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  • in reply to: touching one's nieces #1877396

    Shailos U’tshuvos Avnei Yoshfeh Chelek 2 Siman 89 quotes R SZ as niece assur after age 3 to hug. (Elsewhere he says that contact for practical purposes such as helping to cross the street may have a very different psak)

    in reply to: World Zionist Congress elections #1828642

    You can vote if you are a citizen or resident of US wherever you live. (Eretz HaKodesh has a special flyer for Americans living in Eretz Yisroel)
    Anyone have ideas how we can spread awareness to other frum people? (Eretz HaKodesh: Chareidi, Shas: Chacham Ovadyab, Orthodox Coalition: Mizrachi,YU,OU,Touro)
    The last election had only 56,000 votes so each vote really counts!

    in reply to: After the NJ shooting, what’s now? #1813009

    I keep getting frustrated watching everyone dance in circles completely missing the point. As Moshiach approaches, Hashem is FORCING Klal Yisroel to come back to Eretz Yisroel. Tfillos and Kabalos can help individuals, but NOTHING will help the tzibbur until people get the message. Jews are leaving Europe by the tens of thousands and the same will happen in the US. Nothing is working there and neither will it work here. I just daven that my Jewish brother and sisters will get the message before more lives are lost.

    in reply to: If a pig was genetically modified to chew its cud, would it be kosher? #1579673

    How would the pig of the ohr hachaim be kosher if kol hayotzeh? Would a cow give birth to a cud-chewing pig?

    in reply to: Kosher Electric Shavers? #1250153

    Is any one good if the lift and cut is removed? or davka certain brands?

    in reply to: Kosher Electric Shavers? #1250040

    Does anyone know where I can find out about kosher shavers in 2017? (I’m not asking for a psak, I’m looking for somewhere to get a psak)

    in reply to: Gemora Kup #1209731

    I know three and I’m one of them

    in reply to: Zoos and Chometz #1196574

    If the zoo is only selling the food for the purpose of giving it to the animals, is that a schirus or michirah or michirah al minas lihachzir or just buying the right to feed the animals? Especially the machines that give food out for free. Except that shielah of chametz is also included in bal yeraeh but schirus is a machlokes R’M and R’Y if it is like a shomer chinam or shomer sachar which is related to a machlokes rishonim what type of shomer is chayav in bal yiraeh.(Rashi,Tos,Rambam)

    But lichoreh they would also sell it to someone who wanted to take it home so maybe irrelevant shaylah.

    in reply to: Mishing on Pesach #1144892

    Chazal were misaken that during yom tov an am haaretz has the status of a talmid chacham regarding being trustworthy about certain areas of tumah and tahara (kol yisroel chaveirim baregel) in order to allow people to eat with each other and create achdus in Yerushalayim. (Ir shevubrah loh yachdav)

    I don’t want to bash minhagim but this should be mentioned.

    in reply to: Am I Allowed to Knock Out My Neighbor's Teeth? #1054675

    Acc to the Rambam in Chovel Umazzik, intentionally hitting a fellow jew is a lav dioraysah.

    in reply to: In defense of your fakery #1052902

    I am a yeshivah bachur/college student at LCM

    in reply to: Question of the century: how do ppl graduate college?? #1051915

    It may depend on what your major is.

    in reply to: OCD – is it really an issue? #1052530

    Such a person should realize that they are serving Hashem better, will receive more schar in olam haba and will grow more in all areas of torah umitzvos when they ignore their doubts, even if this will cause them to violate certain halachos (even chiyuvei karess such as niddah). (This will probably not happen anyways since the doubts are usually unfounded)

    in reply to: Son's best friend otd #1035901

    If his rebbe in EY agrees he might be able to keep an eye on him and answer his questions

    in reply to: Eating on Erev Yom Kippur #1034928

    Tosfos says that aff hein doesn’t apply to sukkah since it is only for miztvos dirabonon.

    in reply to: does anyone know p'shat in this medrash? #1035069

    I learnt that it’s working with miztvah goreress miztvah. When people get into miztvah mode they don’t use their free time for aveiros.

    in reply to: Choson Under Chuppa: Smile or Cry? #967657

    If he is making himself cry for the sake of crying, I don’t see any worth to such tears.

    in reply to: Naming people using two names #967367

    I heard that R Yaacov Yisroel that Tosfos brings down is an exception since these are realy one name. One can say the same thing for R Yom Tov (Ritvah) which is just one name made of two words. (Also ploni almoni, mei zahav) However, I did hear that two names began during the bayis sheni.

    in reply to: Tzitzis Dragging on the Floor #969486

    Unless you are very wealthy and live in the time of bayis sheni.

    in reply to: Technology and the Third Beis Hamikdash #1015990

    I hope that I will be allowed to juggle torches during the simchas beis hashoavah.

