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Kollel Wife what else did you learn in sem?
lakewhutParticipantIf the internet still exists, then there might be. We aren’t gonna go back to horse and chariots
lakewhutParticipantWhy not?
lakewhutParticipantRead this:
Remember a few weeks ago how the Australian government was getting ready to spend many millions of dollars on internet porn filters? We ridiculed the second part of the plan, which was to force ISPs to filter the internet, but the first part of the plan was to hand out free client-side filters that could be installed on computers by parents. The cost to the government was a mere $84 million Australian (about $70 million US). It should come as no surprise, though, that a teenager claims it took him all of about half an hour to crack the filter. Even better, he says he did so in a way that the icon still shows on the computer, so parents will think the software is still working. Of course, there are always ways to get around filters and it’s not hard for many kids to figure them out. Still, rather than recognizing that the government has wasted many millions of dollars on a futile program, one of the main political backers of the program said it only highlights why the country needs to spend even more on filters, including those ISP filters that won’t work either.
lakewhutParticipantpeople are going to look for ways to get around the filter.
lakewhutParticipantMy justification is that I have a brain. I’ll admit I used to not be able to control myself when I was younger. But I overcame my addiction and have self-control.
lakewhutParticipantgather all of the high schools and yeshiva gedolahs. Smoking should stop already . High schools tolerate under age smoking. dina d’malchusa dina. Smoking causes bitul torah, fact. I’m sure people leave davening to smoke. It ay be a chill hashem.
lakewhutParticipantI can relate to your brother. I was rejected from a few H.S. as well. rejection happens at life. some ppl experience it at school, some who are seeking jobs, and others experience it in their dating life. But I realized whatever yeshiva I went to was perfect for their respective times. I was in one h.s and 4 B.m. programs. some places are not meant to be. If your brother is self disciplined and falls into the right crowd yeshiva of far rockaway might be a good idea. Most ppl get accepted
lakewhutParticipantthe best way would be to tackle your anxiety issues head on, not avoid it. I was a nervous wreck during the last quarter of 2011.
lakewhutParticipantYeah, you’re actually restricting your daughter.
lakewhutParticipant@avhaben Rav Shach was a litvak who lived in bnei brak. I don’t think he related to the idea of playing sports.
lakewhutParticipantIf its not within the Torah its not acceptible. Sports can be played in a torahdike manner.
lakewhutParticipantDrinking coke on a daily basis is extremely bad for you. Driving in boro park or anywhere in nyc is extremely dangerous. I think the issue is starting smoking. That is probably because there’s a physical/psychological addiction that isn’t easy to overcome.
lakewhutParticipantYitayningwut, I suppose it takes one to know one.
lakewhutParticipantIf one was really so into gebroktz(extreme chumra) he/she wouldn’t go to a peach program. I’m not really sure how one can rely on others in such an extreme stringency