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Reb EliezerParticipant
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Reb EliezerParticipantbump
March 21, 2023 12:23 pm at 12:23 pm in reply to: Vaykro – The Childrens Recognition of Their Father’s Greatness #2175442Reb EliezerParticipantbump
Reb EliezerParticipantbump
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Mayana Shel Torah in name of the Parashes Derachim explains, for gaiva, haughtiness. Since anger comes from gaiva, haughtiness we can apply this to it. When Hashem created the man, it said נעשה אדם, in plural, teaching us to consult with the lesser. However, whoever is haughty will interpret this literally saying that Hashem created man with another entity ch’v and thereby worships a’z.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Chasam Sofer says that וראית את אחרי ופני לא יראו where we only see things from hindsight. The Kol Aryeh explaines that the knot of tefilin of the head has a right and left side (good and bad) but they all unite indicating that the bad turns out to be good.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Midrash says:
ילקוט שמעוני שיר השירים רמז תתקפו
אמר רבי אחא אפילו עם הארץ שקורים לאהבה איבה כגון ואהבת ואייבת, אמר הקדוש
.ברוך הוא ודגלו עלי אהבה ודלוגו עלי אהבהReb EliezerParticipantThe GRA wrote a sefer on mathemaics called Ayil Mesholush see at
Reb EliezerParticipantLook at the Sefer Habris at
Reb EliezerParticipantIt refers to science and mathematics. These are the words of the Rambam:
רמב”ם הלכות קידוש החודש פרק יז הלכה כד
וטעם כל אלו החשבונות ומפני מה מוסיפים מנין זה ומפני מה גורעין, והיאך נודע כל דבר ודבר מאלו הדברים, והראיה על כל דבר ודבר, היא חכמת התקופות והגימטריות שחברו בה חכמי יון ספרים הרבה והם הנמצאים עכשיו ביד החכמים, אבל הספרים שחברו חכמי ישראל שהיו בימי הנביאים מבני יששכר לא הגיעו אלינו, ומאחר שכל אלו הדברים בראיות ברורות הם שאין בהם דופי ואי אפשר לאדם להרהר אחריהם, אין חוששין למחבר בין שחברו אותו נביאים בין שחברו אותם גוים, שכל דבר שנתגלה טעמו ונודעה אמתתו בראיות שאין בהם דופי אין סומכין על זה האיש שאמרו או שלמדו אלא על הראייה שנתגלתה והטעם שנודע.Reb EliezerParticipantHow many say Hakodash Borchu rather than Hakodash Boruch Hu?
March 6, 2023 5:07 pm at 5:07 pm in reply to: Murdaugh Verdict – Circumstantial Evidence without Motive #2171639Reb EliezerParticipantWhat is the Din Torah when one lies and embezzles due to drug addiction would he be also suspect of murder? חשיד על ממוניה לא חשיד אשבועתיה.
Reb EliezerParticipantYeshayohu 57 says כי עוונותיכם היו מבדילים ביניכם לבין אלקיכם asks the Binah Leitim that it should have said לביניכם? He answers that originally we separate ourselves from each other which causes a separation between us and Hashem. This can be pictorially represented where we all are around a circle and Hashem is in the middle. As through the Torah to love each other, the points on the circle unite, the circle becomes smaller and eventually becomes one with the center, Hashem. We ask to become one with Hashem.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe holy Zohar says ישראל ואורייתא וקב’ה חד הוא. There is a unification between us, the Torah and Hashem. Through the Torah, kavayachel we become one with Hashem. Both, Hashem and the Bnei Yisrael are considered one. The holy Shlah says that שמע ישראל means to unite as an one like וישמע שאול את העם, Shaul united the nation. We ask to become one similar to Hashem.
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Reb EliezerParticipantbump
February 28, 2023 11:59 am at 11:59 am in reply to: Commemorating Mosheh Rabbenu for Zayin Ador #2169932Reb EliezerParticipantbump
Reb EliezerParticipantExcept for Hilel, whom we do not follow, the opinion is in Sanhedrin that in between the coming of Meshiach and techiyas hamesim will be forty years.
Reb EliezerParticipantSome explanation is in the Sefer Meseches Halacha Lemoshe Mesinai at It was given in a general fashion and the arguments are on what specifically it was given. The Rambam sometimes uses the expression מדברי סופרים on
הלכה למשה מסיני.Reb EliezerParticipantA servant with temporary desires, a Jewish servant.
Reb EliezerParticipantWe are strangers in a strange land, temporary dwellers traveling through. Look at Sefer Pelei Yoetz on גר.
Reb EliezerParticipantNot them but others in the future.
Reb EliezerParticipantדף על הדף מסכת סנהדרין דף קה עמוד א
על כן מונו שומרים, שאם יבוא האדם ויחפוץ להיכנס לגן עדן, ידחפו אותו שישוב בתשובה שלימה, ואז יזכה להיכנס לגן עדןReb EliezerParticipantAs you see from the Chasam Sofer that if Adam Harishon would not have sinned, he could have eaten on shabbos both from the eitz hadaas and eit hachaim. Once he sinned, he was exiled from the Gan Eden before shabbos as it affected all future generations, so nobody could eat anymore from either.
Reb EliezerParticipantbump
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Chasam Sofer says that in Toras Moshe that if Adam Harishon would have waited until shabbos, he would have never sinned with the eitz hadaas as shabbos would have been matir for him. He ate the last minute before shabbos in the 6th hour when created. Maybe, the kedusha of shabbos would have swayed from yodea tov vera. תורת משה בראשית פרק ב פסוק יז (פרשת בראשית)
[ומעץ הדעת טוב ורע לא תאכל ממנו וגו’]. אמרו ז”ל כי עץ הדעת הי’ ראוי לאדה”ר היינו אלו המתין עד שבת ואז הי’ אוכל גם מעץ החיים וחי לעולםReb EliezerParticipantRashi says that the grandchildren call the grandfather father, so a grandson from a daughter might be like a son .
