Forum Replies Created
The UN including the World powers(Edom) let Jews establish a state in Israel. Can the brisk propaganda.
lakewhutParticipantWomen aren’t part of a minyan and don’t have the same chiyuv mitzvah to daven at all. It would seem that more people saying amen and davening for a purpose and not just going to shul for feminist reasons helps.
February 28, 2024 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm in reply to: Trump throws Kurds and Ukrainians under the bus, will Israel be next? #2264879lakewhutParticipantBiden gave money to Palestinians; trump didn’t
lakewhutParticipantBiden is working on a state for Palestine you quacks
lakewhutParticipantPolitical Zionism is a waste of time
January 31, 2024 10:26 pm at 10:26 pm in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2257855lakewhutParticipantBig Fleishigs is very good.
January 31, 2024 10:25 pm at 10:25 pm in reply to: Minister Gallant Assures U.S. No Jews Will return To Gaza After #2257854lakewhutParticipantUJM shares Palestinian sentiment calling Jews n*zis.
lakewhutParticipantFauci even said at the end that they knew masks don’t make a difference but the policy was designed to make people feel safer in public. He also said the vaccines were BS. So yes the Democrats used COVID lies to their advantage. They did rig the election by making last minute rules for mail voting and how to count them.
lakewhutParticipantThis really isn’t too complicated. We know on a small scale how a shtiebel without a Rov or Rebbe often have hefkeirus all the more so by a sect of people who are convinced that theirs is the true Messiah.
lakewhutParticipantJews need leaders. Chabad has third hand accounts of what the Rebbe said 40 years ago. Who’s a well respected gadol within chabad today? Who’s the Rav of 770?
3rd hand? They do have his own writings.
lakewhutParticipantJack K its not fine. It’s become the wild West.
December 27, 2023 1:12 am at 1:12 am in reply to: Chofetz Chaim-if call the poliece without baisdin no olamhabah/nachele in Isreal #2249477lakewhutParticipantWe already have Gedolim who are on batei dinim who say it’s an obligation to report SA and molestors.
lakewhutParticipantCuomo was not a good fiscal manager. Did he give you some $ for your moisid?
December 7, 2023 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm in reply to: Chanukah: A Reminder of the Dystopia that Exists in the Frum Community #2245218lakewhutParticipantAseh well an apartment costs millions the risk/reward is not the same.
December 7, 2023 1:37 am at 1:37 am in reply to: Chanukah: A Reminder of the Dystopia that Exists in the Frum Community #2245005lakewhutParticipantHaimy it wouldn’t be marketed as much if only 10% were
December 4, 2023 12:26 pm at 12:26 pm in reply to: ShopRites are disappearing from predominantly orthodox communities #2244224lakewhutParticipantThey’re holding up pretty strong in Bergen County.
lakewhutParticipantCTL he was a womanizer and inspired the free love movement. The liberal views he pushed for damaged the moral fabric of society.
lakewhutParticipantWhat did the rest of the Moetzes say about it?
lakewhutParticipantLiberal Jews don’t speak for Jews. Musk is right.
lakewhutParticipantDo they allow criticism of Lakewood?
Motzei shem ra, lashon hora or just general?
lakewhutParticipantso funny how you keep trying to post lashon hora on groups of people calling them divisive. How utterly unifying
lakewhutParticipant1. Get help
2. Chabad does a lot of things for shlichus but not necessarily because they’re ZionistNovember 9, 2023 1:41 pm at 1:41 pm in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2238236lakewhutParticipantDaMoshe what about if he gets money for Lakewood and the county wants the schools to have better secular studies, namely teach kids about trans and same-gender issues
lakewhutParticipantWhat’s a mainstream Democrat? Give money to Palestinians and undo sanctions against Iran only for them to use it to attack Israel and then denounce terrorism after the fact? Joe still wants the end game to be a Palestinian state. They’re peas in a pod.
lakewhutParticipantThe Democrats want the Israel aid package to go to Ukraine as well.
lakewhutParticipantIt’s past October 9th. The progressive wing of the Democrats who are the biggest and loudest of the Dems forgot and are now linking arms with Hamas.
lakewhutParticipantThese are the Democrats
October 30, 2023 11:22 am at 11:22 am in reply to: More Torah being Learned than ever, yet more Troubles #2235673lakewhutParticipantn0mesorah hidden around the world are doing Daf Hayomi Dav Hashvua Amud Yomi MB Yomi Mishna Yoma. Every shul has series of different shiurei Torah. You can find a Shiur on any Daf of Gemara online with a multitude of Rabbeim to choose from. Torah Anytime has classes on every topic.
October 30, 2023 11:22 am at 11:22 am in reply to: moving from Jerusalem to Cleveland – TIPS please! #2235672lakewhutParticipantCleveland you either need to be a professional or part of a well-connected nursing home family.
October 30, 2023 7:36 am at 7:36 am in reply to: 7,000 pro-Palestinian protesters take over Brooklyn Bridge, call for elimination #2235536lakewhutParticipantMarxist because Democrats allowed them to happen. It’s not a sudden thing. It’s a series of bad policies which are Democrat policies that led to this.
