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  • in reply to: needs help. looking for sem #1184654

    How about Bnos Avigail? From what I heard, it is going to be a new seminary opening this year by Rebbitzin Tzipporah Heller who does have a lot of experience in these things. It is supposed to be VERY academic, everything is going to be text based. They are going to split up the year into 3 terms. Each term will have a theme – bein adam lamakom, bein adam lachaveiro, and bein adam leatzmo, and everything that will be taught, all tiyulim, and extracurricular things that they do during that term will have to do with the theme.

    It sounds like it will be a great seminary, and maybe since it is going to be the first year they will be more open to accepting people coming from different places.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Seminary Students Guide #1034986

    Where is Mannys?

    in reply to: MP3 Players with Radio–Your opinion! #1021418

    On most ipods with radios (ex ipod nano) there is a way to block the radio from your computer.

    in reply to: Hasidic/Yeshivish clothing. #1018936

    You should try to go to The Zone or Nageela this summer. They sound like the type of camps you would be interested in.

    in reply to: Judaism is not a religion of superiority #1012846

    Hashem loves all Jews equally, because He loves us the most possible. If Hashem loves me the most that is possible, then if I do more mitzvos, Hashem doesn’t love me any more then He did before, because He already loved me the most possible because I am a Jew. What changed was our relationship. Now Hashem can be closer to me.

    For example, a parent loves all of their children equally, but might feel closer to some of their children. If one child is constantly fighting with his/her parents, and the other has a great relationship, the parents are probably closer to the child with the great relationship. But that doesn’t mean that they love the first child any less then the other one.

    I think when we are discussing superiority here, we are talking about their closeness to Hashem, because if we are talking about how much Hashem loves different Jews, its all the same.

    in reply to: help with chizuk shiur #1010281

    Thank you so much! I listened to most of her shiurim there, and you just reminded me about two of them that will hopefully be really good for this person iyH

    in reply to: Rabbi Wallerstein's awesome shiurim #997907

    Secularfrummy, I think that you should find out more of the story before u go judging. Listen to some of his recent shiurim, and you will see that he says that he was speaking in Boro park to a group of woman who never listens to English music, and yes, listening to it at Zumba might make them want to listen to it at other times as well.

    The same Rabbi Wallerstein that gave that speech that u heard about how you shouldn’t do Zumba (which btw only started at the 38th minute of his speech – and let me guess that you only heard that part and not the whole beginning) hired a DJ to play English music for his students from his high school on New Years from 12-3 am so that they shouldn’t be in other places.

    So for the crowd that he was speaking to, it was wrong for then to go to Zumba, and for his high school, it was the right thing for them to be doing. He was only speaking to the crowd that he was standing in front of. I think that a Rav that gives advice to people based on the individual is much better then one that gives the same advice to everyone, regardless of the situation.

    in reply to: Rabbi Wallerstein's awesome shiurim #997897

    I’m with u guys I listen to his shiurim 1-2 times per week even when I’m really busy and I always leave them feeling inspired

    in reply to: Your teachers were wrong. #990494

    I saw something funny the other day…

    A mom was trying to tell to her son about the miracle of the oil lasting for 8 days but the son was having a hard time understanding, so she said imagine u charged your phone one night and the battery lasted for 8 days without recharging…he finally understood

    in reply to: My sin. #1192029

    Popa, can you please explain why that would be apikorsus? I am saying that there is schar vaonesh but it will happen in the next world, not here.

    Btw I am repeating this from a speech that I recently heard on torahanytime by Chevi Garfinkel.

    in reply to: My sin. #1192011

    This world is not the world of reward and punishment. The next world (olam haba) is. This means that anything that is happening to you now is not because you deserve it or don’t deserve it.

    This can explain why good people sometimes have very hard lives while and bad people can have everything going for them. Everyone will get what they deserve in the next world.

    What is happening to you is probably not because of something that you did before you were 14.

    in reply to: Exhilaration and Extreme Sports #987828

    True that they might have souls, but is it really the same “neshama” that is excited to die? Why would their souls be excited to leave if they don’t have olam haba awaiting them (excluding the righteous gentiles here)

    in reply to: Exhilaration and Extreme Sports #987826

    If that was true, why would non-Jewish people have that same exhilaration?

    But it is a cool thought!

    in reply to: Transfer Tapes To Digital Files #986143

    I think that you can do it in Costco for pretty cheap.

    in reply to: Dancing in the Rain #984195

    Never read it, but sounds like a book I would want to read. Who is the author?

    in reply to: Question for the nashim tzidkaniyos of the Coffee Room #983271

    I wear both black skirts as well as skirts with lots of color. I hop that I am still eisha tzidkania even with the colored skirts..

    in reply to: Saying Kaddish For A Suicide #1101262

    What about someone who is promised to get olam haba (by learning halachos every day – kol hashoneh halachos buchul yom muvtach lo shehu ben olam haba or by saying ashrei 3 times a day) and then commits suicide?

    in reply to: Bad mood. #1032264

    Come On! if u were a real raninu girl, that cheer can’t not make u smile!

    in reply to: Bad mood. #1032257

    Raninu’s the greatest R-A-N-I-N-UUU 🙂

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183329

    Off the derech cannot be defined as going off the derech that your parents or community raised you, otherwise if you do anything differently, you are “off the derech.” It has to be defined as going off of Hashem’s derech.

