Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: Anti-semitism: Republicans vs Democrats #2147191
    Reb Eliezer

    When I went to college I did not need student loans. After the first 18 credits taken at CUNY with a passing grade, one became matriculated and was able to attend for free.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2147186
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer explains that we have this struggle with the yetzer hara and we strive to resolve the conflict between body and soul. The goal is to make peace בקש שלום. The Satan (yetzer hara) wants to do good by eliminating conflict סור מרע, ועשה טוב and have the soul go after the desires of the body. This is not peace. We want to reverse it, ורדפהו. We will create a small conflict by having the neshama, soul do something small that the body does not like and then go after peace by having the body get used to it. So the peace will come when the body does what the soul desires through incremental improvements.

    in reply to: Chasidus Without Context #2147147
    Reb Eliezer

    I just saw an interesting interpretation that the word הודאה, hoduah has two related meanings. It means praise and also acknowledgement by recognizing the truth. When we praise Hashem for His miracles we must recognize it and appreciate it first. This is/was done for Chanukah and by the Rebbe when saved.

    in reply to: Onaas Devarim #2147056
    Reb Eliezer

    When Yaakov Avinu asked the malach, what is your name? The Chasam Sofer explains that he was told, don’t befriend me as I am not good for you. When I tell him some Torah and he does not understand it, will he not be ashamed?

    in reply to: Anti-semitism: Republicans vs Democrats #2146988
    Reb Eliezer

    The right supports maybe everything mentioned above except for caring for the financial needs of people.

    in reply to: Most Important Issue of 2022 #2146989
    Reb Eliezer

    Live and let live.

    in reply to: Going down the wrong street #2146860
    Reb Eliezer

    I heard a joke where a visitor to the US in order not to get lost, wrote down the name of the street
    ‘ONE WAY’.

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2146133
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rabbenu Bachaya in Parashas Vaychi explains that Yaakov is physical being and Yisrael is the spiritual. When adding Satan (359) to Yaakov (182) we get Yisrael (541). When Yaakov defeated the malach of Eisav, he became Yisrael by encompassing the strength of the Satan.

    in reply to: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle #2146063
    Reb Eliezer

    The Pischei Teshuva questions, what is the prohibition of chalav akum? He says that if is not rabbinical then it is worse as it becomes biblical as a neder taken on.

    in reply to: Systemic Rot Within the GOP #2145980
    Reb Eliezer

    I respect those Republican not because they cave to Democrats but because they are honorable.
    They stay with their conservative doctrines and stand up to Trump when he puts democracy in danger.

    in reply to: Anti-semitism: Republicans vs Democrats #2145821
    Reb Eliezer

    Some say that Trump is such great oheiv yisrael but he does not show it as he does not speak up against anti-semitism. Our enemies think that he is part of them and approves their behavior.

    in reply to: Systemic Rot Within the GOP #2145819
    Reb Eliezer

    Why can’t I respect the daughter because of the father’s actions or vice versa?

    in reply to: Anti-semitism: Republicans vs Democrats #2145705
    Reb Eliezer

    When it comes to anti-semitism, see the Meshech Hachmah in Parashas Bechukosai on V’af Gam Zos.

    in reply to: Taking on Chumros #2145702
    Reb Eliezer

    When it comes to Cholov Stam, Rav Moshe justifies his heter based on mirtas, being afraid to mix in non kosher milk. If the government forbids it, then that creates mirtas.

    in reply to: Jewish Israel #2145649
    Reb Eliezer

    See the sefer from the Tzitz Eliezer in three volumes called הלכות מדינה at

    in reply to: Anti-semitism: Republicans vs Democrats #2145638
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasan Sofer explains in the Hagadah why the Chacham is using a similar expression of excluding himself as the rasha. He is called a chacham and not a tzadik as his behavior is smart. The rasha hides the fact that he is a rasha in order that the others should not knock his teeth out. The chacham does an action to get the rasha to reveal himself. By using a similar expression, the rasha thinks that he is also a rasha and thereby uses an unequivocal expression to exclude himself. Similarly, Trump by not condemning the white supremacists, makes them think that Trump approves their behavior since he is one of them.

    in reply to: Systemic Rot Within the GOP #2145632
    Reb Eliezer

    I am a democrat and respect some Republicans as John Kasich, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney and Adam Kitzinger.

    in reply to: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle #2145611
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chidah explains that everyone eats gebrochs on the last day of Pesach to show that it is a chumra and not an issur whereas issur of kitniyos for the ashkanazim applies also the last day.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2145588
    Reb Eliezer

