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Reb EliezerParticipant
The Chasam Sofer says this was taught by Yaakov Avinu when he switched his hands on Yosef. Even when right becomes left we must listen to them as they know better but only in the same generation.
Reb EliezerParticipantMaybe, when a Rav passed on, we cannot confront him and it becomes a new generation as the Haflaah pints out.
Reb EliezerParticipantAvira, the Rav Haflaah says on הכהן אשר יהי-ה בימים ההם we cannot question the ruling of the gedalim from one generation to another, so chutzpah does not apply.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by YW Moderator-25.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Reb Eliezer.
Reb EliezerParticipantBy Pesach Rishon it says ומצות על מרורים יאכלוהו whereas by Pesach Sheni it says על מצות ומרורים יאכלוהו why and what is the difference? There is a difference between ‘ו’ and ‘על’. The prior is the ikar, main thing whereas the latter is the tafel, addition, a supplement. At Pesach Rishon, if no pesach is eaten, matzoh is still eaten but not maror, the bitter herbs. However Pesach Sheni, if there is no pesach there is no matzos or maror. This might explain why by korach in the Hagadah we say the Pesach Sheni pasuk. The emphasis is the eating all three items (pesach, matzah and maror) together which is clearer from this pasuk. The two items are eaten together with pesach.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by YW Moderator-25.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Reb Eliezer.
Reb EliezerParticipantBefore learning we need derech eretz, proper behavior. The Omer also elevates us from an animal which eats barley, remembering by sacrificing a barley offering to a human being who eats wheat, the two breads sacrificed on Shevuos, Kabolas haTorah.
Reb EliezerParticipantעני’ רוכב על חמור’, as we know that the meseches comprising עני – ערובין, נדה, יבמות will bring Meshiach. They make up for futile hatred by uniting people and bringing them close together. The Rabbenu Bachaya on the pasuk בפיך ובלבבך לעשותו through your mouth, heart and action serve Hashem. Each on the edge should be done through the center. Mouth with the heart and action with heart. Similarly, the center, husband and wife, separation which unites afterwards מחבבות על בעלה is the closest relationship. Second, יבום brings families together. Finally, Eruvin, acquaintances unite. In learning, these are considered the hardest meseches and help of each other in their understanding unites.
Reb EliezerParticipantReb Moshe ztz’l holds that a platyeh gedolah which is market or a park having 600,000 people spreads all over the city making the whole city a reshus harabim.
Reb EliezerParticipantn0mesorah, he was not the only one excluding cars, see the Yabia Omer above.
Reb EliezerParticipantIf I understood correctly, the Yabia Omer above agreed with Rav Menashe Klein ztz’l that a car is a separate reshus and not included in the count.
Reb EliezerParticipantAvira, does Ocean Parkway include cars and make the whole Brooklyn a Reshus Harabim or just that street?
Reb EliezerParticipantn0mesorah, what is inaccurate? All this is documented in the Yabia Omer above.
Reb EliezerParticipantAruch Hashulchan SA, O’CH 345, Rav Menashe Klein in his Mishneh Halachas,
See Yabia Omer O’CH (9,33) in detail.Repeating what is applicable for making an Eiruv:
Tosfas Shabbos (96,2) ד’ה הוצאה indicates it for carying out and there ד’ה הכנסה indicates it for carying in. Both cases is considered a מלאכה גרועה a weak melacha, as Tosfas 2,1 asks what is the differents carying from a private area to another private area where it is allowed to carry bibliically with karmeles (4 amos wide and less than 10 tefochim high) in between. See SA O’CH 345 There is an argument a public domain 16 wide 600,000 people walking through does that include cars? Reb Moshe holds they walk with their cars but others hold that a car is a a private domain for itself. See in great detail Yabia Omer O’CH (9,33) about making a airuv of tzuras hapesach. A public domain where houses are on each side might limt the movement Traffic lights also limit movement. Intersecting roads also are questionable.
The Aruch Hashulchan in O’CH 345 explains that in the olden time there was a main road where all other roads would meet. The houses were in an alley closed on one side and meeting this main road on the other side (movo). The main road had doors on each side but open at nigh 16 amos wide. This is derived from the mishkan were all the tents would converge to the Moshe Rabbenu’s tent where all 600,000 people gather and the wagons to the mishkan took up 16 amos.
