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  • in reply to: Pompadour hairstyle: why do our young men have this? #2233115

    There are more important issue with kids these days than turning them off over a hair style.

    in reply to: clarity on Hatzolah #2232833

    I can’t speak about Hatzalah in Israel as I’m not sure.
    But Shomrim/Shmira & Chaverim/Chavivim are duplicates. This is a problem which has plagued Yidden since time immemorial.
    It’s either a member of an org who thinks he should be in charge that leaves & creates his own copycat service or a group that was rejected by the org so they create their own. Sadly, they often spend more time fighting each other or even calling the cops on each other instead of helping the community. There are videos out there of this happening.
    The latest is in the Lakewood area they’re creating a new ambulance service like Hatzalah. There’s so much Lashon Hara going around there that you can’t know who to believe.

    in reply to: Daily Dose Of Humor #2232834

    A Frenchman, a German & a Jew were lost in the desert.
    The Frenchman said, “I’m so thirsty I must have a glass of wine.”
    The German said, “I’m so thirsty I must have a beer.”
    The Jews said, “I’m so thirsty I must have diabetes.”

    in reply to: The End Game for Israel #2232533

    What gives you the crazy idea that Russia (kinda busy right now with Ukraine) has any interest in “marching into Tel Aviv”?
    While Iran would like to, being over 1,000 miles away that’s not really possible.

    in reply to: Did Russia warn Ukraine before attacking? #2231892

    Sam Klein,
    Can you or anyone else explain why when adding the numbers the day numbers are kept together (28 & 24) but when adding the year you separate the numbers (19+39 instead of 1939, 20+22 instead of 2022)? & why split where you did? Perhaps it should be 1+9+3+9?
    When you’re allowed to play fast & loose with numbers you can come up with anything.

    in reply to: Charlatans #2231619

    UJM, I agree & pointed out how it makes Israel look bad & pathetic. One campaign had a list of items + was asking for toothpaste and deodorant. Seriously? A high tech leader, a leader in agriculture & medicine. A western democratic 1st world country needs American Jews to send these item to their soldiers? Something ain’t Kosher & it ain’t the bacon.

    in reply to: Nosei b’ol chaveiro #2231069

    Always Ask,
    In the community I’m from this is standard procedure. At Tehillim Asifas the president of the Vaad Harabbonim always calls up Modern Orthodox, Yeshivish, Chasidish & Sephardic Rabbonim to lead the Tehillim. The crowd is also diverse from the entire spectrum of the community.
    One Rabbi said about an Asifa, he was so moved seeing “Bare headed” men there Davening with great Kavanah alongside Kipot Serugot, black hats & men in Chasidic garb.
    It’s sad it takes a crisis to understand what true Achdus looks like.

    in reply to: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead #2231045

    “the respectable and rich Jews who led those organizations did NOTHING to stop anti-Semitism in the USA in 1930s & 1940s.”
    This is not true. It was a Jewish judge who called in Lansky & told him to use violence to go after these American Nazis. He told Lansky that he arranged with the police that as long as they didn’t kill anyone they would not be arrested for assault.

    in reply to: Validity of Jewish Marriage where it’s for other reasons #2229698

    Pine Lake Park,
    I understand I didn’t write that clearly.
    She had no children from this marriage. The issue is if the wedding was declared invalid when it was any future Children with a new husband would be Mamzerim.
    The difficulty is if you say the Converso marriage was valid to avoid any chance of Mamzerim you are sentencing this 20 year old woman with no children (who gave up so much to live as a Jew) to a lifelong status of an Agunah.

    in reply to: Validity of Jewish Marriage where it’s for other reasons #2229353

    I’ll share a real interesting story (though I don’t know the Psak).
    2 Conversos got married (no Jewish wedding) in a Christian ceremony in a church. The Priest was a Converso (doesn’t really matter). Some of the guests were also Conversos. The wife (around 20 years old) heard you could live openly as a Jew in N. Africa so she went there. Meanwhile the husband decided he liked his current life as a Christian so he stayed in Spain & would not give a Get.
    The question posed to the Rabbanim was, “Did this Christian ceremony witnessed by Conversos count as a valid Kidushin?”
    This had very serious consequences. If they said it was valid she’s a 20 year old Agunah. But if they say it wasn’t valid when it was her children would be Mamzerim.
    As my Rabbi teaches, if you want to see what Judaism looked like during a certain time period look what kind of Shailos were being asked.

