Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1484926
    Reb Eliezer

    See the דרשת הרן – דרוש שביעי similar on what you are saying according to my understanding – they could not understand Rabbi Eliezer, so they could not follow his view because once the Torah was given down to earth, we must understand things with human understanding not heavenly.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1484922
    Reb Eliezer

    A sefer called גדולי הדורות על משמר מנהג אשכנז brings from Rabbi Eliyohu Dessler that every group of Jews get influenced from the countries they live in with how to serve Hashem. The Russians are hot natured so they are chassidim. The Litvishe are cold so they learn the Torah in depth and Mussar. The Germans care about order, so they are very careful on minhogim. מכתב מאליהו חלק ד – ירושלים תשמח Page 129-130

    in reply to: Becoming More Wealthy, Becoming Less Frum #1484909
    Reb Eliezer

    Look on פנו לכם צפונה where the Klei Yokor explains that we must act hidden in galus not to show off with our fancy houses and to forget that we are there, thereby making non-jews jealous of us.

    in reply to: Becoming More Wealthy, Becoming Less Frum #1484680
    Reb Eliezer

    There are two tests poverty and affluence. Each has its own ordeal. The poor feels he has been forgotten and not being helped, whereas the affluent forgets who made him so. The cure is to remember that your current status comes from Hashem. He can make you poor or rich. Constantly keep in front of you the opposite. When you are poor, keep in mind that Hashem can make you rich, whereas when you are rich, remember, Hashem can change your fortune. The Chasan Sofer interprets the haggadah בשעה שיש מצה ומרור מונחים לפניך keep the good and the bad constantly in front of you. The word פרנסה might remind us of this. It has in it נס and נסה. For the poor, it is נסה a test, but for the rich, it should be a נס a miracle because he should always feel that he doesn’t deserve it.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1484666
    Reb Eliezer

    I think the litvishe and chasidim argue on עת לעשות לה הפרו תורתך, make time when the Torah will be disrupted,. The litvishe believe that when the Torah is being disrupted, we have to accommodate somewhat not to disrupt any more accept for shabbos, but the chasidim believe the reverse הפרו תורתך עת לעשות לה when there will be a time when the Torah is disrupted, be strong and don’t allow any transgressions even the smallest in order that it should not bring to any greater transgressions.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1484651
    Reb Eliezer

    Thank you Sabba8, of course, I didn’t have the chumash in front of me. so I misspelled it.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1484618
    Reb Eliezer

    It appears to be from what Reb Moshe wrote that the reason women are exempt from positive time dependent commandments is because they have less kadushah from men just like a yisroel has less kadushah from a kohen
    or levi. The importance is the service to Hashem not how we serve Him. Some emphasize Torah (litvak) others Avodah (chosid) and the women Gemilas Chasodim. All three are equal since their gematria is the same תורה, יראת
    גמילות חסדים.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1484550
    Reb Eliezer

    Eli Y, Tosfas in Baba Metzia 59:2 starts לא בשמים הוא, can be explained that the Bas Kol revealed that what it says אחרי רבים להטעות, we go after the majority, which can mean either in quantity or quality , is in quantity.

    in reply to: Jokes #1484529
    Reb Eliezer

    A student wanted a letter of acknowledgement of his learning abilities. The rebbe signed it on the bottom of the page. He said it says, מדבר שקר תרחק.

    in reply to: Becoming More Wealthy, Becoming Less Frum #1484514
    Reb Eliezer

    It says in the Torah וישמן ישורין ויבעט when the people ( cows) become fat (rich) they kick out (kick over the milk) they forget who made them rich. They think כחי ואוצם ידי עשה לי את החיל הזה through my strength and abilities I became fat or rich.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1484493
    Reb Eliezer

    תן לחכם ויחכם עוד Eli Y – Tosfas in Baba Metzia by the תנור של עכנאי explains that we needed the Bas Kol by Beis Hillel even though they were in majority because the Beis Shammai is sharper explains why we don’t understand
    currently the Beis Shammai. Also currently we can’t take their stringencies.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483885
    Reb Eliezer

    The problem is how can you misread it when a person with a siyan was lit up and not with a shiyan?

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483792
    Reb Eliezer

    iacisrmma – you are right I looked it up it is Sara. I don’t know where I got my pshat.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483697
    Reb Eliezer

    Eli Y – Let me explain why in the world to come we pasken like the Beis Shammai what happens to the majority view? In the world to come we will come to higher understanding as currently don’t understand the view of Shammai as Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Shimon etc. but once we come to understand the majority will pasken like Beis Shammai. Currently the Beis Hillel is being helped by the Beis Shammai to arrive to the truth so they are also praiseworthy. The Ran in the Droshas explains your predicament, how can they both be true when sometimes they have opposite views. Once the Torah was given down to earth we must understand it with human understanding not heavenly understanding..