    Shem Hagdolim says that we don’t pasken mostly like Rashi as Rashi is mefaresh and not a posek and therefore, Rashi’s mind was at explanation and not pesak.

    in reply to: Jewish Israel #2145548
    Reb Eliezer

    I heard from my Rebbi the reason to the referring to the 613 mitzvos to Eisav as one can only perdorm all mitvos through machshava, thought as some don’t apply. Similarly, Yaakov said, that when my father blessed me, he had you in mind, so in reality you were the one who was blessed and not me.

    in reply to: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle #2145546
    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ, I will add something to it. Davening to understand Torah aliba dehilchasa, to reach halacha will help in learning.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2145543
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rav Nissim Gaon on Brachas says that if something the gemora says cannot be understood literally then it is allegorical, a mashel. The Daroshes Haran says that we say that Torah is not in heavens and don’t follow Rebbi Eliezer, as once the Torah was given down to earth, now we must understand it with human understanding. However, Rebbi Eliezer they were unable to understand and therefore could not follow.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2145321
    Reb Eliezer

    The Rabbenu Bachaya says that the world was created for our benefit but the Rambam does not like it.

    in reply to: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle #2145266
    Reb Eliezer

    DaMoshe, good point.

    in reply to: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle #2145244
    Reb Eliezer

    DaMoshe, correct but the Rav could see that you are fishing for a heter and thereby refuse to answer you by saying why don’t you follow him?

    in reply to: Birthday Brachos #2145239
    Reb Eliezer

    Inflation went down. Hashem should help you to do the right choices.

    in reply to: Meikil=Less Religious? #2145053
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, Tosfas asks the question on hoil in Pesachim that maybe the melacha, work on Shabbos can be required for pekiach nefes, so how can any melacha be assur? Tosfas answers that cholei sheyesh bo sakana lo shechiach, a dangerous illness is not common. Similarly, cancer research is not required to be done on Shabbos.

    in reply to: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle #2145054
    Reb Eliezer

    Once a Rav assers you cannot ask another Rav for a heter.

    in reply to: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle #2145013
    Reb Eliezer

    What about the Aruch Hashulchan 345, the definition of 600,000 in one road and Rav Menasheh Klein?

    I will repeat what I wrote on the Daf Yomi?

    See SA O’CH 345 There is an argument a public domain 16 wide 600,000 people walking through does that include cars? Reb Moshe holds they walk with their cars but others hold that a car is a a private domain for itself. See in great detail Yabia Omer O’CH (9,33) about making a airuv of tzuras hapesach. A public domain where houses are on each side might limt the movement Traffic lights also limit movement. Intersecting roads also are questionable.

    The Aruch Hashulchan in O’CH 345 explains that in the olden time there was a main road where all other roads would meet. The houses were in an alley closed on one side and meeting this main road on the other side (movo). The main road had doors on each side but closed at night 16 amos wide. This is derived from the mishkan were all the tents would converge to the Moshe Rabbenu’s tent where all 600,000 people gather and the wagons to the mishkan took up 16 amos.
    Most agree that 600,000 is required. Rav Moshe in Igros Moshe O’CH (4,87) says that a city having 12 mil by 12 mil where this amount of people gather makes it a public domain considering it a platyeh godaloh. The Aruch Hashulchan says that each street is judged for itself.

    The RMA O’CH 346,3 says that currently all of our streets are considered karmelis, only rabbinical. This is the the view of most poskim and therefore we can make an airuv with a tzuras hapesach without actual doors. Most poskim’s view is that cars don’t can included in the count. We have houses on each side of the road with street lights which limit the public movement. There are other roads circumventing the main road, so the main road is not as important as it used to be.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2144721
    Reb Eliezer

    The Torah is explained on the level of פרדס – פירוש, רמז, דרוש and סוד as the Rabbenu Bachya does. The only pashut pshat is perush.

    in reply to: Chanukah Thoughts #2144617
    Reb Eliezer

    The Meharsha in Chulin, Ilu Trefos explains that the neiros to the menorah where pachim ketanim, earth wear broken into small pieces in order not become tamei. In the long nights of Teves, the oil in them was not enough for one day.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2144496
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, how does this cherem agree with the above words of the holy Ohr Hachaim. Does his pshat affect the halacha?

