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Reb EliezerParticipant
kitzur_dot_net, what is his great production?
Reb EliezerParticipantJoseph, according to the Ramban and Droshes Haran there were two forms created one for the earth and another for the heaven. The other days these could have exploded by a big bang to create everything else such that only the first day the creation was something from nothing.
Reb EliezerParticipantWe say almost every morning אלה ברכב ואלה בסוסים ואנחנו בשם ה אלקינו נזכיר what makes us Jews exist is the belief in Hashem our G-d but המה כרעו ונפלו the great empires fell but we stay strong because the more we exist the stronger we get in our beliefs. The proof that Hashem exists is in our existence. My Rebbe said this is the meaning of השתא הכא if after all the afflictions we are still here is proof לשנה הבאה בארעא דישראל for the redemption.
Reb EliezerParticipantSee the Seder Hadoros 3442 that Aristotle at the end of his life regretted to Alexander the Great that he didn’t burn all his books.
Reb EliezerParticipantEinstein’s Theory of Relativity can be used to explain many things in the Torah לסבר את האוזן. For example the meaning of יש מאין energy.
Reb EliezerParticipantSee the Seder Hadoros 3300, Plato was educated by Yermiah Hanovi.
Reb EliezerParticipantOver here is the opposite. We, who put on tefillin are a minority, so we are being exiled to the women’s section.
Reb EliezerParticipantWe keep the four children together in Pesach and the four minim on Sukkas, because if you separate the rasha, the arovas, the end will be we will have to knock him down.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe fear for the second day yom tov can still apply. If the government makes a ruling that you must count months after the sun and not after the moon.
Reb EliezerParticipantYou might want to look at Tosfas Betza 6:1 starting והאידנא.
March 14, 2018 5:43 pm at 5:43 pm in reply to: How Careful Must We Be When Eating Out With A Hechsher #1490520Reb EliezerParticipantלא נתן תורה למלאכי השרת we do the best we can and ask Hashem that he should help us that we should not falter. As long as we trust the baal hamachshir we did our best. I figure that the person has a good reason to eat out.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe reason we keep two days of yom tov is gone but we say מנהג אבותינו בידינו. The Chasan Sofer interprets that the strength of following a minhag is so great that it can break a bad ruling from above. The word המלכות in דלמא דגזרו המלכות גזירה ואתי לקלקלי can also refer to the heavenly court.
Reb EliezerParticipantIn our shul, people putting on tefillin are separated in the women’s section as per Reb Moshe’s view to avoid Lo Sisgodedu.
Reb EliezerParticipantI just remembered that they are certain rules for postponement of Rosh Hashanah see Rambam Kidush Hachodesh 7. This is made up by the designation of Cheshvan and Kislev whether they choser, molei or kesidron. See the calendar in the Tur in Hilchas Rosh Chodesh just before Hilchas Pesach.
Reb EliezerParticipantiacisrmma, you have a very good question, but even the Rabbenu Bachaye, a sefardi, mentions this pshat in Parshas Ki Savo.
Reb EliezerParticipantOnly according to the Zohar (Rabbi Shimon) who holds Pesochim 28:1 that chometz is only forbidden biblically from the night on. He compares chametz to matzah. The time when you are obligated to eat matzah you are forbidden to eat chametz. Asks the Pnei Yeshuah what about the whole seven days? He answers that Rabbi Shimon’s view is that there is an obligation of matzah the whole seven days. The os is the eating of matzoh but we only hold that the mitzva is only the first day so there is no os except the GRA whose view is that there is a mitzva kiyumis, See the Shut Kol Aryeh siman 30.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe sefer haminhagim brings an implication to put on tefillin on chol hamoed. If you take the pasuk about tefillin שם ה נקרא has the beginning letters שין indicating that there are 300 days in the year when you put on tefillin. If you remove from 365, 52 shabbosim and 13 holidays (4 pesach, 2 shavuos, 2 rosh hashonoh, 4 sukkas, 1 yom kippur) we get exactly 300 days when we put on tefillin.
Reb EliezerParticipantIf he runs to Eretz Yisroel, he becomes free.
March 14, 2018 12:44 pm at 12:44 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1489338Reb EliezerParticipantGaon, if we use the Yerushalmi for yom tov, shouldn’t we also use it for shimur?