Reb EliezerParticipantThe son in law might be considered a son as in rabonus.
Reb EliezerParticipantShlucho shel Adam kemoso. Adam Harishon’s chase out from Gan Eden was like his demise. The Chasam Sofer in Nedarim 81, says that shelo borchu baTorah techila, when praising one, they praised him with his secular knowledge first before his Torah knowledge.
Reb EliezerParticipantI have a friend whose name is Shaiya. He said it is good that my father did not also call me getz.
Reb EliezerParticipantPeople learning Torah are like an astronaut. The higher they get, the more they can see what to discover. The more we delve into the Torah, the more we see how much more we can learn and appreciate and enjoy what we have learned.
February 11, 2023 8:40 pm at 8:40 pm in reply to: Tu Beshvat, Bracha and Shecheyonu Which Comes First #2164989Reb EliezerParticipantIt can also be that when we see an old fruit, we are use to it but a new fruit does create an excitement and we love to taste it which generates a simcha.
February 10, 2023 5:04 pm at 5:04 pm in reply to: Tu Beshvat, Bracha and Shecheyonu Which Comes First #2164753Reb EliezerParticipantI would think that chaviv brings to simcha.
Reb EliezerParticipantThanks.
Reb EliezerParticipantIt does not mean one must believe everything, we must trust the source.
Reb EliezerParticipantMoshe Rabbenu said to Yisro, כי יהי-ה להם דבר בא אלי ask the mefarshim it should have באים אלי? The Chasan Sofer explains that Moshe Rabbunu said to Yisro that if a problem occurs to one of the Jews, I feel it and it effects my heart. The Dubner Maggid explains that there is two kinds of a din Torah. One, like ours where we want to be sure that the other did not take something that belongs to us. Two, we want to be sure that we did not take something that belongs to one. According to this case we do not need litigants on each side as we will argue for the other side.
Reb EliezerParticipantBo:
With the wearing of tefilin we dedicate our senses to Hashem to serve Him. The Rabbenu Hameiri explains that the Rosh has four compartments against the four senses (smell, taste, sight and sound) in the head whereas the arm and hands has one of feeling.
The holy Ohr Hachaim explains that tefila alone at the yam suf was not sufficient as the Jews were accused of idol worship similar to the Mitzrim. They had to show a mesirash nefesh by getting in the yam before it turned dry to have the midas rachamim overpower the midas hadin. The Kedushas Levi actually sees this being beneficial to the Jews by encouraging the Mitzrim to have a sense of victory and run after them in the sea to get sunk into the water.February 6, 2023 5:27 pm at 5:27 pm in reply to: Tu Beshvat, Bracha and Shecheyonu Which Comes First #2163078Reb EliezerParticipantThe Hagohus Chasam Sofer O’CH 225 differentiates between birchas hamitzva and birchas hanehanin. The Ksav Sofer O’CH 25 tries to explain the difference. He says that when eating a new fruit, the bracha comes when one swallows the food but shecheyanu comes when one puts it in the mouth before. A mitzva is obligatory so we make the bracha before as todir whereas a new fruit is not.
February 3, 2023 11:51 am at 11:51 am in reply to: Tu Beshvat, Bracha and Shecheyonu Which Comes First #2162239Reb EliezerParticipantTu Beshvat can be related to the Torah. The Chasam Sofer left in his tzavoah. will that the spring should not dry out and the tree cut. The Torah we learn be nosei peros, should bear fruits.
February 3, 2023 11:50 am at 11:50 am in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2162238Reb EliezerParticipantI say excuse me when I want to pass.
Reb EliezerParticipantI just had b’H my 3/4 century birthday.
Reb EliezerParticipantA person is judged according to one’s own behavior, if one spends money lavishly, then is also expected to give more tzadakah and support Torah אל תקרא בניך אלא בוניך.
January 26, 2023 5:46 pm at 5:46 pm in reply to: Tu Beshvat, Bracha and Shecheyonu Which Comes First #2159996Reb EliezerParticipantbump
January 25, 2023 11:31 am at 11:31 am in reply to: Quick Quote from Rabbeinu Yonah of Gerona #2159458Reb EliezerParticipantצדיקים אוהבים ממונם יותר מגופם, tzadikim love their money more than themselves, it is valuable to them because it is זהב טהור, pure gold which comes to them in a pure, lack of gezel, thievery means. The Sidrei Mishna has a mnemonic זמן נקט telling us to grab on to time and not waste it.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe rasha in the Hagadah says מה העבודה הזאת לכם, what is this service performed by you? The rasha isolates himself from eating the korban Pesach as he does not understand that Jews are above the horoscope and therefore we sacrifice the lamb, the zodiac sign, mazel for the month of Nissan. It requires milah, circumcision which according to the Sefer Hachinuch indicates that a person’s actions are not predetermined but one can change.
January 24, 2023 10:30 am at 10:30 am in reply to: Tu Beshvat, Bracha and Shecheyonu Which Comes First #2159033Reb EliezerParticipantThe argument whether it is a reshus, optional or chova, obligatory might be whether we have an option to eat it but maybe, once you eat it, you must make a shecheyanu, so it might be a chova.
Reb EliezerParticipantI got a permanent exemption for having to go often to the bathroom.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Pelei Yoetz really says it on Shemonei Esrei, לישועתך קוינו כל היום that we hope for Your (Hashem) salvation.