    in reply to: The Gemorah is Amazing! #960518

    An interesting concept to consider-

    Since the Torah, Hashem’s “knowledge”, is infinite it is therefore indivisible, since infinity cannot be divided. If so how can there be such a concept as a “chelek/portion” in Torah and how can the Torah be divided into Masechtos, Sforim, Sdarim…..? The answer is that the Torah only has finite dimensions from our perspective. However, one who delves deeper and deeper into it discovers how every part of torah can be somehow connected to every other part. This exposes him to the amazing paradox that not only is the Torah so enormous but it is completely interwoven into itself and forms one perfect whole.

    in reply to: Imahos: Yaakov Avinu's Wives #960234

    An interesting question is that how can we claim that we are descendants of the 3 Avos and 4 Imahos when part of Klal Yisroel does not come from Rochel or Leah? Probably the obvious answer is that when Rochel gave Bilhah to Yaakov she said that this will produce descendants for herself, so we see that the children of the Shfachos are considered to be from the corresponding Em.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah Vorts #960173

    Did those who finished the Torah once every three years still have a simchas torah every year? Or is the dancing on Shmini Atzeres a relatively new minhag anyways?

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960164

    on the ball- Golias was from the Plishti city of Azah. (I think)

    in reply to: Kashas on the Parsha #1169393

    The Emoriim got squashed through the two mountains coming together not a flattening. So one can answer either that the “Anan” only flattened the mountains that Bnei Yisroel passed through so as to lessen the effort of travel but here they traveled around so there was no need for these mountains to be flattened. Another possible answer is that this maaseh was right after Aharon died and the Ananim went away (which were in his zchus) so there was no Anan to flatten.

    Simchah- I heard that Bilaam hated the Jews even more so he wanted to curse them in a more severe manner but Balak only wanted to save himself so he just asked Bilaam to perform a light curse.

    Haleivi-I am not sure why you switch back and forth between the aron doing the flattening and the ananim

    in reply to: Rambam's science #956477

    In Hilchos Schitah (perek 10)the Rambam says that even if we know scientifically that an animal will or wont live, we can’t change the list of treifos that chazal give. Is this saying that the halachah follows psak not mitzius? Does anyone have a different understanding of this?

    in reply to: Purim Shailos #953142

    Can you be yotzi mishloach manos and matanos lievyonim by sending two foods to two aniym?

    in reply to: Netilas Yadayim #953168

    So why do we say “al achilas matzah/maror?” According to those that a continued mitzvah gets an ‘al’ we can answer that korech/afikoman are continuations of these mitzvos. (retraction from previous post)

    in reply to: A Thought Provoking Shvuos Shailoh #953130

    Since the pasuk is “shevah shabbosos temimos tehyenah” why aren’t we required to make each one of the weeks complete? So if the 8th day of the ommer is Shabbos it should be assur to make early shabbos since this is cutting off the end of week 1.

    A- Maybe the difference is that bringing in shabbos early does not conflict with the temimos of the past weak, since shabbos is unrelated to sefirah, as appose to shavuos which defines the end of day 49.

    in reply to: Kashas on the Parsha #1169375

    Parshas Bamidbar

    In a few places Rashi says that there were 4 digallim- three shvatim per degel, other than the 12 degallim that each shevet had. Does anyone know pshat in these digallim? Colors?

    in reply to: Fast Days Broken On Wine #951584

    The original purim followed a day of fasting and it was first decreed as a yom tov, so that would have been a case of a fast broken by saying kiddush. (Lots of possible pirchas)

    in reply to: Hard Liquor in The Gemorrah #951121

    Poskim use the term yayin saraf

    one example is the mishnah berurah in siman 328- s”k 102

    in reply to: Shulchan Oruch, Torah with Meforshim #951101

    The maamar is ‘yisgabber koari laamod baboker’ not ‘yaamod baboker bigvurah koari.’ It is saying that one should get up and overpower the yetzer hara with the strength that a lion uses to hunt, as the gemara notes that a lion doesn’t even kill its prey but eats it live. This is a lesson to us who are not capable of killing the yetzer hara but require the strength of a lion to be victorious.

    in reply to: Quiz Type Questions: Tanach #1106618

    The Gaon says that it refers to the Torah which is acquired with 48 (Chayil=48) kinyanim. The Malbim says that it refers to the nefesh of a tzaddik. Others say that it was first said by Avraham as a hesped to Sarah. I am looking for a pirush on Aishes Chayil that explains it in referance to Shabbos. Does anyone know where I can find one.

    in reply to: Centrist Orthodoxy, and the English Language #952218

    I couldn’t care less if I am categorized as left wing, right wing centrist or extreme. I devote my life to doing what Hashem wants from me and don’t get involved in politics.

    in reply to: Sources on Ovadia HaNavi #950924

    Intro to Trei Assar (Tanach im pirush Malbim)

