Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: leaving yeshivah and going to work #2106676
    Reb Eliezer

    It is ok if he learns in his spare time.

    in reply to: sudden death #2106672
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rambam left to his son אשרי מי שכלו שנותיו מהרה, it is wonderful for whom his years end early. One does not suffer living through this temporary world.

    in reply to: Republicans vs. democrats #2106643
    Reb Eliezer

    The Republicans caused that we need two salaries to make a living, so the woman’s place cannot be at home anymore.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106641
    Reb Eliezer

    לא יאמר עוד אלהינו למעשה ידינו, we should not worship the fruits of our labor.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106521
    Reb Eliezer

    שפת לא ידעתי אשמע interprets the Bnei Yisoschor, Paraoh when he dreamt says that he stands על היאור, on the river but when he tells over the dream to test Yosef on the dream, he changes and says he stands על שפת היאור, on the edge of river, so Yosef says to Paraoh, I don’t know what this שפת is?

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106377
    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe, it says עבדו את ה’ בשמחה, serve Hashem with joy. It does not say how much.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106361
    Reb Eliezer

    Tisha B’av itself we don’t say tachnun as it is called a moad which reminds us of the redemption. Maybe it reflects the words of Rabbi Akiva at the end of Meseches Makus where he was happy when he saw a fox at the sight of the ruins of the Beis Hamukdash interpreting it that if this prophesy became true the other prophesy of the redemption will also become true and as I pointed out above that our mourning will bring the redemption.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106352
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer interprets כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה, one who mourns the destruction of Jerusalem will see its rejoicing. A dead person l’a is forgotten from one’s heart. When we mourn, we show that we have not forgotten it and we will not be forgotten either and we will be able to see the redemption to rejoice by it. It says, אין לך יום שאין קללתו מרובה מחבירו, you have no days where its curse is not worse than the previous day. Every day that we have to wait for Meshiach is harder to live through. Maybe, we can look at this in a bright light. Meshiach will come when we are on lowest level such that we have no one else to rely on only on our Father in Heaven. So the worse it gets, the better it gets. So maybe some humor is appropriate.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106309
    Reb Eliezer

    Getting off the humor by mentioning the Chasan Sofer who interprets what we say in the Hagadah of Pesach, be able to eat there from the Korban Pesach and other sacrifices where the blood arrives on the walls of your mizbeach ‘laratzon’, with acceptance. He said that we have given many sacrifices but they were not laratzon. Hashem is not so happy with it.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2106263
    Reb Eliezer

    We got the greatest brachas from Bilam which we would have never gotten. Hashem showed His great love to us by reversing Bilom’s curses to blessings. Hashem wanted to show that Bilom accomplished with his curses the opposite. The speaking of the donkey reflects this. Even a donkey can speak when Hashem wants it to. Bilom was only able to speak what Hashem wanted him to say. Hashem can give water from the rock, blessings from the wicked.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106229
    Reb Eliezer

    A rebbe said that בלק has the letters of ואהבת לרעך כמוך, so he was told that they don’t match. He said that when it comes to loving each other, we don’t have to be so exact. Even though the other person is not as close to you as you are to them, we should still love them.

    in reply to: Uman this year #2106195
    Reb Eliezer

    Menachem, the Nodah Beyehuda says that the above does not currently apply. The shechina has not departed from the place of the mikdash, so as he does not visit it, his rebbe cannot be held higher than Hashem.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2106189
    Reb Eliezer

    Someone said once, I found a steady job but it does not pay well. I am out watching on a tower when Meshiach will come.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106188
    Reb Eliezer

    Rebbe (Rebbi Yehuda Hanosi) had Bar Kappara a badchan around who kept him happy.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106173
    Reb Eliezer

    We say at a siyum לא יחצו ימיהם ואני אבטח בך, they will not divide their days but I trust You. The Ben Ish Chai explains the Yitzchak Avinu argued that half of the time we are not sinning as we are sleeping. One who takes ribus, has a lack of trust in Hashem and sins also at night as his money makes money , so he cannot divide his life time days. However, I trust You and don’t take ribus, can divide my days.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106172
    Reb Eliezer

