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Is a YU Rav, Harav Hagaon?
lakewhutParticipantThey probably did go somewhere
lakewhutParticipantBiden is a moron. The stupidest person to hold office from senate to vp to WH. He doesn’t have one good piece of legislation and policy on record.
lakewhutParticipantSo you’re happy that they’re getting us into WW3?
lakewhutParticipantIf one can make a living in EY, it’s within his shalom Bayis, it works for his children’s chinuch, and the ruchniyus level doesn’t go down, it’s ideal to live there now.
lakewhutParticipantIt keeps people employed and you don’t have to get out of your car. It also allows smaller independent gas companies to operate.
lakewhutParticipantLbj they risk their lives to defend klal Yisroel. Some of them know more gemara and Tanach than you on top of that.
lakewhutParticipantChasidim made lots of changes to the nusach of davening
lakewhutParticipantAnd the US protects Canada
lakewhutParticipantThe IDF puts their life at risk to defend the lives of Jews; it’s a bit different than putting on a spare tire in the middle of Monroe. They deserve recognition, whether you agree with the Israeli govt or not .
lakewhutParticipantIsrael isn’t any other foreign country. It’s the country we should all ideally be living in which lives under constant threat. When the Arabs attack soldiers it’s because they’re Jewish not because they are Zionist. We live in a privileged post-67 world where it seems easy. If you were there in 67, you’d get it.
lakewhutParticipantUsed to be that people learned in kollel without expecting support. Today it became like an entitlement to have fun in Israel for a few years.
lakewhutParticipantIt’s not a get me’usa to sign a prenup. It’s a guys choice. They don’t only need to pick a MO Beit Din. There are Lakewood Batei Dinim that have a similar framework now.
March 9, 2023 12:40 pm at 12:40 pm in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2172180lakewhutParticipantBetter to work than to get brainwashed by the LGBT propaganda machine that you call an education
March 8, 2023 3:03 pm at 3:03 pm in reply to: Murdaugh Verdict – Circumstantial Evidence without Motive #2171925lakewhutParticipantWe don’t have beyond reasonable doubt in halacha but he did admit to other crimes which could rack up years in jail.
lakewhutParticipantI’ve accepted that throwing up is part of the experience and that I feel better after. But it’s still very important to pace yourself throughout the day, hydrate, make sure to have sufficient food in your stomach as you’re drinking, and pickles help.
lakewhutParticipantguteyid that is not entirely true
lakewhutParticipantIt’s been happening for a while unaddressed
lakewhutParticipantKuvult a lot of it still holds true.
lakewhutParticipantMusic, wearing a gartel, and knowing a few chasidish stories doesn’t make you a chasid. You either follow one fully or you’re just straggling along.
lakewhutParticipantThe 12th graders are the inmates doing the guards work?
lakewhutParticipantWhen you’re shteiging, you feel good about yourself. You can feel good about yourself while being respectful of others. Remember it was the modern who were bashing yeshivaleit first.
lakewhutParticipantYou need 2 minim.
lakewhutParticipantUJM what happens when the Arabs attack your zone? Something you need to take territory to defend your own.
lakewhutParticipantMasters in accounting might give you a more educated background in accounting and stand out when you’re applying to entry-level jobs or internships but it doesn’t do much otherwise as a professional. A CPA gives you license to open a practice, sign off on tax returns and audited financial statements, represent clients before the IRS, etc.
lakewhutParticipantIt’s only on Purim and it should be stressed that we only do it on Purim.
February 23, 2023 9:52 am at 9:52 am in reply to: Once Again, I Will Not Be Getting Drunk on Purim #2168569lakewhutParticipantGH if you deny it or claim it’s not applicable (unless you have a health condition which is a יוצא מן הכלל), then you’re a kofer. Not drinking doesn’t make you a kofer.
February 23, 2023 5:36 am at 5:36 am in reply to: Once Again, I Will Not Be Getting Drunk on Purim #2168404lakewhutParticipantAAQ if anything we can be an example of drinking the way as appropriate for yidden. We do it k’shiur, not every day ch”v.
February 23, 2023 5:35 am at 5:35 am in reply to: Once Again, I Will Not Be Getting Drunk on Purim #2168403lakewhutParticipantWant a medal? It’s a mitzvah. If you deny it, you’re a kofer.
lakewhutParticipantThey are signs that he isn’t stable. Biden can’t complete a coherent sentence.
lakewhutParticipantHe stumbles left and right. He’s senile. He can’t give a speech without a script. He hasn’t made one good policy or cabinet hire.
February 22, 2023 4:03 pm at 4:03 pm in reply to: Interesting Podcast: Aleksander vs Ger Chasidus #2168234lakewhutParticipantAvirah the litvish were more prominent in the old yishuv as the Talmidei hagra were the first wave of frum yidden who were willing to move there when most of European Jews were stuck in their bubble.
