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October 20, 2022 1:31 pm at 1:31 pm in reply to: Bereishis – Tying the End of the Torah to the beginning. #2131294Reb EliezerParticipant
Repeating from an other topic:
It says ולקחתם לכם ביום הראשון, so the Midrash says ראשון לחשבון עוונות, the Chasan Sofer explains that it provides forgiveness for the first sin.
Adam Harishon thought that only the tree is forbidden as the tastes of it and the fruit differ. He wanted to see if the fruits of other trees taste like the tree. As the earth sinned by changing the taste of the tree and fruit, he found that they tasted different. Therefore, he thought that the eitz hadaas will be the same but it was an esrug where the fruit and the tree did taste the same. So we take an esrug which providing forgiveness for the earth where it did not sin and Adam Harishon. He would have never sinned if the earth would not have sinned as he would have realized that they taste different.Reb EliezerParticipantLiz Truss resigns after 44 days fearing a kakistocracy, the worst people will rule.
October 20, 2022 9:44 am at 9:44 am in reply to: Bereishis – Tying the End of the Torah to the beginning. #2131291Reb EliezerParticipantThe Chasam Sofer says that if Adam Harishon would have waited until shabbos, he could have eaten from the eitz hadaas as the kedusha of shabbos would have kept him in line. He might have eaten a chatzi shiur, small amount as the midrash said אכלתי ואוכל, I ate and will eat. He ate erev shabbos just before the arrival of shabbos. He said that I can eat more on shabbos, so it will not accumulate and therefore I am not responsible for what I am eating now. The Mayanai Shel Torah explains the above midrash that he wanted to indicate, he is eating letaovan, of desire and not lehachis, to anger on purpose by violating the commandment.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Rambam says kedei lesaber es haazen, the body parts of Hashem are for our understanding similar to things above. One or two creations were made on the first day from energy such that yesh meayin was only on the first day. A Big Bang happened afterwards to bring everything to life.
October 20, 2022 8:14 am at 8:14 am in reply to: Bereishis – Tying the End of the Torah to the beginning. #2131260Reb EliezerParticipantBeing today 25 Tishri, 183 Yahr Zeit of the Chasam Sofer, I will quote an explanation where Adam Harishon excused himself that the wife given to him was at fault for eating the forbidden fruit which looks like the denying of the good. The Midrash says that he drank grape juice from a grapevine. The question is if something emanates from the strength of something else is it like the thing itself? Chavah was never commanded on the Eitz Hadaas. So mema nafshech, in either case Adam Harishan believed that he can eat from it. If the juice is not like the fruit then he had the juice and if it is, then Chavah was also like him, so why did she not die? He did not realize that the day of a Hashem is a thousand years until one can still die. Some say שלוחו של אדם כמותו, the banishing him and Chavah from the Gan Eden was like dying.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe kashyeh is also asked when Hashem Yisborach redeemed us from Mitzraim a place of 49 levels of tuma and we can answer the same answer that we were a meis mitzva as no one else was able to redeem us.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Ben Ish Chai questions why mitzvos must be done through actions, deeds and not enough to be thinking? He gives a mashel where a wife serves her husband a stuffed chicken, so he says why don’t you put pepper into it. She thinks, if he likes pepper so much, I will fill it up with just pepper. Thought is too strong to stand on its own. It must be applied to something. Maybe Adam Harishon before his sin, did do mitzvos through thought. The Ksav Sofer said about the reformers that their good heart causes a heart attack, because the heart can’t take all.
October 16, 2022 3:49 pm at 3:49 pm in reply to: Sukkah – Olam Haboh, Working Towards the Next World to Come #2130865Reb EliezerParticipantWe should always follow the middle way. Extremes are not recommended.
Reb EliezerParticipantTo learn Torah and arrive at the truth through questions and answers requires unity קהלת יעקב. The Taz O’CH 47,1 explains our bracha on the Torah לעסוק בדברי תורה to make it a business of give and take.
Reb EliezerParticipantWe should see the Torah daily as something new like a kallah encouraging the striving to learn and not get tired of it. It says morasha, an inheritance but we should read it as morasa, an engagement.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Yismach Moshe asks the question that if we realize that Hashem is constantly in front of us how can we sin? So for that duration we forget. Maybe that is what we mean on Yom Kippur when we say that our sins be forgiven because they are bishgaga, inadvertent.
Reb EliezerParticipantLive and let live!
Reb EliezerParticipantIt says ואהבת לרעך כמוך, love your friend like yourself and it does not say ואהבת רעך כמוך which is impossible. The Sefer Habris explains the meaning is not that if you don’t like something then don’t do it to your friend as he might like it. Do good to your friend to be done good to you. What you expect your friend should do to you, do to him. The Baal hatanye says כמוך, he has a neshama, soul just as you do.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Bach indicates that by three mitzvos we find lemaan, tzitzis, tefilin and sukkah were kavonoh lekatchila matters. He says even bedaived but we don’t follow that.
