Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Does למודי חול constitute ביטל תורה? #2125390
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rambam explains in Shemono Perakim that one gets sick when the natural equilibrium is upset. To get healed one must restore it.

    in reply to: Does למודי חול constitute ביטל תורה? #2125389
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rash, Rav Shimshan Mishantz, Kilaim (5,5) in the name of chachmei hamidos quotes the Pythagorean Theorem.

    in reply to: Does למודי חול constitute ביטל תורה? #2125365
    Reb Eliezer

    The Kli Yakar uses the physical law that opposites react to explain the parah adumah. Why is it both tahor, pure and tamei, impure? This problem occurs if the parah adumah is made up of one entity. So he explains that parah adumah is comprised of two entities, water and earth. The water is tahor and the earth is tamei. When we place it on a tamei person, then the earth of the parah adumah has no reaction but the water does and makes him tahor. However, when placed on a tahor person, then the water has no reaction but the earth does, so it makes him tamei. The question is why didn’t Shlomo Hamelech, who was smarter than anyone, think of it? Maybe the mix of water being tahor with the tamei earth is a problem why it stays tahor?

    in reply to: Does למודי חול constitute ביטל תורה? #2125362
    Reb Eliezer

    Einstein’s theory of relativity explains how Hashem created something from nothing (energy). String Theory gives us more insight into creation. Science explains the meaning of עולם כמנהגו נוהג, the world behaves in natural fashion. Mathematics explains the expression that 1 in the length is 1 2/5 in the diagonal being the the square root of 2 by the Pythagorean Theorem derived through algebra with the help of geometry. Chemistry explains the unity of a tzibur.

    in reply to: Does למודי חול constitute ביטל תורה? #2125359
    Reb Eliezer

    Again, למודי חול can be used to understand Torah as I showed that a law in economics helps to understand a mishna in Bava Metzia, הזהב קונה את הכסף. So why is gold a commodity and silver the currency? People don’t want to spend the more valuable but hoard it. Gresham’s Law states that, the bad currency (silver) drives the good currency (gold) out of circulation.

    in reply to: Does למודי חול constitute ביטל תורה? #2125352
    Reb Eliezer

    You can learn the available knowledge in his time, the 18 hundreds in the Sefer Habris to download at https://hebrewbooks dot org/43670
    and translated to yiddish at https://hebrewbooks dot org/51059 also the Rambam Hilchas Kiddush Hachodash (17, 24)

    in reply to: Non Jewish Funerals #2125338
    Reb Eliezer

    I, in 1968 worked at Chemical Bank wearing a yarmulka.

    in reply to: Does למודי חול constitute ביטל תורה? #2125332
    Reb Eliezer

    My understanding is, that at the time he personally did not require someone to learn secular studies. However, if one does, he better not waste his time because that is bitul Torah but as it is necessary and one applies himself, it is not bitul Torah.

    in reply to: Poll YU is at fault for this club #2125256
    Reb Eliezer

    The above is the clubs argument:

    The club argued that Yeshiva’s plea to the Supreme Court was premature, also noting the university already has recognized a gay pride club at its law school.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2125242
    Reb Eliezer

    When we give something on behalf of something else than the second thing for which the first thing is given is more beloved than the first. We bring bikurim to show that Hashem is more beloved than the first fruits, which is much loved as the first dollar earned, is being sacrificed in His name by our recognizing all He has given to us. This is also the reason that we show recognition at the Hagaddah for Hashem taking us out from Mitzraim by saying the same pesukim.

    in reply to: Help with my literacy please #2125246
    Reb Eliezer

    Trump went to the Wharton School of the University of PA with a BS in economics.

    in reply to: Does למודי חול constitute ביטל תורה? #2125237
    Reb Eliezer

    Yes, to the OP question. I heard from my Rebbi, the Hadhauser Wiener Rav in elementary school that if one goes to learn secular studies and does not listen, put his mind to it to do well on a test is bitul Torah.

    in reply to: The best white shirt. #2125232
    Reb Eliezer

    Price varies by size.

    in reply to: Poll YU is at fault for this club #2125125
    Reb Eliezer

    You cannot allow the club for the law school but not for the yeshiva.

    in reply to: Eliminating secular subjects from yeshiva curriculum #2125119
    Reb Eliezer

    I received a high school academic degree from Yeshiva Chasan Sofer after passing the Regents in 1966.

    in reply to: Help with my literacy please #2125019
    Reb Eliezer

    That course above is taught by a woman dressed in a pant suit with an open neck.