    in reply to: Ami's article on gilgulim #1117411

    I read it and thought that it was very interesting. Could be creepy, but it is a reality that some people are gilgulim.

    in reply to: How did the Sanhedrin Know All Languages? #997537

    cv, Mordechai was one of the members of Sanhedrin – that is why he also needed to know 70 languages.

    in reply to: Is everyone wearing a mask? #974988

    Awesome poem, ikno.

    in reply to: Up Close And Personal #975898

    Maybe try insanity. Its a really intense workout for 60 days but is known to have amazing results.

    in reply to: What is the biggest Chesed that anyone has ever done for you? #1021682


    in reply to: Mashiach > 6000 #1011411

    I once heard that if we do Teshuva and are deserving of Mashiach, then he will come before or at the year 6000(whenever we deserve it.) However, if Klal Yisroel is not deserving of Mashiach by then, Hashem will destroy the world and recreate it starting again from year 1 so that the Jews will have another 6000 years to become deserving of Mashiach.

    in reply to: Acapella Music #961215

    Thank you jbaldy! So then what from the Chevra is acapella? (from yekke’s post)

    in reply to: What will CR be like without Shopping613? #963481

    We love you shopping 🙂

    in reply to: What happened to all the interesting topics? #961291

    The Goq +1000000

    in reply to: Should I leave the CR? (For good?) #961027

    I honestly don’t do not agree with the poster that posted that. I don’t think that you post too much, and I am definitely not a part of that small group of people who wants you to leave.

    in reply to: Acapella Music #961212

    Is the new Chevra album called Chai acapella?

    in reply to: Regents #960488

    Mazel Tov!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    in reply to: Teen Trouble closed? #960418

    They probably closed it cuz they don’t want us trying to guess who people are here. Sorry about that, but I guess that you can still write about the other stuff here.

    in reply to: 8 BILLION dollars spent on nothing every year! #960433

    How do you think that all those bombs were created? it all comes from nuclear chemistry and you need to know all about the atoms including how they collide to even think of starting to create nuclear weapons.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194159

    Shopping I can see why you would say that without hearing the song but they are very different – the one from zevi is a fast song. I just listened to the song from Abie Rotteberg (I never heard it before) and it was really nice especially with the music video that the special needs camp made for it.

    in reply to: What in the world is "Cheilek Elokah Mima'al" supposed to mean? #960313

    You are not God but you have God in you.

    Honestly, Im just a teen myself, and this is probably way above me to be answering these type of questions, but I have had discussions with people about these things so I was just trying to share some of what I had learned. However I really suggest asking these questions to a teacher you respect, or to get in contact with someone like Chevi Garfinkel or Rabbi Mechanic who would be able to give you the right answers (unlike here in the CR where you don’t know whos giving you answers…)

    in reply to: Going back to work #960496

    MorahRach, you are a amazing mom and your kids are so lucky to have you.

    You should get pictures taken of your kids and keep them with you or on your desk at work.

    in reply to: What in the world is "Cheilek Elokah Mima'al" supposed to mean? #960307

    It is exactly like you said that you are a part and parcel of God. When you say “I am feeling sad, happy, etc.” the I that you are talking about is not your body, its your soul. And that’s the part of God that He gave to you.

    in reply to: What in the world is "Cheilek Elokah Mima'al" supposed to mean? #960302

    Cheilek elokah mima’al means a part of God up above. Like Dr. Horse said, when Hashem created man, He Created Adam’s body from the earth. However the real you, you neshama, was given to you by God Himself blowing into the nostrils “vayipach biapo chayim.” Therefore, your essence is a cheilek of Hashem.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194155

    Alright! btw Zevi Kaufman is a great singer and I really recommend his songs.

    in reply to: When is school ending for you? #959914

    Nechoma, I definitely think that 8 weeks is a good minimum. Many of us in school are always stressed out about all the tests and work and need that break in the summer just to relax and not be so pressured all the time.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194152

    DaMoshe its On My Way by Zevi Kaufman.

    Where is your song from?

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194149

    nope sorry shopping, its not from journeys

    in reply to: Questions and Answers about SUC #959556

    Welcome back shopping613!

    in reply to: Davening in a minyan with a different Nusach #959936

    I once heard that the Arizal says that if someone who is not sefardic davens in a sefardic shul, he should daven sefardic like them, but if a sefardic person davens in a shul that is not sefardic, he should still daven sefardic because the nusach of adut mizrach goes through all 12 gates of tefillah while the other nusachim each only go through their own gate.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194147

    No one got this one yet!

    When you look at me what do you see, who I am or who I want to be

    in reply to: In-ear headphones #959216

    slichosgenendel the beats tour earbuds are amazing. If you want something cheaper, the sony EX10LP EX Series earbud headphones are also really good (but not as good as the beats tour!)

    in reply to: Do you fold your slice? #958899

    No. I use a fork and knife.

    in reply to: Regents #960476

    Not a bad topic! but usually I thought that when they give the revolution theme they only make you do one..

    in reply to: Regents #960474

    That’s amazing!!!! What was the thematic essay’s theme?

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