    There was a story where a rebbe gave Shalom Aleichem to someone who just finished shmonei esrei as he just arrived back from his trip.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2106171
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a story where Meshiach arrives with a turned up hat in a shul, so he is told over here we wear our hats bend down. When he goes to an other shul, he is told over here we wear our hats bent up. Then he is told in Young Israel, what do you need a hat for in the first place? So he says, I am going back and only come again when you can at least agree on a hat.

    in reply to: Republicans vs. democrats #2106134
    Reb Eliezer

    The Republicans don’t care about working people. If it would be up to them, there would be no Social
    Security, Medicare and Medicaid. There attitude is sink or swim. The economy is driven by demand and not by supply. Reagan eliminated the CETA, job training program which was one of the best investments which was payed back from the tax payers of those jobs.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106122
    Reb Eliezer

    I hear from the badchan, Rav Yaakov Miller, Shlita on פיה פתחה בחכמה ותורת חסד על לשונה, she starts her words with cleverness as the Torah of favor is on her lips. The man has a mitzva to learn, so has a yetzer hara, against it and he needs when learning with other men, to start with humor. However, women don’t have a mitzva, so she when learning with other women, does not need to start with humor.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106097
    Reb Eliezer

    Shlomo Hamelech says יהללך זר ולא פיך others should praise you but not yourself. Some translate it as, others should praise you, ולא and if not, פיך, yourself.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106085
    Reb Eliezer

    I heard from Rebbi in Wiener, Rav Holtzer, ztz’l שאל אביך ויגדך זקינך ויאמרו לך, when you ask your father and he does not know something, he will tell you, go to the zaida, the grandfather, who will tell you.
    Hashem said to Moshe Rabbenu, מה תצעק אלי דבר אל בני ישראל ויסעו what are you are a chazan then the Jews come to me in shul but when you want to give the Jews mussar, they will leave.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106074
    Reb Eliezer

    על שלשה דברים העןלם עומד explains the Yalkut Hagershuni when it comes to three things people get up and leave, not having patience, a shiur, a long davenen and an appeal.
    ברוך שבחר בהם ובמשהצם people are willing to listen to Torah and not marry into them as they are concerned with their parnasa,
    Rabbi Yehuda’s view is מין בשאינו מינו בטל בששים אבל מין במינו אפילו באלף לא בטל if someone does things from desire, when one is sixty, will give it up but when doing it from minus, lack of belief even when one is a thousand, will not give it up.
    The Chasam Sofer says Nedarim 81,1 on why the charban came שלא ברכו בתורה תחלה, when praising, they did not praise one first with one’s Torah knowledge but with one’s secular knowledge
    שלך אי אתה רואה your own faults you do not see אבל אתה רואה של אחרים but see the sins of others ושל גבוה and specially the sins of the holy.
    אין אדם רואה את נגעי עצמו a person does not see one’s own faults
    כל הפוסל במומו פוסל one who faults, faults with one’s own faults

    in reply to: A Generational Change in Jewish Naming Conventions #2105889
    Reb Eliezer

    According to the Midrash Otzar Midrashimj (Eisenstein) Shimon Kaifa (Peter) was a double agent. He gave the impression that he was (yeshu’s standing for yms’v) messenger and then when the Jews accepted Shimon, he would tell them that yeshu is against them. Shimon Kaifa spent the whole year in a tower and only showing himself once a year.

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105762
    Reb Eliezer

    Tosfas says that they don’t do it as an a’z but following the custom of their fathers.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2105259
    Reb Eliezer

    There is fixed time and and a earlier time to bring Meshiach. Is the argument if we merit it before the fixed time what will happen? Obviously if we merit it, we bring Meshiach spontaneously. Maybe we generate the merit by working for his coming, צפית לישועה?, so he will come earlier. The Minchas Elozor’s view will be that we cannot generate the merit by our actions because we would violate the three shavuos, so only elimination of futile hatred can accelerate his coming. When the fixed time arrives, if we don’t merited, a melech kasha kehaman, a harsh king like Haman will bring us back to teshuva and Meshiach will come spontaneously, in either case whether we merited or not.

    in reply to: Save mmc #2105268
    Reb Eliezer

    Fill out their contact form on the above website as I did not see an email address there.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2105205
    Reb Eliezer

    The Meharal says that when we put water next to fire, water puts out the fire but when we put the water in a pot, the fire heats the water. So sometimes we have to be careful when mixing. More religious can be influenced from less religious. We should not hate them but we should avoid mixing also.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2105121
    Reb Eliezer

