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    If the parents are paying for the wedding, then they should have some say. If the parents are going to fully support them, then they should have a lot of say.

    in reply to: Acceptable jewelry for frum men ⌚💍📿 #1285911

    Nope definitely not forbidden

    in reply to: Acceptable jewelry for frum men ⌚💍📿 #1285667

    Yes, nowadays men wear jewelry so it’s okay

    in reply to: Coming to shul without a jacket for davening Shachris #1219627

    What’s the difference between entering a shul or walking on the street? We’re always in front of Hashem. According to your logic we should always wear a jacket

    in reply to: President-Elect Donald J. Trump #1191542

    @ubitiquin- That’s the thing, Hillary knew she was running for president since she was a little girl

    in reply to: President-Elect Donald J. Trump #1191523

    @yichusdik, all of the women in my life(wife,mother,in law…) all voted for Trump. Yes, he’s said some crazy things but I’m sure if he knew he’d be running for president 20 years ago, he wouldn’t say those things. Also, they agree with his policies much more than hers.

    Assuming you voted for Hillary, I want you to sit down your family and friends and explain to them how you voted for someone who has a picture with Arafat’s wife and took millions from Saudi Arabia and Qatar who would have a huge hand in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Please also explain to them how she defended a man who raped a 12 yr old girl and how she forgave her husband for publicly humiliating her just so she can run for president one day.


    Government should minimize income tax and payroll tax but still keep,tax on products. Then we have more of a choice of what we want to purchase with our money

    in reply to: Why don't children have a say in their own education? #1146819

    RebYidd- At what age do you think they should have say in their education?

    Parents want certain things for their children and they want them to be educated in a certain way. Some parents want their children to learn Torah most of the day while some parents want their children to learn secular studies most of the day.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1146366

    I am modern orthodox and I love it! I was raised modern, became more yeshivish in Israel and went back to modern when I came home and got married. One of the biggest differences is that no one judges you in the modern communities. People don’t care what others do and it’s so refreshing.

    in reply to: If Trump becomes president, I'm moving to Canada… #1190586

    I moved to Canada back in ’08 when obama became president. I hope to move back to the US by end of the year

    in reply to: All G-d wants is… #1138691

    I understand that we need to follow halacha but I think we need to focus on acceptance of all Jews. A parent loves nothing more than their children getting along

    in reply to: Why can't girls stick out in a crowd? #1138871

    Scared driver- it’s common sense

    in reply to: All G-d wants is… #1138683

    Rebyidd23- Exactly and it shouldn’t have to be that way

    in reply to: Why can't girls stick out in a crowd? #1138868

    Everyone’s soo frum!! They take on all of these stringencies and are better than everyone else. Do you really think Hashem cares if a girl talks on the phone in the middle of the street? Hashem wants to see ACHDUS(UNITY) amongst Jews. Hashem is sick of all of this infighting and sects and garbage

    in reply to: 2016 election and welfare #1137480

    homer- it’s called fear mongering. Liberals like to make people feel that they can’t make their own decisions or take care of themselves and that big government will take care of everything

    in reply to: 2016 election and welfare #1137477

    “I mostly vote for Democrats and make no apologies.”

    Even after Obama destroyed the democratic party and pushed it way left?

    “Most welfare in America is either health care for those who can’t afford it, or subsidies to politically connected businesses. Eliminating the first would leave poor sick people to die in the streets, and eliminating the second just isn’t going to happen.”

    Most welfare is used for foodstamps and now more than even people can’t afford health care due to rising costs of obamacare. I’m talking about people who did have health insurance before. The subsidies to politically connected businesses- do you know how much money the government makes off of taxes from businesses? I wouldn’t call a small tax break(which is the business’s money anyway) a subsidy.

    in reply to: boys staying home #1132965

    Why would a boy go away for yeshiva?

    in reply to: Nice warm, affordable community in the US #1132537

    Zahavasdad- Did you read what the OP wrote? How could you suggest Brooklyn?

    in reply to: Wearing Yarmulka #1125814

    Luckily, in America it is still safe to wear a yarmulke. If I were to travel to Europe or even Canada, I wouldn’t wear one. Especially with my family.

