Reb Eliezer

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  • in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1642246
    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, your reason for Eli Y, I don’t think is correct because RMA above needs an exemption to clear someone from the mitzva of sleeping in the sukkah, indicating that normally if the exemption does not apply there is a mitzva, but his reasoning eliminates the mitzva altogether.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1642197
    Reb Eliezer

    Eli Y, I think what DY is saying is that an exemption applies under some circumstances and does not apply under other circumstances, but over here this mitzva has no possibility because it always applies since it is not possible to be conscious and sleep so the mitzva will never occur.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1642179
    Reb Eliezer

    Eli Y, I just quoted the RMA in SA O’CH 639,2

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1642158
    Reb Eliezer

    Yeshivishrockstar, לעולם יהי’ אדם first be respectful! My post is based on Rso reply # 1641933 about Moshe Rabbenu.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1642100
    Reb Eliezer

    Eli Y, We don’t sleep in the sukkah because of weather conditions being mezaar or not being with the wife.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1642089
    Reb Eliezer

    The Aroch Chaim in Parshas Tetzaveh says in the beginning on taking pure olive oil that the last redemption will come with the strength of Moshe Rabbenu. It could be that is why his name is not mentioned in the Parsha because it is a hidden strength. The Yaaros Devash explains the gemorah ולא ידע כי בז’ אדר מת משה ובז’ אדר נולד משה the fact that he died on zayin ador he knew but he explaines that after he died he is reborn spiritually when the
    redemption comes. The Tana Debai Eliyahu says that this strength comes when we are mechadesh something.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641999
    Reb Eliezer

    I brought up memory to explain the difference between young and old age why גירסא דינקותא is so important.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641745
    Reb Eliezer

    YeshivishRockStar, what do you do with הים אם בקלו תשמעו? The Ramban predicted the coming of Moshiach in the beginning of Bereishis. The Chasam Sofer says that we were not wothy of it.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641755
    Reb Eliezer

    CS, did you see what I wrote in reply #1641477

    in reply to: Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Fighting NY Department of Education #1641732
    Reb Eliezer

    I took chemistry in Chasan Sofer and asked the teacher, what is the use for this? He said to me, you are able to see the greatness of G-d. He created a small solar system in every atom. According to string theory, He imparted his energy into every atom.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641709
    Reb Eliezer

    We pasken motzei shabbos like the Rabbenu Taam but Alter Rebbe retracted from the SA Harav to the siddur paskening like the GRA.

    in reply to: Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Fighting NY Department of Education #1641635
    Reb Eliezer

    As I mentioned many times that extremes are not good. If the yeshivas avoid secular education altogether, then the government will require extreme measures in secular education like six hours. They don’t want the students after they grow up to rely on welfare because they can’t find a job to support themselves sufficiently.

    in reply to: Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Fighting NY Department of Education #1641622
    Reb Eliezer

    Joseph, the story with the Netziv closing the yeshiva was because the russian government wanted to influence the curriculum of secular education. I agrree wth Yserbius123.

    in reply to: Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Fighting NY Department of Education #1641612
    Reb Eliezer

    Joseph, I went to Chasidishe Yeshivas, Adas Yereim Wiener for elementary school and Chasan Sofer, HS, with proper english classes graduating with an academic degree with all the regents. I went to Brooklyn College majoring in Math and in Computers graduating with a BS degree. Afterwards, went to NYU Courant Institute in Mathematics for 12 credits.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641595
    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, thanks for straightening me out, but Rebbi placed it Pirkei Avos to teach us a good lesson to learn at a young age Shabbos 21a גירסא דינקותא, when a person has a good memory, he writes on a new paper rather than at an old age when he writes on an erased paper as the memory goes.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641518
    Reb Eliezer

    ‘אלישע בן אבוי in Pirkei Avos speaks about his own concerns. He must have learned Torah at the later years when there is a danger to forget because the memory weakens with age as writing on an erased paper compared to the early years when you write on a new paper.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641543
    Reb Eliezer

    Of course you are allowed to argue on your rebbi provided that you have the proper proof and the proper respect. Tosfas argued on Rashi.

    in reply to: Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Fighting NY Department of Education #1641508
    Reb Eliezer

    The seven lights of the menorah were against seven chochmas were the Torah was in the middle all facing the center because all other chochmas require the Torah knowledge e.g. the Rambam says in, shemona perokim, that illnes c’v comes from the body getting out of equilibrium. Freud’s Super Igo, Igo and Id comes from the Torah.

    in reply to: Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Fighting NY Department of Education #1641495
    Reb Eliezer

