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Reb EliezerParticipant
Maaser kesafim is a minhag and not a chiyuv, rewarded well. The Dubner Maggid says that there was question above, why Hashem gives one more than kadei chayov, needed for survival? So Hashem said, I will give them ten times as much to be able to give maaser required for survival. If one does not give maaser, he will only get what is needed for his survival. This is what it says עשר בשביל שתתעשר, give maaser to become rich.
August 25, 2022 3:00 pm at 3:00 pm in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2118535Reb EliezerParticipantAvira, there was a person like you called e.e. cummings, an American poet, who became famous for not using any capital letters.
August 25, 2022 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2118488Reb EliezerParticipantAvira, did you look at my post reply #2118409 above?
August 25, 2022 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm in reply to: what advice do u wish you’d have received when you were younger? #2118529Reb EliezerParticipantThe Beis Elokim says that Meshiach is not coming because the majority has to ask for it. Marry for money usually does not work as the parties are not compatible.
Reb EliezerParticipantAAQ, the Rambam above becomes questionable when when we have Non-Euclidean geometry and Copernican astronomy.
August 25, 2022 10:45 am at 10:45 am in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2118443Reb EliezerParticipantShould be above Moreinu Horav Reb or Morah Moreinu Horav Reb.
August 25, 2022 10:44 am at 10:44 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2118441Reb EliezerParticipantI will quote the rules posted by the mods which should eliminate the problems discussed.
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August 25, 2022 10:44 am at 10:44 am in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2118409Reb EliezerParticipantAvira, I will try to justify why Talmidei Chachomim’s name should be capitalized. There is a midrash peliah ויאמינו בה’ ובמשה עבדו – אם במשה האמינו בה’ לא כ’ש אם כן למה נאמר במשה שכל המאמין בת’ח כאלו מאמין בהקב’ה
it should have said that Hashem is the obvious? No, the talmidei chachomim are the obvious as their strength emanates from Hashem. Similarly, Shimon Hamosini did not need to derive to fear a talmid chacham as that was obvious for him. However, for Rebbi Akiva, who hated originally talmidei chachamim, it was not so obvious. So if we capitalize Hashem, we should also capitalize the name of talmidei chachamim.August 25, 2022 10:43 am at 10:43 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2118385Reb EliezerParticipantI think that the CR is ‘not’ yichud under any condition as it is ‘public’ and the mods will ‘deter’ any personnel communication. Therefore it is ‘not’ assur as the OP perceives.
August 25, 2022 9:45 am at 9:45 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2118383Reb EliezerParticipantWhen writing to each other is not really yichud as it is different than personnel private mingling where only the often communication creates the friendship to want a personnel meeting.
August 25, 2022 12:17 am at 12:17 am in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2118262Reb EliezerParticipantYou are right. In English there is no respect. The rebbi would be called you so we have to speak to him in third person. In Hungarian the greeting for the elderly is the Hungarian equivalent to, I kiss your hand. I call myself Reb Eliezer to try to indicate that the elderly should not be called on their first name. When one is called up by us to the Torah will be called as Reb ben Reb and Habochar and the Rav, Moreinu or Morah Moreinu.
August 24, 2022 5:46 pm at 5:46 pm in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2118227Reb EliezerParticipantIn English capitalizing is the way to give respect whereas in Hebrew one uses some extra words of praise. The RMA in the first teshuva says, לכבוד יתברך ויתרומם לפי מעלת מדרגתו.
August 24, 2022 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2118215Reb EliezerParticipantWhen writing in private to each other, one might create a rendezvous, wanting to meet each other.
August 24, 2022 4:23 pm at 4:23 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2118170Reb EliezerParticipantAAQ, I agree.
Reb EliezerParticipantLook at the Rambam Hilchas Kiddush Hachodesh (17, 24) where he says that by Mathematics and Astronomy we can rely on non-Jewish Greek sources as the truth proven cannot be denied.
August 24, 2022 3:20 pm at 3:20 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2118147Reb EliezerParticipantYes, it might be but the CR is public. Writing is better than talking.
