Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Ah Gutten Chodesh MENACHEM Av! #2110248
    Reb Eliezer

    Also, keep in mind the words of the Chasam Sofer who interprets, כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה, by mourning for the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash we will experience and see its joy, as one shows that it is not forgotten and dead in one’s eyes.

    in reply to: Talmeidei Chachamim with kids not like them #2110244
    Reb Eliezer

    We accomplish more with honey than with vinegar.

    in reply to: Ah Gutten Chodesh MENACHEM Av! #2110238
    Reb Eliezer

    Let’s keep in mind the pasuk in Zecharyah (8,19):

    כה אמר ה’ צב-אות צום הרביעי וצום החמישי וצום השביעי וצום העשירי יהיה לבית יהודה לששון ולשמחה ולמועדים טובים האמת
    והשלום אהבו
    All the fasts, 17th of Tamuz, 9th of Av, Tzom Gedalyah the 3rd of Tisri, 10th Teves will be converted to the Jews for joy and happiness and yomim tovim provided if truth and peace is loved. Taanis Esther is not mentioned as that shows the result of prayer, the taanis was designated later and this taanis is for happiness.

    in reply to: Republicans vs. democrats #2110143
    Reb Eliezer

    Senator Elizabeth Warren wrote a book entitled The Double Income Trap. When two people are working they have nothing to fall back in case of financial emergency. The husband needs to gain better skills to make more money. Education needs to be cheaper. Housing is to expensive.

    in reply to: New Lows in Democrat Marxist Propaganda #2110050
    Reb Eliezer

    The GDP decrease was lower than last quarter.

    in reply to: Republicans vs. democrats #2110045
    Reb Eliezer

    Any radicalism is no good on either side.

    in reply to: Predictions: Democrat Rout 2022 #2110044
    Reb Eliezer

    Let’s also predict how terrible the Republicans will do.

    in reply to: Talmeidei Chachamim with kids not like them #2110032
    Reb Eliezer

    It says הולך תמים ופועל צדק in the present and not in the past. The father lives on in his child so he continues on walking even after passing on. The Kol Aryeh explains מהלכים בין העומדים the walkers (humans) among the standers (malachim). What are the humans doing among the malachim? We are talking about humans in the after life who live on in their children and those that don’t. So it is worthwhile if the children become talmidei chachamim.

    in reply to: Talmeidei Chachamim with kids not like them #2110025
    Reb Eliezer

    Menachem, sometimes people realize what they missed having and they have their children make up for it. How I ended up in the Wiener Yeshiva was not our doing but Hashem. When we arrived to New York after two weeks in Broadway Central Hotel on Bleeker Street (burned down afterwards), the Joint sent us to Crown Heights where we rented an apartment. We went to shul to Cong. Ksav Sofer, where the Rav, a grandson of the Chasam Sofer, was the principal of the Yeshiva. He convinced my father a’h to send me there. Going to Chasan Sofer afterwards was also not our doing. The Wiener Rav, Hadhauser, decreed that the one who does not come back to camp he does not want to see in the yeshiva anymore. I was not crazy about the camp, so I went to look for another yeshiva and ended up there on the East Side.

    in reply to: Talmeidei Chachamim with kids not like them #2110006
    Reb Eliezer

    I consider myself a talmid chacham being a talmid mechacham by having great rebbies.

    in reply to: Talmeidei Chachamim with kids not like them #2109930
    Reb Eliezer

    Rashi says that a tzadik ben tzadik is greater than tzadik ben rasha. A tzadik ben tzadik is harder to live up to. When a father is a talmid chacham, sometimes, it is harder for the son to reach the level of the father. So he does not reach it or gives it up altogether.

    in reply to: Talmeidei Chachamim with kids not like them #2109803
    Reb Eliezer