Most agree that 600,000 is required. Rav Moshe in Igros Moshe O’CH (4,87) says that a city having 12 mil by 12 mil where this amount of people gather makes it a public domain considering it a platyeh godaloh. The Aruch Hashulchan says that each street is judged for itself.The RMA O’CH 346,3 says that currently all of our streets are considered karmelis, only rabbinical. This is the the view of most poskim and therefore we can make an airuv with a tzuras hapesach without actual doors. Most poskim’s view is that cars don’t can included in the count. We have houses on each side of the road with street lights which limit the public movement. There are other roads circumventing the main road, so the main road is not as important as it used to be.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe other arguments are in the width of the street surrounded by houses with traffic lights and whether cars are included in the 600,000.
Reb EliezerParticipantReb Moshe, ztz’l in Igros Moshe (4,87) says that he argues with the Aruch Hashulchan who says that a Reshus Harabim is determined by each street separately and the platyeh is a RH but it does not mean that the platyeh makes the whole town one.
Reb EliezerParticipantIt is beneficial for the US to be part of NATO whether the others are paying the 2% or not.
Reb EliezerParticipantFrom Wikipedia:
United States
Donald Trump expressed interest in withdrawing from the organization during his 2016 presidential campaign. However, after he was inaugurated in 2017, he stated that the United States would protect allies in the event that Article V is invoked.[70][71][72] Nevertheless, the New York Times reported in 2019 that a year earlier, he had already mentioned several times privately that he wanted the United States to leave NATO due to many members not paying the required 2% of GDP funding.[73] Such concerns led the House of Representatives in January 2019, to pass the NATO Support Act (H.R. 676), confirming Congress’ support for NATO and prohibiting Trump from potentially withdrawing from NATO.[74] On December 11, 2019, the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee passed a bill to be put in front of Congress which would require congressional approval for American withdrawal from NATO.[75][76]
Polling conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017, said that 62% of Americans are favorable to NATO compared to 23% who are not favorable. In terms of voters, over three-quarters of Democrats are favorable with just 48% of Republicans favorable. Also they said that a plurality of those surveyed, 47% said NATO does too little globally.[14] In further polling in 2019 on the eve of the 70th anniversary of NATO’s founding, 77% of Americans say being a member of NATO is good for the United States.[77]
While both major parties support NATO membership,[78] all the major third parties including the Green Party,[79] the Libertarian Party,[80] and the Constitution Party[81] support withdrawing the United States from NATO.
Reb EliezerParticipantEven though good and bad was designated by Hashem, still it says מאתו לא תצא הרעות והטוב, good and bad does not emanate from Hashem, otherwise there is no bechira, free choice.
Reb EliezerParticipantHashem is not from any element, otherwise the element existed before Him which is impossible. Someone created the element which violates the assumption and belief of One G-d.
Reb EliezerParticipantMods: Please move to Decaffeinated Coffee.
Reb EliezerParticipantLoyalty to the Master, Hashem brought loyalty to the master. The dogs did not bark when we left Mitzraim. The goy gets neveila, whereas the dog gets rewarded with teraifa. It says that one who speaks lashan hara deserves to be thrown to the dogs. They did not bark but he barks.
Reb EliezerParticipantbump
Reb EliezerParticipantWhen we put together an insomniac, agnostic and a dyslexic, he cannot sleep because he questions whether there is ‘dog’.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by YW Moderator-25.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Reb Eliezer.
Reb EliezerParticipantI would make one change, to love our fellow Jew to pursue.
Reb EliezerParticipantWhat does ‘constantly running about Hashem’ mean? Maybe, constantly keep Hashem in my mind. The Beis Elokim 2 explains that we praise Hashem with pesuka dezimra before davening, which at the outset does not look good, to recognize that only Hashem being Master of the World can only grant my wishes. This is the meaning of אליך ה’ אקרא ואל אדנ-י אתחנן if I want a free bee, I must first realize this fact.
Reb EliezerParticipantSimilarly, thinking America can do everything by itself and almost breaking up NATO is not a good idea.
