He explains that the above maybe refers to what was said before and long life can be gained by being satisfied with one’s possessions, so the peddler told him that the above refers to what is coming of not speaking about others badly.

    in reply to: Is there any difference between a religion and a cult? #2076521
    Reb Eliezer

    Yserbius123, a very good differentiation.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Metzora – Like an Affliction #2076491
    Reb Eliezer

    When it comes to a metzorah, the live bird is dunk in the blood of the dead bird and sent away over the field. Maybe, the chirping of a bird reflects speech. There is good, allowed speech and bad, forbidden speech. The Kohen, being responsible for teaching proper behavior, is limiting the good speech not to come to bad speech by the dunking to show that we are killing some of it off and then the bird can fly freely over the field, one is free to speak.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Metzora – Like an Affliction #2076478
    Reb Eliezer

    So zacha, if he is worthy, than she will be an ezer, she will help by being kenegda, pointing out his faults in order not to have tunnel vision. Rashi says that a nega in the house was really good for him as valuables were hidden by the kenanim which he found when the house was taken apart, so it just looked like a nega, an affliction but really it was a find, a benefit to him.

    in reply to: ikarei hadas #2075962
    Reb Eliezer

    On the Pri Chadash above, the Chasam Sofer explains the prayer that I should not falter in my psak making my friends happy. How can they be happy when one stumbles? They are happy that their friend did not make a mistake because they were there to correct them, similarly with the Shach above regarding the Taz where he was willing to argue to correct him. They both happened to have the same rebbi, Rebbe Reb Heshel.

    in reply to: Will you eat Quinoa on Peisach? #2075883
    Reb Eliezer

    You know the story with the Chayei Adam who wanted to asser potatoes and was told, you are taking away the chayei adam, person’s sustenance. The Geonim had no potatoes, so it was not assered even though we can make flower and bake with it. Maybe, a gezeira sh’ein rov hatzibur yecholim laamod bo, a prohibition that the majority cannot stand.

    in reply to: Is there any difference between a religion and a cult? #2075749
    Reb Eliezer

    Jim Jones in Guiana, 1978 where 900 people killed themselves for his name is an example of a cult.

    in reply to: ikarei hadas #2075680
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rambam explains that hands and other bodily comparisons of Hashem is lesaber es haozen, for our understanding. The behavior for above is similar to the behavior of comparison.

    in reply to: Is there any difference between a religion and a cult? #2075623
    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe Shlomo Hamelech who says אל תצדק הרבה, don’t be too religious is warning about making Judaism a cult.

    in reply to: Making a Barocho on a Blossoming Tree in Nissan #2075058
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a mistake in the bracha above not that but it should be שלא חסר בעולמו דבר וברא בריות טובות ואלנות טובים להנות בהם בני אדם.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2074720
    Reb Eliezer

    In mathematics a minus times a minus is a plus.

    in reply to: Making a Barocho on a Blossoming Tree in Nissan #2074633
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Lubavitch – Mitzvah Tantz? #2074583
    Reb Eliezer

    At Keitzad Merakdim it does say to dance with her or even in front of her but to say not to her but in front of her.

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