    My father was a poshete yid like that who would sit everyday and said Tehilim. I heard a mashel from him which I said over at his hesped. A merchant travels on a ship oversees and takes along merchandise to sell. The ship encounters a storm wind and he gets thrown out to a desert island. Being depressed, he plays around with the sand and pebbles. After a while, a ship comes and he arrives home. He starts crying to his wife moaning how he lost everything and as he takes his handkerchief out to wipe his eyes, something falls out. They examine it and the wife screams out, do you know what this is? It is a diamond, a brilliant. So the man says, I must have collected it when I played around with the pebbles. If I would have known its value, how much more I would have been able to collect but I can’t go back there as I don’t know where it is.
    After life when we are held to task what have we done this world, we start crying. When we take our handkerchief out, something falls out. As they examine it carefully, they notice that an Amen fell out. Do you have anymore of this which is so precious over here? If I would have known its value how much more I could have collected but I cannot go back anymore.

    in reply to: leaving yeshivah and going to work #2109775
    Reb Eliezer

    I guess if one does not know where the sheluach hakein will turn up should be alright to arrange it.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2109771
    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ. the burning of the Reichstag was done by the Germans to blame the Communists.

    in reply to: Talmeidei Chachamim with kids not like them #2109765
    Reb Eliezer

    We are discussing a general tendency and not anything in particular, so I don’t think it is lashon hara. If one knows the reason, can improve on it.

    in reply to: Talmeidei Chachamim with kids not like them #2109754
    Reb Eliezer

    They answer by Chanukah on the Beis Yosef question, why we light eight days as the first day was enough oil to light, so there was no neis? Some oil is left in the pitcher when emptying out. Similarly, the father cannot pass over his knowledge completely to his son.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2109599
    Reb Eliezer

    Shemitah is related to Shabbos according to the Yismach Moshe. In 7 years there are exactly 365 Shabbosim, adding up to a year. 7 X 52 = 364 and one left every year giving another Shabbos totaling 365 days. We rest the earth for one year to make up for the earth not resting in 7 years.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2109477
    Reb Eliezer

    Some say that Hashem created things with the words of His mouth, so we should be careful what we say on Shabbos as the mishna 4th Perek in Demai says that we trust people on Shabbos as they don’t lie.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2109485
    Reb Eliezer

    CS, are you describing yourself?

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2109457
    Reb Eliezer

    Some happen to appreciate Jackk’s news summary.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2109429
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rav Malbim says that the mabul created a chemical change so the carbon test does not work as things are older than they seem. According to this that a day of creation might not have been 24 hours we understand why the goyim think that the world is billions of years old.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2109427
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a story that they want to be matir, an aguna from a kashye, so they said in yiddish, fon a kashye shtarbtman nisht, from a question one does not die. This became a general answer on questions.

    in reply to: Inflation Bonanza~! #2109362
    Reb Eliezer

    Increasing interest rates might increase costs which might create more inflation. Somehow we should increase supply.

    in reply to: Food Boxes-Brooklyn and New Jersey #2109358
    Reb Eliezer

    To get kosher daily food distribution in NYC call 311.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2109355
    Reb Eliezer

    Trump is being investigated by the DOJ (Department of Justice).

    in reply to: Food Boxes-Brooklyn and New Jersey #2109345
    Reb Eliezer

    Check Bikur Cholim in your area.

    in reply to: Yeshivos for Adult Beginning Learners #2109344
    Reb Eliezer

    I found a website which might be useful see marbitz dot com/gemara-game/ which teaches the expressions of the gemara as gemara tutor.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2109147
    Reb Eliezer

    The 4 hours given up by each of the 6 days adds up to 24 hours for Shabbos. So Shabbos was also created in the 6 days but given up and created before the world was created.

    in reply to: JINO #2109146
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rav Abarbanel and the Chasam Sofer say that משיח stands for the beginning letters of those whose talmidim in the gemora in Sanhadrin Perek Chelek consider Meshiach. מנחם, שלוה, ינון and חנינא.

    in reply to: JINO #2108944
    Reb Eliezer

    Was the person educated in the halachas of Shabbos?