Reb EliezerParticipantMy Rebbi Rav Shmuel Ehrenfeld ztz’l, the Matisdorfer Rav writes to explain the pasuk and statement גדולה דעת שניתן בין שני שמות, knowledge is great because it was written between two shaimos ‘א-ל דעות ה. It is easy to differentiate between when one is a tzadik and the other a rasha but if both mention Hashem’s name, we need special knowledge to know who really means it.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Torah says to honor age as we gain life experiences through age. The smart person can gain it also through knowledge by learning from other’s experiences.
Reb EliezerParticipantSinai, general knowledge in the talmud is greater than oker harim, pilpul because if there is a damage in the foundation, the building will fall. Emunas Hashem is the foundation.
Reb EliezerParticipantIt is not age that makes the difference but thinking that you know everything and fire the best advisors or force them to resign like Trump. The Midrash Shmuel explains that the greatness of the Beis Hilel was that they wanted to hear the view of the Beis Shamai first before deciding a halacha.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Satmar Rebbe (Rav Yoel ztz’l) writes that one who kisses a Sefer Torah and does not believe in the existence of Hashem, makes the sefer torah an a’z. He says also that the land of Israel becomes an a’z.
Reb EliezerParticipantI like the dill dip.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Tzetel Katan says that our purpose in life is to fight our bad nature.
Reb EliezerParticipantIf you have any other reason not to lend the car, is one thing but don’t resist from nekama, revenge.
Reb EliezerParticipantTosfas in Meseches Ovada Zara says מנהג אבותיהם בידיהם. They do it by following the father’s customs. Tosfas Yom Tov, Avidah Zara (1,2)
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Noda Beyehuda says that shevuah is not allowed.
Reb EliezerParticipantIt is also the yahrzeit of the RMA see
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Chasam Sofer says that the implication of following the RMA is ובני ישראל יוצאים ביד רמה and the sefardim the pasuk לכו אל יוסף כל אשר יאמר לכם תעשו.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe Chasam Sofer proves from Eliyahu that he ran after Achav, a rasha to give respect to goyim for letting us stay in their land. To tolerate toiva is a necessary evil in order to be tolerated.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe whole math is based on logical rules that are built on postulates. We cannot prove the existence of G-d without any accepted facts as described in Shaar Yichud of Chovas Halvavos.
Kant points out that it cannot be proven or dis-proven otherwise we would lose our bechira, free choice.April 26, 2023 9:08 am at 9:08 am in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2184195Reb EliezerParticipantyungermanS, I like it, chazoras ha-shots.
April 26, 2023 9:07 am at 9:07 am in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2184192Reb EliezerParticipantIf the talmidim don’t behave properly, it is a reflection on the rebbi and yeshiva.
Reb EliezerParticipantThe talmidim of Rebbi Akiva did not respect each other as they felt that they all have same rebbi and one does not know more than other. This is an error as we should respect the Torah knowledge one has regardless of how much.
April 25, 2023 8:10 pm at 8:10 pm in reply to: Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America. #2184030Reb EliezerParticipantParticipant, who is Atchison?
Reb EliezerParticipantbump
Reb EliezerParticipantRashi on Devorim (7,2), Rambam Hilchas Akum (10, 3-4), Yabia Omer in detail (YD 10, 1-6)
Reb EliezerParticipantSA YD 151,8
Reb EliezerParticipantAlso 2 – (3 X 36) = 2 – 108 = – (108 – 2) = – 106
Reb EliezerParticipantYou can also write 3 – 20 = – (20 – 3) = -17
Reb EliezerParticipantAccording to the Chasam Sofer and Meshech Chachma anti-Semitism helps against assimilation. This is the meaning in the Hagadah on והיא שעמדה their hatred towards us protects us. See also SA O’CH 156 what is considered a’z. Lo sichanem is selling land in EY.
Reb EliezerParticipantAccording to the Chasam Sofer and Meshech Chachma anti-Semitism helps against assimilation. This is the meaning in the Hagadah on והיא שעמדה their hatred towards us protects us. See also SA O’CH 156 what is considered a’z. Lo sichanem is selling land in EY.