    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #1483446
    Reb Eliezer

    GAON, כי בחפזון יצאת מארץ מצרים why were taken out swiftly? There are two ways of looking at it 1) one because we were on the verge spiritual destruction or 2) according to the parable Hashem couldn’t wait to כביכול marry us.

    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #1483440
    Reb Eliezer

    This is the culmination of the above:

    This is the meaning of the above passage, the fact that we are currently eating the bread of
    affliction reminds us that we came out of Mitzraim swiftly because Hashem found us special to
    be worthy of being his servant. He didn’t want us to sink into abyss the fiftieth level of tumah.
    This gives us hope for the future. The same way that He felt that we were worthy of redemption
    once, should make us worthy of redemption again במהרה בימינו , swiftly in our lifetime Amen.

    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #1483424
    Reb Eliezer

    Moderator: Actually there is a solution. Copy the PDF to a word processor and remove the line breaks there and then paste it.

    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #1483418
    Reb Eliezer

    Moderator: So I cannot paste part of a PDF if I cannot edit it.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483415
    Reb Eliezer

    GAON, We say in birchas kohanim to nullify the dream in sixty. The Taamei Haminhogim explains that a dream is one sixtieth in sanctity and the kohanim at the duchenen are completely holy so we want to nullify the dream in sixty. It says the dream becomes true according to the interpreter. We see what you are saying is true.

    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #1483401
    Reb Eliezer


    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #1483344
    Reb Eliezer

    Moderator: Why does this have line breaks between words?

    in reply to: Badatz Beit Yosef�Israel #1483254
    Reb Eliezer

    NC, isn’t it funny where the shochet doesn’t eat from his own shechita?

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483250
    Reb Eliezer

    I will repeat what I wrote somewhere else:

    It doesn’t matter what type of a chosid you are or if you are a chosid at all as long that you want to create nachas ruach to Hashem with your service. They are all different ways to arrive to the same thing. The importance is not the means but the end,

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483246
    Reb Eliezer

    Doesn’t say that the Beis Shamay and Beis Hillel argued but that they didn’t hold back from intermarrying. It says that an argument lashem shomaim stands. Asks the Midrash Samuel who wants it to stand? But he brings an exploration from the Rambam why by life and death judgements if all twenty three said he is guilty, he went out innocent. We need defenders. Otherwise, they can all make the same mistake. The Beis Shamai by having a different view helped the Beis Hillel arrive to the truth by eliminating tunnel vision. This why because of their humility allowed the Beis Shamay to precede them hearing their view first in order that before they make up their mind, they wanted to to here another view,

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483189
    Reb Eliezer

    Moderator: There is a bug in this system. If I try editing a reply, I sometimes lose it.

    Gets sent to spam. Weird

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483188
    Reb Eliezer

    Joseph I don’t know ask someone who is familiar with the teshuva. I don’t think he mentions the Kol Bo’s reason. Similarly like a kohen who has a higher kedusha than a yisroel. The woman was created to help the man so the man is main performer of mitzvas.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483178
    Reb Eliezer

    There is an argument between Reb Moshe and the Chasam Sofer what tefila betzibur is. According to
    Reb Moshe tefila betzibur is the quiet shmone esrei davening together whereas the Chasam Sofer holds that the shaliach tzibur unites and therefore if someone comes late he should daven shmone esrei together with the shaliach tzibbur.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483173
    Reb Eliezer

    R’ Yonason Steif had great respect in front of Reb Moshe, such that he would stand up when he talked to him on the phone. There is an interesting story with R’ Yonason validated by his daughter in a book written about him. My Rebbe when he was young was called in Hungary to the army.
    He went to his Rebbe Rav Yonason to ask for help to get out from it. He gave him an incantation that he required to say before seeing the doctor. The goats of the slaughter house are fatter from me. When he uttered it in hebrew as in the gemora in Megila, he became a lepper such that he was thrown out. They were afraid he will infect them. When he left, he got cured and became normal again.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483159
    Reb Eliezer

    Reb Moshe in Igros Moshe O”CH 6:2 says something interesting. A woman according to the Rabbenu Taam can make a brocho on a time dependent mitzva, but not an eved because he does not have a
    קדושת ישראל. It looks like a woman does but not as great as a man that is why she is exempt from time dependent commandments. Not like the Kol Bo who says that she is exempt because she is responsible to her husband.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483142
    Reb Eliezer

    According to the R’ Yanoson Eubshutz there were two lotteries for Purim one had the months in it and the other a day number in the year. If the day came out in the month pulled, it was a good lottery otherwise it didn’t mean anything. That is why it was called Purim in plural for two lotteries.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483141
    Reb Eliezer

    To have siyata dishmaya in your learning, you open up the sefer to the right place you want to learn eliminating searching.