    Mods, the above should be עני רוכב על החמור. The Aim Habanim Semacha says that Meshiach will come slowly in stages like a poor person comes on a donkey. First go to EY then build the Beis Hamikdash. Whereas the Minchas Elozor, the rebbi of the above Rav Teichtal, Hy’d, says that Meshiach comes spontaneously as ישועת ה’ כהרף עין, the help of Hashem is like the blink of an eye, speedily, so we don’t do anything besides eliminating שנאת חנם.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2105103
    Reb Eliezer

    They say עני’ רוגב על חנוור’ are the hardest meseches, ערובין, נדה and יבמות. It will bring people together as they need each other to understand it and each mesechta has to do with unity. The highest נדה, the closest between husband and wife, מחבבות על בעלה. Separation brings them closer together. The second is יבמות, unifying the family and the last is ערובין which brings Jews together by allowing them to carry things to each other. Learning these meseches helps to bring Meshiach. Learning together eliminates שנאת חנם, futile hatred.

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105106
    Reb Eliezer

    When the Non-Jews are too religious, it is dangerous to the Jews. Live and let live.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2104519
    Reb Eliezer

    The goal is avodas Hashem, serving Hashem. How one does that is up to the person, so there is no reason to hate each other.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2104436
    Reb Eliezer

    The Baal Habayis kept his hatred inside his heart and acted on it and the chachomim did not say anything that is שנאת חנם. Kamtzeh did not know why he is being ostracized. The Meharsha says that the son was invited.

    in reply to: Kesuba vs Kollel #2104416
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rif and the Rosh are used as two poskim from three (Rambam) by the Mechaber to determine halacha. They don’t bring what is called הלכתא למשיחה halachas which currently don’t apply but will apply at the time of Meshiach. So the Kollelim have to concentrate on producing poskim and emphasizing the halachas derived from the learning. Even though there is a mitzva to learn, it is not the responsibility of individuals to support learning where halacha is secondary. The emphases should be מבין דבר מתוך דבר understanding one thing from another.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2104413
    Reb Eliezer

    What is שנאת חנם? The Yad Yosef on the Ein Yaakov Yamo (9,2) explains what it says that the second Beis Hamikdash’ destruction came about because of it. It is a שנאה הכבושה בלב, it is hatred bottled up in the heart. The Torah forbids hatred in the heart and wants us to admonish each other when one was wronged. Sometimes hatred like jealousy, which is not an excusable hatred, is not revealed but hidden by acting towards the other like one loves them. We cannot protect ourselves from the other as this hatred is not known. This hatred will last forever and will not be undone. As this hatred lasts forever so does the galus. So we should love each other just for the fact that we are all children of one father, Hashem and then bring the geula speedily in our time, Amen.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2104261
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Gun Control #2103797
    Reb Eliezer

    Assault weapons should be outlawed.

    in reply to: Neo Orthodoxy #2103466
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer Shut O’CH 80 questions why don’t we light late like the Rabbenu Tam. Could be that by a bris as in SA YD 266 Shach s’k 11, if the child is born within the 72 minutes we don’t make the bris on shabbos but push it away to the next day. In order to satisfy everyone, the Rabonon got together to light early erev shabbos and wait 72 minutes motzei shabbos or some 50 minures like Rav Moshe. The Geonim pasken that 13 1/2 minutes after shkia (3/4 of a mil, 18) starts bein hashmoshas after which is night. The Rabbenu Tam’s view is that there is another shkia and 72 minutes after is night so 58 1/2 minutes after the first shkia is ben hashmoshas. The Yereim, Rebbi Eliezer Mimetz’s view is that 13 1/2 minutes before shkiah is ben hashmoshas which we follow erev shabbos taking a mil 24 min and 3/4 is 18.

    in reply to: Hashgacha Pratis #2103426
    Reb Eliezer

    The gemora in Shabbos tells a story about a man who needed to nurse a baby and a miracle happened by growing him breasts. There is a argument if this was a great thing through making him a miracle or an ugly thing that the normal running of the world, olam keminhogo nohag, was changed which costs him in zechusism.