October 29, 2023 1:26 pm at 1:26 pm in reply to: More Torah being Learned than ever, yet more Troubles #2235366lakewhutParticipantAnisraelyid there are more troubles today in America than there have been since WWII and even then the fighting was done overseas with the exception of Hawaii and Alaska. There’s more frumkeit and Torah today in America than there has ever been. But also the average baal balei batim have more learning in their lives than there has been in a very long time.
October 25, 2023 11:23 pm at 11:23 pm in reply to: The Israel Pogram of 2023 Jewish Massacre #2234486lakewhutParticipantState or not, there were opportunities for Jews to perform the mitzvah of yishuv eretz Yisroel before WWII. The Kehilos would’ve lost funding for sure if everyone moved when there was a chance.
lakewhutParticipantAkuperma well said for the most part except socialism is quite popular around the world
lakewhutParticipantThe store doesn’t have a hechsher to begin with
lakewhutParticipantPekak what’s your point? The Gulf war was a threat from Saddam Hussein that didn’t materialize.
lakewhutParticipantThe Gulf war wasn’t like this at all
lakewhutParticipantWould you say goodbye to FDR after pearl harbor?
lakewhutParticipantGedol I was going to a daf Shiur in the morning with a Rebbi saying it over. I didn’t feel I was getting enough out of it because it was 45 minutes and had trouble doing chazarah. I would remember what was highlighted in the Shiur but didn’t have a great grasp on the translations.
lakewhutParticipantEmunas Lakewood is doing quite well today. Though there aren’t really misnagdim today. But you’re implying that anyone who doesn’t blindly follow subtle messianism is a misnaged.
September 7, 2023 5:42 pm at 5:42 pm in reply to: Is there a Drug Problem in the “Frum World”? #2223857lakewhutParticipantAvirah would he let it in circumstances knowing that it’s treated for anxiety today?
September 7, 2023 4:34 pm at 4:34 pm in reply to: Is there a Drug Problem in the “Frum World”? #2223739lakewhutParticipantIt’s a societal problem that people in the yeshivish world like to make believe isn’t happening among Jews or how prevalent it is. It’s happening to Jews of all background..
lakewhutParticipantOU-D milk lasts weeks
lakewhutParticipantYeshivaguy CY milk out of town is often not fresh.
lakewhutParticipantBuying CY milk out of town makes no sense. You don’t have to buy spoiled milk.
lakewhutParticipantYou mean in my opinion? Well, my opinion is not important. But anyway, this gentleman asks what should we say about the Neturei Karta in Eretz Yisroel -about the shitah – the derech of the Neturei Karta in Eretz Yisroel? Now that’s a question for which I am not suited. The truth is that the Neturei Karta have choshuveh talmidei chachomim among them. But it’s true that among those who are not Neturei Karta there are also very choshuveh talmidei chachomim. So you really want me to stick my little head between them – between Rav Amram Blau, zul’zein gezunt, and between, let’s say, Rav Chaskel Abramsky, who’s not Neturei Karta?! Or HaRav Shach, the Rosh Yeshiva in Ponovizh. He’s also not Neturei Karta.
In general, though, we must know that there is no question that almost everything that is fundamental is germane to all of them – to all of our Torah leaders. They really have the same ideas. They just differ on minor points. The truth is that these points are very minor. Like someone once said, and he was right, “All yeshiva people, all over the world, are really Neturei Karta.” It means that we all agree with the Neturei Karta – the only question is should we do exactly this or that. For example, when it comes to voting, some Gedolim say that we should vote in the elections in Eretz Yisroel in order to give more power to the Orthodox – to the Agudas Yisroel party. And others say that by voting you are signifying your consent to the atheistic regime. So this – and other minor points – are delicate questions and it is up to greater people than me to decide.But in general, we have to know, that more or less, everyone is in agreement. Among the good element everybody is in agreement.
TAPE #61
August 23, 2023 3:27 pm at 3:27 pm in reply to: Is there really a Shidduch crisis because of too many available women? #2218879lakewhutParticipantEver consider changing your approach or what you’re looking for? You need to find things in your life that bring you happiness and personal feelings of success so that you have positive things to share about yourself on dates. It’s not easy but there are ways to do better for yourself.
lakewhutParticipantGH When the European colonists left the middle east there were vacuums that were filled by new age religious extremists. Israeli military gave them fuel for their agenda.
lakewhutParticipantSo learn to love and respect differences?
lakewhutParticipantYou’re right. Some people in what they call MO Machmir or YU Right Wing have woken up to the Avlah and choose to either go to Landers or CUNY and learn at a mainstream Yeshiva at night morning or both. Unfortunately til today YU is seen as the standard for much of MO. Is it better that these kids whose parents leave them little choices how to spend their post HS or Israel years at an away fully goyish college or better to go to YU and at least have a kesher with a Rav?
lakewhutParticipantDemocrats contest every midterm and presidential election they lose.