    in reply to: school memories #2108943
    Reb Eliezer

    You get more with honey than vinegar.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108941
    Reb Eliezer

    According to Einstein we can explain that the nothing that the world was created from was energy. If matter can be converted to energy then energy could be converted to matter.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2108938
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a koach, potential and poal, action. The koach of Meshiach is here but we must bring him in poal. Tosfas explains the argument if the redemption was in Nissan or Tishri. Nissan in koach and Tishri in action.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108937
    Reb Eliezer

    If the world was created in six days when was Shabbos created? I saw somewhere that each day was created originally 28 hours and each day gave up 4 hours to form Shabbos.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2108797
    Reb Eliezer

    What about John Kasich?

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2108808
    Reb Eliezer

    If we figure Meshiach is already here, we might further him away by not doing anything to bring him. Sinas Chinom will not stop. היום אם בקולו תשמעו, he can come today when we listen to Hashem.

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2108811
    Reb Eliezer

    If we don’t realize that we are in galus and do something about it, we will be kept there.

    in reply to: how do u accept compliments? #2108737
    Reb Eliezer

    The Kli Yakar might be implied by the Chasan Sofer, the grandson of the Chasam Sofer, who was niftar at 48 on the Yahr Zeit of Aharon HaKohen this coming Friday, Rosh Chodesh Av. He says that the letter ‘nun’ reflects the idea by being narrow above, not be satisfied but wide at the bottom, being happy and satisfied. By the Misonnim, when they desired extras, the nun was reversed as the Torah indicates.
    When noflim, one has fallen, if spiritual, don’t get depressed but look at where one can improve oneself and when lack of material things, don’t despair but be satisfied as סומך ה’ את כל הנופלים, Hashem supports all the fallen.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108687
    Reb Eliezer

    ubi, you missed the point. I have only a problem if the sun orbits around the earth being stationary in the center.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108620
    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ and ujm, I asked a question and I did not get an answer. According to Newton and Ptolemy’s view as every heavenly body has a gravitational pull based on its size, so why does not the enormous gravitational pull of the sun dislodge the earth from being stationary in the center?

    in reply to: how do u accept compliments? #2108614
    Reb Eliezer

    If you get a compliment and not worthy of it, thank them and for spiritual things, try to live up to it. Keep the words of the Kli Yakar in mind בשמים ממעל, when it comes to heavenly, spiritual things, look at people above you, from whom to learn from and ועל הארץ מתחת but when it comes to earthly, material things, then look at people being below you, who have less than you in order to be satisfied and happy.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2108598
    Reb Eliezer

    What about Mitt Romney who recognized that Russia was the real enemy?

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108515
    Reb Eliezer

    The gemora is complicated in order to be lefi tzareh agre, the reward is based on the effort as it has a greater value. If the earth would be flat than night and day would be the same both sides of the international date line.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2108454
    Reb Eliezer

    She is more lenient in same-sex-marriage by changing her mind saying that she loves her sister at a Sunday CNN interview.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2108444
    Reb Eliezer

    אביי stands for the beginning letters of אשר בך ירוחם יתום, where an orphan finds mercy in You.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108429
    Reb Eliezer

    If we can understand something the simple way, even if the truth is the complicated way, we can use the simple way for our understanding than having to use those concentric circles.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108428
    Reb Eliezer

    Why would Hashem create something complicated when it can be made simple?

    in reply to: Rav Shmuel #2108385
    Reb Eliezer

    Don’t forget that Rosh Chodesh was given to the women.

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108378
    Reb Eliezer

    How can a bigger body revolve around the smaller body and not pull it towards itself? From the Torah is no proof, as dibra Torah kalashan bnei adam as people see it and where does Einstein say that?

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Masei – We Need Hope to Cope #2108356
    Reb Eliezer

    The same idea might be implied in ‘קויתי ה, hope to Hashem brings to קותה נפשי, another hope from my soul to Hashem.

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