Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Mitzvos wen don’t keep anymore #1498036
    Reb Eliezer

    There is joke where the Satmar Rebbe was asked who comes first to get maftir a choson or a bar mitzva? He said whoever is older.

    in reply to: Mitzvos wen don’t keep anymore #1498032
    Reb Eliezer

    My father after the war married his first wife’s sister. Two witnesses gave testimony that his first wife with his two children were sent to the left side in Auschwitz. In was a known fact that those who were sent to the left side ended up in the gas chamber.

    in reply to: Mitzvos wen don’t keep anymore #1498029
    Reb Eliezer

    My Rebbe the previous Matersdorfer Rav married his first cousin.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1498019
    Reb Eliezer

    I, living in Staten Island, was taking on the phone to my mother, living in Boro Park, erev Yom Kippur in the afternoon. The phone went dead. Recognizing that something is wrong, I called Hatzalah. They went out and found that my mother slipped on a carpet.

    in reply to: Ashkenazi Cooking Kitniyos on Pesach #1497903
    Reb Eliezer

    The kitniyas itself is not asur after Pesach according the RMA 453 above, so how could the bliya be worse than the thing itself?

    in reply to: Ashkenazi Cooking Kitniyos on Pesach #1497901
    Reb Eliezer

    Why can’t you remove it?

    in reply to: Ashkenazi Cooking Kitniyos on Pesach #1497854
    Reb Eliezer

    Look at my post 1497236

    in reply to: Mezumin for girls #1497832
    Reb Eliezer

    In Shulchan Aruch O”CH 199:7 it states that women ‘can’ among themselves bentsh mezumin but are not obligated. If they eat together with men, they should also answer.

    in reply to: Challenge: Help Me Find an Intriguing Hagaddah #1497525
    Reb Eliezer

    It says כל המרבה לספר ביציאת מצרים whoever increases this story telling about Yetzias Mitzraim, הרי זה משובח he himself becomes praiseworthy.

    in reply to: Chilul Hashem #1497510
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rambam only applies on בין אדם למקום but not בין אדם לחבירו because I think he is a נוגע בדבר.

    in reply to: Ashkenazi Cooking Kitniyos on Pesach #1497503
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a cute joke. When someone was machmir, they said that you are like a dog. A dog is also machmir considering everything tref and therefore he should get it.

    in reply to: Space-Ocean #1497455
    Reb Eliezer

    The sefer Tiferes Yanoson says there בידוע שיש מקום ישוב בלבנה.

    in reply to: Ashkenazi Cooking Kitniyos on Pesach #1497411
    Reb Eliezer

    “The pot had to be kashered”, Why

    in reply to: Space-Ocean #1497370
    Reb Eliezer

    The reason for making a brocho on a blossoming fruit tree is to recognize Hashem’s creation to benefit us by enjoying and appreciating the taste and smell of his actions.

    in reply to: Whistling #1497383
    Reb Eliezer

    To be blunt, whistling is asur because it is a means of gaining attention of girls so it is not done by yeshiva boys.

    in reply to: Space-Ocean #1497359
    Reb Eliezer

    It says מה רבו מעשיך ה כולם בחכמה עשית how great are your actions Hashem everything with wisdom you created.

    in reply to: Space-Ocean #1497357
    Reb Eliezer

    Repeating what I wrote before:

    The sefer Tiferes Yanoson by Rebbe Rav Yanoson Eibshutz explains the Dor Haflogah that they built the tower where air is light in order to escape another flood by moving to the moon knowing that it is a place where they can settle.

    in reply to: Ashkenazi Cooking Kitniyos on Pesach #1497236
    Reb Eliezer

    iacisrmma, The RMA 453 says that if kitniyas falls into a pot and gets cooked it does not asser the pot because בדיעבד it does not asser it provided there is רוב. The question is if she did not know it is kitniyas is that lekatchila or bedaved?

    in reply to: Chilul Hashem #1497231
    Reb Eliezer

    Thank you, Midwest2. I appreciate your plea and will take it into consideration.

    in reply to: Moshiach Here #1497162
    Reb Eliezer

    Joseph what you are saying is correct. There is a fixed hidden time from us that comes because of fear מלך קשה כהמן. If we don’t do teshuva by ourselves, we will be forced to do it, but we can do teshuva from love and bring the geulah before the fixed time. See the Ksav Sofer on הנסתרות לה אלקינו.

