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Reb EliezerParticipant
I think the opposite that since no action is required once you put the pot on erev shabbos, you can use a timer by cooking.
Reb EliezerParticipantDaasYochid, please explain isn’t A/C similar to cooking that once it is turned on, no action is necessary?
Reb EliezerParticipantJoseph, thank you for clearing up how the order is created for posts.
February 18, 2018 7:59 am at 7:59 am in reply to: Practical building the mikdash (parsha thought) #1471082Reb EliezerParticipantIt says, create for me a temple so I should be able to rest within you. The Meforshim say that through the Mikdash, Hashem rests within the heart of each of us.
February 18, 2018 7:27 am at 7:27 am in reply to: Mishloach Manos is not an art contest!馃帹馃弳 #1471066Reb EliezerParticipantThe RMA’s 695:4, psak is that if someone sends mishloach manos, even if the other is not willing to accept it, he is still performing the mitzva. Says the Chasam Sofer in the name of the Monas Halevi, the mitzva is to show love and brotherliness to each other, but not like tzadakah where the mitzva is to make sure that the other person should have. According to the Shulchan Aruch this mitzva is part of Sudas Purim such that he should share his meal with others not to be only for his stomach. Others say that this it part of Matonas Leaniyim not to shame them. if everyone gets, the poor don’t feel ashamed.
Reb EliezerParticipantSo the man should see an opposite view, feeling and thinking, when he wants to sway from Hashem.
Reb EliezerParticipantWho is the father and mother?
February 16, 2018 3:25 pm at 3:25 pm in reply to: Leitzanus: When is it good and when is it bad? #1470791Reb EliezerParticipantThe Little I Know, see what I said on the topic of hachocho in the name of the Shlah Hakodash about a letz.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe question is if we need a brim or hat at all? There is a joke where someone goes to an eye doctor who asks him can you see the plaque on the wall? The man asks, what wall? We must know there is a wall before we can see the plaque similarly before we talk about a brim we must know if we need a hat.
Reb EliezerParticipantMishneh Berurah (91,10) in the name of the Bach covering with the hand is no good because it is part of the body but the sleeve is ok.
Reb EliezerParticipantNC, I am not talking about wearing a yarmulke but a talis over the head. The Mishneh Berurah (91,10) says that using your sleeve over the head is fine. The Mishneh Berurah continues (91,12) says to wear a hat not just a yarmulke. Currently people wear a yarmulke under the hat so that would be the custom.
February 16, 2018 1:03 pm at 1:03 pm in reply to: Kallah Taking Chosson’s Last Name Upon Marriage- Jewish or Gentile? #1470626Reb EliezerParticipantThere is nothing wrong with it tying the wife to the husband. It helps against adultery.
Reb EliezerParticipantIs covering your head halacha or midas chasidus?
Reb EliezerParticipantIt says in Tehilim 诪诪注诪拽讬诐 拽专讗转讬 讛 From the depths I call you Hashem. The Dubner Magid compares this to a king who adopted a young man. The king provided him all necessities. One day the young man disappeared and they couldn’t find him. The king sent his soldiers to look for him. They found him hiding in a pit. The young man said that he feels ashamed after all the good the king has done to him, he stole the king’s favorite robe which he is currently wearing. He can’t show his face because of his shame. This is similar to us and Hashem where we are covering our face because we are ashamed to show it after all the good that Hashem bestowed on us. Could be that’s why we cover our head and face with a talis.
February 16, 2018 11:36 am at 11:36 am in reply to: Leitzanus: When is it good and when is it bad? #1470623Reb EliezerParticipantLetzonis is never good especially when it hurts someone. 诪诇转讗 讚讘讚讜讞转讗 is encouraged to liven the atmosphere,. because mitzvas and learning should be done from joy.
Reb EliezerParticipant讗讚诐 诇讜诪讚 诪讛 砖诇讘讜 讞驻抓 a person learns what his heart desires. When it comes to learning and Avodas Hashem we have to bring someone to recognize the sweetness of the Torah and Avodah. This will encourage him to shteigen to Leilech Michoyil el Choyil to elevate oneself from level to level.
February 16, 2018 11:34 am at 11:34 am in reply to: How to increase Torah learning amongst Klal Yisroel (Kollel, Shiurim…) #1470601Reb EliezerParticipantYWN with its coffee room is very helpful. Create chavrusas using the speaker phone.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Mishneh Berurah (8,4) brings the Bach that covering the head with a talis by davening has 3 benefis:
1) humility – hiding his face, ashamed to show himself
2) Kavonoh – does not get distracted from davening
3) Yiraas Shomaim – brings him closer to HashemReb EliezerParticipantThe Baal Akedah on the ten commandments 诇讗 讬讛讬 诇讱 says that currently the greatest idol is money. People rush after it forgetting who has bestowed them with it.
February 16, 2018 8:51 am at 8:51 am in reply to: Is there any way to prevent mass shootings???? #1470562Reb EliezerParticipantI don’t think the 2nd amendment applies anymore. It was created at the time when there was no police and people had to protect themselves.
Reb EliezerParticipantDidn’t Yaakov Avinu do the first cloning with the sheep?
Reb EliezerParticipantI agree the psak was about a steam ship where the person is being rocked. I think a car would have a similar ruling. Other poskim are matir for that reason.
Reb EliezerParticipantMaybe it means a connection 诇砖讜谉 讞讬讘讜专 through our 谞砖诪讛 look at 讙讬诇讬讜谞讬 讛砖住 in Shabbos 150 above by ZZZ.
