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Why is caucusing with Democrats who support LGBT and Hamas so that yeshivas get money but “participating in Zionism” bad?
lakewhutParticipantUJM, correct and I think the context is important. He also wasn’t the only decision maker in YU. Belkin and others were more forceful into shaping it to what it is today. Nowadays I think a lot go to get semicha and a degree. Not every town had a touro and yeshiva program.
lakewhutParticipantI think it’s not a far stretch to say if not for RJBS, most of what we call Modern Orthodox would not be religious at all today. YU is designed to be an alternative to Jews who would go to a secular college. But even today many YU Rabbis kids end up in the Lakewood Yeshiva world.
November 27, 2024 4:30 pm at 4:30 pm in reply to: Tutoring in Yeshivot in EY – A LOSE/LOSE DEAL #2335909lakewhutParticipantThe issue isn’t about wanting to learn. It’s about avrechim the style of yeshiva and quality of bochurim
November 18, 2024 8:22 pm at 8:22 pm in reply to: Tutoring in Yeshivot in EY – A LOSE/LOSE DEAL #2333594lakewhutParticipantI don’t think it’s the parent who knowingly exploits. Often what happens if the parents are told that the tuition costs $25k/$30k(and even that won’t cover all the trips) and then during the sman the Yeshiva will tell the parent their son should learn with an avrech and it’ll cost xx a month(without this possibility explained beforehand). For you the choice should be maybe learn in a full Israeli Kollel if it’s that bad.
lakewhutParticipantNot totally the same. There’s a reality that pre-dates 1948.
lakewhutParticipantReb E. If you vote for Harris you’re on team Hamas. It’s clear as day whose side she’s on. It’s not the FDR era. Democrats are today’s fascists. The kkk isn’t a threat; BLM antifa and Palestinian supporters are.
lakewhutParticipantReb E Bernie is Jewish and he’d give all of Israel to the Arabs if he could. There’s a mental block if you think the dnc aren’t run by self hating Jews.
lakewhutParticipantReb E media narrative has consequences
lakewhutParticipantJan 6 was allowed to happen by a majority dem house. Police did little to stop it. Never let a disaster go to waste is a democrat strategy much like COVID.
lakewhutParticipantIf podcast has Divrei Torah how’s it different from someone supporting Torah tapes?
lakewhutParticipantYou’re learning how non for profit is a billion dollar industry
lakewhutParticipantAha like Democrats lying about destroying democracy and accusing Republicans of being fascist. Liar.
July 8, 2024 11:35 am at 11:35 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2295280lakewhutParticipantChaim87 yes and that’s because when a modern Orthodox person doesn’t take to gemara and isn’t cut out for the top Shiur in RIETS the floor is very low, so people like R Weinberger keep them afloat by helping them stay connected.
July 4, 2024 8:52 am at 8:52 am in reply to: Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza #2294757lakewhutParticipantAre you happy?
lakewhutParticipantThere isn’t much of a Republican ruling class to begin with. There was a primary and it showed the weakness of the party overall. Republicans are always going to be blamed for years.
July 1, 2024 12:17 pm at 12:17 pm in reply to: Elderly Senile Man for President of the United States #2293868lakewhutParticipantObama is the shadow president. Biden never won an election in normal circumstances and didn’t get close. Democrats chose him to runbon a campaign to “beat trump” nothing about what’s good for America. Now after a weak debate they’re circling the wagons and trying to put Michelle Obama instead.
June 28, 2024 10:32 am at 10:32 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2293530lakewhutParticipantUJM there’s lots to criticize about modox but Kiddush club today is not found in many of these shuls. It was once an issue. Today the shuls don’t allow it.
June 25, 2024 10:07 am at 10:07 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2292815lakewhutParticipantIdk percentages but there are a lot of fancy new construction homes in Flatbush namely in the 20s. In the teens and Kensington there are homes in their original construction if the SYs haven’t torn it down hamayvin yavin near landau’s and the like.
June 25, 2024 1:01 am at 1:01 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2292681lakewhutParticipantYeshiva of Flatbush costs more than most modern schools
June 24, 2024 11:58 am at 11:58 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2292223lakewhutParticipantMaterialism in Flatbush and Lakewood by the newer generation of homeowners are at a much higher level than before when wealth was a bit more discreet. Most of the houses in Teaneck by modern Jews are simple Tudors or the like that fit the general landscape.
June 23, 2024 3:00 am at 3:00 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2291906lakewhutParticipantUJM when were you in YU?