    in reply to: Hashgacha Pratis #2103421
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a story with Rav Yonason Eibshutz zt’l where a king asked him the above, you say a chacham is greater than a navi, so tell me how will I enter my palace? So he wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to a king. The king thinking that a door and window is obvious, so he made a new opening in the middle of the castle. They checked the paper afterwards, surprisingly it said מלך פורץ גדר a king breaks the normal protective border, rules.

    in reply to: The solution to the shidduch crisis in one easy step! #2103395
    Reb Eliezer

    My father a’h had a joke as Shlomo Hamelech says, it is better to go to a funeral than a wedding. So someone said that for him it is better to go to a wedding as they burry two people there.

    in reply to: Chukas – Para Aduma #2103371
    Reb Eliezer

    It says קוץ ‘ודרדר’ תצמיח לך ‘ when growing, thorns and all kinds of weeds will grow. I saw an implication that there are two big letters in the Torah. A big daled for Echad referring to being a witness to the uniqueness of Hashem and lehavdil to keep in mind a big reish for achar for god, an idol. So don’t mix them up.

    in reply to: Opulence Worshippers #2103188
    Reb Eliezer

    My wife a’h enjoyed crystals, limoge porcelain and silver but she also enjoyed honoring guests by serving them with it.

    in reply to: Neo Orthodoxy #2103186
    Reb Eliezer

    Reform was called neolog in Hungary. Do you mean an extreme fanatic orthodoxy where everyone wants to outdo the other. On this King Solomon says אל תצדק הרבה don’t be too religious and look down on others who are not as religious as you are. Maybe we can say on this כל המוסיף גורע one who adds, diminishes. They tell them, isn’t it enough what the Torah forbids but you need to add to it? By that you are diminishing the Torah by showing it is not complete and good enough.

    in reply to: Chukas – Para Aduma #2103183
    Reb Eliezer

    crazy horse, be careful don’t mix up good and god.

    in reply to: gedolim pictures #2103182
    Reb Eliezer

    The Ksav Sofer in the beginning on Parashas Korach might explain the significance of a picture. The 250 people put on a talis completely of techeles and asked if it requires tzitzis. Tzitzis is a reminder whereas techeles is a picture. When one is close to someone, their great love to each other does not require a reminder but a picture. A talis of techeles is a picture something similar like him but not a reminder as in normal wearing. The tzitzis’ purpose is to be a reminder. They wanted to inquire Moshe Rabbenu to ascertain how he sees them being close to Hashem. If they need tzitzis that they are not that close to Hashem. The techeles in the tzitzis satisfies the close ones. So we should be close to gedolim requiring a picture of them as Yosef saw a picture of his father.

    in reply to: Chukas – Para Aduma #2103110
    Reb Eliezer

    With this above we can explain why the goy did not want to wake up his father he was rewarded with a parah adumah. To teach that the Jews were greater than him as the honoring a father has a reason but they wanted to give sum of money on a mitzva that we don’t fully understand.

    in reply to: Chukas – Para Aduma #2103067
    Reb Eliezer

    לא היו ישראל ראוים לאותה מעשה the Jews were not really worthy of sinning at the eigel but were influenced by the eiruv rav אלא להורות תשובה to teach future generations how to do teshuva. The goyim want to regurgitate the aveira by asking on it especially on the fact that they were commanded in Marah before sinning thereby questioning free choice but we don’t answer them over here. The Chasam Sofer explains that there might have been another reason and that reason was being held back from us becomes the kapara. לטמאה טהורים לטהר טמאים the pure were besmudged to cleanse the non-pure. This teaches us to accept the Torah even we don’t know the true reason as we place our hands on our eyes indicating that we accept our Torah and have emunah blindly as the Torah was given on Har Sinai in the dark clouds.

    in reply to: Parashas Korach, The Significance of Tefila #2102885
    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ, It does not mean that you must follow your screen name. Obviously if you can help him, it is better to help him first. We are talking here that you cannot help him personally as if someone is sick and you are also sick and you cannot go to the doctor for him. I see you are purposely misinterpreting what I am saying.

    in reply to: Hashgacha Pratis #2102664
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer interprets the pasuk וראית את אחרי וםני לא יראו we only see the big picture from hindsight.

    in reply to: The solution to the shidduch crisis in one easy step! #2102408
    Reb Eliezer

    Daven by saying Tehilim 121

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