    in reply to: Chilul Hashem #1496937
    Reb Eliezer

    When you do the mitzva be careful not to ashame him. It says
    אל תוכיח לץ פן ישנאך הוכיח חכם ויאהבך says the Shlah Hakadesh that when you admonish him, don’t say he is a letz because he will come to hate you and not accept the admonishment, but if you say he is a chacham he will come to love you and accept it.

    in reply to: Moshiach Here #1496752
    Reb Eliezer

    Toi, Please explain to me how do you make the house fit for Moshiach?
    I am saying we must unify ourselves to be worthy to bring him. See my post on the three pillars above.

    in reply to: Chilul Hashem #1496604
    Reb Eliezer

    We find by the aron it says, מבית ומחוץ תצפנו, the aron was gold from inside and outside. The sign that he is a rasha is because he behaves differently outside towards people than when he is alone with family. So we have to publicize what we know so he should not influence others. This is different than a tinuk shenishba where he behaves the same way inside and outside.

    in reply to: Moshiach Here #1496558
    Reb Eliezer

    JJ2020, The look at it like that. The importance is unity like the four children sitting on one table and the arba minim together. We must unify the arovus with the rest of the minim. The chelbno was included with the katoras, even though it has a bad smell, to strengthen everything. See Daroshes Haran 1

    in reply to: Challenge: Help Me Find an Intriguing Hagaddah #1496326
    Reb Eliezer

    The reason that והגדת לבנך applies to yourself alone also, because when you express yourself, you strengthen your own belief as well.

    in reply to: Ashkenazi Cooking Kitniyos on Pesach #1496268
    Reb Eliezer

    As a halochic discussion without paskenen, I would think yes. The heter of
    maybe guest will come who can use it, but over here there is no maybe because the sefadi is in front of us and you can also give it to your young child.

    in reply to: Moshiach Here #1496226
    Reb Eliezer

    It is an argument whether yearning alone is good enough or we have to do deeds like doing things to bring unity and building the bais hamikdash together.

    in reply to: Parsheh of the Week Interpretation #1496166
    Reb Eliezer

    Parshas Tzav talks about an עולה that comes as a sacrifice for improper thinking. The mind needs special protection. היא העולה על מוקדה if someone elevates himself, he ends up on the fire, but והרים את הדשן if he sees himself as ashes then he will be elevated.

    in reply to: Chilul Hashem #1496112
    Reb Eliezer

    Look at the Rambam Hilchas Daes 6:9 that there is a mitzva to admonish him בין אדם למקום and if he does not change, you can ashame him in public.

    in reply to: Moshiach Here #1496069
    Reb Eliezer

    If he doesn’t show that he cares for the will of Hashem and only does the minimum, I don’t know if that will bring Moshiach. As I said before that we must encourage others also to do mitzvos to bring unity, and that requires a complete devotion to the will of Hashem.

    in reply to: Moshiach Here #1496038
    Reb Eliezer

    DY, He is not a kofer but it is preferable to do it because of לעשות נחת רוח ליוצרנו like a the Mesilos Yeshorim says that if we do mitzvos as a son, we anticipate what the father wants, but when we do it because we were commanded, we do it as a servant, so we do the minimum we must do.

    in reply to: Moshiach Here #1496029
    Reb Eliezer

    As our last exile came because of שנאת חנם we have to do things that bring us together. All three תורה, עבודה and גמלות חסדים can help towards אחדות, unity. Torah, the Orech Chaim Hakodash in Parshas Tzaveh says that this last redemption will come in zechus of Moshe Rabbenu. If we learn Torah lishma to do everything, when learning, to arrive to the truth like Shimon Hamosini who was willing to give up practically his whole life’s work when he saw that he did not come to the truth when he was darshening את and stopped by את ה אלקיך תיראה. This should be done with a chavrusa where each question and answers thereby finding the truth. When it comes to avodah to daven with a minyan. We must recognize that we are individually not worthy to be listened to. Then, gemilos chasodim where we help physically and monetarily each other which brings us together.

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495957
    Reb Eliezer

    Wolf, See O”CH 25 MB sk 14

    in reply to: Whistling #1495946
    Reb Eliezer

    We should hide our thumbs when davening.

    in reply to: Making a Barocho on a Blossoming Tree in Nissan #1495944
    Reb Eliezer

    If I am correct, Reb Moshe holds that we should make a shecheyonu on a new car.

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495904
    Reb Eliezer

    Isn’t it a false testimony? The Chasam Sofer held that a person who does not follow shamita should not be עולה when it is being leined on Yom Tov.
    We have a minhag according to the Chok Yaakov for those who wear Tefillin to keep it on the first day of Chol Hamoed when leining kadesh.