    Didn’t the Lubavitcher Rebbe graduate from the Sorbone?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641477
    Reb Eliezer

    CS, ישראל ואורייתא וקב’ה חד הוא what does this mean? It says והוא באחד ומי ישיבנה it should have said אחד says the Shlah Hakadosh that we must unite and be one with Hashem like we say שמע ישראל ה’ אלקינו ה’ אחד the meaning of shema is to unite like it says וישמע שאול את העם meanig he united them. This can be demonstrated to the Jews are all around a circle and Hashem is the middle and our purpose in life is to make the circle smaller through Torah/the Rebbe’s teachings and unite into one point with the center. Everyone originally is equal distant from the center.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641389
    Reb Eliezer

    ‘וידבר משה את מועדי ה the Chasan Sofer interprets it the Rov/Rebbe together with the stregth of holidays of Hashem give us influence for the whole year’s behavior.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1641135
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer in sefer Chut Hameshulosh says that if someone like himself was picked as posek hador, he is helped from heaven that he should not make a mistake. He thought twice that he made a mistake and retracted his psak, but it turned out that he was correct originally.

    in reply to: Borrowing/Loaning a Sefer Torah #1641121
    Reb Eliezer

    CTLAWYER, it is a common practice in modern english to verbilize nouns e.g. authored, loaned, impacted

    in reply to: Borrowing/Loaning a Sefer Torah #1640666
    Reb Eliezer

    Shakespeare should have said, Neither a loaner nor a borrower be. The correct word is lend not loan.

    in reply to: A game of “Would you rather?” #1640628
    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, what Hashem Yisborach does to us is more appreciated accumutavely, from birth to the present as I posted above, and that can only be done by keeping our precious memories intact.

    in reply to: A game of “Would you rather?” #1640607
    Reb Eliezer

    In the Megilla, Achashverus appreciated favors done to him and therefore created the book of memories, recognizing that memories are precious to be able to show appreciation and thereby Mordechai was elevated.

    in reply to: A game of “Would you rather?” #1640588
    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, from your posts it looks like that you don’t seem to appreciate your memories.

    in reply to: A game of “Would you rather?” #1640529
    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, you missed the whole point. First you must be young so you don’t have too many memories, second nothing extra ordinary happened to you and third you are taking everything that happened to you for granted believing that all of it you deserve.

    in reply to: Why the extra appreciation for miracles? #1639945
    Reb Eliezer

    The gemorah Taanis 24a where the father was upset on his son for asking figs before its time because he was matriach Hashem for something unnecessary, therefore we are only permitted to daven for something necessary. That is the reason that the man above was degraded for the miracle of nursing because it really was not required as it could have been done by a woman.
    Over here by the oil, they showed their love to Hashem not to rely on impure oil, so He also showed his love to them by creating the miracle. Therefore, we follow the mehadrin min hamehadrin which we usually don’t do.

    in reply to: Why the extra appreciation for miracles? #1639912
    Reb Eliezer

    A miracle where its probability of hapenning is practically infinitesimal shows the love Hashem has for his children the Bnei Yisroel to change the nature for willing to serve Him diligently. The gemora says on the man who was able to nurse how ugly it is that the nature was changed for him, so normally Hashem does not change the nature.

    in reply to: Why does it seem we downplay winning the battle? #1639299
    Reb Eliezer

    The modern called it חג המכבים emphasizing the battle over the oil forgetting that Hashem helped in order to gain spirituality recognizing the importance of the Oral Law which was validated through the miracle of the oil that became impure through the decree of chazal.

    in reply to: Herd Immunity for Dummies #1639290
    Reb Eliezer

    This herd immunity is similar to a king who told his servants to bring wine to fill a barrel. One individual thought why should I bring wne? I will bring water and nobody will notice, but if everyone wil do that, we end up with water. Similarly, if people do not immunize relying on others, they won’t have any immunity.

    in reply to: Why does it seem we downplay winning the battle? #1639278
    Reb Eliezer

    It says באבוד רשעים רנה we praise Hashem for the destruction of the rashaim, why? It says ויאמינו בה’ ובמשה עבדו they believed in Hashem and his servant Moshe, they recognized the importance of reward and punishment, hashgacha of Hashem and therefore, אז ישיר משה so Moshe sang the praises to Hashem, but the malochim had no benefit and nothing to gain so they were not allowed to sing.

    in reply to: Chabad menorah’s vandalised, antisemitism & Golus #1639215
    Reb Eliezer

    I was the first one in 1968 to work for Chemical Bank in a yarmulke.

    in reply to: Chabad menorah’s vandalised, antisemitism & Golus #1639188
    Reb Eliezer