February 19, 2023 1:56 pm at 1:56 pm in reply to: Rewarding Failure by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2167229lakewhutParticipantIn the ‘alte heim’ only the rich could afford a shadchan. Today it’s not the same thing exactly but if you aren’t a known gvir many shadchanim won’t want to “waste so much time” on you.
February 18, 2023 8:57 pm at 8:57 pm in reply to: Interesting Podcast: Aleksander vs Ger Chasidus #2166950lakewhutParticipantAccording to wikipedia Ger was biggest then Aleksander then Radomsk
lakewhutParticipantAnonymous that’s your problem. You don’t follow the Gedolim. You should call yourself agnostic Jew.
lakewhutParticipantIn chasidish shuls phone usage isn’t as prevalent. It’s stigmatized to have a smartphone there.
lakewhutParticipantThe phone usage in MO shuls is geferlach. Shmoozing on Shabbos definitely happens. During the week the davening is too fast to shmooze.
lakewhutParticipantIf a MO rabbi spoke against mixed swimming he’d have backlash at least and will lose his contract at most. They purposely hire rabbis who won’t criticize their lifestyles. Yeshivaleit go out of their way to do mitzvos eg peter chamor. The mitzvah always applied.
lakewhutParticipantAnd even within the Frum MO/YU types their growth in Yiddishkeit was when they were in Yeshiva in Israel, not from YU alone.
lakewhutParticipantIn the Chasidish world yes there are people who are needy(they have a higher population than MO at least per Capita) but BH due to the wealthy chasidim – they aren’t an anamoly – they have a safety net because of the organizations that the chasidim have. This is one area of life that the MO are ignorant. I know from my professional experience that there are a lot of chasidim who are successful in real estate – they are investing in real estate all over the country; there are a lot in the nursing home industry e-commerce construction and they’re killing it far beyond the imagination of the MO. What they do have for those who are struggling are kiruv organizations they try to work on the LCD. In MO world when teens are mechalel shabbos they go oy nebach. Tznius in shul for women isn’t an expectation. Guys and girls shmoozing is encouraged (there’s a major arayos problem in the MO world). There are LGBT shadchanim in the MO world. LGBT is celebrated. That’s the underbelly that exists and the rabbis who personally might be against it such as R Schachter have very little influence when it comes to these matters. Rabbonim are pressured to side with a more liberal agenda and keep quiet about what they really think. On the flip side the frum YU types are very solid but in time they start sending their kids to yeshivish places. They know the college charade game is up.
January 31, 2023 12:28 pm at 12:28 pm in reply to: What’s Our Response to Environmentalists. #2161202lakewhutParticipantHuju. There are conservatives who might acknowledge that there’s data. If they support action they’re probably RINOs if anything or some other corporate hackery.
January 31, 2023 9:33 am at 9:33 am in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2161097lakewhutParticipantHolding a minors hand during simchas Torah of at a wedding is a different context than a situation where it isn’t really warranted. In the yeshiva world it’s common for someone to not be aware of boundaries whike citing a halacha or hanhaga tova to compensate.
lakewhutParticipantEmes the reality is like any other ideas that liberals push sound good at the surface but in reality they end up doing more harm than good for humanity.
lakewhutParticipantYserb nursing home administrators make 6 figures a year. Very likely that he’s not on programs but if he isn’t his wife can still be. No I’m not explaining how if you don’t know. You can have an Amazon business that does well operating as a c corp and pay yourself the least possible to get on programs and then take more money out later.
lakewhutParticipantYserbius income that one has from a c corporation won’t show as household income. It’s possible to have a small business and be on programs.
lakewhutParticipantGH so having queer imagery in libraries and infanticide are things that the government should fund and encourage?
lakewhutParticipantSo instead of plastic straws let’s destroy all the trees to make paper straws which last maybe one drink before falling apart and then we all have less oxygen and food. Do you liberals think these ideas through before blindly following? Liberals don’t do anything right.
January 25, 2023 10:36 pm at 10:36 pm in reply to: What’s Our Response to Environmentalists. #2159748lakewhutParticipantShimon, the liberals often create new environmental issues when they try to restrict the use of one material by replacing it with others. They can’t do anything right. Ok don’t use fuel so use more batteries instead. It’s narish.
lakewhutParticipantThe chasidim who are wealthy and there are a lot give back more to their communities far better than modern do. The ones who are poor are able to make weddings b’kavod because the chasidim give back . MO communities often they’re the majority of the community and they are too soft to take over the local governing boards and they don’t all have bussing. The chasidim take over the towns and use power for their benefit. The chasidim can accomplish for their towns in 6 months far better than the MO do in ten years. E.g. the one shared mikveh that’s a mile away.