    in reply to: Chanukah Thoughts #2144494
    Reb Eliezer

    In this Parasha Vayishlach, Yaakov Avinu returns by endangering himself for the pachim ketanim, small pitchers to teach us not dismiss them as they will be required by Chanukah in order that the neis of burning longer should apply to oil in the pitcher. As we know from the story of Elisha that a neis can only apply to something in existence, so the Taz explains that some oil was left over the first day as the Shiltas says that there was not enough oil even for one day.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2144314
    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, I am not saying it is good but they will not get influenced as much.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2144310
    Reb Eliezer

    I will translate the Ohr Hachaim above as it is necessary for our discussion:

    We are permitted to explain the meaning of the words and reasons of the Torah after scrutiny according to our understanding even though the previous rishonim explained it in another way as there is 70 ways to understand the Torah. We are not allowed to explain it when that causes the halacha to change. The Amoraim did not argue on the Tenaim on halacha. However, the pesukim they did explain differently than the Tenaim, so similarly we can do the same.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2144300
    Reb Eliezer

    Chazal assered to learn Greek culture because of the similarities to our believes as if they would not be similar like having a soul, there would we no problem.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2144298
    Reb Eliezer

    אור החיים בראשית א, א
    דע כי רשות לנו נתונה לפרש משמעות הכתובים בנתיבות העיון ויישוב הדעת הגם שקדמונו ראשונים ויישבו באופן אחר, כי שבעים פנים
    לתורה (במד”ר נשא יג טז), ואין אנו מוזהרים שלא לנטות מדברי הראשונים אלא בפירושים שישתנה הדין לפיהן, ולזה תמצא שהאמוראים אין כח בהם לחלוק על התנאים במשפטי ה’, אבל ביישוב הכתובים ובמשמעות מצינו להם בכמה מקומות שיפרשו באופן

    in reply to: Short & Sweet #2144277
    Reb Eliezer

    Rashi on Achos Nevoyus shows how fourteen years is missing from Yaakov Avinu’s life which he spent at Shem and Eiver. The Baal Haturim shows how the ending letters of Vayetzei Yaakov add up to fourteen and together with the beginning letters Shem and Eiver.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2144238
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Jewish Israel #2144131
    Reb Eliezer

    It is not the Beis Din that punished people in EY but the shotrim, the police who took them to the Beis Din to force them to follow the Torah.

    in reply to: Jewish Israel #2144110
    Reb Eliezer
    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2144108
    Reb Eliezer

    When was this sefer published? There might me multiple seforim with the same name.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2144068
    Reb Eliezer

    It has no haskamas and the Ramban has a cherem to learn a sefer without them. It can be downloaded from hebrewbooks dot org. The author is Kuperman in two volumes The first volume tries to justify the second volume. I saw something in itself questionable that Hashem leads the world through emtzaim, agents. It is published by a Michlala College for Women. His name Yehuda is designated as a son of his father Avraham and mother Sara Zelate Kuperman which I have never seen before.

    in reply to: Should all Yidden know Hebrew? #2144004
    Reb Eliezer

    It says in Demai 4, that Jews don’t lie on Shabbos, so we can speak lashon hakodesh that we should not lie with.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2143819
    Reb Eliezer

    ubi, thanks for your explanation.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2143737
    Reb Eliezer

    The Ohr Hachaim Hakodash says in Parashas Beraishis that one is allowed to interpret the Torah according to his own understanding as long as it does not affect the halacha.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2143707
    Reb Eliezer

    ubi, why do we follow Shmuel (Sept 24) and not science (Sept 22)? Is science incorrect here?

    in reply to: Chanukah Thoughts #2143615
    Reb Eliezer

    חנוכה is feminine version of חנוך the upbringing of טף (gematria Chanukah 89) young children in a light fashion.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2143624
    Reb Eliezer

    The reason we must adjust the Tekufas Tishri by 13 days because Pope Gregory in 1582 created a Gregorian calendar over Julian Caesar’s calendar by adjusting the calendar by 10 days. The other days difference had to do with a leap year for a complete century. Years divisible by 4 should be a leap year. The complete century is a hundred years. He changed it that only if is divisible by 400 will be a leap year. The years 1600 and 2000 were ok; The years 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not leap years any more. This makes the difference of another 3 days for a total of 13 days. This year the Sept tekufa (Tekufas Tishri) is Sept 22 or 265th day in the year. Adding the 13 days makes it 278. Sixty days from the tekufa is 338 which is Dec 4 in 2022.

    in reply to: Volunteering to Report the News #2143609
    Reb Eliezer

    If mixed marriage is a question then Thomas has a problem as he has a mixed marriage.

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