Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Non Jewish Funerals #2123314
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer was asked, is it permitted for women to sing in a shul to honor the King? He said, no and the respect is not to do it thereby showing that the king is merciful and does ‘not’ require us to do anything against halacha.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122997
    Reb Eliezer

    He threw the mother of his children aside as trash.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122958
    Reb Eliezer

    ujm, is the heir to throne who commits adultery deserves to be executed.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122929
    Reb Eliezer

    Camilla creates a bad taste.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2122917
    Reb Eliezer

    The Mitzriyim elevated Yosef and provided a haven for Yaakov Avinu.

    The Kli Yokor at the end of parashas Vayigash explains that, the reason for the suffering and enslavement was because the Jews forgot an important lesson that must be remembered in diaspora. We must constantly keep in mind that we are strangers in a strange land. Moishe Rabbenu constantly kept this in mind, and therefore the G-d of his father was constantly helping him. This was the lesson that Moshe Rabbeinu wanted to teach us through the naming of his children. The Jews wanted to become part of the Egyptian establishment. They forgot that they came to Egypt just as a temporary dweller, who is fleeing his problems temporarily by escaping to a strange land. They became rich and acquired land. They built on it fancy houses which the Egyptians resented.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122905
    Reb Eliezer

    Charles contributed to Diana’s bulimia, swaying towards adultery and causing her death.

    in reply to: Non Jewish Funerals #2122887
    Reb Eliezer

    Don’t get me to the church on time but show consideration some other way.

    in reply to: intrenet awareness #2122878
    Reb Eliezer

    I think I understand what he is saying. Talking about an issur creates a yetzer hara of curiosity to experience it. When we become older, we become more knowledgeable as the Torah admonishes us השמרו לכם פן יפתה לבבכם guard yourself that your heart should not attract you. When everything is good, we might forget who provided that to us and think כחי ועוצם ידי that my own strength contributed to it.
    Drugs might be different as it is not readily available. So may be just protect the device from getting into wrong places.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122638
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122536
    Reb Eliezer

    Queen Elizabeth II has died at around 1:30 PM at 96 being on the throne around 71 years.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122510
    Reb Eliezer

    Many countries like Israel has a President and Prime Minister where the President is in the place of the queen non-political representing the country. In the US the flag is suppose to do that.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122483
    Reb Eliezer

    Most people would rather skip him for Prince William.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2122253
    Reb Eliezer

    New Yok State requires a High School Diploma preferably by taking the Regents exams.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2122247
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, let us adjust your statement as I graduated High School in Chasan Sofer with the Regents, to not have a seder kevuah after graduating High School in limudei chol other than for parnosa,

    in reply to: Where is Moshe Kleinerman? Take on something!! #2122234
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Classics and Beyond: Ki Seitzei – The Pledge of a Lifetime #2122233
    Reb Eliezer

    abukspan, when I say to make it short, I don’t mean not to say it but break it up into individual posts indicating the number of posts it comprises ליתן רווח בין הדבקים in order to make it easier to digest.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond: Ki Seitzei – The Pledge of a Lifetime #2122224
    Reb Eliezer

    It says כמשוש חתן על כלה ישיש עליך אלקיך, like a groom rejoices over the bride Hashem should rejoice over you. It does not say husband on wife because we want that Hashem should see on us a constant renewal and rejoicing in our service to Him, so should the husband see in his wife that constant renewal and have that joy.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2122205
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, I think you are misinterpreting Ben’s statement. He is saying as the Rambam that makom contributes to aveiros by being influenced by people around in that place. Going to YU is currently assur not so much for the studies as because of the people learning there.

    in reply to: Ki Tzeitaei – How to fight the Yetzer Hara, Our Bad Inflinations #2122177
    Reb Eliezer

    The yetzer hara strengthens our bad inclinations and thereby put it into fruition.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond: Ki Seitzei – The Pledge of a Lifetime #2122168
    Reb Eliezer

    Abukspan, as a rebbi to talmidim I am sure you know what Rashi says, לעולם ילמד אדם לתלמיד בלשון קצרה.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2122155
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, you think you know everything, so you don’t have to respect anyone.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2122105
    Reb Eliezer

    Ben, I agree as the Rambam in Hilchas Daos says that the people get influenced by their environment.

    in reply to: Ki Tzeitaei – How to fight the Yetzer Hara, Our Bad Inflinations #2122101
    Reb Eliezer

    The first mishna in Bava Kama enumerates four main means of harm to the individual which also apply to spirituality. The ox is gaiva, haughtiness by saying I deserve this and I am better than anyone else, reflected the way it stands with its horns pointing straight above. The pit is the other extreme atzvus, being sad in a depression. The mouth is speaking badly on each other and the fire of desire to do what is forbidden. These are the main contributors of all sins. The yetzer hara causes bad inclinations by tempting the person towards these behaviors.

    in reply to: Thank you for your love, best wishes and prayers #2122090
    Reb Eliezer

    The neshuma having and aliya applies to each yahr zeit but not yet for the of 12 month mourning period as it still hovers and did not acquire a residence yet.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2122085
    Reb Eliezer

    The culture has changed so going to college currently became more dangerous than when going in my time but there is also Touro and online education available.

