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they don’t have pork or anything it’s probably just as kosher as dd bagels would be
lakewhutParticipanti hate israeli politics it makes no sense
lakewhutParticipantwe welcome you to the dark side
lakewhutParticipantpopa I’m getting the idea that you didn’t have a social life in high school. Because if you would you would know how someone’s social life can affect someone. Many times it’s due to the crowd they hang out with. Does your home accept rebellious or potential rebellious kids or does the school?
lakewhutParticipantMost people get their rebellious ideas in yeshiva/camp. It’s more likely because of the yeshiva than a parent.
lakewhutParticipantWe don’t wear techeiles because we don’t know the exact animal. Some say it’s from a fish.
lakewhutParticipantWhy would google take it off? Pornography is a multi-million dollar industry.
lakewhutParticipantTrue. If one would grow his own tobacco the dangers are much less.
lakewhutParticipantYU is adjusting their tuition based on family income
lakewhutParticipantYou don’t understand guy chills, your knowledge is empirical. As your title suggests you are a naive person.
lakewhutParticipantmoney, looks, the kollel guy of her dreams, etc.
lakewhutParticipantbygirl doesn’t understand anything about guys. Also, If a girl finds a rich guy or a kolel husband from lakewood of her dreams then she’ll most likely convince him to quit. If a guy is physically attracted to a girl he’ll do many things to marry her
lakewhutParticipantYekke2, yekkes are known to be intelligent people. I think you would know that obesity results in diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, etc. Maybe bloomberg is right. Maybe some Jews need that kind of government intervention
lakewhutParticipantIt isn’t rude in everyone’s eyes. I personally don’t wear a hat during meals, in fact not even for kiddush. But some people are used to it.
lakewhutParticipantSmoking is cool. Most bochurim stop at a certain point. If that’s the only bad thing he does then it’s fine. Yea it’s unhealthy, but there are more obese Jews than smokers. It’s a social thing. If your friends in yeshiva, camp, etc smoke then chances are you will. If not then you probably won’t because smoking is a social activity and most people don’t start smoking by themselves. I don’t believe one should smoke, but its possible to control it. Most people don’t enjoy every cigarette they smoke. Once in a while is enjoyable. The taste of rich tobacco on a brown topped cigarette is a good taste. Weed is slowly creeping into our yeshivas and I don’t think many rabbis know how to deal with the situation or realize it before it becomes more prevalent. That is a problem as well. Many people who grow up in sheltered homes where kids aren’t exposed them to many possible outlets can go on to smoking.
lakewhutParticipant3/4 * 5 = 3.75/3= 1.25. 76th percentile. Was that question multiple choice?
lakewhutParticipantOr the fact that not all Jews are closed minded
June 10, 2012 10:12 pm at 10:12 pm in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134132lakewhutParticipantWho says YWN is permitted?
lakewhutParticipantI think it is good. Recently much of the news regarding Jews has been negativity.
lakewhutParticipantwho BUYS music nowadays
lakewhutParticipantmusser zogger there could be a lot worse things.
lakewhutParticipantdon’t keep OU but you must agree with the internet asifa?
lakewhutParticipantBTguy, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how to put a hat on.
lakewhutParticipantTruth be told somebody stole my umbrella in shul.
lakewhutParticipantSo the government should legalize marijanna, coke, and heroine.
lakewhutParticipantWhy not
lakewhutParticipantIf you are so into achdus as the asifa, then you would go to the parade.
lakewhutParticipantMy pointing him out to be a YU rebbi is to contrast him from your traditional Lakewood/Brisk type of Rosh yeshiva.
lakewhutParticipant@ voldemort, I never stereotyped, I was merely stating a fact. He learned under r’ soloveitchik at YU. This makes him a YU rebbi, there is nothing wrong with that. Do you know 90% of what goes on in YU?
lakewhutParticipantYou aren’t going to come across a mekubal on the YWN coffee room. Most dreams have to do with things that happen in your life while you awake? YOu dream about deceased relatives because you probably miss them and think about them every so often. Do your siblings rely on you for support?
lakewhutParticipantDefinitely the opposite of a Meah shearim type of yeshiva. R Ilson is a YU rebbi
lakewhutParticipantthey lived in the same era look on wikipedia
lakewhutParticipantUnfortuately, nothing that is supposed to be kosher or Jewish is free. Yeshiva tuition, shul dues, food proprietors pay a fortunate to have their place kosher. And it’s all marketed through guilting the masses. Any challengers? K-9 is really not practical, it slows down computers. Would you download a virus?
lakewhutParticipanttraditionally, Ivrit is from ladhon hakdesh with some aramaic. At least it’s a semetic language, while Yiddish is not.
lakewhutParticipantIf people can name their chassidic sects after goyish towns in Poland, then there should be no problem with English. Mind you, it’s pretty weird to name a Chasidic sect St. Mary, that’s just me.
lakewhutParticipanthopefully it will be given over in a more practical way to the Flatbush crowd.
lakewhutParticipantWhat makes turbans even more tznius. Turbans make women stand out more. It’s not the norm for women in western countries to wear turbans. (whatever those hassidic/haredi women wear)
lakewhutParticipantreal achdus will be a start. Not only achdus between litvaks and hasiddim from BP, Williamsburg, etc.
lakewhutParticipantWhy are you doing this to yourself the internet can be convenient. Pick a different battle. Work on middos first
lakewhutParticipantdon’t need a filter just turn on parental control, duh
lakewhutParticipantmiddlepath, you are correct. If you simply restrict a kid, and he wants to look at something he isn’t supposed to, he will.
lakewhutParticipantR klonimus kalman did you ever spend a year in Israel? More people learn better in Israel than in America. It also depends what age. Teens age (ages 18-20) see better changes overall thatn ppl (21-23)who came to Israel just to freeze for a year. There’s nothing wrong with town as long as you’re not doing anything that’s assur
lakewhutParticipantguys you don’t need to get harmful filters like k-9 or web chaver or j-net. If you have an apple there is a parental control setting. If not google chrome extensions.
lakewhutParticipantwtvr a hat is a hiddur anyway, not a chiyuv
May 24, 2012 2:52 am at 2:52 am in reply to: What Helps You Learn Better On Shavuos, With A Chavrusa, Or By Yourself ? #1155044lakewhutParticipantIf you do tikkun, then you’ll have no trouble from being distracted.
lakewhutParticipantGabie, read my question carefully and answer it again intelligently. MDG the mishna brurah does say one must wear a ‘hat’ it doesn’t specifically say what kind of hat. To my knowledge not everyone in Europe wore a yarmulke all the time, except davening. mishna brurah se’ef katan 12.
lakewhutParticipantI don’t know how difficult it is to understand (akuperma) that more American Jews speak English as a first language. We’re in America speak English like a normal person, and the people who live in Wiliamsburgh can’t speak normal English or Yiddish, they just jumble a mixture of the two languages into one sentence. YIddish is a dead language, wanna have speech in yiddish, keep it in BP, Williamsburg, New Square, Monroe, or a radical area in Israel. Don’t have yiddish speeches at a public venue in America, it’s psychotic IMHO.
lakewhutParticipantwhat are you referring to?
lakewhutParticipantLet’s start with you first.