    in reply to: Are Kollel Folks Better Jews Than The Rest Of us? #1174382

    I’m not sure why you’re categorizing people into kollel and non kollel. The question makes no sense. People who treat their family better and kind to others are better than those who aren’t. People who respect their parents are better than those who don’t .

    in reply to: Tuition crises averted #1115008

    @karlbenmarx- What does that have to do with the state paying for secular teachers at private schools.

    in reply to: Tuition crises averted #1115007

    @wolfishmusings- If all of the Jews and Christians in private schools decided to flood public schools, then it would ruin the whole system. I just don’t understand why part of the public school teacher’s contract can’t be that they have to teach in the private schools in the afternoon.

    in reply to: Tuition crises averted #1115002

    @rebyidd by the mere fact of not paying English teachers, it would already bring costs down.

    in reply to: Tuition crises averted #1114999

    @lesschumras- so you’re okay with your tax dollars going to public school education which you get no benefit from? Every child deserves a secular education in the US. So why does it matter where one attends school? I agree we should pay for hebrew studies since that’s our choice

    in reply to: Women and Simchas Torah #1104983

    Why can’t women hold a Torah and dance on Simchas Torah? In both shuls in my community women dance with the Torah.

    in reply to: Modern Orthodoxy #1145899

    As someone who grew up modern, became yeshivish and went back to being modern, here are my thoughts; Modern orthodoxy tends to include women more in the services/events, whereas the Yeshivish orthodoxy tends to leave them out of most things. It’s called Modern orthodoxy bc they are adapting to the modern world with the Torah. Women couldn’t vote 100 years ago and barely left the house, that’s why it made sense that women didn’t participate as much. Nowadays alot of women are the breadwinners in the family, therefore alot has changed in their roles in Judaism as well. I definitely agree with what “Damoshe” said above about how we interact with the world.

    in reply to: Thank you Chuck Schumer #1098819

    Thanking Chuck for what? He made sure this horrible bill would first pass before he voted no. If he was sincere, he would have used his power as a top ranking democrat in the senate and convinced others to reject the bill. He should have at least convinced the other NY senator, Gilibrand, to vote no. But he didn’t. He does not deserve any thanks from those who oppose the deal. You can thank Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and all of the other Republicans in the senate who voted against the deal and who continue to be outspoken again the deal.

    in reply to: trump, trump, trump, go trump! #1186052

    Trump will definitely do an amazing job fixing Obama’s mess. It’s going to be a hard job but he’s the man for the job. Trump will stand up to Russia and China. He will make America the greatest world power again.

    in reply to: trump, trump, trump, go trump! #1186051

    I can’t believe a frum Jew would support Clinton- She pro abortion, which is clearly against the Torah. She is pro gay marriage, which again is clearly against the Torah. She supports the horrible Iran deal, which allows Iran to get eventually obtain nuclear weapons and allows Iran to receive $150 billion to sponsor even more terrorism against Jews. And her most prominent business is the Clinton Foundation which took money from terrorist countries and in return gave favors from the State Department when Clinton worked there.

    If many Frum Jews end up supporting Clinton it will be proof that orthodoxy is no barrier to assimilation. And the assimilation will be the worst kind– on the inside, rather than the outside.

    in reply to: trump, trump, trump, go trump! #1186038

    I am for Trump or Cruz. It’s obvious why anyone would be for Cruz. I’m for Trump because he embraces his policies and doesn’t back down. He’d kill Hillary in a debate. He admits he used to be more liberal but he’s changed his ways like Reagan. Also I love how whenever a candidate comes after him, he says they came running to him for donations. He’s a billionaire and can’t be bought by lobbyists. Trump or Cruz are the best thing that can happen to this country right now.