    in reply to: Jokes #1483128
    Reb Eliezer

    A religious man and a chaver hakneses were walking together. The chaver haknesses was not nice to the religious man so he wanted to tell him off. He told him, three beings complained to Hashem, the alyah revii. alenu and a mamzir. The revii was complaining that people don’t consider it important. Alenu was complaining that people run out and the mamzir was complaining that it is not his fault. Each was repaid. The revii was placed in the shira and alenu in Rosh Hashono and Yom Kippur musaf prayer.
    Asks the chavrei knesses what about the mamzir? Answers the religious man, he was made chaver haknesses.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1483129
    Reb Eliezer

    The GRA says that Eli misread the state of Chana from keshero to shikara. I thought that the Urim Vetumim not only lights up the letters but also puts the letters together. (vetumim)

    in reply to: Quotes #1483126
    Reb Eliezer

    The Binoh Leitim interprets the passage in Pirkei Avos – Wild animal comes to the “world” on false swearing. The man swearing falsely turns himself into a wild animal.

    in reply to: Jokes #1483121
    Reb Eliezer

    Why does the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.
    Why does the Lubavitcher cross the road? To be mekarev the chicken.

    in reply to: Quotes #1483117
    Reb Eliezer

    “To put yourself up, do not put others down”, maybe it is implied in לא תעלה במעלות על מזבחי אשר לא תגלה ערותך עליו if you elevate yourself, don’t do it in a way that shows your shame. The Ohr Hachaim says on לא תשא את שם ה אלקיך לשוא, don’t use the name of Hashem to elevate yourself. Don’t make yourself more religious than you are to elevate yourself.

    in reply to: Quotes #1483115
    Reb Eliezer

    When we get older our screws become loose. – My father

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1482951
    Reb Eliezer

    It says that it refers to the 3rd Crusade 1189-92 Frederick Barbarossa the Red in the last stanza.

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1482807
    Reb Eliezer

    The sefer Mishneh Sochir from Rabbi Yisochor Teichtal hy”d explains the meaning in the stanza with the gemora Megila 15:2 that Haman’s whole wealth was engraved on his heart. So when he was hung, his whole wealth was hung with him.

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1482752
    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe the Mordechai ben Hillel the student of the Meharam from Rothenberg who was also a martyr together with his teacher wrote the piyut.

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1482426
    Reb Eliezer

    According to the Wikipedia:

    “Ma’oz Tzur” is thought to have been written in the 13th century, during the Crusades.[1] The first letters of the first five stanzas form an acrostic of the composer’s name, Mordechai (the five Hebrew letters מרדכי). He may have been the Mordecai ben Isaac ha-Levi who wrote the Sabbath table-hymn “Mah Yafit”,[2] or even the scholar referred to in the Tosafoth to Talmud (Bavli) Niddah 36a. Or, to judge from the appeal in the closing verse, he may have been the Mordecai whose father-in-law was martyred at Mayence (now Mainz, Germany) in 1096.

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1482092
    Reb Eliezer

    GAON, what do you do with מעוז צור where it seems that Haman owned his wealth before being hanged?

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1482073
    Reb Eliezer

    GAON, What do you do with מעוז צור? It looks like the wealth belonged to Haman before being hanged.

    in reply to: Badatz Beit Yosef�Israel #1482057
    Reb Eliezer

    See from R’ Ovadyah Yosef Yechaveh Daas Chelek 3 Siman 56 in great detail about glatt.

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1482033
    Reb Eliezer

    When Esther gave Haman’s house to Mordechai it was hers to give not Haman’s anymore. Maov was swallowed through Sichan. It became a new land. Similarly, says the Ben Ish Chay, when we do teshuva we are forgiven because we become a new person not responsible for our old deeds which was done by someone else.

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1482019
    Reb Eliezer

    GAON, As above that the house belonged to the monarch because he was killed through his verdict is no problem. He was able to give his own house to Esther, as the Megila says clearly that “Achashverus” gave the house to Esther.

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1481798
    Reb Eliezer

    Could be also, הרוגי מלכות, those killed by the monarch, their wealth belongs to the monarch. So Haman’s wealth would be hung together with him. He loses his wealth figuratively.

    in reply to: Was Haman an Eved Canaani? #1481351
    Reb Eliezer

    In מעוז צור we say רוב בניו וקניניו they say Haman had a shtar engraved on himself. The song seems to indicate that it belonged to Haman.

    in reply to: Jokes #1481102
    Reb Eliezer

    Getzel it is good that your first name is not ישעיה.

    in reply to: Quotes #1481064
    Reb Eliezer

    Klei Yokor – בשמים ממעל ועל הארץ מתחת when it comes to heavenly, spiritual things, look at people above you, and earthly, material things look at people below you.

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