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  • in reply to: Portable Mivkeh #1811440

    almost sure that a mikva must be in the ground, not in a כלי.

    in reply to: No more excuses #1811438

    Gadolhador, i enjoy your humor, but not on the cheshbon of galus. we say THREE TIMES EVERY SINGLE DAY לישועתך קוינו כל היום. we dont wanto wait another day.

    in reply to: White House Chanukah Party #1810770

    SK.of course you are right, but its not a contradiction to asking if something is good or bad. if someone is sick is it good or bad? of course Hashem made him sick and everything Hashem does is good, but at the same time one does whatever he can to become well. WE try hard for things to work out in a way that WE THINK is good. and after things happen we should examine it and decide if it was or good or not and if things have to be changed for the better. its not a contradiction.

    in reply to: White House Chanukah Party #1810771

    i think that its a very good thing.

    in reply to: What are some tips on working on my middos? #1810386

    try not to react right away to situations. pause and think what is the best and the right way to react and respond to the situation or to what someone had told you.
    also try to figure out why you react or behave in a certain way. get to the source of the negative mida

    in reply to: Games not for Shabbos #1810383

    Reb Eliezer, sorry, i dont know what JIGSAW means. i am asking about putting together pieces of a puzzle forming a picture.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1809783

    how could we get the white house to read this thread?

    in reply to: Purim themes 2020 #1809505

    with efraim and menashe its actualy 13 shvatim. so include your hubby in the shvatim.

    in reply to: I’m engaged! ✨🥂💕 #1809502

    hey Badchan, lets hear/read a sample of your badchonos

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1809360

    Everyone knows their weakness, maybe someone has a problem with having someone of the opposite gender at their table. especially during a meal where people loosen up, more talkative; friendlier, (i hope i was understood correctly).

    in reply to: I realized my mistake, did you realize yours? #1809347

    I also heard about malachim being created from the words of davening, and the quality of the malach depends on the correctness of the word. but its not a contradiction to what others have mentioned that the tefila is accepted regardless ( not sure about missing a letter in krias shma). i have sources for both, hopefully with time i will post.
    The explanation is, there is a difference if the mistake occurred as a result of negligence; being lazy to put in the effort to learn how to read proper, or the mistake occurred as a result of human error although the proper effort was put in, or someone that had started to learn how to read later in life – by no fault of his own – and is in the process of improving his reading.
    To a child who we wanto encourage to put in the effort necessary to learn how to read properly, we say how each word creates a malach and the type of malach depends on how he pronounces the word. at the same time someone who did put in the proper effort to read and when davening with proper concentration trying to read each word proper, but by mistake pronounces a word incorrectly, his tefila is accepted.
    as i said, hopefully i will post sources for both sides.

    in reply to: I realized my mistake, did you realize yours? #1809340

    thanks for the clarification.

    in reply to: I’m engaged! ✨🥂💕 #1809348

    so if the chasan is reading this, lets wish him Mazal tov too. so Dear Chasan, Mazal tov! binyan adei ad with all good brachos. you got a great Kalla, she is always ‘SHOPPING’ for another mitsva of the ‘613’. and both of you, if you need any advice about preparations to the wedding or about life in general, here in the CR is the place to ask. we are the experts in all matters of Torah and mitsvos, in Nigla, Nistar, Halacha, according to Peshat, Remez, Derush and Sod, and in all matters of life in general.
    Mazal Tov! Mazal Tov!

    in reply to: I’m engaged! ✨🥂💕 #1808959

    Mazal Tov!
    Is the Chasan someone from the CR?

    in reply to: I realized my mistake, did you realize yours? #1808947

    for sure you have to pronounce the K. whats the הוה אמינא not to?
    ‘I ENJOY YOUR פךפול’. so say a קדיש דרבנן.