    Raising the minimum wage hurts everyone(employer, employee and economy). The employer will hire less or even fire some employees if he can’t afford to pay them more and then that affects the economy because you have less working people to buy stuff. People who are looking for long time growth and good jobs aren’t planning on staying in minimum jobs for a while. They want to move onto better jobs.

    in reply to: Non religious argument against same sex marriage #1089829

    Alot of people in this country do believe in Gd. Gay marriage is forbidden in the Torah, Bible for Christians and Catholics and the Quaran

    in reply to: Why is the Left pro Islam? #1076844

    @newbee very good question. The left wing in this country is very “tolerant” of other people and different ideas(besides republicans). The left wing ignores Islam’s views and extreme actions in Muslim countries(killing gays, anti women…). Liberals are anti Christian and by being pro Islam, they are fighting against the Christian religion, which this country was founded on.

    in reply to: Baltimore Riots #1074534

    Another city run by democrats going down the tubes

    in reply to: Shaving in Middle of Sefira #1073994

    Last I heard, not shaving is a minhag and not halacha. Also, why can’t you hold your little daughter when you have a beard? What do people who never shave do then?

    in reply to: Obama 2016 #1065651

    SayIDidIt- alright now I know you’re joking. you’re a funny guy

    in reply to: Frum Jews at CUNYs #1101768

    Drawing attention to ourselves? Anti semitism already draws attention to ourselves. Why should we be afraid to live a jewish way of life bc of a few idiots who hate Israel and the Jews. If we had counter protests, there will be a lot of people who would join

    in reply to: Obama 2016 #1065647

    I can’t tell if you’re joking or not. I assume you are

    in reply to: Frum Jews at CUNYs #1101765

    There’s anti-Israel sentiment on a lot of campuses. FIGHT BACK!!!

    in reply to: Obama 2016 #1065645

    I clicked on thread that SayIdidIt posted but it looks like most people writing in that thread escaped from the mental hospital. Obama can’t run in 2016, he’s only allowed 2 terms. Hopefully after Bibi’s huge victory, the republicans will run a real conservative and win.

    in reply to: Why are women exempt from positive time bound commandments #1065188

    They’re not really exempt until they’re married. Women must daven 3 times a day and do most mitzvos men do, however once they’re married and have children it’s a lot harder.

    in reply to: What did Hillary do wrong? #1063585

    Poster- The New York Times broke the story. They investigated it. Hillary made up that it’s more convenient to use one phone as oppose to two, not realizing that she can only use her work email for work. She’s lying though, she used her personal email because she’s hiding something big. It will come out eventually.

    in reply to: What did Hillary do wrong? #1063580

    While she was working at the State Department, she used her personal email address for work related matters. These emails cannot be tracked and she could’ve done something to harm our national security but we wouldn’t know since it’s not recorded. I work in Finance and we are told numerous times that we are not allowed to use our personal email for work matters. We can be penalized greatly. Now Hillary had one of the highest positions in the country and she could’ve jeopardized alot.

    in reply to: Netanyahus speech #1063286

    George Orwell- Because no one really cares what obama says. He’s a rogue president. He went against the majority of Americans and Congress. He has absolutely no credibility.

    in reply to: Is it ok to publicly bash President Obama? #1055697

    President Bush convinced Sharon to withdraw from Gaza

    in reply to: Is it ok to publicly bash President Obama? #1055687

    Charlie Hall- You’re hysterical! I haven’t got a good laugh like that since Obama said if you like your doctor, you can keep him. Unfortunately, you’re a blind follower and it’s sad that you stick up for such a person. President Bush had his faults too and I admit there were things he did that I didn’t agree with(withdrawing from Gaza) The fact that obama doesn;t attend his security cabinet meetings or that he refuses to call Islamic Terrorism by what it is, is truly disturbing. Obama has 2 years left ( Thank G-D!) and he left us with a real mess.

    in reply to: Is it ok to publicly bash President Obama? #1055678

    Yes,it’s called the first amendment. Obama hasn’t taken that away from us yet, has he?

    in reply to: No police protection for a week #1051550

    I don’t get what everyone’s arguing about. Eric Garner resisted arrest, therefore the cops tried to arrest him. It took 5 cops to take him, the guy was huge. It’s unfortunate he died after the whole ordeal, however it didn’t have to be that way, had he not resisted arrest.

    in reply to: #republicandemocrat #1042875

    What does your post have to do with republicans and liberals?

    in reply to: YWN ads and satmar for Cuomo #1039673

    Interjection- cuomo allowed abortion in NY whether it’s a threat to the mother or not. I love how that’s everyone’s argument for abortion. More babies are killed bc the mother doesn’t want them than being life threatening to the mother. Also which poskim hold abortions are allowed?

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