Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Hashem #1602704
    Reb Eliezer

    Hashem wants and enjoys to do good as a loving father. We should ask from Him like a poor person knocking on the door without any of his own zechusim but the zechusim of the tzibur. We should daven betzibur. If we can’t, daven in Beis Haknesses where the place of unity makes Hashem’s residence or at least daven at the time when people daven.

    in reply to: Hashem #1602608
    Reb Eliezer

    Refer to the Sefer Beis Elokim from the Mabit for more details.

    in reply to: Hashem #1602580
    Reb Eliezer

    As our thirteen beliefs according to the Rambam teach us, we cannot visualize a Supreme Being who has no physical form, When we open our mouths, we must keep in mind that we are not worthy to utter our praises to Hashem and ask for help Him to open our lips and give us the strength and abilities to praise Him by asking for our daily needs. When we utter the first three brochos of the 18 or 19 brochos we must keep in mind that we are standing infront of the Almighty who has the ability to grant us all our necessary wishes the way He granted his promises to our forefathers. He is the only One who has the power and ability to do this.

    in reply to: discouraging rashi in parshas bereishis #1601224
    Reb Eliezer

    apashitatyid, The samech and mem where suspended because the Torah can be sam chaim or vice versa

    in reply to: discouraging rashi in parshas bereishis #1601220
    Reb Eliezer

    The answer lies in what was told to Kayin Bereishis 4:7, If you do good, they will elevate you, but if you don’t do good, you are lying at the door of punishment for your sins, your sins bring you to other sins and eventually he, the yetzer hora, will rule over you.

    in reply to: discouraging rashi in parshas bereishis #1601204
    Reb Eliezer

    The tzadikim, realizing that this world is temporary, are given what they desire. They want to be cleansed through yissurim in this world for their sins to be saved from the gehenom, and the rashaim are given their desire. They are rewarded for their good deeds in this world because they want instant gratification and they don’t belief in after life.

    in reply to: Is Frumkeit Only for the Rich? #1601014
    Reb Eliezer

    Whether you do a little or lot the importance is that it should be done for heaven’s sake.

    in reply to: Good husband = Good father? #1600666
    Reb Eliezer

    It says honor your parents to have a long life. Explains the Abarbanel that the child seeing how you behave towards your parents will behave towards you. There was a grandfater, father and son. The grandfather was fed in a wooden plate being afraid that a glass plate will break. When the grandparent died, the father wanted to get rid of the plate. The son said don’t throw it out because we need it for you.

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1600652
    Reb Eliezer

    Gaon, can you give me the reference to the MY.

    in reply to: discouraging rashi in parshas bereishis #1600610
    Reb Eliezer

    CS, There is an argument between the Rambam Hilchos Teshuva 8:2 and the Raavad what is the meaning of Olam Habo. The Rambam hoilds that Olam Habo is after life whereas the Raavad holds it is Techiyas Hamesim.

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1600603
    Reb Eliezer

    There are three views in a Bas Mitzva, Rav Moshe Stern, Beer Moshe, Debretziner Rav who holds that it is something being done by the reformers and if invited, not to go. There is no open distinction before reaching of age and after, whereas a bar mitzva puts on tefilin. Reb Moshe who holds that it is optional no mitzva involved like any other birthday party and Rav Yaakov Weinberg the Saridei Aish who says that it is necessary to make it so the girls should not feel left out. Examining all the pros and cons, I decided, for modesty reasons, to make it for women only.

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1600456
    Reb Eliezer

    What about a Bas Mitzva? For my daughter, I allowed the celebration for women only.

    in reply to: Good husband = Good father? #1600455
    Reb Eliezer

    I think it is true. A caring loving person will also be a good father.

    in reply to: discouraging rashi in parshas bereishis #1600333
    Reb Eliezer

    unommin, the gemorah in tractate shabbos darshans the shape of letters which is halachically significant teaching us how to write letters for a sefer torah. If he makes a ches a hey or vice versa makes him mecharef umgadef.

    in reply to: discouraging rashi in parshas bereishis #1600324
    Reb Eliezer

    The gemora above says that he needs a new opening because to return and repent cannot be done in the same manner as he fell as he is used to his old ways and therefore a ches will not work.

