Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1466005
    Reb Eliezer

    To elaborate further, Rav Teichtal refers to the Tosafes Yom Tov in Maaser Sheni (5,2) referring to a Yerushalmi there ruling that the building will come before Meshiah. The one from above of fire will come on top of our building. The proof is from Nachem asking to surround something from the one from fire. The question is: Surround What? The building we built.

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1465915
    Reb Eliezer

    You are correct we need Eliyohu Hanovi to tell us how to build it if Meshiah comes before the designated time.
    At the designated time Eliyohu Hanovi will not come.
    Remember בעיתה אחישנה.

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1465914
    Reb Eliezer

    You are correct we need Eliyohu Hanovi to tell us how to build it.

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1465912
    Reb Eliezer

    See the Sefer Aim Habonim Semaicho Perek 3 in great detail what comes first Messiah or the Building of the Bes Hamikdosh.

    Also from the same author Rav Yisochor Teichtal in Mishneh Sochir in Parshes Beshalach מקדש ה כוננו ידיך in great detail discussing this topic.

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