August 24, 2022 1:50 pm at 1:50 pm in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2118113Reb EliezerParticipantAvira, proper names specially of gedolim should be capitalized.
August 24, 2022 1:09 pm at 1:09 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2118041Reb EliezerParticipantujm, your criteria might be a yichud problem as it might be done in private whereas over here communication is in the open.
August 24, 2022 1:09 pm at 1:09 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2118038Reb EliezerParticipantThe svara is, if there is a stipulation that there will not be a discussion about each others family and private matters but business and politics, there is no problem as the ruling of kol beisha discussed above. The woman in her discussion is seen as a man. We don’t know what the gender is and women are asked as the men not to reveal their gender. No one knew that I was a man until I revealed it and maybe I should not have.
Moish26 gave a reference above whether permitted to talk to another gender who says, ‘It is permitted for a man to talk to a woman regarding work or business related subjects [serious and to the point conversations’. This has a reference: See Beis Shmuel 21/4 “However hearing her voice during speech is permitted”; There is no prohibition found in Poskim regarding interaction with a woman for business related matters or other everyday activity, and so is the custom even amongst G-d fearing Jews to have work conversations with women when necessary.
Over here it does not say they don’t know each other, so it says when necessary.August 24, 2022 12:05 am at 12:05 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2117925Reb EliezerParticipantShould be עם האשה with the woman who is recognized as his wife.
Reb EliezerParticipantCS, what was your major?
August 23, 2022 11:23 pm at 11:23 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2117907Reb EliezerParticipantSince you don’t read I must repeat what I wrote:
What is says אל תרבה שיחה עם אשה, don’t speak much with a woman, I don’t think applies if you don’t know her, see her or hear her. Her political views or Torah views will not affect you.
We have to compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges. The wife the husband recognizes and knows, so must be others. The kal vechamer has a pircha, can be questioned. She will tell what you said about other people to the neighbors which can cause friction.August 23, 2022 11:22 pm at 11:22 pm in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2117904Reb EliezerParticipantSomeone put one hand in his pants pocket, so he told him to put both hands in there as אין דבר שבערוה פחות משנים. He says about straw hats, der heim hat man gelegt der stroi inter the behamos du legt man es auf die behemas, at home they put the straw under the cattle but over here we put it on top of them.
August 23, 2022 5:48 pm at 5:48 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2117819Reb EliezerParticipantujm, I think kol isha is worse than here not hearing whom you are mingling with and I indicated that it is mutir, permitted.
August 23, 2022 5:47 pm at 5:47 pm in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2117817Reb EliezerParticipantA Jewish Press article at:
https://www.jewishpress. com/review/in-print-review/what-we-owe-the-satmar-rebbe-a-tribute-on-his-40th-yahrzeit/2019/08/24/#:~:text=Next%20Tuesday%2C%20the%2026th%20of%20Av%2C%20will%20mark,yahrzeit%20of%20the%20Satmar%20Rebbe%2C%20Rabbi%20Yoel%20Teitelbaum.
August 23, 2022 4:22 pm at 4:22 pm in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2117813Reb EliezerParticipantSee an article which appeared in WYN:
August 23, 2022 4:22 pm at 4:22 pm in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2117812Reb EliezerParticipantReb EliezerParticipantThey have to send a secret service man to jail also to protect him as he knows too much.
August 23, 2022 2:15 pm at 2:15 pm in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2117758Reb EliezerParticipantToday is the 43rd Yahr Zeit. As I mentioned on an other topic his interpretation on the Hagadah on שפוך חמתך על הגוים וכו’ ועל ממלכות אשר בשמך לא קראו, on the nations who know You but they don’t call on You, are the ziyonim.
Reb EliezerParticipantToday is the the forty third yahr zeit of the Satmar Rav, Rav Yoel ztz’l who in his sefer Vayoel Moishe emphasizes the violation of the three shavuos. He says on the Hagadah שפןך חמתך וכו אשר בשמך לא קראו, the nations that know You but do not call Your Name, are the ziyonim.