    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2124758
    Reb Eliezer

    So Sheliach Hakein reminds us to also do the other things dependent on speech that will bring Meshiach, believe in Hashem and trust Him, daven for his coming and learn Mishnayus.

    in reply to: Sukkah – Olam Haboh, Working Towards the Next World to Come #2124489
    Reb Eliezer

    Sam Klein, try to avoid run on sentences as it is hard to understand.

    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2124466
    Reb Eliezer

    If you want the children, the mother should not see how the children are taken away from her. We are not allowed to pray, Hashem have mercy on me as you have mercy even on a bird. The Chinuch explains in order not to compare our mercy with Hashem’s whose mercy comes from understanding and not from emotion.

    in reply to: The best white shirt. #2124374
    Reb Eliezer

    Kirkland from Costco

    in reply to: Help with my literacy please #2124314
    Reb Eliezer

    No, not for that price.

    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2124311
    Reb Eliezer

    If one shames you, don’t shame them back but tell nicely that you don’t realize what you did.

    in reply to: Bring some Kedusha #2124305
    Reb Eliezer

    Midos alert to whom, the one who was hurt or the one who hurt the other? Should the one who was hurt sit by and allow the other to hurt him thereby not realizing that something wrong was done and continue doing it in the future?

    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2124304
    Reb Eliezer

    According to the Beis Elokim we need most should daven for Meshiach. Similarly maybe one doing the mitzva might not bring it.

    in reply to: Bring some Kedusha #2124133
    Reb Eliezer

    Moish26, you are insulting me considering that I put ch’v Torah in a garbage can but at least you say lichoira. If I do it as most do, it is because I don’t agree with you. We have shown and proven that if you don’t see and know the women you are talking to, is not a problem.

    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2124110
    Reb Eliezer

    I just indicated the similarities (being unplanned, written with an aleph instead of a heh and the mother looking for her children) of this mitzva and Meshiach. Caring for the species not dying out or showing mercy for the child birds, would indicate to have children or building a house to have children. However, looking for children indicates that we create a symbolism showing our aspiration for the mother (Hashem) to look for his children as the holy Zohar gives us hope that it will be fulfilled, midah kaneged midah, being inclusive in long life. Honoring parents where it promises long life also, might be as the Rav Abarbanel explains that when your children will see that you honor your parents, they will honor you accordingly providing you a good long life. This can be demonstrated with a story. There was a grandfather, father and son. The father would feed the grandfather in a wooden plate. When the grandfather passed on, the father wanted to get rid of the plate, so the son said, father don’t throw it out as we need it for you.

    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2124048
    Reb Eliezer

    Why will Meshiach come unplanned? Maybe, the Maharal explains the statement that if one repeats something from someone’s name will bring the redemption on the world. Why? Hashem wants us to recognize His deed to give credit where credit is due. When this individual does that, Hashem can be the geulah. When Meshiach will come unplanned, spontaneously, the miracle of his coming will be more recognized and appreciated than when one is planning for it.

    in reply to: Sukkah – Olam Haboh, Working Towards the Next World to Come #2124041
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2124043
    Reb Eliezer

    It is unplanned as the coming of Meshiach will come behesach hadaas, unplanned.

    in reply to: Heter meah rabbanim #2124020
    Reb Eliezer

    How can the rabonon eliminate a get? It’s based on the fact the kedushin is invalidated from the beginning which needs a good reason and not wanting to accept a get is not sufficient.

    in reply to: Yom Kippur like Purim #2123998
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Can we please fix the Coffee Room? #2124002
    Reb Eliezer

    mods, sometimes we notice that we made grammatical or spelling mistakes and would want to edit it but edit is not available.