March 14, 2018 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1489349Reb EliezerParticipantGaon, If there is a connection, the Rambam Hilchas Yom Tov 1:7 also paskens that cutting is only forbidden orally. The pasuk is talking about cutting on.
March 14, 2018 12:23 pm at 12:23 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1489305Reb EliezerParticipantGAON, Look at the Korban Hoedoh there. There is a comparison since the shemura is from kneading the yom tov work permission is also from kneading on. If the Mechaber 495:2 holds that cutting from attached is forbidden only orally, then the pasuk must be allowing cutting on yom tov and therefore shemura should also be from cutting.
Reb EliezerParticipantYerbius213, I will repeat what I wrote before:
There are two tests poverty and affluence. Each has its own ordeal. The poor feels he has been forgotten and not being helped, whereas the affluent forgets who made him so. According to the Ksav Sofer, the cure is to remember that your current status comes from Hashem. He can make you poor or rich. Constantly keep in front of you the opposite. When you are poor, keep in mind that Hashem can make you rich, whereas when you are rich, remember, Hashem can change your fortune. The Chasan Sofer interprets the haggadah בשעה שיש מצה ומרור מונחים לפניך keep the good and the bad constantly in front of you. The word פרנסה might remind us of this. It has in it נס and נסה. For the poor, it is נסה a test, but for the rich, it should be a נס a miracle because he should always feel that he doesn’t deserve it.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Mordechai writes that they found a set of tefillin in the grave of Yecheskel hanovi like Rashi. So we see that Rashi is the right one. The Drishe says that maybe they hid it because it was no good. They say that if that is the case, then they did not have to hide it just reset the parshios in the rosh. So chol hamoed people don’t tend to put on Rabbenu Taam’s tefillin because of safek safeka maybe we don’t put on tefillin and if we do, maybe Rashi’s is the correct one as most views are like Rashi.
March 14, 2018 9:34 am at 9:34 am in reply to: Should Donald Trump be Crowned King of the United States? #1489100Reb EliezerParticipantMilhouse, thank you, I learned something. I thought that because he represents the state, he should be permanent.
March 13, 2018 10:09 pm at 10:09 pm in reply to: Should Donald Trump be Crowned King of the United States? #1488971Reb EliezerParticipantCTLawyer, that means that even though Mueller recommends impeachment, he will not be impeached if the house leadership does not want to.
March 13, 2018 5:44 pm at 5:44 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1488879Reb EliezerParticipantCTRebbe, I figure you are using the words of the Baer Hetev in siman 453
sk 8.March 13, 2018 5:42 pm at 5:42 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1488816Reb EliezerParticipantDo children need guarding meshaas ketzira for mitzvas matzo?
March 13, 2018 5:41 pm at 5:41 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1488796Reb EliezerParticipantGaon, is there a relationship between the work allowed on yom tov with the guarding of matzos as the Yerushalmi Betza 8:2 as discussed above?
Reb EliezerParticipantThere is a story in the shul of the Chasam Sofer in a certain place in the shul people would bend their heads. It was lower than anywhere else, but after they fixed it, they still bent down their heads.
Reb EliezerParticipantWe have a saying in my house, as many customs, as many houses.
Remember the Chasam Sofer גהנם are the reverse letters for מנהג.
The RMA O”CH 690:17 says that we should not eliminate any minhogim. There is a reason why it was instituted.Reb EliezerParticipantThe Chasam Sofer says that the Ashkenazim follow the RMA based on the pasuk ובני ישראל יצאים ביד רמה and sefardim use the pasuk לכו אל יוסף כל אשר יאמר לכם תעשו.
Reb EliezerParticipantI repeat what I wrote before:
Vashti said to Achashverus that you were a horse keeper for my father and he was able to drink a thousand glasses of wine and did not become drunk but you get drunk after one glass.
I think the connection is that because you are a horse keeper you cannot afford wine so you are not used to drinking, and therefore you get drunk even after one glass, but my father is rich so he drinks a lot and even a thousand glasses will not affect him.Reb EliezerParticipantIt says עשה שבתך חול ואל תצטרך לבריות make you shabbos weekly and don’t rely on others. What the poor do according to their abilities is much more appreciated. If they get cholov stam so be it. The yeshivas tend to help out with tuition so they will not send their children to public school. What does tzinus and watching movies having to do with being poor. They can’t afford a TV, they will not have one. The parents have a responsibility to teach their children proper behavior when they are young as king Solomon says חנוך לנער לפי דרכו גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנו if you teach your children according to their understanding even when the become old will not sway from it.