August 21, 2022 2:26 pm at 2:26 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2117059Reb EliezerParticipantThe halacha is that a rav or rebbe of talmidim must be married as women might talk to him. Moish if not married, you right, you should get off this platform.
August 21, 2022 2:26 pm at 2:26 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2117058Reb EliezerParticipantShlomo Hamelech repeated what the woman said regarding the baby, so in arguments when the litigants go through an agent like Tziporah something might be lost in translation.
Reb EliezerParticipantIt says ויתן להם ארצות גוים בעבור ישמרו חוקיו the land of other nations were given to them (us) to keep Hashem’s laws, so if we don’t keep the Torah, the land is not ours. The first Rashi says that Hashem took it away from the kenanim and gave it to us on the condition that we keep the Torah otherwise what makes us better than them?
August 19, 2022 1:42 am at 1:42 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116604Reb EliezerParticipantThe way Beruriah spoke to Rebbe Yosi Haglili when he asked for directions in Eruvin (53,2) was disrespectful.
August 18, 2022 9:00 pm at 9:00 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116569Reb EliezerParticipantAmil, I see you are trying to incite, so don’t give them ammunition as you might end up on a separate CR.
Reb EliezerParticipantSinging erva if not known and seen is permitted according to the Yabia Omer (1,6).
August 18, 2022 9:23 am at 9:23 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116352Reb EliezerParticipantThe shaila above is to a listen to a woman singing on a gramophone (record player, phonograph, VCR, CD, DVD) or radio? He writes that אם אינו מכירה מותר, if he does not know her, is permitted.
August 18, 2022 9:11 am at 9:11 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116347Reb EliezerParticipantRay, as mentioned above by a detailed pesak from Rav Ovadyah Yosef ztz’l in Yabia Omer (1,6) that if you don’t know and see her, kol beisha is ‘not’ ervah. Communication over here is not personal which should be ok as stated in the recommended discussion by the Shulchan Aruch Harav website. You would not know but Reb Eliezer is not a woman.
August 18, 2022 12:23 am at 12:23 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116259Reb EliezerParticipantMoish26, what about kol beisha I mentioned above at reply #2115703?
August 17, 2022 11:20 pm at 11:20 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116252Reb EliezerParticipantMosish26, if you want something done, show a halachik source that even if you don’t know and see the communicator is an issur as indicated before that there is no proof from the above mishna.
Reb EliezerParticipantJackk, very nice.
August 17, 2022 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116129Reb EliezerParticipantMods, so what do you think of idea reply #2116031 and #2116103?
August 17, 2022 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116103Reb EliezerParticipantThe women can look at the men’s CR and give their argument on their CR and the men can either look at it or not to give their argument on their CR.
August 17, 2022 5:38 pm at 5:38 pm in reply to: I personally view ben gvirs rise concerning #2116101Reb EliezerParticipantWhen someone lies constantly, even when telling the truth is not believed as the boy who cried wolf too many times, so the wolf actually came and no one protected themselves.
August 17, 2022 3:43 pm at 3:43 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116035Reb EliezerParticipantChasan Sofer is not Oberland anymore but chasiddish. The Wiener also in Williamsburg who are now davening sefard.
August 17, 2022 3:43 pm at 3:43 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2116031Reb EliezerParticipantSo why don’t we have a separate CR for women which can be looked at or not?
August 17, 2022 10:06 am at 10:06 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2115921Reb EliezerParticipantMoish26, I also learned in chasiddishe yeshivas and I understand the purpose of the CR where people can express their views under the proper supervision of the mods which should eliminate your concerns stated in the mishna in Avos compared to other sites where there is no supervision.
August 17, 2022 9:31 am at 9:31 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2115910Reb EliezerParticipantMoish26, it looks like you are an unmarried bachur, so you should not participate anymore.
August 17, 2022 1:16 am at 1:16 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2115861Reb EliezerParticipantMaybe the talking will bring you to know them but you don’t know to whom you are talking and who is listening.
August 17, 2022 1:16 am at 1:16 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2115860Reb EliezerParticipantWe have to compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges. The wife the husband recognizes and knows, so must be others. The kal vechamer has a pircha, can be questioned.