    Agreed. We were having problems with severely inappropriate screen names being visible while waiting for approval on posts and had to deny visibility. This unfortunately prevents edits. The only two options is to catch the edit button on your post for the first 10 or so minutes after it is approved, or to do as you have been doing, to post your corrections and when possible we fix it for you.

    in reply to: Help with my literacy please #2123974
    Reb Eliezer

    Given by a woman, there is a VIDEO course at ‘the great courses’ website called Write about Anything available to download or on a DVD.

    in reply to: Rosh Hashanah Contradictory #2123917
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Help with my literacy please #2123909
    Reb Eliezer

    You might be biased as you know what you want to tell us. Get someone else as an editor to read it first before posting it to see if they understand what you mean.

    in reply to: Help with my literacy please #2123740
    Reb Eliezer

    You might want to get something like Random House Webster’s Pocket Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation: Second Edition (Pocket Reference Guides) 2nd ed. Edition available at Amazon.

    in reply to: Bar Mitzva Party #2123724
    Reb Eliezer

    Lipa danced with my son the macarena and sang Aishes Chayil to them at his wedding 12 years ago
    still available on youtube.

    in reply to: Shidduchem in 2022 #2123642
    Reb Eliezer

    I applaud and commend the person Don’tMIndMe who worked on it to be able to understand it.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2123643
    Reb Eliezer

    Don’t forget the Consort part of the title.

    in reply to: Shidduchem in 2022 #2123639
    Reb Eliezer

    Don’tMindMe, I think we should mind you as you gave a very good translation to what his letter is trying to convey.

    in reply to: Shidduchem in 2022 #2123595
    Reb Eliezer

    If you cannot convey, pass on your ideas what is the use of posting?

    in reply to: Classics and Beyond Shoftim – Hybrid Power: #2123572
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rambam teaches us the importance of the derech emtzai, the middle way, a hybrid derech in hashkafa by avoiding extremes.

    in reply to: Shidduchem in 2022 #2123559
    Reb Eliezer

    OP, try to make it short to the point as we don’t understand what you are saying. Are you sitting and learning or are you working?

    in reply to: Bar Mitzva Party #2123454
    Reb Eliezer

    The problem is that to keep up with the Johnses by imitating them, even though they can’t afford making these elaborate parties, end up getting themselves into debt.

    in reply to: Bar Mitzva Party #2123424
    Reb Eliezer

    For a Bas Mitzva there is a three sided argument. the Seridei Aish considers it a requirement that the girls should not feel left out. Reb Moishe Feinstein ztz’l says that it should not be done in a shul as it is voluntary like any other birthday party. The Debretziner Rav, Rav Moshe Stern ztz’l held that it is a reform custom and one should not attend when invited. I made it but only for the women.

    in reply to: Bar Mitzva Party #2123415
    Reb Eliezer

    The Magen Avraham O’CH 225 s’k 4 says that we should make a sudah, a party on the day after his Bar Mitzva like a wedding in order to celebrate it by make it known to the public that he became responsible to do mitzvos. He quotes from the Yam Shel Shlomo (Maharshal) in Bava Kama that if he gives a speech in Torah, it does not have to be done that day it is a sudas mitzva.

    in reply to: Non Jewish Funerals #2123383
    Reb Eliezer

    There was an argument whether the religious Jews should join the knesses. They brought proof to join from a Chasam Sofer as explained by the Maharam Shik. Why did Amrom divorce his wife Yocheved?
    He figured that if he has no children, the guf (container of the nesshumas) will be exhausted and Meshiach will come and no more boys will be thrown into the Nile. So Miriam told him that the reshaim will not follow you, the guf will not be used up and we end up giving birth to reshaim. Similarly if the religious don’t join the knesses, the chilonim will do what they want without the religious having any say in government affairs, so it is better for them to join.

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2123356
    Reb Eliezer

    CS, they say, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2123334
    Reb Eliezer

    Moish, you should feel good that people care about you and not show retribution. I don’t know why they care? You can stay on as you create a dislike for yourself.

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2123318
    Reb Eliezer

    Moish, see also The poster left and returned four years later.

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