Reb EliezerParticipantAvira, that Artscroll you recommend is the same I recommend.
Reb EliezerParticipantLook at this website https://www. gotjudaica. com/Product.asp?dept=1090&Product=ART-JTVH also available in paperback.
Reb EliezerParticipantJourney to Virtue by Rabbi Avraham Ehrman available at Artscroll.
Reb EliezerParticipantShemita is related to shabbos. In seven years there are 52 shabosim per year with a total of 7 x 52 = 364 shabosim plus one day left over per year from 365 days generating another shabbos with a total of 365 shabbosim in seven years as explained by the Yismach Moishe. We rest a year from planting to make up for things growing on shabbos. So, Hakhel on Sukkos after shemita emphasizes the holiness of shabbos like Vayakhel does.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Haflaah explains the passage הכהן אשר יהי’ בימים ההם, each Rav is chosen for the need of his generation. The generation declined at the time of Yehoshua. The elderly realized that Moshe Rabbenu was greater when he was Yehushua’s age. Moshe Rabbenu was like the sun an Yeshuah like the moon where Yehoshua was acquiring the light from the sun. The trumpets required a different sound for the next generation.
Reb EliezerParticipantThis is actually an argument between Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai and his contemporaries. Rebbi Shimon said that if we do other things, when are we going to learn Torah. The others said that if we learn all the time, when are we going to do mitzvos and other necessities. So, we don’t pasken like Rebbi Shimon.
Reb EliezerParticipantCR people are like a family, so when any sadness happens in the family affects all of us, ידאגו כל החבורה.
Reb EliezerParticipantIt says אל תרגזו בדרך, don’t get distracted when traveling even with learning.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Rabbenu Bachaya explains on ולא יהי’ בהם נגף בפקוד אותם, the Jews as a whole are all tzadikim. When we are counting them, we separate the group and the bad will be revealed therefore Hashem reviews us on Rosh Hashanah together. כל ישראל יש להם חלק, together. When Bilam wanted to curse l’a, Bolok told him, to go to a place where he only sees part of them. When seeing all, he will not be able to accomplish anything. The holy Zohar in Parashas Terumah says, not to talk mundane things in shul as it creates a separation and drives Hashem out, who wants to reside in a unity with us by showing that one does not care if He dwells with us. אנכי עומד בין ה’ ובין עמכם The Baal Shem Tov says that the ego of one stands between Hashem and us,
Reb EliezerParticipantThere is no baal tosif in learning as there is no fixed amount of learning. Chazal wanted us to set time to learning in order not to forget to learn something. If a person scrutinized his actions and did not find anything wrong should base it on ביטול תורה, not learning enough Torah as if one learned enough, would have found something wrong. אין צדיק בארץ אשר יעשה טוב ולא יחטא, there is no pious person in this world who does all good without any faults.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Rabbenu Tam explains that we make one Birchas Hatorah a day as we should not be masiach daas, keep our learning in mind the whole day.
October 7, 2022 8:44 am at 8:44 am in reply to: Sukkah – Olam Haboh, Working Towards the Next World to Come #2129781Reb EliezerParticipantThere is an argument in the gemora if the sukkah should be a keva, permanent structure or arai, temporary. We pasken like Rava to be temporary. This might be dependent on the reason for sukkah. If it reminds us that the world is temporary, should be arai however, if to keep olam haba in mind, keva.
Even if we pasken to be temporary, it must have some permanence to be a able to stand in a ruach metzuyah, in a normal wind.Reb EliezerParticipantMoshe Rabbenu was like the above by having a special ability to lower himself to everyone’s level when teaching the Torah. He lost this strength now שנסתמו ממנו מעינות החכמה, the water flow of his wisdom became closed him.
Reb EliezerParticipantWe actually say this Yom Kippur in our bracha by praising Hashem that He forgives us and removes our sins every year on Yom Kippur.
October 6, 2022 5:53 pm at 5:53 pm in reply to: Sukkah – Olam Haboh, Working Towards the Next World to Come #2129709Reb EliezerParticipantThe Midrash says that because Avraham Avinu rested the three malachim under the three we were rewarded with the mitzva of Sukkah. The Ksav Sofer explains that the sukkah reflects the hashgacha and protection of Hashem, tzelah dehamnisa, shadow from above. When being in a temporary dwelling we are protected from the rain, sun as the tree needs sun and water to grow from above and people are protec6ed by the tree.
October 6, 2022 4:57 pm at 4:57 pm in reply to: Sukkah – Olam Haboh, Working Towards the Next World to Come #2129679Reb EliezerParticipantThe five days between Yom Kippur and Sukkos creates a preparation for our elevation from love towards Hashem. As the holy Berdichever explains that the esrug is taken on the first day of our accounting of our sins, since our teshuva now is done from love, thereby our sins turn to good deeds.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Kli Yakar explains that when we live in fancy houses in galus, Eisav becomes jealous of us as it happened in Mitzraim.