February 15, 2018 6:43 pm at 6:43 pm in reply to: Blaming the stick and not the One hitting #1470272Reb EliezerParticipantIt says that averos lehachis, 诪讬谞讜转 are punished through people which creates less betochen and therefore it is harder to be helped as explained above by Lilmod Ullamed.
Reb EliezerParticipantShefoch Chamoscho happens to be a pasuk in Tehilim (79,6)
February 15, 2018 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm in reply to: Blaming the stick and not the One hitting #1470249Reb EliezerParticipantYou know that in Chad Gadyoh if the the wild cat was incorrect the dog was correct and the stick was incorrect comes out that ch”v Hashem would not correct. They answer the stick was correct because the dog was not suppose to mix in.
February 15, 2018 4:13 pm at 4:13 pm in reply to: Is it permissible to have a goy in a sukkah? #1470148Reb EliezerParticipantMaybe you are right once they escaped from the Sukkah, it became inappropriate for them.
Reb EliezerParticipantZionGate, see RMA in Shulchon Aruch Orech Chaim (380) that some say to say the passage Shefoch Chamoscho in name of the Ran which I did not find. The Rambam does not have it but the Chidoh does.
Reb EliezerParticipantThere is a joke where Moshiach arrives in a shul with a bent down hat with a small brim. He is told over here we wear a large brim hat bent up. He gets another hat with a large brim bent up and he goes to another shul. He is told here we were a small brim bent down. He tells them, you can’t agree on anything. When you will agree I will return.
Reb EliezerParticipantWe say in the seder Shafoch Chamoscho on the nations who don’t know you and the those who don’t call you that is they know you but don’t call you according the Satmar Rav those are the Zionist.
February 15, 2018 12:46 pm at 12:46 pm in reply to: Is it permissible to have a goy in a sukkah? #1470002Reb EliezerParticipantThe Gemora in the tractate Avodah Zarah holds the Goyim responsible for not keeping the mitzva of Sukah at the arrival of Moshiach.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe problem with my solution above is that if people are busy talking, they don’t see the others who are davening with fervor.
Reb EliezerParticipantDaasYochid I can truly say you are a Yochid Mumcheh.
Reb EliezerParticipantIt says 转讛讬诇转 讛 讬讚讘专 驻讬 讜讬讘专讱 砖诐 拽讚砖讜 诇注讜诇诐 讜注讚 says the Chasan Sofer, David Hamelech asked Hashem that when people see me davening, they should gain enthusiasm to also daven forever. This might be a solution to encourage others also to daven with fervor.
February 15, 2018 8:56 am at 8:56 am in reply to: The requirement for everyone to give Tochachah #1469707Reb EliezerParticipant讗诇 转讜讜讻讞 诇抓 驻谉 讬砖谞讗讱 讛讜讻讬讞 讞讻诐 讜讬讗讛讘讱 says the Slah Hakodash when you admonish someone do not tell him that he is a letz because he will end up hating you but if you tell him he is smart he will love you.
February 15, 2018 8:56 am at 8:56 am in reply to: The requirement for everyone to give Tochachah #1469703Reb EliezerParticipantThe Harav Abarbenel explains, when you admonish someone be careful of 诇讗 转砖讗 注诇讬讜 讞讟讗 don’t put the sin on him., but say people do this but not that “he” does it.
Reb EliezerParticipantModerator: The order of my posts matter. You put reply 1469551 before 1469549.
Reb EliezerParticipantA talmid of Reb Moshe, Rabbi Tzvi Halevi Pollak, also known as the Grosswardeiner Rov.
Reb EliezerParticipantYou are not a Daas Yochid anymore.
Reb EliezerParticipantI agree fully with DaasYochid that circumstances matter.
Reb EliezerParticipantAnyway I was told by a Posek here in Staten Island that Reb Moshe revised his psak in later years. Please research.
Reb EliezerParticipantDoes Reb Moshe talk about air conditioners? Riding in a car is biblical according Chasam Sofer for violation of resting.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Ben Ish Chay says that shabbos is called shabbos shalom because it unites body and soul.
Reb EliezerParticipantIt it affects our spiritual well building I consider Oneg Shabbos, turning on TV is not spiritual 讻诇 砖专讜讞 讛讘专讬讜转 谞讜讞讛 诪诪谞讜 it says ruach the spiritual the soul. Extreme heat can affect our learning.
February 14, 2018 5:17 pm at 5:17 pm in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1469517Reb EliezerParticipantReward and punishment is just measuring stick of how much nachas ruach we create.
Reb EliezerParticipantPutting on a stove by a goy on shabbos might be another problem of bishul akum.
February 14, 2018 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1469464Reb EliezerParticipantIt doesn’t matter what type of a chosid you are or if you are a chosid at all as long that you want to create nachas ruach to Hashem with your service. They are all different ways to arrive to the same thing. The importance is not the means but the end,
Reb EliezerParticipantThe isur of amira lleakum came out in order not to weaken by being all the work of shabbos through a goy thereby eliminating shabbos altogether. Such that if he has no goy he might do it himself. Rambam hilchos shabos (6,1, ) so we can say that this can apply on a shabbos clock also. But if there is a mitzva, he will realize that their is a limitation on the permission. As I mentioned before that oneg shabbos might be considered a mitzva.
Reb EliezerParticipantAnyway DaasYochid what are you saying? Didn’t I say that I think that amira leakum does not apply by an A/C?
Reb EliezerParticipantIt’s an argument among the Rishonim if Amirah Leakim is oral or biblical. How can we include something that happens automatically on shabbos to something that is done through an action?