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  • in reply to: YWN ads and satmar for Cuomo #1039664

    If they support cuomo does that mean they support gay marriage, abortion…

    in reply to: YWN ads and satmar for Cuomo #1039655

    The one in Williamsburg

    in reply to: Shachris w/o minyiin??? #1070432

    From what I’m understanding is that he’s in kollel. If he’s not going to minyan, then maybe it’s time for him to leave kollel and get a job.

    in reply to: 3 Israeli teens were an eye opener #1022132

    This would be Charlie’s response: Pres. Obama is 6000 miles away, why should he say anything? Did any other leaders condemn the kidnappers? Israel could handle herself on her own. To which a logical person would reply: Israel, is the US’s closest ally and when a tragedy occurs in one of the countries, the other country should show supports bc that’s what friends do. The Prime Minister of Canada condemned Hamas, so did Senator Ted Cruz. Israel can defend herself, however it makes it much harder when Obama shows support for the arabs and funds them.

    in reply to: 3 Israeli teens were an eye opener #1022130

    And then he has the chutzpah to tell Israel to show restraint!!!! Is he kidding me?????

    in reply to: Obama Wins ;-( #1021824

    Charlie hall, please explain to me how our economy is any better under Obama. It just shrunk 2.9%, it’s at the worst since 2009. Look at the stats, more people are out of jobs and more people just gave up looking. Welfare dependants grew by 50%. I understand that you want to be liberal but you have to see the truth. I don’t agree with everything Bush did, but at lease he didn’t make America or her allies look weak and like fools.

    in reply to: Schools need to shape up NOW! #1031042

    If you want your kid to have a good secular education then send him/her to a more modern school. I was a para at a frum yeshiva in Brooklyn for a year and the secular education was a joke. They crammed 4 subjects in basically an hour and a half. The kids weren’t event interested bc they were exhausted from the long morning Hebrew classes.

    in reply to: weight plateau #1019941

    Drink water. Don’t drink soda or juice. You’ll lose 5 lbs in your first week

    in reply to: YU #1019099

    Umm, there are many great Rabbi who teach in YU. YU was one of the first yeshivas/colleges in America and they’ve done an incredible job teaching their students how to balance yeshiva and schooling. If it weren’t for YU, most people would have gone to secular colleges and not had a yeshiva education.

    in reply to: Do liberals practice what they preach? #1017598

    Rashbak- EPA is destroying the economy. With their new found climate regulations , it will increase energy bills in power plants. By EPA closing down coal plants, people will lose their jobs. Hey but who cares if someone loses their job, as long as we make up scientific studies and convince the public these studies are true, then maybe the jobless people can survive on clean air alone with out any food.

    in reply to: Do liberals practice what they preach? #1017597

    Charliehall- I’m sorry that you feel that you need to insult someone who has a different opinion than you. It’s so much fun riling liberals up. Coal is the cheapest source of energy. By using coal, our utilities bill stay low and companies are able to produce a lot more. Unfortunately, we buy into this scandal of clean energy which by the way doesn’t make a difference since the rest of the World uses Dirty energy, and the clean energy costs a lot more money.

    Rashbak- I’m not sure if the moderators will allow a link for Obama releasing criminal illegals, however if you google “Obama releases illegal immigrant criminals”, you will see a number of websites reporting on Obama releasing tens of thousands of illegals and some of them being convicted criminals.

    in reply to: Do liberals practice what they preach? #1017585

    Rashbak- I wish I could believe you, however you are wrong on the liberal view of illegal immigrants. The view of the democratic party is to make illegals become legal citizens without having to pay their due or wait. Joe Biden said he sees Illegals as American Citizens already. Pres. Obama has released tens of thousands of illegals with criminal history. He’d love to make them citizens so they’d all vote Democratic.

    The idea of buying something we can’t affording to support the enviroment- Why is Obama punishing the coal industry and having EPA fine businesses who don’t comply to their standards? In doing so, the American citizens have to suffer by paying more at the pumps and paying more for our coned bill. Therefore we are paying alot more, just to support the enviroment with this clean energy nonsense.

    in reply to: Do liberals practice what they preach? #1017580

    Charliehall- I did have you in mind while I was writing this. Some are confused by my 2nd question. I referred to children in order to make it more personal, however I was reffering to illegal immigration. Foreignors coming here illegaly, then having liberals make them full citizens without paying any dues. Again, doing something illegal, then having it legalized. Was Condoleza Rice worse than Hilary Clinton? Did she know the facts about Benghazi and then lie to the world about it? You are right about blacks being rare in congress, however you were talking about the wrong party. There are currently 3 black republican senators and 0 black democratic senators. (Corey Booker doesn’t count, it was a special election). Please remember which party the KKK belonged to.

    in reply to: Do liberals practice what they preach? #1017572

    DaasYochid- it’s kind of like being a practicing Jew, we preach to a higher moral standard.