Reb EliezerParticipantI wish everyone 5783 – הי’ ‘ש’ נ ‘ת’ פדוית גליותינו
October 4, 2022 12:19 pm at 12:19 pm in reply to: Haazinu – Ask Your Father He Wil Tell You #2129433Reb EliezerParticipantI never knew my grandparents. My father’s parents passed away in the 1920’s within six months apart even having one matzeva. My mother’s mother passed away from breast cancer at 54 and mother’s father was murdered in Aushwitz.
Reb EliezerParticipantI explained the controversy who determines the gender? The Torah says the woman whereas science says the man depending on whether he gives an x or a y chromosome. Maybe the woman generates an environment which determines what the man gives.
Reb EliezerParticipantAAQ, this question reminds me of a Costello routine. A man found a girl who was ten years old and he was forty. He said, I cannot marry her because I am four times as old as she is. If I wait another five years, is still no good because she will be fifteen and I am forty five being now three time as old. I will wait another fifteen years when I will be sixty and she will be thirty being now twice as old. So how long will I have to wait such that we are both the same age? Also, when one visits the sick takes away 1/60 of their pain or illness. How many people must come to take away all the illness (forgetting the fact that in between falls back in illness)? This question is of limits and convergence.
Reb EliezerParticipantAs we said before that we make up the simcha of eating with erev yom kippur. There was a story with the holy Berdichever zy’a who on Kol Nidrei night was looking underneath all tables in his shul. The chassidim did not know what he was doing. When he finished, he went to the bimah and said, RBSA if the goyim were given a day when it is a mitzva to eat, they would have drunk themselves under the table however, I can’t find one Jew being under the table.
Reb EliezerParticipantWe should always keep in mind that we are strangers in a strange place. Moshe Rabbenu called his first son Gershom and the second Eliezer. Hashem helps if the above is kept constantly in mind.
Reb EliezerParticipantThere are arguments as things were forgotten but הלכה משה מסיני was passed on intact.
Reb EliezerParticipantAssimilation was their choice. They did not have to assimilate as the chassidim in Europe dressed differently to avoid it.
Reb EliezerParticipantHashem provided a place to escape from the inquisition of Ferdinand and Isabella, who themselves hired Columbus to discover America.
Reb EliezerParticipantChabad shows currently for the last shabbos 40 minutes from shkia as the ending of shabbat in NYC.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe CR is what we call an outlet of feelings and opinions being bottled up which can create anxieties, so people will avoid alcohol and drugs.
Reb EliezerParticipantI am ka’h more than 74 years old hitting the 3/4 mark in 4 months, who left Hungary more than 65 years ago when being 9 years old at the Hungarian Revolution. As I stated before, I call myself Reb to teach to give respect to the elderly as it was the custom in Europe. I did not learn in BMG but respect their learning. My purpose mainly is to pass on Torah as the Binah Leitim explains the passage אם למדת תורה הרבה אל תחזיק טובה לעצמך כי לכך נוצרת when you learned much Torah, don’t keep the ‘best’ for yourself as you were created to disseminate it. With this I explained הלומד תורה שלא לשמה מוטב לו שלא נברא, one who learns Torah not for its on sake but the to make himself look good, it would have been better for him not to be born. As he does not abide by the purpose he was created for, there is no reason to have been born.
Reb EliezerParticipantMoish, תשובה also means an answer. If people learn Torah, it is no bitul zman. The editors avoid non tziniusdig pictures. Feelings are not developed for the invisible and unheard. Shiva helps the mourner psychologically by being able to express their feelings. Similarly, world affairs cause anxieties that people can express here on the CR helping them to learn with more calmness, so it is not bitul zman.
Reb EliezerParticipantWhen it comes to motzei shabbos, Chabad is interesting. In the SA Harav the Baal Hatanyeh paskens like the Rabbenu Tam, 4 mil from shkia, 72 minutes but in the siddur he paskens like the geonim, 3/4 of a mil after shkia, according to the location. They say that the Baal Hatanyeh changed his view in the siddur which was written later.
Reb EliezerParticipantujm, what is your excuse being on CR over 14 years?
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Ksav Sofer compares Yaakov’s dream of a ladder סולם (136) to a human being where he has the potential to climb from the earth to the heavens. The means are קול, tefila, צום, teshuva and ממון, tzedaka where each adds up to 136. Together it is 408 as ‘ב’זאת with this of the Jews יבא אהרן Aaron comes to the Beis Hamikdash.
Reb EliezerParticipantIt does not say kovato torah leitim, to set the Torah to the times but kovato itim latorah, set the times to the Torah. A man bought a small hat, so he went to the goldsmith to squeeze his head to make it fit to the hat rather than expand the hat to make it fit to his head. We don’t change the Torah to make it fit to the times.
Reb EliezerParticipantMaybe that is the meaning of our Botei Kenesiyos and Medroshus that we prepare currently for the holiness of the last Beis Hamikdash will move to Jerusalem as it will be greater than the first.
Reb EliezerParticipantakuperma, thanks, I like it.