June 19, 2024 9:40 am at 9:40 am in reply to: Music Blasting at Philadelphia While Jewish People are at War in Israel? #2291121lakewhutParticipantIs the only way to celebrate Torah at an arena with music blasting for hours? It’s a random Sunday. How much of those organizing the event are Gedolim and how much of it are baalei Batim. If an attack happened in Lakewood I doubt it would happen. Life as normal in Israel isn’t making concerts on this scale. What happened on Oct 7 is still a going concern for many Israelis.
lakewhutParticipantAll govts are corrupt. There aren’t any impartial judges.
lakewhutParticipantHitler was democratically elected. I’m sure there was one Rabbi in favor in 1933.
May 30, 2024 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2287089lakewhutParticipantYou’re also proving the point that modern Orthodoxy and conservative interact.
May 30, 2024 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2287088lakewhutParticipantJTS was part of of movement that broke off from Hebrew union college after the trefe banquet. There wasn’t real orthodoxy in America at that time. Kashrus was suspect. Some people identified as Orthodox even if they worked on Shabbos.
May 29, 2024 5:48 pm at 5:48 pm in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2286852lakewhutParticipantMO doesn’t teach the litvish mesorah in the right way.
May 29, 2024 1:41 pm at 1:41 pm in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2286714lakewhutParticipantAnd Ari,
YU was founded as a break-off from JTS
May 29, 2024 11:01 am at 11:01 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2286696lakewhutParticipantAri,
There is a void. Rabbi Weinberg has made a pretty big impression on Woodmere.
lakewhutParticipantHe also gave money to the Palestinians and lifted sanctions on Iran, undoing Trump’s policies in a region that was pretty stable. So no thanks to Bumbling Joe.
lakewhutParticipantBiden speaks out of both sides of his mouth depending on which key voter demographic he’s lagging in. He’s a tire fire.
May 20, 2024 5:56 pm at 5:56 pm in reply to: The Four Contemporary Sovereign States That Contain Portions of Eretz Yisroel #2284603lakewhutParticipantMeretz and labor wouldn’t but Likud and Otzma would. Would Gimmel do it that’s the question.
May 15, 2024 3:48 pm at 3:48 pm in reply to: The Four Contemporary Sovereign States That Contain Portions of Eretz Yisroel #2283493lakewhutParticipantYou’re like the Meraglim who spoke bad of EY. Yerushalayim is in EY. Many Jews live there and overall pretty comfortably.
lakewhutParticipantCY frum Jews who voted Democrat for programs are problematic
May 14, 2024 3:38 pm at 3:38 pm in reply to: There’s Nothing Moderate About the Democrat Party #2283247lakewhutParticipantIn the past few cycles the progressive wing always takes over the center. This is what allowed a Marxist islamist anti American like Obama to be nominated and for BLM and trans activists to run the party now.
May 14, 2024 3:38 pm at 3:38 pm in reply to: There’s Nothing Moderate About the Democrat Party #2283248lakewhutParticipantThe kkk is not the threat of the day.
lakewhutParticipantWhy’s it an exaggeration? Maybe you’re not seeing it through your bubble in Brooklyn or Lakewood but both are problematic for Jews.
lakewhutParticipantI find fault with the meek never trump Republicans but that’s not nearly as damaging as the Squad which have taken over the center of the democrat party.
April 16, 2024 11:22 am at 11:22 am in reply to: Democrats Helped Iran to Get to this Point #2277822lakewhutParticipantMaybe you should respond with facts
lakewhutParticipantThe bochurim who are real bnai Aliyah prepare to have chavrusa for BZ and learn solid.
lakewhutParticipantNo and no. The lesson of yiddishkeit is that there are people with different levels of responsibility who thus have different needs.
lakewhutParticipantSoviets won WWII so if not for that then you wouldn’t have anything. In this case Hamas and Democrats are on the same team.
lakewhutParticipantRievy there are no elected Democrats of the moderate variety. You’re not going to win it back through the primary. Those days are over.
lakewhutParticipantBiden is all that and much worse on israel.
lakewhutParticipantBiden undid the trump policy of funding the PA which led to emboldening Hamas. Bidens policies on Israel led to this point. There’s a difference between not supporting every Israeli policy and helping the Palestinians.
lakewhutParticipantFact: until the Tal Law it was up to the generals to decide if charedim are drafted? For most of Israels existence the secular Israelis don’t want charedim in their units.
March 14, 2024 9:12 am at 9:12 am in reply to: The End of the Ashkenaz Community in Flatbush #2269054lakewhutParticipantWhile some OOT communities have stagnated others have seen growth especially in Houston Las Vegas Miami. Baltimore Chicago and Cleveland haven’t exactly stagnated.
lakewhutParticipantGH what is Oslo? Don’t deny that they’ve pushed policies to actively try to.
lakewhutParticipantIt would be realistic if they just rocketed the place for a few days instead of choosing the long route by putting troops in like America did in Iraq Afghanistan and Vietnam. Have a clear end game and stick to the mission.