    in reply to: I realized my mistake, did you realize yours? #1808946

    yes and no.
    of course tefila is an avoda shebelev etc. but it is expressed in the words חז”ל were mesaken to say. and just thinking about the idea of tefila without saying the words you are not fulfilling the mitzva of tefila. and whatever Chazal tell us to do is RATSON HASHEM, HASHEM wants us to say these words and to say them correctly. at the same time yes you are right if someone is saying the words and trying to connect to Hashem his tefila is still worth much even if some words were not pronounced correctly according to dikduk, because of his good intentions.
    Reb Levi Yitzchak Barditchever was melamed zechus on those who are davening in a way that the noise coming out of their mouths is a noise of mumbling etc. He said that a mother understands what her child wants even when her child is mumbling, so too Hashem understands everyone’s davening. but obviously as i said this is a limud zchus, but one should make an effort to pronounce the words properly.

    in reply to: I realized my mistake, did you realize yours? #1808873

    KORIM refers to Moshe Aharon and Shmuel.
    about שלוש עשרה מדות not sure what your question is. רבי ישמעא-ל is saying it and its found in the beginning of תורת כוהנים.

    in reply to: I realized my mistake, did you realize yours? #1808654

    Reb Eliezer. correction: it should be YI’DEMU -silent. YID’MU means similar.

    Joseph. I hope by saying it correct from now on i will elevate all the past tefilos. similar to Teshuva transforming the Zdonos to zechuyos, for sure here being shgogos.

    in reply to: Games not for Shabbos #1808556

    Is making a puzzle on shabbos permitted?
    Please give a source with your answer.

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1808217

    rebbedebbie, if you feel uncomfortable that itself is a reason your wife should not invite them.

    devny, thanks for putting on a smile on my face

    in reply to: Does a Divorce indicate a Family lacked Shalom Bayis? #1807285

    to support what you are saying: there is a yiddish expression: א פאטש פארגייט און א ווארט באשטייט, meaning, that a patch will pass but a ‘word’ will remain.

    in reply to: How should one protest against shmoozers during davening? #1806008

    if you will tell those who are talking, in shul while they are talking, chances are that they will answer back: mind your own business; who are you to tell me: etc. etc. the best way would be to pick up a phone during the week, when you are relaxed, and the other party is not in middle of talking in shul, and tell them what inpact his talking has on yourself. you came to shul to daven and hear krias hatorah and how its disturbing you etc. dont give them mussar, just focus on yourself. so 1) call during the week. 2) focus on yourself. try it out and let us know how it went. HATZLACHA RABBA.,

    in reply to: FFB – Do We Get Credit? #1804886

    you get credit for doing what Hashem wants YOU to do. it is no one’s choice into which family to be born. Hashem put you in the right place/family to be born, and HE gave everyone their individual path in life. so, the question ‘who gets more credit’? makes no sense.

    in reply to: Logical Marriage #1803757

    it should mostly be based on logic. but you also need some feelings or at least you see the feelings coming. those that have lots of emotional exciting feelings etc. does not mean at all any better happier marriage. as fast as that excitement came it can also go with one argument. the main connection and bond starts after getting married.

    in reply to: Burning quest-achoo!!! #1803566

    PGY. Gesuntheit..

    in reply to: Why Is It So Hard? #1803562

    yes, it is hard.
    but we were taught to have Bitachon in Hashem that the right one will come in the right time. and in the meanwhile just do what needs to be done. talk to shadchanim; family members; friends, keep on going out, and of cores some Tehilim and Ttsedaka.
    bsuros tovos.

    in reply to: Should a bochur have a beard? #1802663

    BENIGNUMA. “the bachur should do whatever he wants” ????????? we were taught to do what HASHEM wants not what WE want. even according to the shitos who are matir, its obvious that being machmir to be yotshe the shitos who are machmir is hvodas HASHEM, letting your beard grow is serving HASHEM, doing it for HASHEM, and shaving is for YOURSELF.

    in reply to: Scammer Targeting Frum People at airports #1802305

    but maybe he really needs money, and he just came up with an idea thinking that this will help him make money, doesn’t he deserve to be given Tsedaka? do you check out every beggar or meshulach asking for money if he really needs it?

    in reply to: Should a bochur have a beard? #1802304

    i never understood it. there are so many shitos of gedolei yisroel that shaving is an isur min hatora. why wouldnt shomrei tora umitsva behidur keep that? why choose the shitos who are maikel when so many shitos are machmir?

    in reply to: less talk and more do! #1802303

    how much will SHADCHONOS GELT be?
    and who gets paid?