    in reply to: discouraging rashi in parshas bereishis #1600244
    Reb Eliezer

    That gemora says in Menochos that the ‘hey’ has an opening on the side so that he should be able to return if he falls. if he does not return or repent, he will gain gehinom to cleans himself from his wrong doing. Everyone is rewarded according to intentions for doing mitzvos. The Rasha wants to be rewarded for his good deeds in this world, so he is, whereas the tzadik wants his reward in the next world. See Ramban Parshas Achrei on Asher Yaaseh Adam Vechai Bohem beginning Vedaa

    in reply to: Parsheh of the Week Interpretation #1600136
    Reb Eliezer

    Now as the Sifsei Chachomim points out that Chava could not have added the prohibition on touch because she would have known it and not be fooled by the snake tricking her through pushing her at the tree. He says Adam Harishan added the prohibition but I think that he should have been clear that it is his addition and not forbidden by Hashem, as the Rambam says that the Chachomim cannot say that fowl meat is forbidden with milk biblically because of bal tosif.

    in reply to: Parsheh of the Week Interpretation #1600086
    Reb Eliezer

    The sefer Peninim Yekorim brings in the name of the sefer Kosnos Or that based on a Magen Avraham 610 that makes a difference between chametz and Yom Kippur, chametz we are not allowed to touch on Pesach because everything else is permitted whereas Yom Kippur where all food is forbidden we can touch it. Therefore, the Etz Hadaas we cannot touch because all other trees are allowed to eat,

    in reply to: There Is No Eruv In Flatbush / Marine Park! #1599616
    Reb Eliezer

    Gaon, I am really greatful for all your work above, but can you give me the marei makomos for the Rash, Chidushei Haran and the Mishkanos Yaakov.

    in reply to: There Is No Eruv In Flatbush / Marine Park! #1599275
    Reb Eliezer

    Gaon, I appreciate your effort but his view is unique, so you didn’t answer the question. What is the source where do you find an accumulation of streets? Where do you find the 12 mil by 12 mil? The Aruch Hashulchan also disagrees.
    Is there someone else who agrees with Reb Moshe’s ztz’l
    interpretation in writing?

    in reply to: There Is No Eruv In Flatbush / Marine Park! #1599207
    Reb Eliezer

    Gaon, explain to me the source of Rav Moshe’s view as there is no park or market with the accumulation of 600k people every day in Brooklyn and no street that contains that

    in reply to: Gedolim Yartzeits: Add yours here #1598498
    Reb Eliezer

    Today is כ”ה תשרי the 179th yahr zeit of the Chasam Sofer.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1597308
    Reb Eliezer

    Correcting above post about continued fractions series for pi,
    3, 22/7 “333/106” 355/113 …

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1597282
    Reb Eliezer

    The RMA and Maharshal are around 100 years difference from Rishonim ending at the year 1400. The Rambam above Kiddush Hachodash 17:24 says the “goyish” mathematics can be relied on because its truth is evident. If I remember correctly the GRA multiplies the value by 3, why because it is an adjustment as I pointed out, pi/3 has no meaning, there is no indication in pasuk to divide by 3, it happens to have that value.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1597286
    Reb Eliezer

    If you look at pi as a continued fractions 111/106 is the first continued fraction 355/113 accurate to 6 decimal places is the next 3.1415929 where the correct value is 3.1415926..

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1597287
    Reb Eliezer

    See the Minchas Kohen מבןא השמש who paskens like the Rabbenu Tam. The Chasam Sofer O”CH 80 paskens like the Rabbenu Tam even lekula, so he questions why do we consider it a safek and pospone mila in the four mil? Could be according the Rambam has to be a vaday mitzva because a safek is only darabonon, but the Chasam Sofer held that it is a vaday mitzva.

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1597042
    Reb Eliezer

    The current philosophy of women would exclude King David from being a Jew. A maovis is allowed to join because it is improper to give water and sustenance among the men as women belong inside. The women don’t believe in this modesty so women would also not be allowed to join.

    in reply to: There Is No Eruv In Flatbush / Marine Park! #1597013
    Reb Eliezer

    Reb Joseph, the two are not the same, see O”CH 428 when it comes to admonish on something specifically asur biblically like chazir compared to an eruv where most hold that currently their is no R”H biblically. So by eruv where a reliable rav says you can carry I think you can listen to him.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596955
    Reb Eliezer

    Joseph, who is Dr. Pepper?