    Notasheep- they’re only accepting of people who are like them and hold to their standards. For example: There were huge protests against Condoleza Rice(black woman)for speaking at the Rutgers graduation. She ended up refusing the offer, however we didn’t hear from Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or any other women’s rights groups. This was clear racism and anti women hatred, however none of these groups stood up for her.

    in reply to: Is this normal for yeshiva bochurim #1055048

    I watch movies, but if the guy told you he doesn’t watch movies and then you get married and now he does, then there is a problem. He lied to you about his hashkafah. Again, I think it’s totally fine to watch movies but once he lies to you about his hashkafah, then that’s not ok.

    in reply to: Women who don't recognize their inferiority #1055492

    Women inferior? I’m the farthest thing from a femenist. I believe if you work hard enough you should deserve it no matter your gender. My company prides itself on diversity and 2 of my bosses are women; men are the minority where I work. I’ve never seen anyone smarter than my boss. She’s an absolute genious. If she learned gemorah(which I disagree with), she would be one of the top learners.

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005253

    Socialism means the institution, government, authority decides what’s good for you and tells you what to do. The yeshiva decides to stay open in dangerous conditions while all the other schools are closed. The rabbis decide its safer for kids to be in school since they are able to learn and are away from the bad influence of their home. You tell me which one is socialism

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005248

    Yes shuls were open because adult men can walk to shul if its not too dangerous, but to send your child in a car to school on such a day where so many accidents occur is just “narishkeit”

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005241

    Yacr85- don’t get me started on the vacation days for these yeshivos. I taught at one of these yeshivas when I was younger and the Winter vacation consisted of Thursday, Friday and Sunday. You call that a vacation? The modern schools have a whole week off

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005229

    Syag- do you think it’s right if the schools open and some kids can’t attend because of the dangerous conditions? They’re going to have to make up the work that their classmates did and they miss the socialization that the other kids who attended that day get. If the reason for keeping yeshivas open is because G-d forbid a kid misses a day of learning, then I don’t think that’s worth risking your life to get to school for.

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005225

    Iak, I couldn’t agree more. The rabbis and yeshivas are scared the children might learn a different behavior or way of life that doesn’t conform to the yeshiva system. Syag- who said the rebbe is putting himself out there for the children? If the principal decides to open school then the rebbe is forced to go. I understand that it’s hard for 2 working parents when there’s a snowday, but if you’re a stayathome parent then it’s nice to spend time with your kids.

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005221

    Doesn’t it remind you of socialism? De blasio kept schools open recently and he said kids are safer in school and get taken care of and fed. Same thing with these frum yeshivas. The rabbis would rather them go to school even in dangerous conditions bc they don’t want then to stay home watching tv and playing video games

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005217

    Cmon popa can you be serious for once? G-d forbid a kid misses a day of learning; New York had weather advisories that people shouldn’t be on the road and the frum yeshivas were open

    in reply to: Why are people against socialism? #998758

    I work hard for my money, why should the government take it was and redistribute it to ppl too lazy or unwilling to work? The concept of socialism is that everyone’s equal, but were not all equal. In Russia there used to be lines out the door for food using your ration card

    in reply to: Tzedakah for tuition crisis – NEED DONORS #986826

    Here’s a solution: vote for officials who are pro school vouchers. Also schools need to lower their tuition. It’s getting out of hand

    in reply to: Calling all N.J. people to get out and vote for Lonegan! #978975

    Newark’s unemployment rate is 14% under Booker. If you want higher taxes in New Jersey then vote for Booker. If you want less taxes in New Jersey then vote for Lonegan.

    in reply to: Special treatment in Yeshivas #983148

    That’s every yeshiva/day school. I went to modern schools for elementary and high school and the rich kids never got suspended or in any real trouble bc then maybe the parents would stop giving money to the school or give less. That’s how life works

    in reply to: Talking to Cousins #976369

    Why don’t you decide for yourself? The decision is up to you

    in reply to: A Certain Senator #981853

    As conservative as I am, and as much as I would love for Cruz to become president, if he were a democrat I would go crazy if he ran because he wasn’t born inAmerica. I couldn’t believe Obama became president and he wasn’t born here either

    in reply to: Business Discussion Group #974768

    You should start a blog or a Facebook group about it. Personally, I moved a lot of my portfolio from stocks to bonds, because I think the economy is inflated and interest rates will sky rocket while stocks take a huge downturn. I don’t think the stock market will rally for much longer.