    in reply to: Tips for being happy #1801892

    write down every single day at least 5 good things in your life. may be simple things as:
    i had a good night sleep;
    i am healthy;
    i have food for today;
    i have family/relatives;
    i have a roof over my head;
    i have clean cloths for today;
    i have some income;
    i have heat;
    my phone is working;
    i have ‘theyeshivaworld’ to go to.
    I am sure you can add many more things.
    do this every single day, and THINK about the good things you are writing down

    in reply to: Does Admor = Rabbi? #1801822

    YABIA OMER, why are you asking?
    is it for yourself? you don’t want to become a Rebbe?
    or are you asking for your son?

    in reply to: Does Admor = Rabbi? #1801806

    YABIA OMER, why are you asking?
    is for yourself? you don’t want to become a Rebbel?
    or you are asking for your son?

    in reply to: 12 steps #1800059

    CTLAWYER, what you are describing seems very unusual at the 12 steps meetings,

    in reply to: Colonoscopy prep #1799924

    i had one done a few years ago. i don’t remember the drink being so bad. just make sure to be close to a bathroom.

    in reply to: Is playing a musical instrument a negative??? #1799921

    its a very good thing. but like many others things that you have be careful to use it in a proper way LAAVODAS HASHEM.

    in reply to: Do you love all Jews… #1799916

    anonymouse jew.
    we are talking here about LOVING all jews. you can love all jews and at the same time not agree with them. i do not believe that the Vilner Gaon HATED any jew

    in reply to: 12 steps #1799914

    CTLAWYER. the 12 steps are based on basic rules which is according to the torah. the 12 steps are approved by many rabonim and frum therapists.

    in reply to: 12 steps #1799912

    The Little I know.
    you have the facts wrong. an alcoholic that is working the program and is doing well may even work in a bar.

    in reply to: Chabad hate on YWN? #1762326

    I am so surprised to see ביזוי תלמיד חכם ברבים. I am מוחה ברבים.

    in reply to: Looking for a Beautiful Shavuos davening in Flatbush #1740032

    wherever you will be try to make add more lebedikeit etc.

    in reply to: Getting haircuts is bad for your health (T) #1738580

    what about the bad odor created naturally in your mouth after a night sleep? why get rid of it?
    and what about the sweat the body produces?
    anyway, this discussion is irrelevant, because it says in Shulchan aruch to cut your nails every erev shabbos, and to get a haircut on erev shabbos if your hair are long, and to rinse your mouth every morning, and to wash your body on erev shabbos, and for kovod habrios to wash your body as often as needed.

    in reply to: Q regarding Tefillin #1730932

    ‘Like manna from heaven’.
    good timing! the מן started coming down yesterday ט”ז אייר.

    in reply to: Karpas – is any ha’adoma ok? #1704441

    the rebbe writes in his hagada (ואנו נוהגין ליקח בצל (או תפוח אדמה

    in reply to: Stealing the Afikomon #1704436

    chabad does not “steal” the afikomon.
    some say that its hinted in maamar razal חוטפין מצה בלילי פסחים בשביל התינוקות שלא יישנו(פסחים דף קט, ע”א) .
    but there is also a maamar razal: בתר גנבא גנוב וטעמא טעים (ברכות דף ה’ ע”ב)

    in reply to: How to become a Gadol (not the bar mitzva kind)? #1698957

    a yid should utilize all the kochos that Hashem gave him. Hashem gave each one the exact amount of kochos he needs to fulfill his mission in this world. not more and not less. if one utilizes all his kochos to the fullest, he is a godol. there is no mitsva to become a rosh yeshiva, a rov, a famouse askan etc. but one is required to become what he can become.

    in reply to: How to become a Gadol (not the bar mitzva kind)? #1698954

    v’ohavta leraiacha komocha rabi akiva omer zeh klal GADOL batorah. ahavas yisroel makes you a GADOL.

    in reply to: Rabbi Tzion Menachem?! #1683732

    OK, I get it, I should not advertise

    in reply to: wearing perfume #1683733

    does that mean that the men also got perfume?

    in reply to: wearing perfume #1683730

    does that mean that men also got it?

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