    According to Chazal he lived during the time of Achav Melech Yisroel.He was the husband of the “Shunamis” and a talmid of Achyah HaShiloni. His nevuah was about the fall of Edom and the resulting salvation of Yisroel. He also buit a beis kinesess in Ashur.

    in reply to: How you can keep your Hisorerus from Yom Kippur! #950313

    There was a famous shmuz (I think from Rav Nosson Vachtfogel) to his talmidim on motzai yom kippur. He gave a mashal to one who builds a mansion and then makes a big chanukas habayis to commemorate his achievement. During the celebration he fell off the roof of his house. When he landed he started crying that his house collapsed, but his friends told him that his house is still standing, just he fell off. So too our avodah on Yom Kippur lifts us up to a great height, and even if later we fall from that level- the avodah was not wasted and next year we will return to our tower and build it even higher.

    in reply to: Fast Days Broken On Wine #951582

    ??? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ???

    Mechaber- 249- 3

    in reply to: Wait for The Guy Behind You to Finish Shemona Esrei #950467

    What about sitting down to say tachanun if someone is davening behind/next to you?

    in reply to: Pasuk for name #1083078

    Even though we find people with two names (e.g. Doniel, Hadassah, Koheles, Poti-Fera, Kushis, Kush) these names are used in different places to represent a different aspect of the person. I don’t know of a place where two names of a person are mentioned together. It seems that in each circumstance only one name is relevant. Similarly, in shomayim, a person will have one name which may contain two words.

    Since my name starts and ends with a yud, I just repeat the pasuk “Yihyu liratzon..vigoali” at the end of davening. Does anyone have an opinion on this?

    in reply to: Fast Days Broken On Wine #951580

    If one must break their fast on Yom Kippur, they first make kiddush.

    in reply to: The clipboard… Short & sweet #950096

    Response to the first post: I don’t understand what the question on the Sifsei Chachomim is, why couldn’t be that Yaakov was concerned that they were mamzeirim from an aishes ish? (an aveirah that Yosef was almost ovver on with aishes Potifar)

    in reply to: Eating before Shacharis dilemma #948560

    It sounds like this time period is one that you could spend sleeping.

    in reply to: Lama Nigora #948030

    I think there are pshatim that these people were the ones that carried out Nadav and Avihu (Mishael and Eltzofon) or that these were the people that were carrying Yosef’s aron. According to that you can say that their complaint was that by doing a mitzvah they lost out on another mitzvah. Eventually the result was that pesach sheni was created which allowed for many people to fulfill the mitzvah of korbon pesach in future generations-schar mitzvah miztvah.

    My kashya is that the event of nadav and avihu was on 1st of Nissan which would have given them time to become tahor before the 14th of nissan.

    in reply to: Academies of Shem and Ever #950658

    The Avos did not have the torah as we have it. There are deeper reasons to the laws of the torah. This is what the avos knew and kept as it says that Avraham ate matzos eventhough there was no yitzias mitzrayim yet. However the “stories” in the torah were not known by the Avos, or else Yaakov would have known that Yosef was alive. Even Moshe who learnt the “entire” torah did not know that in the future he would do the aveirah at mei merivah, or else he wouldn’t have done it.

    in reply to: Wait for The Guy Behind You to Finish Shemona Esrei #950457

    lesschumras: If the person behind you is just waiting for the person behind him, I think that he would be considered to have finished SE and you would be allowed to take 3 steps back.

    SJSinNYc: Probably the aveirah of delaying the person in front of you would only apply if you are still davening after Chazoras Hashatz, however during ChH he can’t go anywhere anyway.

    in reply to: Chanuka II #944456

    Regarding Pirsumei Nisah on Chanukah but not Purim, this in incorrect. We do have Pirsumei Nisah on Purim, that is why the ikkar takanah was at day when people are around. The chiyuv at night was a later takanah.

    in reply to: Hilchos Purim #943585

    51% has to be read from the klaff but every word must be read/heard. Also it cannot be read out of order so if you missed the beginning you can’t read it to yourself after the leining. I hope there is a second reading in your area and this doesn’t create problems for you.

    in reply to: Tzelem Elokim #942597

    The Rambam right at the beginning of Moreh Nevuchim explains at length that the tzelem eloykim refers to the mind of a person and to C”VS say that Hashem has a body.

    The Nefesh Hachaim starts off explaining this pasuk and bases his whole sefer upon it.

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    Others add in that the pasuk is also referring to the body of a human which is made of 248 limbs corresponding to the mitzvos eseh. (By the way, I think that ???? ????? is gimatria 248 limbs)

    in reply to: Interesting halacha #942702

    I try to have in mind when I pick up the talis of the tzibbur to daven with, that I don’t want to be koneh it. This may remove the shaylah.

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