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596958
    Reb Eliezer

    akuperma, The achronim interpret the reasoning of rishonim in order that we can apply their view in other situations where their view is not revealed.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596828
    Reb Eliezer

    To explain in greater detail above post to calculate PI according the GRA:
    קוה = 111 and קו = 106
    111/106 is the adjustment to 3
    ( from the Yam of Solomon – Circumference/Diameter = 30/10 = 3)
    that is multiply 3 by 111/106 = 3.141509

    in reply to: Alchohol #1596801
    Reb Eliezer

    Adam Harishon sinned by drinking wine, according to some view, so we say lechaim that it should bring us life for both worlds.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596740
    Reb Eliezer

    The Ohr Hachaim Hakadash says in the beginning of Bereishis 1-22 numbers under number 3, we are allowed to interpret pasukim where only pshat is involved but we cannot argue on Rishonim when halacha is involved, as the amoroim could argue on the tanoim in pasukim interpretation. ד”ה ודע שיש רשות

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596744
    Reb Eliezer

    I went to Brooklyn College got a BS in Math and Computers, then went to NYU Courant Institute for Masters in Math have 12 credits towards it. I became a member of Pi MuEpsilon, the math honor society. I never became an actuary because of anxiety in test taking. I worked in computers. Your formula is incorrect, it is an adjustments to 3. Multiply 111 by 3 and divide by 106 = 3.141509

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596708
    Reb Eliezer

    Yissacher, I see that the Neoda B’Yehuda speaks with the greatest respect about the Ramban and if he argues he would argue with the halacha, the RMA he mentions there.

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1596624
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasan Sofer explains that the women also have a part in Chanukah Menorah, the yevonim wanted to eliminate Rosh Chodash to eliminate the Yomim Tovim. Women don’t work when the candles are burning, commemorating 8 biblical yomim tovim where light the candles. The Chasam Sofer explains that women don’t light because they originally lit outside and it was not proper for women to mix with men.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596544
    Reb Eliezer

    Gaon, please leman Hashem straighten these paticipants out, if you can argue on Rishonim. I referenced the Nodei Beyahuda who was upset for someone doing that. I recommend to look at his poetic words.

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1596537
    Reb Eliezer

    By the way, in the calculation of the tribe’s first letters multiplied by 1000 from the Rabbenu Bechaye above, Levi is excluded.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596526
    Reb Eliezer

    Avi, K – They are all estimation of 1 2/5 look at Tosfas in Sukkah 8a where they show that the calculation is not exact. Even according to the SQRT(2) is irrational an estimate with the Pythagorean Theorem that is mentioned above. For PI look at the mishna Eruvin 13b and Tosfas that the calculation is not exact according to Chachmei Hamidos and the Rambam on the mishneh. So if the result is not a perfect square, the Pythagorean Theorem does not buy anything so why mention it? By the way I happened to be a mathematician.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596297
    Reb Eliezer

    Look at the Rambam Hilchas Kidush Hachodash 17:24 but Tosfas was trying to avoid calculations discovered by the goyim like the Pythagorian Theorem.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596292
    Reb Eliezer

    The reason we cannot argue against the Rishonim if their is not a Rishon to back us up, because the closer we are to kabolas hatorah the more reliable they are, opposite the goyim were technology increases with time, so we are not on the level of the Rishonim to argue with them.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596272
    Reb Eliezer

    See the Nodei Bayehudah O”CH 1:38 where Rav Yechezkiel Landau z”l is besides himself where someone argues on the Rishonim.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596276
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596161
    Reb Eliezer

    The R”SH, Rav Shimshom Mishantz, mentions on the mishneh Kilaim 5:5, in the middle in the name
    of Chachmei Hamidos, the Pythagorian Theorem.

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1596076
    Reb Eliezer

    You can argue with Rishonim if you have another rishon backing you up. There is a story of the Shagas Aryeh where he was killed when a seforim book case fell on him. Everyone forgave him except the Levush , The Shagas said אריה שאג מי לא ירא when the lion roars who does not fear him . Tje Levush said Mordechai Yoffe (מי) does not fear him.

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1596074
    Reb Eliezer

    The MB above refers to Tosfas Eruvin 6a ד”ה כיצד.

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1596072
    Reb Eliezer

    See MB O”CH 345 s”k 23 who asks the question and says that we only count what the Torah specifically enumerates. There is an interesting implication according to the Maharal who says that 600K is a complete number containinhg 6 like six directions in the shaking the lulav, 100 and 1000. The Rabbenu Bacheya explains that if you take the first letter of each tribe usung Yosef and multiply them by 1000 when you accumulate it, you will get 597,000, 600,00 less 3000 that were killed at the Aigel.

    in reply to: Non crowded great chol hamoed places #1595605
    Reb Eliezer

    Staten Island Zoo

    in reply to: I miss my mom. #1595603
    Reb Eliezer

    You can call her or visit her.

    in reply to: Attach s’chach and then reposition sukkah #1595539
    Reb Eliezer

    If it would have been under a tree and you move it, you would have a problem but it was kosher before I don’t see a problem. Anyway, ask your LOR.

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