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond: Ki Seitzei – The Pledge of a Lifetime #2122083
    Reb Eliezer

    The marriage is called nesuyin to elevate and put each other on a pedestal. Emphasize the positive by seeing the good in each other. The mezuza is not placed vertically or horizontally but on a slant to emphasize the importance of compromise.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2122082
    Reb Eliezer

    It says יש חכמה בגוים, there is wisdom among other nations, so applying the Torah which applies to all times and all places changing requires also secular education.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121988
    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ, the two methods are both used by the Rambam. In Yod Chazakah he says that we get to recognize the greatness of Hashem from science and philosophy whereas in his Sefer Hamitzvos he says the Torah and mitzvos lead us to this recognition.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121838
    Reb Eliezer

    The Binah Leitim demonstrates through the greatness of mathematics the potential greatness of the Jews. It says ה’ אלקיכם יוסף עליכם ככם אלף פעמים, Hashem your G-d should multiply you by a thousand times (600,000 x 1000) but then it should have said אלף פעמים ככם, one thousand times of what you are now? Moshe Rabbenu is really asking Hashem that He should double their current population (600,000) ככם, as they are now and do the doubling a thousand times אלף פעמים. This is an enormous number with 301 zeroes equivalent to 2 raised to the 1000th power. 2^1000 multiplied by 600,000.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121820
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121813
    Reb Eliezer

    I went to college four years after I graduated High School of Yeshiva Chasan Sofer. My rebbi, the Mattersdorfer Rav, Rav Shmuel ztz’l explained why an am haaretz is not allowed to eat meat? Rebbi Meir who cared for the minority how was he eat meat? So this father sends his son to college relies on the minority who come out good. When I went to college I avoided going to anywhere unnecessary like the student center. Haran got burned because he went into the fire by following Avraham and not because his own beliefs. When college was necessary to find a job, I started to go. The Kli Yakar explains that one who does not learn Torah is no better than an animal, so he has no right to eat it.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121787
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer explains the actions of Yaakov Avinu וישם את אפרים לפני מנשה both are important but Ephraim, Torah comes before Menasheh, secular knowledge.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121733
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, agreed. It says קבעת עתים לתורה, I heard that it does not say קבעת תורה לעחים. We set the times to the Torah and not vice versa. One bought a small hat, so he went to goldsmith to squeeze his head rather than extend the hat.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121701
    Reb Eliezer

    BTW, a sefer was written at the end of the 17th hundred on all sciences called Sefer Habris available at https://hebrewbooks dot org/43670.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121700
    Reb Eliezer

    Astronomy and Biology also show the greatness of Hashem. I explained what we say in bentching ומפרנס אותנו בכל עת ובכל שעה. This refers to the circulatory system in the body. The food arrives into the blood stream and gets circulated by the heart all over the body providing sustenance to it constantly.
    By not studying these sciences one cannot fully appreciate the greatness of Hashem. מה רבו מעשך ה’ כולם בחכמה עשית how great are your deeds Hashem all was created by You through wisdom.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121695
    Reb Eliezer

    Chemistry makes us appreciate the greatness of Hashem how minuscule an atom has a whole solar system in it. We can use chemistry to understand a tzibur. It is similar to the forming of water being a combination of oxygen and hydrogen where hydrogen shares its electrons with oxygen. Oxygen molecule is missing two electrons in its outer shell made up by two hydrogen molecules which both have one electron. The bond is so strong that only an electric current can break it being one positive and other negative and opposites attract. People have qualities they miss which is made up by others forming a tzibur as the first Daroshas Haran indicates. I heard that this might be the meaning of the bracha a borai nefashos where people have chesronos which unite them.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121680
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, what you are saying about math does not make any sense. Acher and Yochanan Kohen Gadol became heretics, so we should not learn Torah?