    in reply to: Rabbi Lipman #974668

    Torahumaddah- I was replying to yitzchkims post about Rabbi Lipman not respecting the gedolim. On a side note, it may be hard to understand this but we are able to make our own decisions sometimes without then help of rabbis. Its our free choice not theirs.

    in reply to: Rabbi Lipman #974653

    Torahumaddah- please summarize in English. Who said Rabbi Lipman doesn’t respect the gadolim? Do you listen to everything the gadolim say? If so, then what are you doing on the Internet?

    in reply to: BT Communities in NYC #972255

    I would suggest either Forrest Hills, Queens or the upper west side in the city. Both places are pretty modern and there is opportunity to grow in yidduskeit, however you can also fall as well. We live in a modern frum neighborhood, and sort of do what we want without really caring what others think.

    in reply to: Why are there religious Jews who are pro-gay marriage? #968435

    Wow I didn’t realize how many comments I’d get. The reason I bring this up now is bc a modern woman who covers her hair and keeps Shabbos and kosher put up a picture on Facebook of all these bumper stickers bashing gay marriages and there was also a sticker that said ein od milvado, so she said she was ashamed that the Jewish sticker was put up there with the gay bashing stickers. I don’t get it though. Why do you cover your hair or keep Shabbos? Bc the Torah says so. So then why r u pro gay marriage??!!

    in reply to: You are a parent. #1106285

    He’s a kid. He should absolutely be doing the same amount of chores as his siblings. I don’t care if he’s going to be the next Michael Jordan. He needs to learn how to share the chores with his siblings so he can grow later on in life!

    in reply to: Mahar"at Avi Weiss #994938

    I know the rabbi of Brandeis and hes a chovavei graduate. The chovavei graduates get really good jobs after they graduate. The institution has so much money. Howard Jonas and Charlie kushner are huge donors. As long as they have money they will be successful. Btw I’m totally against their hashkafa. I disagree with everything they do

    in reply to: Glasses or contacts? #966507

    I’ve had contacts since I was 13 years old. They’re amazing especially because I always play basketball. What’s annoying is people always ask me if I wear colored contacts

    in reply to: Women exercising in public #963950

    Wolfman- how is this considered a stumbling block? If I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing and not looking, I won’t stumble

    in reply to: Women exercising in public #963934

    Is it every okay for men to look at women exercising in public. What do you do when you a see a goysih girl jogging in public? Do you stare or look the other way? Same applies for a Jewish girl, DON’T LOOK!!!!

    in reply to: US Supreme Court recent rulings #965153

    Sam2- you tell them that the point of marriage is to have kids. Bc without kids the World would be extinc

    in reply to: Who's right? #960981

    I think I’m missing something here. What do you mean that your 28 year old sister couldn’t keep quiet so the baby could sleep? Assuming she’s totally normal, this makes no sense. Why didn’t your parents yell at her to quiet down, it’s their grandson after all.

    in reply to: Israel day parade #957006

    We had a great time!! The only annoying thing was trying to get the neutering karta guys to smile for the camera

    in reply to: Friends Figuring Out Your Identity #955803

    Some of my friends have figured out who I am because of my extreme political views. I also figured out who a couple of people are here but I don’t know them personally.

    in reply to: Your political party #948446

    Our country would be a lot better place without liberals

    in reply to: Your political party #948427


    in reply to: Chechnian Terrorism #947661

    They were Muslims and that’s all that counts. Religion of peace?? HA!

    in reply to: UNREAL: Obama Refuses To Call Boston Bombings 'Terror Attack' #946064

    You have to be really blind and liberal to not think this was a terrorist attack right away. The second I heard that there were explosions in Boston, I knew immediately it was a terrorist attack and 99% sure it was an arab. I didn’t think Jews were that naive

    in reply to: Margaret Thatcher, of blessed memory. #945627

    She was a great woman. I wasn’t alive during her reign except the last 2 years but I read that the world was a much better place under her and Regan.


    Israel has a mandatory draft! It’s very accommodating to frum Jews unlike the Russian army that wasn’t do accommodating for frum Jews. If we really believed that we should learn Torah all day, then go to the army as required and then go back to learning full time afterwards. I really don’t understand how this is a gezeira. The borders of Israel are getting more insecure every day and Iran is almost getting a nuclear weapon. We need a big army.

    in reply to: Boss Taking Advantage Erev Pesach? #940893

    I also went to work today, maybe I saw you there pou bear.

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