    in reply to: Chol Hamoed Trip of Chesed #2228750

    What an amazing way to talk up a Sukkah open to the public. I’m sure children would absolutely choose going to a community Sukkah instead of six flags. Mi Kaamcha Yisroel!

    in reply to: Israel Police: “Bring Your Guns To Shul On Yom Kippur, Sukkos” #2226930

    So you’re ok with the IDF & US Military shutting down because a Gezeira is a Gezeira?
    p.s. If you’re going to say no because we need to do our “Histadlush” how is bringing a gun to Shul any different?

    in reply to: Israel Police: “Bring Your Guns To Shul On Yom Kippur, Sukkos” #2226888

    It was a little joke (not to downplay the issue) but the wording of “Bring your guns to Shul…” to me sounded like something a pro baseball team would use to attract fans & sounded even funnier (to me) if Shuls also ran “promo” davenings.
    It’s kinda Mel Brooks humor (like the Yiddish speaking Indian Chief in Blazing Saddles). You either appreciate it or you don’t.

    in reply to: Israel Police: “Bring Your Guns To Shul On Yom Kippur, Sukkos” #2226574

    This sounds like an interesting promotion. In my Shul we run similar promotions.
    Shabbos Bereshis we give out mini-globes (or maps for flat earthers)
    “Purim Shabbos” where the laypeople shush the Ruv & Gabbai during leining
    “Shidduch Shabbos” where single women throw candy over the Mechitza & whichever single man it hits must take them on a date.
    If our numbers are correct (which they are) we see a 37% increase in attendance for these Shabbosim & a 12% increase in attendance overall.
    p.s. If anyone would like help setting up these programs at their Shul, feel free to contact me.

    in reply to: Meal struggles #2225784

    I’ll always remember at my Yeshiva in Israel of about 30 guys an American Kollel guy would put up a sign “Please come for any Yom Tov meal (including the 2nd day)”
    Even though he didn’t keep the 2nd day because he permanently lived in Israel he still made sure the American Buchrim had a Y”T atmosphere on the 2nd day.

    in reply to: Married Couple Who Become Baal Teshuvas #2222383

    As I stated, “When I was YOUNG & NAIVE”
    Also, for many jobs which one can’t be paid we don’t pay them for the job we pay them the money they “Lost” by not being able to work a regular job due to being involved in klei kodesh.

    in reply to: Married Couple Who Become Baal Teshuvas #2222274

    When I was young & naive (I believe Reb Moshe wanted no Kosher kidushin with the Non-Frum to avoid issues with Gittim & Mamzerim) my friend & I would go to a Reform Shul to be aydim. Usually it was the grandparents who insisted on an Orthodox ceremony. The Reform Rabbi (who was from the older generation & actually knew what he was doing) the bride & groom & me & my friend would meet in the Rabbis office where the groom said Harei At & put the ring on her finger & my friend & i would sign the Kesubah. This was the 80’s & we made a quick $10 or $20 for a few minutes work. We left & the Rabbi would perform a Reform wedding in the sanctuary.

    in reply to: Is there a Drug Problem in the “Frum World”? #2222123

    As one Rabbi so perfectly put it, “We have the same problems as the outside world except our closets are darker & our locks stronger.”

    in reply to: The Rabbi and the priestly priest #2221406

    A French Catholic Priest, a German Lutheran Minister & a Rabbi were lost in the desert.
    The Priest said, “I’m so thirsty I must have wine.”
    The Minister said, “I’m so thirsty I must have a beer.”
    The Rabbi said, “I’m so thirsty I must have Diabetes.”