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121671
    Reb Eliezer

    Tosfas asks, PI does not agree with the knowledge of measurements? Maybe that is the kashye of the gemora on the mishna in Eruvin, if the diameter is a tefach than the circumference is three tefochim, so the gemora asks מנא הני מילי, how do we know that? What does that mean when one can measure it? The question is, how do we know that we a can approximate it like that? So to understand a gemora, math is required as the Rambam on the mishna explains it well.

    in reply to: Solution to the Shidduch Crisis #2121644
    Reb Eliezer

    The gemora emphasizes the requirement for a shidduch. My wife a’h and myself arranged one.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121638
    Reb Eliezer

    The reason to avoid Greek studies because it is too similar to the Torah and one can falter when there is a difference. Math is not affront to the Torah. Avira, show me rishonim that it is. The Rivash does not include math which is required to understand the Torah as the Rambam above states. Kevious means to learn it and once you know it, you don’t have to learn it any more. There is no mitzva to continue learning secular knowledge and math is not secular knowledge. The sugya of kaveres, the sugya of round sukkah require the knowledge of math.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121555
    Reb Eliezer

    Plato teaches there is a soul, a world of ideas and Aristotle the four elements, earth, water, air and fire.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121543
    Reb Eliezer

    There are seven wisdoms where Torah is in the middle. So the other six wisdoms support Torah like the Menorah. It says עולם כמנהגו נוהג which is science. The gemora tells the story where a man had a miracle and was able to nurse. So there is an argument if this miracle was beneficial to him or not as the nature had to be changed. It is a mitzva outside of evolution to explain science not to contradict the Torah. Biology says that gender is determined by the male. The male has an x and y chromosome and a female has two x’s. So a male can give either an x or a y whereas a female can only give an x. However, the Torah says that the female determines the gender. Maybe, she creates an environment for him which determines if he gives an x or a y chromosome.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121536
    Reb Eliezer

    We have the partnership of Yisochor and Zevulin as not everyone is suitable for learning and they might have to learn other skills.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121535
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rash in Kilaim (5,5) quotes the Pythagorean Theorem in the name of חכמי המדות. The 1 2/5 in the diagonal originates from the theorem being the square root of 2. Therefore, Tosfas proofs in Sukah 8,1 that the it is an approximation. The Shar Ephraim explains the Tosfas.
    The Rambam on the mishna in Eruvin explains the approximation of 3 for PI. The Rambam says in Hilchas Kiddush Hachodash 17,24 that we can rely on the Greeks in Geometry and Astronomy. So we can we rely on economics as it is based on logic which cannot be faked. We are not talking about evolution. If we would not rely on biology, currently Jewish doctors would not exist. How many medical discoveries happened after the Gemorah and the Rivash that save lives. The Polio vaccine was discovered by a Jew, Dr. Salk. It says אשר ברא אלקים לעשות building on the creation.

    in reply to: Education and Torah #2121480
    Reb Eliezer

    The GRA wrote a sefer on geometry called Ayil Meshulash available to download at https://hebrewbooks dot org/20713. He has an interesting algebraic proof on the Pythagorean Theorem.
    See also the Shut Chavas Yair at Siman 172.
    Sometimes we can understand a mishna with a secular theorem, הזהב קונה את הכסף. There is a law in economics called Gresham’s Law. The bad coin drives out the good coin from circulation. Gold would be a good coin so people don’t use it as a currency but hoard it and it becomes a commodity. So silver is the currency. When meshicha is koneh, through acquiring the commodity we acquire the currency. The more valuable acquires the less valuable.

    in reply to: Goodbye Surahlah….. #2121463
    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ, sorry, you were correct as inclusion requires an object, so me is correct whereas thinking would require a subject but we gained a good joke.

    in reply to: Goodbye Surahlah….. #2121462
    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ, shouldn’t it be I included? It reminds me of the joke where someone ends up at the heavenly gate and asked, who is this? He answers, it is I. He is being retorted back, another English teacher.

    in reply to: Solution to the Shidduch Crisis #2121452
    Reb Eliezer

    It says קשה זווגו של אדם כקריעת ים סוף, Hashem’s matchup is a hard as the splitting of the sea. The Chidushei Harim explains that it comes in an unexpected way as קשה פרנסתו, finding a job which is also a matchup of one’s qualifications. They are similar to the splitting of the sea which also occurred unexpected. I can attest to this that my job and marriage came about in an unexpected way.

    in reply to: Solution to the Shidduch Crisis #2121444
    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ, Hashem will help you find your assigned zivug according to compatibility (mazel) provided you pray for it. I understand zivug sheni as the second marriage not missed marriage which is according to your deeds. The Midrash says where a matron asked what does Hashem do the whole day? She was told, mezaveg zivugim, matches up individuals. She said I can also do that. Her matches almost ended up killing each other by trying to beat each other to death.

    in reply to: Ki Tzeitaei – How to fight the Yetzer Hara, Our Bad Inflinations #2121413
    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe it should be his bad infiltration as we build protective walls but the yetzer hara tries to infiltrate it.

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