Reb EliezerParticipantעולם הפך ראיתי The world is topsy-turvy, according to the Torah there is a danger that the rich forget Hashem from where their wealth comes from and say it is their own doing.
March 13, 2018 2:34 pm at 2:34 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1488247Reb EliezerParticipantEven hand matzos you only need one pound for the sedorim.
March 13, 2018 2:34 pm at 2:34 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1488245Reb EliezerParticipantWhat about machine shmura?
Reb EliezerParticipantBreur used to rent Horowitz Margareten factory for a day to bake 18 minute matzos.
According to the Rambam we should only have cholov yisroel on pesach.March 13, 2018 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1488145Reb EliezerParticipantIf we follow the Yerushalmi above that yom tov is tied to the guarding of the matzos, then it is a lakatchila.
March 13, 2018 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1488144Reb EliezerParticipantGaon, Making a brocho on matzah all seven days like sukkah is a question of the baal hamoar in arba pesochim. He answers that you are eating it as bread not like matzos but sukkah you must go to sleep.
March 13, 2018 11:31 am at 11:31 am in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1488009Reb EliezerParticipantI left out the siman about the MB SK 13 it is O”CH Hilchas Yom Tov 495:2
where the Mechaber holds that cutting from the attached on yom tov is only forbidden orally. Therefore according to the Yerushalmi in Betza 8:2 brought down in Tosfas on daf 3 at the end from Rabbi Nesanel Mikinun
the guarding of matzos from chometz would also be from cutting on.Reb EliezerParticipantYes it does. As mentioned before we lain on first day chol hamoed the parshah of tefillin Kadesh. It is related to yetzias mitzraim.
Reb EliezerParticipantThere are people who will eat it and they might come to visit you. You also have aruvei tavshilin. If it is a problem about the dishes not being a year old, you can set aside dishes for this purpose.
March 12, 2018 6:28 pm at 6:28 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1487751Reb EliezerParticipantI clarify what I said before. The two posukim are next to each other. In Parshas Bo Shamos 12:16 talks about the permission on yom tov for אוכל נפש. Whereas in the next pasuk it talks about ושמרתם את המצות. If we say that it refers to kneading, then they are both kneading, but if it refers to cutting from the attached, then they both refer to cutting.
March 12, 2018 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1487746Reb EliezerParticipantThere is an argument in O”CH MB sk 13 if cutting from the attached is oral according to the Mechaber but some rishonim say that is biblical. This is based on the Yerushalmi above.
March 12, 2018 4:47 pm at 4:47 pm in reply to: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? #1487632Reb EliezerParticipantThere are two kinds of Shamura of one is positive and the other is negative. Positively, we must watch the matzos from kneading so that it should be baked for matzos and negatively we have to watch the matzos from cutting that it should not become chametz. Tosefas in Betza 3:1 on the top of the page brings the Yerushalmi that on yom tov we are only allowed to work for food needs from kneading on. So therefore it follows that watching the matzos is also from kneading on. But if learn that yom tov you allowed to do work for food needs from cutting that the watching of the matzos would also be from cutting.
Reb EliezerParticipantI remember to get milk for Pesach, we took a pale to the farmer to milk the cow in front of us.
Reb EliezerParticipantTGIShabbos, I currently set up the Menorah with wicks and oil. We are not expected to do what we cannot. Maybe we should make our own Tefilin and plant our own lulav?
Reb EliezerParticipantTGIShabbos, you know the expression לא נתן תורה למלאכי השרת the Torah was not given to angels. We are required to do only what we can.
Reb EliezerParticipantPeople who don’t know I will describe what it took in Europe to get a chicken to the table. First we went to the market to buy a live chicken. Then we went to the shochat. Afterwards we had to pluck it and get the hairs off with hot water. Next we kashered it and cooked it.
Reb EliezerParticipantBeing a single person who lost his wife around 8 years ago, I don’t think we made Pesach too easy. I think that we made Chanukah too easy. We have the the oil containers ready made. We get a reward on this world for the preparation for a mitzvah.