    in reply to: The Rabbi and the priestly priest #2221040

    He went through a rough patch as a Bochur & having lost control he went into a restaurant & ordered an entire pig.
    Just as it was served his R’Y walked by & saw what was going on.
    His Rosh said, “What’s going on?”
    The Bochur pointed to the pigs mouth & said, “Rebbe, this is the most amazing restaurant. You order an apple & this is how they serve it.”

    in reply to: The Rabbi and the priestly priest #2220534

    A priest asks a Rabbi, “How come you don’t eat ham?”
    The Rabbi answers, “It’s against my religion. How come you don’t date girls?”
    The priest says, “It’s against my religion.”
    & the Rabbi says, “You should try it. It’s better than ham.”

    in reply to: False Claim about Jewish History #2220158

    You can find whatever you want in Jewish, Christian or Islamic texts. It’s all about interpretation.
    We are a strange people. So smart in some areas yet so dumb in others.
    In America, 87% of Jews are not Torah observant but we assume 100% of Christians & Muslims follow the strictest interpretations.
    It’s common knowledge that alcohol is banned in Islam & yet you can find liquor stores in Ramallah, Jordan & elsewhere in Muslim countries. We know Islam requires women to cover their hair yet in Iran the women are fighting to end it.
    Just like we have Orthodox, Conservative & Reform Jews the Christians & Muslims have the same thing.

    in reply to: COLOR WAR LEVAYA #2219803

    The biggest problem is the kids enjoy being in the “Army”
    Studies confirm that boys who grew up with color war are more likely to join the Tzioni Army (Hashem Yirachem). A Frum boy in the clutches of the Evil Atheist Tzionim has very little chance of staying Frum. We need to end color war to keep our children from going down the path of Evil, Atheism, & Zionism.

    in reply to: COLOR WAR LEVAYA #2219469

    I’m very open minded & many of the most irreverent things don’t bother me. But even I found this to be in very poor taste

    in reply to: Twillory suits #2217981

    Considering the risks involved (kids thrown out of school, banned from Shul, excommunication, no Shidduch, etc) is it really worth it?
    A close friends had his kids expelled from their schools after a photo surfaced from 7 years ago of him on vacation, out of town, in the summer, on a very hot day, hiking a difficult trail wearing a short-sleeve blue shirt.

    in reply to: To add to the list of YU’s sins #2217578

    This is truly disgusting.
    Baruch Hashem I grew up in a Yeshiva community where there was zero bashing or attacking of the MO, Conservative, or Reform. No, we didn’t think the Reform way was legitimate but we focused on & appreciated their positives like Tsedaka, Chesed & the Honor & respect they brought to the Jewish people (top neurosurgeons). There is no question the Frum community is better off by having these people provide assistance & support.
    What exactly is the point of this? The OP seems like an immature kid who likes to publicly stir up controversy or has such low self-esteem that he raises himself up by putting others down. This is not the Torah way.

    in reply to: Daas Torah for Gashmius #2214558

    Never take advice about money (or anything else) from someone that has nothing to lose if wrong.

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2208005

    I’ve never been but a Chasidish friend went for Shabbos & said it was awesome.

    in reply to: Side Hustle idea for kollel yungerman #2203189

    Like many of our ancestors you should become a Shepherd. While the animals are grazing in the field you can sit & learn.

    in reply to: Side Hustle idea for kollel yungerman #2202839

    Start a multi level marketing business & harass your relatives, neighbors and friends to join.


    This post has way to many conspiracy theories to wrap my head around. Are the prison uniforms purposely made of shatnez as well? Do they give the job of checking for bugs to a prisoner with poor eyesight?

    in reply to: Girls only kosher hangout #2199168

    I believe gathering girls together to recite Tehillim & hear divrei chizuk with girls publicly adopting new tsnius Chumros would draw a large crowd.

    in reply to: Girls only kosher hangout #2199022

    The JCC in Baltimore runs Sat. night programs for Frum teenage girls. Perhaps if that’s not going on where you live then someone could start a program.