    CS, there are halochos that in pubic among goyim we avoid displaying the tzitzis and allowed at work to be with
    out a yatrmulke b’H we don’t have to worry about it mostly anynore.

    in reply to: Applesauce on latkes is better than sour cream: Prove me wrong. #1639165
    Reb Eliezer

    cmberzon, I think you are missing a comma as you don’t want to say on chazal the expression lowlife.

    in reply to: Why does it seem we downplay winning the battle? #1639155
    Reb Eliezer

    The Pri Chadash says that the winning the battle was the neis the furst day. Others say that has happened before so it was nothing special and the importance was the oli to restore spirituality.

    in reply to: A game of “Would you rather?” #1639042
    Reb Eliezer

    coffee adict, what are you going to do with memories you cannot recreate because the individual is not here anymore or you were saved from illness or from other tragegy?

    in reply to: A game of “Would you rather?” #1639032
    Reb Eliezer

    Thank you ZionGate you expressed my sentiments very eloquently. coffee gate stop kidding and destroying something precious.

    in reply to: A game of “Would you rather?” #1638993
    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, memories remind us of all the good that Hashem Yisborach has bestowed on all of us through out our life from birth to the present.

    in reply to: A game of “Would you rather?” #1638986
    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, maybe you don’t understand me because you don’t want to. It has nothing to do with your memory but your mind.

    in reply to: A game of “Would you rather?” #1638687
    Reb Eliezer

    The answer about memories or a million dollars is not that simple. When a person reaches a ripe old age, he has much to thank Hashem which no one else can fulfil only himself. This is why the chazal had us say Modim Derabonon and it is not enough the Modim of the Baal Tefila . It says מה אשיב לה’ כל תגמלהי עלי that responsibility rests on me and no one else can fulfil it. Those memories are precious and for no price are you willing to sell it.

    in reply to: Parsheh of the Week Interpretation #1638667
    Reb Eliezer

    When Pharaoh dreams he says הננו עומד על היאור but when he tells Yosef he says הננו עומד על שפת היאר the Bnei Yisoschor says that he wanted to test Yosef if he knows the dream, so Yosef said שפת לא ידעתי אשמע I hear a sefas that I don’t know what it means.

    in reply to: Can you share a nice Vort on Chanukah? #1638594
    Reb Eliezer

    Rav Tanchum says נר חנוכה שהנחה למעלה מעשרים אמה פסולה דלא שלטה בה עינה Chanukah lights that he put above 20 amos is posel because he cannot see them, explains the father of the previous Matersdorfer Rav, that he is not diligent in his Torah learning thinking that the benefits come later from above after life, forgeting the other saying of Rav Tanchum הבור רק אין בו מים not only will he be lacking the knowledge of Torah but נחשאים ועקרבים יש בו but will have bad midos and charachter.

    in reply to: Can you share a nice Vort on Chanukah? #1638595
    Reb Eliezer

    For more look at the topic Chanukah Thoughts.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Rambam says that חסידי אומות העולם יש להם חלק בעולם הבא pious people among other nations have a part in the world to come. From all the euligies we can conclude that this applies him.

    in reply to: Applesauce on latkes is better than sour cream: Prove me wrong. #1638546
    Reb Eliezer

    In the modern world the statement can mean not to eat carbohydrates without protein but other carbohydrates
    as we make a brocho on fruit because it does not go with bread. Similarky potatoes does not go with bread.

    in reply to: Chanukah Thoughts #1638542
    Reb Eliezer

    Avi K, what you are saying is correct. The Meiri ? by Purim quoted by the Chasam Sofer says that whoever has no megila should read halel. Saying halel to be blasphemes, if he follows the chazal I don’t think would apply as the Rashba in Rosh Hashana 15 says that their no baal tosif on the takonoh of the chachomim.
    Besides they say that this blasphemy is on the stanza כי לעולם חסדו not halel because says the Ksav Sofer he is only praising Hashem on miracles and not on everyday occurences as Leah said wonderouly ‘הפעם אודה את ה
    In halel we say ‘מה אשיב לה which apply for every day.

    in reply to: Do any Frum Anti-Vaxxers Drink Cholov Stam Milk? #1638447
    Reb Eliezer

    The Pischei Tshuva says that if the chazal did not asser beminyan is worse because now it is assur mdOrayta because of a neder.

    in reply to: Are students allowed to be thrown out of school? Mesivta/ high school #1638443
    Reb Eliezer

    There is a RMA in YD 334 who says You can put someone in cherem and you don’t have to worry about the consequences. I think the Taz argues/

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