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495862
    Reb Eliezer

    Wolf, did you see my previous post that if someone can put on Tefillin and he doesn’t put it on on- purpose, he might not be yotze krias shma because it is an עדות שקר and be a מצוה הבאה בעבירה? See MB 25:4 only בדיעבד יוצא.

    in reply to: Whistling #1495850
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a story where a man did not know how to pray, so he whistled. It was praised how this whistling was accepted above because it came from the full heart. רחמנא ליבא בעי what comes from the heart is the most important.

    in reply to: Challenge: Help Me Find an Intriguing Hagaddah #1495726
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rabbi Joseph Elias – The Haggadah from Artscroll is in great detail in English.

    in reply to: Minhagim After The Original Reason Is Gone #1495583
    Reb Eliezer

    There is another way of looking at it. The sanctity of EY causes a bigger yetzer hora, therefore it is harder to keep the Torah there, So you either have very religious people there or the opposite. I know that Rashi brings the Sifri to keep the mitzvos in chul for EY. It doesn’t matter what the reason for keeping them in chul, but if we want the redemption, we must keep it.

    in reply to: Minhagim After The Original Reason Is Gone #1495556
    Reb Eliezer

    I happened to be very much makpid on mayim achronim at least on shabbos see O”CH 181 siman 10. Besides the reason for the melach sadomis there was another reason were someone was recognized because of the spot left on his moustache. We can only be redeemed when we correct our transgressions that caused our exile from EY. The Ksav Sofer in Parshas Devorim starting ראשונים שנתגלו עוונם explains in great detail the difference between the first חורבן and the second. The first was caused because of violation of בין אדם למקום idol worship, adultery and murder. These transgressions are caused because of affluence. People forget who has bestowed them all the good because of a fertile land. They were exiled to Babylon where they were noble man doing very well. They had to show that they will not sway away from Hashem because of their affluence. Our current exile is the opposite. This second exile is because of בין אדם לחבירו it came because of futile hatred which comes about when people are jelous of each other. Therefore we must be exiled going from one place to another and have futile love אהבת חנם to correct our transgression. This is indicated in the passage הא לחמא עניא we are in a state of poverty so we want to correct our futile hatred by inviting people to our meal which will bring the redemption in our time Amen. We can see ourselves being around a circle and Hashem is in the center. Through the Torah we bring the points together to make the circle smaller and eventually coincide with the center,

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495450
    Reb Eliezer

    Wolf, Even though they are unrelated, it still encourages to put on tefilin every day, when we don’t have another os, to be able to say krias shma with tefilin as this thread questions. Mechaber O”CH 25:4 and MB there.

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495453
    Reb Eliezer

    Wolf, We might go a step further, if you have no reason for not putting on tefillin, and you say krias shma without it, it might be a מצוה הבאה בעבירה because it is an עדות שקר and you are not yotza krias shma. See MB 25:4

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495427
    Reb Eliezer

    Yekke2, There are two different mitzvos for krias shma one for day another for night. As per the Shagas Aryeh it makes it a time bound mitzva. So the day might have to be said with tefillin but not at night.

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495406
    Reb Eliezer

    Yekke2, Mechaber O”CH 25:4

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495404
    Reb Eliezer

    Yekke2, What about כל הקורא קריאת שמע בלא תפילין כאילו מעיד עדות שקר?

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495393
    Reb Eliezer

    Yekke2, What about that we don’t have a גוף נקי?

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495398
    Reb Eliezer

    Yekke2, This Rabbenu Yonah agrees with the Rabbenu Bechaye in Parshas Ki Sovo that the shiyan on the tefillin indicates that they are 300 days in a year when we should put on tefillin including chol hamoed.

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495386
    Reb Eliezer

    With tefillin you tie yourself to Hashem on your left hand with one sense, feeling, with one compartment, recognizing your weakness close to the heart, thereby sanctifying your actions, and on your head to sanctify your mind which contains four senses (smelling, tasting, seeing, hearing) with four compartments.

    in reply to: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? #1495381
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a commandment to say Kries Shma in the morning which requires tefillin as it says to tie it on as a symbolism an os on your hand and head. On Shabbos and Yom Tov since they are a symbolism for themselves, we don’t need to put on tefillin. You should say kries shma in its right time without tefillin (if unable to put on) and re-say it when tefillin is available. We don’t put on tefillin at night.

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