    in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2194522

    In the school where I’m from 80% of the kids are Right wing MO & Yeshivish Modern. The other 20% is centrist MO, very Yeshivish & Chasidish.
    With the way the student population has (controlled) diversity there is no gap because MO, Yeshivish & Chasidish kids grow up together so when they’re adults the connections are already there.

    in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182754

    A 22 usually does not have enough stopping power to end the threat. I don’t like a lot of recoil so I have a full size 9mm loaded with +P Hollow points in the standard 17rd mag. I grab my gun & a mag & I have 35rds (17+17+1 in the chamber) with only 1 reload. I hope I would never need that many rounds but since I’m a law abiding citizen why shouldn’t I be allowed to have what makes me feel more secure?

    in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182443

    I own 4 different types of guns. All for different uses. If I’m not going to kill anyone what difference does it make if I own 1 or 4 guns so I have the best option available to defend myself if needed?

    in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2181385

    Ct, so you want to take away people’s ability to defend themselves? Yeah, that’ll end well.

    in reply to: The Three Differences #2179783

    The Matzah with the longest Mesorah is soft so it does not crack.

    in reply to: 2 shabboism initiative this week from Rimanov Rebbe #2178647

    How is this reaching the non observant?
    Is a Yeshivish guy who never leaves the Bais Medrash hosting a Reform/Secular Jew a good idea?

    in reply to: Conscientious objectors Haredi VS lefty secularistts #2174431

    Hailed by who? Other leftists no different than how it works in the Haredi world?

    in reply to: Was Albert Einstein a Baal Teshuvah? #2171369

    I was taught in Camp Gan Israel that Einstein would send his difficult problems he couldn’t solve to the Rebbe who would solve them in the Bais Hakesei in just a few minutes & send back the answer.

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2171357

    My friend with experience in this area told me what he found to be successful was giving these troubled teens cassette tapes of shiurim. Listening to Divrei Chizuk from HaRav Brudny about not watching the Super Bowl or learning HaRav Avigdor Miller’s Hashkafa about the importance of not having anything to do with tNon-Frum or Non-Jewish ways often has a positive affect.

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2170526

    Sadly these boys never developed a geshmak for learning Gemara so they fill their lives with emptiness. Yeshiva Rebbeim should “Hang out” at the “Hang outs” offering to take the boys to a Bais Medrash to learn Torah. When these boys see the beauty & pleasure of shteiging they’ll give up their destructive ways.

    in reply to: Neo-Chassidus #2169835

    The exact same thing was said about Chasidism even long after it was firmly established.


    Are you still spewing that decades old drivel? Those days are long gone. All the “Zionists” want is for the Charedim to pull their own weight & contribute their fair share for the betterment of all of Israel.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2164244

    The Chasidim take over the towns….
    & you wonder why people hate us?

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2164061

    During Covid my son’s Rebbe gave his shiur by Telegraph so all the kids would be able to participate.

    in reply to: What’s Our Response to Environmentalists. #2159285

    Proud to say the BY girls here engage in the same Tikkun Olam projects as the Reform & sometimes they do it together.

    in reply to: Going down the wrong street #2147263

    Indefensible borders from who? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan & Egypt have neither the will nor capability to go to war with Israel. The Gulf States have no interest in war with Israel. The Palestinians with some automatic rifles & crude rockets are a non threat. The only threat is Iran 1,100 miles away giving Israel plenty of time to react before they get near Israel (& truth be told Iran really has no interest in a war with Israel.)
    This is what bothers people about Israel (& Jews). Israel is the undeniable Superpower in the region where this time instead of a 6 day war it’d be max a 3 day war with a total victory for Israel. Yet we’re crying to the world like Israel is on the verge of being destroyed & people resent that.

    in reply to: Hated Nation #2144679

    I totally agree. I was impressed when a swastika was found here that the Jews interviewed all play it down. One said, “I wasn’t scared or anything there’s obviously something wrong in this person’s heart & what can I do to help them.” That’s a great way to handle it.
    At the same time when I tell people the same thing you say I’m called an “Antisemite” or a a “Self-hating” Jew.

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